The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2490: Bloody array

Liu Jinsong’s look was even more embarrassing. He shook his head and said, “No! Little girl, what about you?”

"A little insight!"

Liu Jinsong’s look is even more embarrassing. Seeing Liu Jinsong’s appearance, Xu Ziyan said:

"Liu brother, I will first look for other glimpses!"

"Well, um..."

Watching Xu Ziyan leave, Liu Jinsong stood there and stayed for a while, and his eyes showed dissatisfaction. In any case, I am also a veteran Tianzun, I do not believe that comprehension will be lower than Xu Ziyan. The figure is longitudinal, plunging forward, looking for the next glimpse of the light.


The demon territory.

In the center of the miniature village where Xu Ziyan had been to, the ground suddenly split to the sides, and the half-sacred **** floated out from the inside, and his eyes swam around, and there was a hint of helplessness on his face.

"Oh... the haze of the place has been absorbed by me!"

Looking into the outside of the village, his body shape disappeared and disappeared.

Xiong Ershan.

A large tribe of the Yaozu, at this time, all the tribes of the Yaozu remain in the tribe, and they dare not go around because they all know that the demon territory has come to a peak of the late Tianzun, and is chasing Huangling at this time. If you accidentally get rid of the eye by the 鲲鹏, and let it go, then you will die.

Xiong'er Mountain is a large tribe, and the Yaozu is a million that counts more than the sum.

A figure flew over the Xiong'ershan tribe.


The figure suddenly stayed in the air, looking at the bottom. The eyes are glittering with a layer of gold. Then there was a hint of surprise on his face.

"Who is here to set up such a murderous squad, this ... turned out to be a **** squad. This is a big bang, but to refine the million demon people here. Sufficient poison. But I like..."

The man laughed silently and his hands began to bear the seal. If Xu Ziyan does this again, he will be able to recognize that this person is the zombie, the half holy **** will.


The whole **** squadron was launched, and the half holy **** will stand in the air with his hands on it, looking at the demon tribe below. Only in an instant, the lively demon tribe became a dead place. One demon family died instantly. Then the body gradually dried up and finally turned into powder. It became a **** land.

One day, two days...

Inside the demon territory. The two figures are slowly walking between the mountains and rivers, one wearing a red robe and one wearing a yellow shirt, but it is Xu Qinyang and the light moon dance.

The light moon dance took a deep breath. The arms are unfolding: "Qin Yang. The air in this demon territory is more fresh than the Terran territory."

Xu Qinyang smiled and said: "It should be because there is no smoke here!"

Speaking of this, Xu Qinyang also took a deep breath and took a deep breath, suddenly changed his face, his eyes looked in the direction of Xiong'er Mountain.

"Qin Yang, what happened?"

"There is a **** smell!"

"Blood smell?" The light moon dances a glimpse, and then took a deep breath, but his face was awkward.

"Moon dance!" Xu Qinyang's face showed a bitter bitterness: "Since my refining blood piano, I am very sensitive to the smell of blood. Let's go see."

"Qin Yang, will it be dangerous?"

"This is not the **** smell of the death of one or two demons. We have to go and see."

When the words fell, Xu Qinyang flew carefully toward the front, and the light moon dances were followed by fear. After two hours, they saw that the demon had explored from Xiong'er Mountain from time to time, and the two men carefully followed the jungle.

A place of death.

Xu Qinyang and the light moon dance were hiding in a jungle. They saw a demon family walk into the land of death, and then they fell to the ground in a few steps. Then the body became dry and finally turned into powder. .

Xu Qinyang was shocked and said in his heart: "Is there any mystery here to summon those demon people to enter?"

He listened for a while, didn't feel that there was any call, and he couldn't help but be confused. Could it be that the call generated by this **** place can only be heard by the Yaozu?

At this time, he heard the sound of the air, and he converges from the woods and looks out. A demon family landed from the air and stood on the edge of the **** land, but did not enter immediately, but looked back and forth at the edge.

Xu Qinyang is amazed. This is not the call of **** land to them. Instead, they smell the **** smell and observe it. Finally, they can't see anything on the edge. This will go into further observation.

Sure enough, the demon had not seen anything for a long time, and finally stepped into the **** place, while walking forward cautiously, while looking around. However, without taking a few steps, they fell to the ground, and then gradually became dry, and finally turned into powder.

Xu Qinyang’s knowledge spread out and was bloody. When his god’s knowledge reached the center of this **** land, he saw a man wearing an ancient sword on the back of the gold armor and closed his eyes and sat there. . In front of him there was a thumb-sized blood-colored bead floating in the air, and the blood-colored beads were growing up in a glimpse. At the same time, Xu Qinyang's knowledge can feel the richness of the whole **** land is being absorbed by that person.

The man in the **** land suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the direction of Xu Qinyang and the light moon dance. The distance between the two sides was hundreds of miles, but the eyes were clearly seeing them.

Xu Qinyang’s heart was a tight one, and he reached out and took the moon dance behind him. The semi-Sacred God will suddenly look at each other, and two golden lights will burst out from the eyes and spread to Xu Ziyan. The golden light has turned into two golden hands in midair and grabbed Xu Qinyang and the light moon dance.


A fine sword was held in the hands of Xu Qinyang, and the two golden hands that had spread to the air smashed past.


Two swordsmen and two golden hands collided and made a scream. Jianmang was instantly smashed by two big hands and continued to catch Xu Qinyang and the light moon dance.


Xu Qinyang grabbed the light moon dance and flew in one hand, waving one hand and two golden hands in the air.


Xu Qinyang’s swordsman couldn’t stop the two big hands in the air. The two big hands were quickly approaching Xu Qinyang and the light moon dance.


The body shape of Xu Qinyang and the light moon dance fell to the bottom.

"Qin Yang, why don't we escape?"

"Can't escape!"

Xu Ziyan’s figure fell on the ground, hiding the light moon dance behind him, his legs wide, and a sigh of sound, a **** guqin appeared on his knees. Ten fingers move over the strings.

A little blood color was generated in front of him, and then the blood burst into a star, forming a planet, a star spread toward the front, spreading toward the two big hands in the air.

Xu Qinyang felt that the half of the Holy Spirit would be so powerful, so a shot is a star illusion. However, his star illusion changed a lot at this time, it is a **** interstellar, every planet is red and bloody, emitting a fairy light.


The two golden hands of the stars and the air kept hitting, blocking the two golden hands away from the stars.

The half-sacred **** in the center of the **** array flashed a strange look in his eyes, and his eyes were violently long. The two golden hands in the air suddenly became more and more solid, like metal, attacking toward the stars.


Xu Qinyang spurted a blood, he felt that a violent factor in the blood of the body began to riot again, and a pair of eyes gradually became red.


There was a crisp sound in his heart, which made Xu Qinyang's state of mind calm down again, his hands stroking, and fighting with two golden hands in the air.


The stars were smashed by two golden hands and approached Xu Qinyang at a speed. The sound of Xu Qinyang's piano is also like a storm, and it roars over the **** land. At the same time, a trace of blood is radiated from the top of the blood and spreads around.

Tenran, the **** bead floating in front of the half-sacred god, as if he heard the summoning, like a meteor, flew toward the ancient piano.

The half-sacred **** will be a glimpse, but between the shackles, the **** bead will span a hundred miles, and the slamming sound will enter the **** piano above Xu Qinyang's knees.


The power of the bloodqin soared, and the sound of the first opening of the world shook the two golden hands in the air.


Xu Qinyang spoke a long breath, but then his look changed. He saw that the golden armor would stand up from the ground and walk toward him. He just stepped out and he had already reached his front. A big hand grabbed him.


Xu Qinyang's ten fingers repeatedly, while the light moon dance with both hands holding Xu Qinyang's waist flew away toward the rear.

When the sound of the piano sounded, the half holy **** would frown slightly, and the big hand in the air gave a shot, broke a space, and once again stepped toward Xu Qinyang.

Xu Qinyang's hands and fingers were pulling up the blurred afterimage on the blood piano, and the power suddenly increased. The half-sacred **** will push the forward figure slowly. Xu Qinyang’s heart was a joy, and he was not nervous at all. He did not find a trace of blood flowing from his blood piano into his fingers...

The half-sacred brows slightly wrinkled. He felt that the breath of Xu Qinyang was rising rapidly. He saw that he had climbed to the middle of the land, and he continued to climb. His heart could not help but move. So this kid absorbed so quickly. That **** bead?


It is the blood piano that is at work.

The half-sacred **** stretched out his hand and grabbed the blood on the knees of Xu Qinyang's knees.


The **** piano suddenly sent out a **** light that bounced the big hand of the Holy Spirit and stepped back the body of the Half Holy Spirit.



Ask for a pink ticket! Did not enter the top ten last month, is lost in the starting line of double monthly tickets, although the comrades are very hard, but it is too late!

Seeking speed!



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