The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2483: Vertical and horizontal Gobi

I am very grateful to Jie Jie (200), the woman's photo is not trusted students (100) to reward!


Xu Ziyan smashed a rock giant, too, and the virtual sword quickly swallowed a piece of stone. ()

Behind Xu Ziyan, the thirteen days of the monk's monk looked dignified, and they naturally recognized this as a rock giant. The rock giants in front of them are not threatening to them, but this is just the outer periphery of Xianshan. Just think about it with your head, and you know that as you go deeper, the rock giants will become bigger and bigger.


Thirteen days of monks and monks also leaped forward, and each hand took out the fairy to attack the rock giant.

"Too virtual, what do you devour the stones?" Xu Ziyan communicated with the gods and the sword.

"These are the heart of the rock, with the purest soil properties, and a sense of wisdom. The more powerful the rock giant, the purer the nature of his rock, the higher the intelligence, as long as it absorbs these The heart of the rock is likely to generate a soil attribute sword spirit."

Xu Ziyan heard great news and lost her little dragon. She also kept looking at how this soil property sword spirit looked. I did not expect that it would be a treasure land for the generation of soil property sword spirit.

"Too virtual, what are you still inking? Don't devour the heart of the rock that I burst out! Go and grab the heart of the rock that the Lord and the four main halls burst."

"I know!" Sword Spirit replied: "But you want to quickly form a five-element sword spirit, it is best to kill the rock giant!"


Too virtual swords turned into a streamer flashing in space. The heart of the rock that smashed the big masters and the four main halls was swallowed up first. In this gravitational world, where is their speed, there is a too weak sword in the Tianmen?

They just blew a rock giant. Then I saw the streamer flashing, and the heart of the rock was taken away by the sword. They also know the preciousness of the heart of the rock, and they are not angry. Xu Ziyan remembered the words of the virtual sword just now. To kill the rock giant Wang, I still need the help of the big master and the four masters. They smiled at them:

"You seniors, waiting to pass this fairy mountain, I will give you a potential Dan!"

The Lord and the four masters listened, and the anger of the heart vanished. In their view, the heart of the rock is precious, but the value is far less than the potential Dan. So one by one struggling to kill the rock giant, and then ignore the too virtual sword to engulf the heart of a rock.

Xu Ziyan and others pushed forward. After smashing the rock giant area of ​​two feet high, I passed the rock giant area of ​​three feet high...

When they passed the rock giant area of ​​Zhang Gao, they finally saw an ancient Tianzun and also saw a group of ten-foot-high rock giants.

The lord and the four masters are all very dignified. I just walked over the rock giant area of ​​Zhang Gao. They have already made them feel difficult, and now they have seen a rock giant with a height of ten feet. The heavy pressure has made them feel terrified.

At this time, the ancient Tianzun also saw Xu Ziyan and others, and each face showed a happy color.

"You friends come to help!"

Twelve of the four monks looked at each other and Xu Ziyan took out a stack of fairy charms. When this stack of fairy charms is taken out, the look of Hua Yu is a change:

“The last peak of the last grade!”

"This is the water curtain Tianhua defense fairy, everyone first turn this symbol on!"

Xu Ziyan distributed the water curtain Tianhua Shangpin Xianfu to the big master and the four masters. Then the body shape was vertical and rushed to the ancient heaven. Behind her. The lord and the four priests immediately opened the water curtain Tianhua. They all know that the defensive power of the peak of the late peaks is equivalent to the defensive power of the peak of the late Tianzun. Once released, it is like a late Tianzun. The peak helps the local attack, which is definitely a life more, especially for the great masters who are not the peak of the late Tianzun.

And people Xu Ziyan still do not want to be crystal, not like Hua Yu just began to Xianjing, one by one scornful look at Hua Yu, let Hua Yu face flushed.

It’s just here, the fairy charm is also very slow, and the big masters only stand in the same place waiting for the fairy to open completely, and their bodies gradually release a layer of blue light.

Hua Yu was shocked to see the back of Xu Ziyan, who was rushing out. He thought that he was already a good-natured teacher in the early days of Shangpin. He had already stood at the peak of the Yuanfu field in the Yuan Dynasty, but did not expect Xu Ziyan to have surpassed him. This made him feel a little frustrated and his heart was dark:

"No wonder she can lead Taixu to a first-class big door in such a short period of time. Is there such a peak skill, and what is impossible?"

There is a bitter bitterness on Shang Dao’s face. In the past, there was only one enemy in a thousand miles. Now there is a sect behind the enemy, and this sect is not weak, because its lord is a top-level singer!

Xu Ziyan’s body shape rushed out. She did not attack the rock giants. Instead, she continually flashed and moved. In this gravity field, she first used the cloud body method she learned on the mainland of the sky, and her body shape flashed. One by one, the ancient Tianzun, the water curtain Tianhua that was opened was photographed on the ancient Tianzun.

These ancient Tianzun have already seen the water curtain Tianhua opened by the Buddhism and the four church owners. Naturally, they will not resist. Seeing that the water curtain Tianhua gradually released on their own bodies, one by one shouted to Xu Ziyan:

"Thank you!"

"I want the heart of the rock!" Xu Ziyan also unceremoniously put forward his own requirements.

"it is good!"

The ancient Tianzun is not very valued by the heart of the rock. They value the central palace of the king. So they all agreed to it.

The Buddhism and the Four Church owners have already given up the heart of the rock here. At this time, their hearts have already understood that they want to pass through here safely, and these people must work together, and in the concerted efforts, Xu Ziyan is of paramount importance.

On the one hand, they have already seen that Xu Ziyan's body strength is very strong. In this case, he has an absolute advantage. He wants to rush out of here and can't leave Xu Ziyan. Another aspect is that Xu Ziyan took out the late peaks of the top grades, so it is even more necessary to get out of here.

Therefore, they have no resistance to Xu Ziyan’s heart of rock. They firmly believe that as long as they enter the Palace of the Immortals, the harvest will be much higher than the heart of the rock.

Besides, they have already got a lot of treasures on this road. For more than a month since Xu Ziyan walked, Xu Ziyan has never robbed them of any treasures. Everyone has their own chances. Now Xu Ziyan first promised to give each of them a potential Dan, and then gave them to the water curtain Tianhua, they really can't say anything.

Therefore, when the water curtain Tianhua on them was completely opened, they rushed to the rock giants.

At this time, Xu Ziyan has cleanly bombed three rock giants, letting an ancient Tianzun look stunned. Instead, he is used to the big masters and the four masters.

With the addition of the fourteen new forces of Xu Ziyan, the rock giants began to be bombarded. Every time a rock giant is blasted, the air passes through a stream of light, engulfing the heart of the rock. I can see that the ancient heavens are one by one.

This fairy mountain seems to have endless rock giants, and the more the rock giants are, the stronger it is. The twenty-three Tianzuns have been squatting all the way after Xu Ziyan has continuously provided water curtain Tianhua. The rock giant of Zhang Gao is wrestling.

After a fierce battle, Twenty-three exhausted Tianzun finally killed the fifty-foot-high rock giants, and the heart of a fist-sized rock was swallowed by a virtual sword.


Twenty-three Tianzun also stood out with a sigh of relief and looked around. His face was strange. Because they often kill a layer of rock giants, there will be a wave of stronger rock giants. But at this time it was quiet, and no rock giant appeared.

Xu Ziyan’s face changed because she knew there was a rock giant. Do not sink into a glimpse of the gods into the scream of the virtual sword:

"Thunder, is it coming to the rock giant king field?"

The thunder’s gods are transmitted and sent out. Then nod and said: "Yes, when you go forward, you will encounter the rock giant Wang. Purple smoke, you have to be careful."


The purple consciousness of Xu Ziyan was swept away in the Taixu sword, and he saw that the original earth attribute light group had a vague human form, and the heart was dark:

"If you can swallow the rock heart of the rock giant, you can almost produce the soil property sword spirit?"

I took back my knowledge and saw that the monks of Tianzun were talking in a low voice.

"Mo is away from heaven!" asked the **** of dreams. "You are all ancient gods, have you ever been here?"

Mo has a bitter smile on the face of Tian Zun: "We were only some scattered in the ancient times, where is the qualification to come here? Right!"

Mo Tiantian looked at the life Tianzun: "I heard that life has once been visited once?"

"Well!" There was a smug expression on the face of Life Tianzun: "I have received an invitation once, but I was invited at that time. There is a Gobi above this fairy mountain. There is no rock giant at all. So, I am just wondering how there is such a fairy mountain here, but I did not expect it to be so sinister."

"Then you said that we have already passed the rock giant, there will be no more rock giants in front?"

Life Tianzun pondered and said: "There are two possibilities. One is that there is no more rock giant in front, and the other is a rock giant in front."

"Everyone!" Xu Ziyan felt that the most important thing now should be to adjust the traffic, instead of discussing it here. Because she knows that there is a more powerful rock giant in front. So she bluntly said:

"We are coming over this road. Didn't you find a situation?"

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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