The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2508: Water lily space (three more pink)

I am very grateful to the one-carat dangerous classmates (100), o Hui o classmates (100), mableip classmates (100), Xianzizi classmates (100), and restful classmates (100).


Flower Fairy, Ye Hao Tian Zun and Mo Tian Tian Zun's face panic, shrinking his body toward the bed. Xu Ziyan looked at the young man, and his knowledge was swept away, his brow slightly loosened.

The other party is only a period of refining, but it is just a double sorrow, giving a sense of frivolity. However, such a repair is indeed like an ant in front of Xu Ziyan. Just ask this person in front of him. What is the place here, why are four of them here, and where did they go?

However, before the opening of Xu Ziyan, I saw the young man coming forward with a look of lust, and reached out and touched the face of Xu Ziyan.

"Little beauty..."

"Oh..." Xu Ziyan rolled his hand and grabbed the wrist of the young man.

"Ah..." the young man gave a sigh of sorrow: "Let go, let go..."

"Who are you?" Xu Ziyan asked coldly.

"You dare to ask me who is it?" The young man was full of face: "I am Xiao handsome, I am the village head. You have let me go, then you four do me. Follow me, Jinyi cuisine... ..."

"How can we be here?" Xu Ziyan interrupted his words, and the gods pressed out. The young man immediately seemed to be sifting, and his eyes became scattered.

"I went hunting outside the village and found you. You all fainted. I let your men carry you back. Please show the doctor to you, the doctor said that you just fainted and will wake up soon. Then I sent the men to the mine. When they woke up, let them mine and keep the four of you. When you wake up, you will be jealous."

Xu Ziyan looked sharply: "What did you do to us?"

"No!" The young man shook his head. "You all fainted, what do you mean by doing it."

"Take us to the mine!" Xu Ziyan shouted.

"You are the bad guy!" The voice of the flower fairy came from behind Xu Ziyan: "You are only five years old, you want people to be your little sister. I want you to beat me!"

"Five years old?"

Xu Ziyan’s body is a cold. Turning to look at the flower fairy, I saw the face of the flower fairy, Meng Zi, a heart in the heart. God swept the flower fairy, and his face was a stay.

This is this... This flower fairy is now the repair of the next day?

No way……

Xu Ziyan hurriedly swept the gods over Ye Haotian Zun and Mo Li Tian Zun, and then the look was even more sluggish, these two people are still just ordinary people. Even the next day is not a layer.

Xu Ziyan was shocked. Will your own cultivation not be gone?

I took a good look at myself and found that my repair was not the slightest drop, which was a relief. Then I locked my brow and thought about it.

Suddenly, she remembered the dream she had done before, and she was a little confused. Flower Fairy, Mo Tian Tian Zun and Ye Hao Tian Zun should be affected by the dream in that dream, seal their own repairs and seal them when they are five years old. And their consciousness has returned to the age of five.

It seems that at the age of five, the flower fairy is already the day after tomorrow. Ye Haotianzun and Mo Litianzun are still ordinary people.

Water lily!

It seems that this water lily has grown into a space after hundreds of millions of years of growth, and this space also gave birth to the birth spirit. And this water lily space seems to have a hypnotic effect on the outsiders. I am not hypnotized because of the power of my own god.

They will not be hypnotized until they are five years old.

Looking at Mori Tianzun, Xu Ziyan whispered softly: "Mo, how old are you?"

"Four years old!" Mo Li Tian Zun extended four fingers. Xu Ziyan could not help but lift his hand and turned to Ye Haotian to ask:

"How old are you?"

"Four years old!" Ye Hao Tian Zun also extended four fingers.

Xu Ziyan suddenly raised the heart of the gossip and began to ask three people to experience his life. With the psychological age of these three people, there is no such thing as a meridian. Xu Ziyan only knows that Ye Haotianzun and Mo Litianzun were born in the childhood when they were born in a family, and the flower fairy was born into a family.

"Let's go!"

Xu Ziyan came down from the bed and took the young man to the door.

"Go... Where to go?" Flower Fairy, Ye Haotianzun and Mo Litian respected and squatted in bed.

Xu Ziyan could not help but burst into a headache: "I will send you home."

Flower Fairy, Ye Hao Tian Zun and Mo Li Tian Zun's face showed a happy color, quickly jumped out of bed and took Xu Ziyan's clothes.

Xu Ziyan can't help but laugh: "I don't want to pull my clothes, I won't care about you."

Flower Fairy, Ye Hao Tian Zun and Mo Li Tian Zun just shake their heads, but they hold the clothes of Xu Ziyan tightly. Xu Ziyan shook his head helplessly, pulling the young master to walk outside.

Going out of the door not far away, I saw a few guards on the head and looked at the young master and shouted: "Young Master!"

But at this time, the young master was swayed by Xu Ziyan. The few guards could not help but sternly screamed at Xu Ziyan:

"Who are you? Let's put our young master!"


Xu Ziyan’s momentum rushed to the guards, and in a moment the guards were shaken into powder. The purple consciousness of Xu Ziyan spread out. Soon she found the Tianzun people of Tuyishui. At this time, I saw that the gods were crying while hoeing their heads to mine, and from time to time they took a few whipes. Xu Ziyan looked funny. If they remember these things in the future, I don’t know what it will be. I want to know that the people who smoked their whip are only doing the same thing.


A figure flew over and sighed in midair: "Let me down!"

Xu Ziyan looked up and looked at him, and the man burst into flames. At this point, since they have found the soil, they do not need the young master. I thought that I was almost defiled by this young master. Xu Ziyan’s heart gave birth to a killing intention, and his hand was weak, and the young master’s body was broken. Then Xu Ziyan took the flower fairy. Ye Haotianzun and Mo Litian Zun thought about going outside.

Just two steps, Xu Ziyan stopped. He suddenly thought that the person who had just killed him was just a foundation period. He could fly here. He couldn’t reason to fly.

Can you release the fairy 这里 here?

When Xu Ziyan thought about it, he raised a white cloud at his feet and pulled the flower fairy, Ye Haotianzun and Mo away from Tianzun to the white clouds. I vacated and flew toward the mine.

Above the clouds, the flower fairy. Ye Hao Tian Zun and Mo Li Tian Zun excitedly looked around, suddenly the flower fairy suddenly squatted in front of Xu Ziyan, said with a sigh:

"Fairy, you accept me as a disciple!"

"Fairy. We also want to worship you as a teacher!" Ye Hao Tian Zun and Mo Li Tian Zun also kneel in front of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan reached out. Lifting three people, smiled bitterly: "You don't have to worship me as a teacher, you are as powerful as me!"


Flower Fairy, Ye Hao Tian Zun and Mo Zi Tian Zun's face confused.

"Okay, you will know when you are!"

Xu Ziyan shook his head helplessly and landed in the air. The foreman on the mine saw four people falling from the air and was scared to kneel on the ground.

"See the fairy!"

Xu Ziyan ignored them and reached out and grabbed them. Tu Yishui and others were arrested by her and stood by her side. Xu Ziyan's eyes swept away. The face can not help but lead. At this time, the clothes on these gods were smashed down and replaced with the clothes of the next man. Xu Ziyan suddenly moved in the heart, and the gods swept them away and found that their storage rings were gone.

The gods once again spread out, and soon returned to the village chief's house, hurriedly swept, and found a soil and water in their suitcases and their storage rings.

Look at the four women, the clothes on the body are not changed, and the storage ring is still in their hands. Stretching out his hand and catching it in the air, the box in the head of the village chief instantly fell under the foot of Xu Ziyan, and his eyes looked around. He said to Tian Zun, who is like the water:

"Carry the box with me!"

At this time, the earth was seeing Xu Ziyan with such a means. Everyone looked at Xu Ziyan admirably. Hearingly, several people raised the box and followed Xu Ziyan. When he came to a door, Xu Ziyan pushed open the door and saw that there were four people hiding inside. When he saw Xu Ziyan pushing the door open, he immediately slammed into the ground and shouted:

"See the fairy!"

"Go out!" Xu Ziyan shouted.

"Yes, fairy!"

Four people hurriedly climbed up from the ground and walked out carefully from the side of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan turned back to the earth and others and said:

"Follow me!"

After entering the room, Xu Ziyan opened the box, first took out the storage ring, and the gods swept away. According to the knowledge left in the ring, they knew who the storage ring was and returned the storage ring to those who respected it. Road:

"Don't wear!"

Xu Ziyan did not go to see the contents of their storage ring. If they want to view it, they must erase their knowledge of the ring, and their knowledge is left in the ring, it proves that no one has ever opened it. These storage rings.

It is normal to think about it. In this space, I am afraid that no one can erase the gods that these gods stay on the ring.

When I saw these Tianzuns bring the storage rings, Xu Ziyan distributed the clothes in the box to the people according to the memory, and then let them change, and she walked out the door.

Standing outside the door, thinking about the self-contained space here, and the monks who built the base period can fly, can you rush out of this space?

When she reached for a tear, she tore a crack in the space, and then she saw the corridor outside from the crack. At the same time, huge pressure rushed out of the crack.


The surrounding mine was instantly crushed into powder, and the house became a powder. All the people became fly ash. Only the purple smoke was standing still.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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