The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2491: Breakthrough (two more pink)

Xu Qinyang's body trembled a bit, and the breath climbed to the mid-term peak of the land. Behind him, stunned by the purple moon dance of Xu Ziyan’s waist, she also felt that Xu Qinyang’s breath had improved, and her eyes showed anxious color. She felt that Xu Qinyang was enchanted again and could not help but whisper:

"Qin Yang..."

"Moon dance, I have not entered the magic!" Xu Qinyang’s voice came: "I am... breaking through!"

Xu Qinyang was somewhat inexplicable at this time. He didn't know how he broke through. There was no sign before. However, at this time of the crisis, he did not care much, and immediately took the stars to the extreme.

For the star illusion, the semi-sacred **** will not care. His eyes are locked on the **** piano, and suddenly he goes further, and once again stretched out a big hand and grabbed it toward the blood.


Another **** light spread out automatically, and his big hand popped open. The light moon dance has already been repaired to the extreme, and flies backwards, like a streamer, but the half holy **** will be chasing after it. She, again and again, grabbed the blood on the knees of Xu Qinyang's knees.

The blood on the blood piano kept pouring into Xu Qinyang's body, and some of them passed through the body of the moon dance through the hands of Xu Qin.

The blood in the body of the light moon dance immediately rushed up, and the blood of the blood was swallowed up by the blood, and the breath of the light moon dance kept rising. And because her cultivation is low, the speed of climbing is originally faster than that of Xu Qinyang. In addition, the blood and blood of her body actively merges with the slightest blood, which makes her breath rate more than double the speed of Xu Qinyang.

In the blood piano. The **** Dan is spinning rapidly. As it rotates, the **** scorpion that has been condensed by the blood of a million people has poured into the body of Xu Qinyang and the light moon dance. This condenses the essence of the million demon people and also contains the heavenly magical powers that the demon people comprehend. Let the people of Xu Qinyang and the light moon dance both of them become radical.

At this time, the three people did not know how far they flew, and flew all the way to the extreme edge of the east.

The Holy Spirit will have to kill Xu Qinyang several times, but the bloodqin always releases a **** light in time to block his attack. He wanted to take out the long sword behind him, and he was afraid of damaging the **** piano. He was stagnant in a **** piano.

Suddenly, the clouds in the sky are in harmony. There is a feeling of being locked in the moment of the light moon dance. She looked up, it was a robbery cloud, she was locked by the heavens. Her cultivation has already broken through to the beginning of the land.

Looking at Xu Qinyang in her arms, she knows that she can no longer hold Xu Qinyang, otherwise the thunder will double, and Xu Qinyang is likely to die in the thunder. Looking at the half holy **** will still be attacking Xu Qinyang. There is a firm color in the eyes of the light moon dance. Suddenly his arms slammed, and Xu Qinyang’s body slammed out, and then spread his arms to the half-sacred god. ,

The half-sacred **** will change his face. He knows that once it is entangled in the faint moon dance, the thunder in the air may immediately become a holy thunder, and his semi-sacred cultivation is undoubtedly a death.

The half-sacred god's body shape quickly receded, and the moon dance saw him back, and he no longer pursued. It was only in the middle of him and Xu Qinyang.

The eyes of the Holy Spirit glanced back and forth between the moon dance and Xu Qinyang. He knows that as long as he attacks Xu Qinyang at this time, the light moon dance will definitely rush to himself. And did he have the ability to strike Xu Qinyang? In fact, it is not that he did not have the ability to strike Xu Qinyang, but the **** piano made him somewhat helpless. However, he was reluctant to leave, and he stood in the air far away, waiting for the end of the moon dance.

At this time, Xu Qinyang had stopped playing, but one hand was tightly sucked on the blood piano, and the **** gas rushed into his body, the **** bead inside the bloodqin. The speed is shrinking, and a **** force passes through the harp, and the hands of Hu Qinyang rush into his body.

one day!

Two days!


The light moon dance struggled within the thunderbolt. It wasn't that she couldn't resist the thunder. The **** blood in her body transformed her body even though it was far from Xu Ziyan, but it was beyond the general monk. Only the **** air she absorbed in her body made her have a tendency to go crazy.

This is the devil!

Although the muscles of the faint moon dance are shaking, her eyes are very calm. When the heart is undulating, the breath of Dan heart is released and spreads toward the body. The **** blood in the blood is filled with the heart of Dan. Gradually began to dissipate, slowly swallowed by iron and blood.

Seven days.

The thunder of heaven has a tendency to dissipate, and the Holy Spirit has locked its eyes on the moon dance. As soon as the robbery is over, he will immediately kill the moon dance.


The thunderclouds in the sky began to gather again, and this time the momentum is bigger than just now. The semi-Sacred God turned Huoran to the head and saw Xu Qinyang’s breath showing a breakthrough.

Early days of Tianzun.

"He also broke through?"

The half holy **** will look awkward.


Xu Qinyang will pounce on the half-sacred god. The half-sacred **** will have a bitter smile on his face, and his figure will fly backwards. Xu Ziyan stood in the middle of the light moon dance and the half holy god. He took a piece of the sacred charm and opened it on his body. He saw that the breath on him was covered, and the cloud of Xu Qinyang locked in the sky disappeared. Only one more thunder was still bombarded towards the light moon dance.

The half-sacred **** will stand in the air, and he knows that Xu Qinyang can disperse the plaque at any time, attracting the robbery. At this time, he did not dare to attack Xu Qinyang. As long as he had a slight movement, Xu Qinyang dissipated him. His attack was bombarded on Xu Qinyang's body. Even if Xu Qinyang was killed, the robbery would be passed on to him and become holy. The level of robbery will smash him into powder.

However, he did not leave, he waited, waiting for the thunder of the moon dance to end. He wants to see what Xu Qinyang did at that time? He can grab the light moon dance and then force Xu Qinyang to hand the blood piano to him.

The thunder in the sky is over, just at the end of the thunder. Xu Qinyang instantly came to the front of the light moon dance, and the half holy **** will look at it with a look:

"What is he doing?"

He didn't move. He wanted to see what Xu Qinyang wanted to do? In his view, whether it is a light moon dance, or Xu Qinyang can not escape his palm.

Xu Qinyang’s mind was moved, and the light moon dance disappeared in the space. Xu Qinyang was admitted to the spherical space fairy that Xu Ziyan gave him.

Subsequently, Xu Qinyang fled to the distance. The half-sacred **** will snoring and stepping out to Xu Qinyang's front, but suddenly stopped his footsteps, because Xu Qinyang closed the convergence of the fairy, and the half-sacred **** will have a feeling of being locked. His figure immediately drifted away into the distance, and then he saw Xu Qinyang and opened the convergence of the fairy, fleeing in the distance.

This time the Holy Spirit will not pursue Xu Qinyang. He was not interested in Xu Qinyang and the light moon dance. He is only interested in the blood piano. But at this time he rationally restrained his own **, he knows that if he has been chasing Xu Qinyang, he will be entangled, do not know when it will be consumed.

As a semi-holy, the thing that was put down was put down in an instant, and the figure took a step back, and it returned to the **** array and continued to absorb the dead air there.

Xu Qinyang kept fleeing and fled for seven days. He was far away from the mainland at his current speed. He came to an uninhabited island in the sea and landed down from the air.

The **** piano in Dantian undulating, and the blood in his body boiled up, his eyes gradually reddened, his face twisted, and his body trembled.


Xu Qinyang closed the convergence of the fairy, and the clouds in the sky gathered.

"Give me out!"

The blood-colored guqin was sacrificed by Xu Qinyang, and the **** harps were caught on his head with his hands on his head.

"If you want me to enter the magic, then we will die together!"


The thunderstorm in the sky slammed down and slammed on the **** guqin on the top of Xu Qinyang's head. Xu Qinyang inexplicably felt a touch of ease in his heart, and the red eyes were light.


The thunder robbery kept slamming down, and the **** guqin struggled to escape, but Xu Qinyang was firmly in his hand. Xu Qinyang has refining it. He and Guqin have become one, and the **** guqin wants to get rid of Xu Qinyang.

If the original unit that was originally connected is damaged, its owner should also be hurt. However, this **** guqin was extremely hard, and the Thunder was not broken. This made Xu Qinyang not receive any damage, but the Thunder was originally the nemesis of all evil things in the world. Although it could not hurt the **** guqin, it was able to refine the blood. Blood in the air.

With the constant bombardment of the Thunder, the blood in the eyes of Xu Qinyang is getting weaker and lighter.

Three days later.

The blood color in Xu Qinyang’s eyes completely disappeared and the Qingming was restored. The mood gradually subsided, but he still held the **** guqin, hoping that the Thunder could purify the guqin.

The Thunder was on the top of the blood piano, and the thunderous force spread to his hands along the blood piano, and then spread along his arms to his body, gradually Xu Qin Yang shrouded in a layer of thunder. However, the eight layers of the Thunder's power were taken by the blood piano, and Xu Qinyang was able to withstand the two layers of thunder.

After nine days.

After the robbery ended, Xu Qinyang took the **** piano into the body, and his face showed a bitter smile. Although his cultivation at this time has already leapt to the early days of Tianzun, this is a real breakthrough, not the blood piano will temporarily improve his cultivation, but he can feel the blood of the blood music is not tempered by the Thunder It was only hiding in the depths of the blood piano, and at this time it began to spread toward his body.

"Let's see if you are strong, or my heart is strong!"

Buy a pink ticket at the end! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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