"What?" Xu Ziyan jumped up. (Vertex fiction)

"We were defeated at the time when we were fighting with the swordsmanship that was summoned by the gods. At that time, we had only two choices. One was completely smothered by thousands of cents, and the other was active and this. The fusion of giant swords became part of this great sword.

This is because the purple smoke you swallowed the gods, if you did not swallow the gods, this sword is the world of the gods, he will kill us directly, then merge us, then we will lose Consciousness is just a simple attribute. ”

Xu Ziyan’s face was shocked: “You can’t leave here?”

Four humanoid attributes nod together, then shake their heads together.

"What is going on?" Xu Zi smoked.

"We are not able to leave this sword at the moment." Thunder's giant sword slowly said: "But until you completely refine this sword and become the true master of this sword, we can enter and exit this sword at will. ”

Xu Ziyan looked around and saw that in addition to these four humanoid attributes, there were two head-sized groups and five fist-sized groups. After a little thought about it, I realized that the five fist-sized light groups should be their own characters after the refining of the giant sword, and the two-headed light group should be this giant sword. Originally, the civil property was merged with the civil properties in the purple smoke sword, and the Thunder giant sword, the palm of the hand, the fire spirit and the small gold also merged with the purple smoke sword and the thunder inside the giant sword. . Fire, gold four attributes. It’s no wonder that Ziyan feels that their four momentums are becoming more powerful. Suddenly, my heart suddenly looked at the Thunder giant sword and asked:

"Are your strength now fully restored?"

"Yeah!" There was a smile on the face of Thunder's Great Sword.

Xu Ziyan looked around: "What about your body?"

"It has been integrated with this sword, just like your purple sword!"

Xu Ziyan was silent for a while: "Okay. I will refine this sword!"

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan let go of his own knowledge and spread to the giant sword. Immediately, he felt a great suction from the world of the giant sword, and absorbed the power of the **** of Xu Ziyan.

The power of Xu Ziyan’s Yuanshen was continuously absorbed, and the power of the gods was quickly lost. Xu Ziyan could not help but smile. I don't know how many gods are needed to refine this giant sword.

The breath of Xu Ziyan's Yuanshen weakened rapidly, and it consumed a full 40% of the power of the gods. Only a burst of humming was heard in the world of giant swords. Just like the beginning of the heavens and the earth, then the **** of Xu Ziyan felt the connection with this giant sword.

A piece of brilliance gathers in the air, which is the force of the four-dimensional **** of Xu Ziyan, gradually condensing a human form. The same human form as Xu Ziyan.

"Ziyan!" Thunder giant sword said: "Now your gods are condensed into the sword spirit of this giant sword. But it has not been completely integrated with this sword. The **** of the gods has been in this sword for hundreds of millions of years. You can now shorten the time by swallowing up the gods' knowledge, but I am afraid it will take 10,000 years.

When your knowledge grows into the sword spirit of this sword, then we can blend with the sword spirit, so that your sword spirit can add attributes and further enhance. Of course, at that time, we can always become an independent sword spirit. Free access to this sword. ”

“Yeah!” Xu Ziyan nodded. “What about these light groups?”

"These light groups don't merge first, until you get into chance. After you can make these light groups grow and shape, then merge them, otherwise it will not be fusion, but refining them!"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded.

"When we four and your sword spirit merge, you refine this sword with your blood. By then, this sword is not only connected with your god, but also connected with blood, truly become part of your body. ”

"I know!"

Xu Ziyan reluctantly looked at the four humanoid attributes of the Thunder Giant Sword, blending toward the sword spirit that was condensed by his own gods, and smiled slightly. The sword spirit also smiled slightly at Xu Ziyan. The **** of Xu Ziyan floated out of the giant sword and stood on top of the giant sword.

When I thought about it, I wanted to control the giant sword to leave, but the giant sword shook, but could not leave the place. Around the giant sword, the five best congenital swords on the stone platform screamed, Dafang Guanghua .

Xu Ziyan's gaze looked around, only to see that the Xianshan sword array had become a ruin at this time. Only the stone platform remained intact. Five elite congenital swords stubbornly waited for their position and fixed the central sword.

Xu Ziyan thought and moved, and communicated the small wood inside the body under the fairy mountain. The body of Xu Ziyan immediately leaped toward the mountain of Xianshan. After more than one hour, the body of Xu Ziyan was already standing on the stone platform, Xu Ziyan Yuanshen got into the sea and regained control of his body. He came to the top of the five best peaks in the late stage and pulled them out of the stone platform.

The five swords were collected, and then this was a move toward the central sword. The giant sword rushed to the sky, then circled in the sky, gradually narrowed, and finally fell into the hands of Xu Ziyan, becoming A three-foot-three-inch sword.

Xu Ziyan held this fairy sword into the purple smoke space, put this sword in the time array method, and let his gods fully refine the sword.

Looking at the long sword inserted on one side of the boulder, Xu Ziyan extended a hand and stroked the hilt:

"Since you swallowed up my purple sword, from now on, you call it a purple sword!"


A sword, a sword, revealed a joy.

Xu Ziyan sat cross-legged and began to swallow the power of Yuanshen Dan to restore the consumption of the gods. When the power of the gods was restored to the peak, Xu Ziyan calculated it, even if the gods he left in the sword became real. Sword Ling also needs the outside world for more than a month, and then needs to integrate the Thunder giant sword, a palm of water, Huo Linger and Xiaojin, which does not know how long it will take. In the end, you need to refine your own blood, and you will have no weapons for a while.

However, I am not able to stay here waiting. I still don't know what is good in Tianmen. Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan thought of a move, came outside the purple smoke space, stood at the top of Xianshan, looked around.

Each of the four sides of Xianshan has a fairy bridge leading to other Xianshan. Xu Ziyan carefully judged it and identified a Xianqiao. The figure jumped vertically down the mountain.


The figure fell, the ankles were on the ground, and the earth was cracked. The figure once again leaped high and leapt toward the distance...

Xu Ziyan leapt to a fairy mountain, and met a lot of fairy beasts along the way. Xu Ziyan ignored them. Just a leap. It is really impossible to get rid of it. This will kill them one by one, encounter some herbs that they don't have, and pick them one by one. After eleven days passed, Xu Ziyan entered the outside of a fairy mountain on the third floor of the Central Xianzhu Palace. He passed the Xianqiao and jumped into the fairy mountain.

At this time, the power of Xu Ziyan's Yuanshen has reached the peak of the sixth level of the Holy Level. The space here has greatly reduced the obstruction of her knowledge, and the knowledge spreads out. Covering almost the entire Xianshan, the look is a joy. In her knowledge, she saw the nine great masters and the eleven ancient heavenly lords.


As the ground under the foot cracked, Xu Ziyan’s extension once again leapt, crossed the sky, and fell to the ground...


Xu Ziyan’s figure jumped again...

The nine masters who were walking and the eleven ancient Tianzun suddenly stopped their steps, and their faces showed a nervous color. They heard a loud noise and felt the vibration of the entire Xianshan.

Every time the loud noise is getting closer and closer to them, the twenty great monks are looking at each other and the look on the face is getting more and more dignified. From this sound and the vibration of Xianshan, it is possible to judge that a giant beast is moving toward them quickly. Come.

In the days of this Tianmen, they experienced all kinds of dangers, even if they were sometimes grayed out. At this point, it is judged that a giant beast is rushing toward them. How can they not be nervous?

Twenty masters immediately took out the fairy, formed a battle, and stared in the direction of the sound.


The sound is near!

A little shadow appeared in their field of vision, and the shadow jumped high into the air and then fell to the ground.


The earth shakes, and the shadow jumps again and quickly enlarges in the vision of the twenty great monks.

"That... seems to be a person..." Ye Haotian said indefinitely.


After the figure fell, it leaped again and again, and the figure was sharply enlarged in the eyes of the twenty great monks.

"It's a man!" Life sighs and sings, and the eyes are shocked. Within the Tianmen, even his ancient Tianzun could not leap so much. Who is this person?

Is it the guardian of the lord who stayed in the gate of heaven?


The figure once again rose to the sky.

"It's purple smoke!" Tuyi stunned and grew his mouth and shouted.

"Xu Ziyan?" Everyone stared at them.


Xu Ziyan’s figure once again leapt and leaped over them.

"It's really a purple smoke!" The nervousness of these big monks relaxed, and then it was extremely shocked. The eyes of that Shangdao and Mengshen are even more flashing. On the contrary, there was a smile on the face of the soil, and it was obvious that they were also divided among the 20 major monks.

Eleven Ancient Heavenly Respects became a group, Shenji Zong and Xingyu Zong became alliances, and Dan Buzheng was a small league, while Mou Zong, Luo Tianzong and Tian Xiangzong were a small league.

Among the four alliances, the eleven ancient gods were the strongest, followed by the Shenji Zong and the Xingyu Zong, because the Shangdao and the dream machine were the peaks of the late Tianzun, and the third one was the Mou Zong, Luo Tianzong and Tian Xiangzong. Alliance, because the soil in this area is the peak of the late Tianzun, the four alliances of the Danfu array is the weakest.

Recommend a friend a book:

Title: Hey?

Author: Do not snow?

Book number: 3275530

Brief introduction: Everyone said that the daughter of Xiangfu Fujia Sanjiao Township is simply a comet. Whoever is unlucky, whoever has no life, accidentally provokes her, is even more troubled, and the dogs are restless.

Fu Xia modest smile, countless people, tireless and tireless, this Tao has just begun, it is a wonderful drama to use all the things that you learned from your past life to "give back" you.

However, what is the stalker who is stinking than her?

*(To be continued..)

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