The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2481: Fusion gravel

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A sound broke through the law to create a world, shrouded the wind chime, separating the ringtone from the god. The monk immediately woke up, but in an instant he realized that he had a guqin in his own knowledge, and his look could not help but panic.

Xu Ziyan said: "Don't panic, I am helping you to get rid of the wind chimes!"

The monk's look calmed down because he saw the big master standing around and believed that Xu Ziyan was expelling the wind chime for him. When this calmed down, he found that there was a glory and colorfulness above his god, and the colors were not tumbling.

Xu Ziyan looked dignified, but his heart flashed with joy. Now she is sure she can evict the wind chime. At that time, the wind chime has been completely shrouded in a world of sound generation. What she has to do now is to take a look at the wind chimes generated by the monk’s knowledge. The sea, then destroy it. Although this way, the other party lost a glimpse of the gods, but it is only a glimpse of the gods, even without taking the elixir, it will be able to recover after a few days of cultivation.


Xu Ziyan naturally does not perform so easily, and the body runs. Xu Ziyan's face gradually paled, and even sweat on his forehead.

The lord and the four church owners saw that Xu Ziyan was so difficult, and one could not help but raise his heart. at last. Xu Ziyan removed the wind chimes that were condensed by the gods from the other side's knowledge of the sea, and then strangled them and destroyed them.

The monk snorted, Xu Ziyan took back the gods, sat in a tired sample, swallowed an elixir, and closed his eyes to adjust.

"How?" The eyes of the Lord and the four masters looked at the rescued monk.

"I'm fine!" The monk shook his head and said: "It's just a loss of knowledge. You can recover after a few days of cultivation."

This time, the faces of the big masters and the four masters showed a smile. Looking at Xu Ziyan's eyes, I was grateful. This is really important for them. Any one of the sects lost a dozen dozens of gods, and that was an unbearable ending. There is a solution now. How are they not happy?

However, their look was also dignified. Looking at the pale look of Xu Ziyan, I know that it takes a lot of energy to save a monk, and it may even have some harm to Xu Ziyan. What is the use of this kind of kindness?

I am afraid that the conditions proposed by Xu Ziyan will not be low for a while. One by one can't help but suffer. Exchange their eyes with each other.

It seems that I have to talk to Xu Ziyan about the price for a while, and I can't promise anything.

After about an hour, Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and shook his head: "I'm sorry, treating a monk hurts me too much. I can't help this busy. You still have to find a way."

The face of the lord and the four masters immediately showed bitterness. Just now, I was still thinking about bargaining with Xu Ziyan, but Xu Ziyan now told you that he would not be treated directly.

How do you bargain with Xu Ziyan?

The rest is only to ask others to heal. Where can I dare to bargain?

"Ziyan, you must help this busy!"

"I am really embarrassed!"

"We know that you are very embarrassed. But we can give you compensation, what conditions do you have, though?"

"This is not a question of condition. What are we going to do in Tianmen? It is a matter of chance. If I am going to heal the more than 400 monks, I will lose the strength to find opportunities. What compensation can you match the opportunity of Tianmen? ?"

Silenced around for a while, and finally the soil began to say: "We don't know what you need. As long as you come up, we will try our best. We know that what we have come out cannot be compared with Tianmen, but it is still pleading. The sovereign can reach out to help."

Xu Ziyan frowned and thought: "Maybe I lost my chance... Well, everyone is a human being, I can't see it. But my conditions must be met, otherwise I won't shoot." ""

"Yes, yes, you said!"

"I know that the big gates have their own secrets, compared to the four churches in the south?"

Liao Bufan nodded without hesitation and could not hide at this time. It’s just that they don’t understand why Xu Ziyan wants to ask this. Is she going to send the Taixu monks into the secret cultivation of each?

"I know that this kind of mystery will gradually collapse over time. If you want to maintain this secret space, you need to merge the gravel."

The monks' looks are all changed. They have already understood what the conditions of Xu Ziyan are. What Xu Ziyan wants to get is the combination of gravel.

"And I know that as long as there is a certain amount of fused gravel, these fused gravel can automatically generate a secret space through the fusion of each other. Nowadays, the imaginary imaginary is built, there is no secret space, and I can confuse the brilliance. I have not many requests. I will treat a Tianzun in exchange for a boulder."

The lord and the four masters are all looking like a fleshy look. The combination of gravel is very difficult to find. Each of them has about a hundred or so. It is necessary to take out dozens of them. This is more painful than cutting meat.

But the situation is compelling, and it won't work if you don't take it out. Everyone knows how many monks in their own ancestral halls are caught in the opposite side of Xianshan. These lords and lords are also decisive people. Once the heart has decided, they immediately take out a certain amount of fused graves and hand them to Xu Ziyan.

The fused gravel is a treasure with very pure attributes. The fused gravel itself is a self-contained space, but it is a single-attribute space, but it has a feature that is a fusion of other attributes. When the various attributes are complete. After the fusion, a secret space is created, which is no different from a small world.

Xu Ziyan put away four hundred and seventy-eight fused gravels. Looking at the hands of a glimmer of different colors of the fusion of gravel, Xu Ziyan's face showed a smile. The boulder is collected into the storage ring, and then the main lord and the four main halls:

"You go and catch those monks, then I will start treating them!"

"Xu Zongzhu, are we catching one, will you treat one first?" Jin whispered quietly.

"No, you must grab it before you say it!"

The monks exchanged their eyes. The face is full of incomprehensibility and helplessness. But it is not easy to say anything. At this time, it is said that Xu Ziyan is a good person. As a result, these great monks began to cooperate with those who were controlled.

It took a full day. Only more than 400 monks were arrested, their air-conditioners were sealed, their actions were taken, and they stood in front of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan divided the gods into more than four hundred. Transmitted into the sea of ​​more than 400 monks. Then they made more than 400 pieces of guqin in their knowledge of the sea, and at the same time played a sound.

The power of the gods in the late stage of the Holy Level, divided more than 400 gods to treat a group of Tianzun, Xu Ziyan really no pressure. Today, in the power of the gods, the strength of the body, and the realm of Yuanli, her power of the gods is the strongest.

Just a few moments of time, Xu Ziyan pulled out four hundred wind chimes that were condensed by the gods. Then mince.

There was a loud noise in the space. Xu Ziyan put away the knowledge of God, but only a few breaths restored the loss. Little blushing, where is there a trace of fatigue?

"Xu Zongzhu, are they all right?" Shang Dao asked indefinitely.

"Well, all right!" Xu Ziyan said with a smile.

"So fast? When you first treated the monk, how slow are you, and how expensive is it?" Shang Dao’s eyes showed a skeptical color. At this time, the hearts of the big masters and the four masters have a feeling of being deceived.

"You said it was the first time!" Xu Ziyan said innocently: "The first time is of course difficult, the second time is easy!"

The face of Shang Dao was gloomy at the time. Obviously they were deceived and let Xu Zi slaughter a knife. But at this time, I can't repent, I can only sulking in my heart.

And this sulking gas can not be sprinkled, because at this time they all thought, since Xu Ziyan can save these monks, does it mean that she also has a way to pass the Xianshan? Even if she has no choice, she can cure the monks who are controlled by the ringtones. Once they are controlled by the ringtones, they have to rely on the purple smoke to treat them.

"Little sister, what are you going to do next?" Liu Jinsong asked kindly.

Xu Ziyan looked up at the opposite side of Xianshan Road: "I have to go in and see."

"Then let's join forces!"

"Yeah, let's join forces!" Tu Yishui and others also said.

Xu Ziyan nodded: "Good, but the opposite of this fairy mountain is very strange, we should not bring other monks to go!"

"Not bad!" The main lord and the four main halls said: "We have already discussed it before, and we are going to see them."

"Good!" Xu Ziyan turned his head and said to Xu Xing: "Xing Fan, you will stay here, everything is more careful!"

"Yes, aunt!"

Fourteen people stood on the bridge of Xian, and looked carefully at the opposite side of Xianshan. Hua Yu took out a fairy charm to open, and a layer of light shrouded Hua Yu in it. Seeing everyone looking over, Hua Yu smiled:

"This is just a wall barrier. I don't know if it works. If you need it, one billion yuan is the best!"

"You are simply blackmail!" Liu Jinsong angered.

Hua Yu is a companion, but no longer takes out a barrier, indicating his firm attitude.

"Hua Zongzhu, you said that you still don't know how effective it is, you need 10 billion yuan of fine crystals?" Jin said inexhaustible.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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