The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2482: Rock giant

"This is of course!" Hua Yu said of course: "If you know the effect, I will have a hundred billion best crystals... Look at the latest and most complete novels"


"Give me one!" The dream machine simply threw a storage ring.

Hua Yu smiled, caught the storage ring, and then took out a barrier to the dream machine. The dream machine took over the barrier and immediately opened the barrier.

The monks took a look at Hua Yu and handed over Xian Jing to buy a wall barrier. Only Xu Ziyan did not buy it. With the power of the gods of today's purple smoke, coupled with the understanding of the temperament, there is no need at all.

And she also knows about the barrier, it should have some effect on that ringtone. But don't forget that the ancient Tianzun who died at the beginning was covered in a bell that was suddenly enlarged, and died in alive. If it is covered by a bell, the barrier will not work at all.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan is not listening to the bell, but is covered by the bell. The most important thing is that although the symbol can be released in this space, the power of the symbol is suppressed to the lowest. The power here is very heavy, and it is difficult to mobilize hundreds of times. It has an oppressive effect on the fairy. I am afraid that this fairy will not last long.

"Little girl, you really don't buy one?" Hua Yu looked at Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan shook his head gently: "No need!"

The words fell, and the jade flute was taken out of the hand. The dream machine looked at everyone and drank:


Fourteen figures rushed out toward the opposite side of Xianshan, and the figure jumped in space. Behind them. On the other side of Xianqiao, on the Xianshan, countless monks are watching nervously with their fourteen-stop figures.


The sound of the wind chimes sounded in the space, but the fourteen figures still leapt like the wind. Xu Ziyan did not fly fast. Keeping at the same speed as the monks. If possible, she does not mind saving these people, because the future is unknown, but there are certainly countless dangers that require everyone to work together. If I just rushed over, Xu Ziyan really did not know how to break into the Palace of the Lord.

Seeing that fourteen people have already crossed the half of Xianshan.


A bell finally appeared, and it became Hong Zhong Da Lu in the air. Covered with Hua Yu.


Hua Yu released a fairy, the speed of the release of the fairy is too slow here, not waiting for the fairy to be completely released. The bell that had become the big clock buckled the fairy symbol inside, and then continued to cover the Huayu.


Xu Ziyan played the jade flute, and the star illusion spurted out of the flute, and a star slammed into the empty clock.


A humming sound. Let the monks shake their hearts. But the big clock was flying out by the stars.


Xu Ziyan screamed and leaped toward the distance. The monks also followed closely, and Hua Yu’s forehead was covered with cold sweat. He knew that if he didn't have a purple smoke, he would die. Looking at the back of Xu Ziyan, my heart was grateful.


The big clock flew back and slid over to Xu Zi.


The ground was cracked at the foot, and the shape of Xu Ziyan leaped up and turned around in the semi-empty disk. The jade flute is across the lips, and the stars are once again sprayed out.

This time is not a planet. Instead, dozens of planets crashed toward the big clock.


The big clock was hit and rolled in the air, and the shape of Xu Ziyan fell.


Once again, the figure was lifted up, fluttering in the empty coat, and crossed a long arc.

"Puff puff……"

The fairy charms of Hua Yu and others have burst, and suddenly they feel that the empty ringtones are much bigger, and the soul has a slight fluctuation. Hua Yu immediately took out a stack of fairy charms, opened one on his body, and threw the remaining fairy charms to other monks. It also included Xu Ziyan who did not purchase the fairy charm.

At this time, he was also embarrassed to be Xianjing. Just now, Xu Ziyan saved his life, and he did not want Xianjing. If he wanted to open the crystal, he would be drowned by these monks and monks.

The other monks said a word, and they opened the fairy charm. Only Xu Ziyan collected the fairy charm and his body shape leaped in space.


Xu Ziyan’s flute sounded from time to time, repelling the big clock that she wanted to cover her again and again. Finally, the monks finally rushed out of this fairy mountain and landed on Xianqiao.


All the people spit out a long breath, and even the purple smoke was no exception. Looking at the fairy mountain, my heart has a trace of worry about Xu Xing.

Xu Ziyan sank into a sacred mind and entered the Taixu Sword. Looking at the sword spirit: "Too virtual, will the strength of Xu Xingfan be hurt by the bell?"

The spirit of Sword Spirit swayed and turned into the shape of the Thunder giant sword: "Ziyan, don't worry. The bell is called a shadowless bell. With the strength of Xu Xingfan, as long as you are careful, there will be no danger to your life, but you will not be able to If you avoid it, you may get some harm, but as long as he can persist, he will get endless benefits."

"This is good!" Xu Ziyan said with pleasure: "Thunder, have you already fully integrated into a sword spirit? Can you not separate?"

"No!" Thunder's body swayed into five swords. Xu Ziyan looks like a virtual floating in the air, Thunder, a palm of water, Huo Linger and Xiaojin floating on both sides.

"Ziyan, we can separate, but the power after separation is much worse than after the integration."

Xu Zi was overjoyed and let go of his mind. After the five sword spirits merged again, they recovered their knowledge. Hua Yu went forward and thanked Xu Ziyan. Two people were very polite. Afterwards, they discussed with the masters and the four masters. Fourteen people began to fly away in the distance.

This trip is another month, and there are various dangers on the way, but there is no danger of endangering the life of these fourteen people. Instead, it has harvested a lot of treasures. But they did not encounter the ten ancient gods. Presumably everyone is not taking the same path. But everyone knows that they will eventually meet.

On the top of a fairy bridge, there are fourteen monks such as Xu Ziyan.

In front of them is the last fairy mountain leading to the first layer of Xianshan. As soon as they pass this fairy mountain, they will enter the first floor. The Palace of the Immaculate is within easy reach.

Looking at the opposite side of Xianshan, the entrance to the place is desolate. There are no trees, no grass, and that is the endless Gobi, the boundless stones, big and small, small and only fists. Big but full of houses.

Twelve of the four monks frowned slightly. According to their experience, the last fairy mountain on each floor did not seem simple. This Gobi Xianshan gives them a dangerous feeling.

Xu Ziyan spread out of consciousness, but was cut back by a layer of barriers. Xu Ziyan thought about it for a moment and decided to ask the Thunder again. After all, the Thunder had been here. Sink into the sacred mind and enter into the too weak sword to call:

"Thunder. Do you know where it is?"

"This is the place for the rock giants."

"Rock Giant?"

"Well! The rock giant is a man of the lord. There are rock giants everywhere. But the strongest rock giant is in the center of this mountain. You will see him after you enter."

"Is he strong?"

"It's very strong! But with my understanding of him before, he is not your opponent. But now that it has been so long, his strength has grown to what level you don't know, anyway, you have to be very careful. Even the original rock The Giant King is not your opponent, but it is similar to you. Now I am afraid that you may not be his opponent, but his place here."

"I know!"

Xu Ziyan took back his knowledge and looked cautious.


Dream God machine looked at Xu Ziyan and looked at it. Although Xu Ziyan was silent on this road, no one would forget the shadowless bell that was blocked by Xu Ziyan. They have a chance to come here. And here is the last Xianshan to enter the first floor, which can not help but let them pay more attention to the purple smoke.

Xu Ziyan nodded, and everyone took the Xianqiao and entered the Xianshan.

Upon entering Xianshan, there was no barrier and then blocked the consciousness of Xu Ziyan to explore the entire Xianshan. The consciousness of Xu Ziyan spread out. The look of Xu Ziyan was slightly changed. In her knowledge, she saw the ancient Tianzun, but There is only one left. At this time, the ancient Tianzun was besieged by a group of rock giants who had a foot height of ten feet.

Xu Zi smoked, this has not seen the Rock Giant King? Did you degenerate an ancient god?

However, Xu Ziyan did not say this, she did not want to expose her power of the gods. Besides, I want to enter the first layer sooner or later, and I will join the ancient Tianzun to face the rock giant Wang.

"Let's go!"

This time, Xu Ziyan took the lead to open the body, and the body shape "squeaky" rushed to the sky, and an arc was drawn in the air, falling far away.

The reason why Xu Ziyan wants to rush out first is to provoke the rock giants in advance. Although it is not convenient for them to tell the big masters and the four church owners what is here, they can use actual actions to let them see them.

Sure enough, Xu Ziyan was only three ups and downs, and a pile of stones in front of her body rose up and became a rock giant. Every rock giant had a height of more than a foot, and rumbling rushed toward Xu Ziyan. .


Xu Ziyan was on the ground, and the earth was cracked. The shape of Xu Ziyan shocked the past with a rock giant.


Xu Ziyan blasted a rock giant and rushed toward another rock giant. Suddenly, from Xu Ziyan’s body, the virtual sword rushed out. Behind Xu Ziyan, there was a thumb-sized stone shining with radiance, and the surrounding stones that were swept by Xu Ziyan were facing the scorpion. The stone rolled over and wanted to form a rock giant again.


The stone that was inserted by the virtual sword, the stone was sucked in by the virtual sword. The rolling stones around are still.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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