The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2509: Starry sky (one more pink)

Hua Xianzi and others just sealed their own cultivation in their consciousness and regarded themselves as children of four or five years old, but their body strength is intrinsically strong and will not be harmed by gravity. Vertex novel

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly and looked at the crack in the closed space. It seems that this water lily space has a certain offset effect on the external gravity, so it can fly here, but once the space crack is torn open, it will face a strong gravity. This gravity can be felt by the purple smoke, not just the fairy palace. Gravity, as well as the suction of the water lily space, may not be able to fly away from this water lily with the repair of the mid-term peak of his own. Maybe the space crack that just flew out of the water lily space was sucked back.

"Try it!"

Xu Ziyan suddenly flew upwards.


In the flower fairy below, Ye Hao Tian Zun and Mo Li Tian Zun shouted in tears toward Xu Ziyan, and Tian Zun and other Tian Zun also looked helplessly at the higher and higher Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan in the air reached out and tore a crack in the space, and the body shape rushed out.


Immediately there was a suction sucking towards her, and the gravity of the Emperor's Palace was added to her body. Her figure could not help but fall to the water lily again, and a drowsiness came to my mind.


This time, Xu Ziyan was prepared to take the initiative to run the power of the gods, drive away the drowsiness, and the body shape fell on one side, releasing the gods and catching the goddess such as the flower fairy, and falling toward them.



Flower Fairy, Ye Hao Tian Zun and Mo Li Tian Zun ran towards Xu Ziyan. "Plopping through" hugged the thigh of Xu Ziyan. Earth, water and other people's eyes ran towards Xu Ziyan. Shouting as he ran:

"Fairy, accept us as a disciple!"

Xu Ziyan couldn’t help but smile a bit, and his left hand was stretched out. One sleeve is in the sleeves, and all the gods are put into the sleeves. While thinking about the power of the world to leave, suddenly formed a body, the heart secretly:

"I can't go back to Baoshan empty-handed! I don't know what baby is in this water lily space!"

The gods instantly enveloped the entire water lily space, and it was only the Mahayana period that found the highest person in this space. The more the space is in the middle, the higher the monk's cultivation. The highest-ranking people live on the nine peaks in the middle.

Xu Ziyan’s face is a joy. With her knowledge, she naturally knows that the nine peaks are actually nine lotus seeds. And she felt the heavenly atmosphere from the top of the nine lotus seeds. Something awkward in my heart. These nine lotus seeds are the essence of the water lily, and naturally it is the place where the water lily space gathers.

Step by step, the figure stood in the air above the nine peaks. The right hand and big sleeves were exhibited, and the sleeves in the sleeves were sucked into the large sleeves. Then the big sleeves waved, and the monks flew outside. Far from the ground. No one has been hurt in the slightest, but everyone’s face is full of panic.

Xu Ziyan reached out and grabbed. The nine peaks began to shake, and then flew toward the hands of Xu Ziyan, which suddenly became smaller. Finally, nine lotus seeds fell into her hands, and the mind was moved, and nine lotus seeds were moved. Closed up. I immediately felt that the heavenly atmosphere in this space became very weak. In my heart, I know that there will be no Mahayana monks in this water lily space for a long time.


Xu Ziyan communicated the bridge of heaven and earth, and the look gave a dazzling brilliance. The water lily space, which has been watching Xu Ziyan, has a look on the face of the indigenous people, and pounces on the ground.

Xu Ziyan stretched out a space crack and the body shape rushed out of the water lily space. Huge gravity and suction came again, but this time Xu Ziyan made the power of the world. After rushing out of the water lily space, the volley stepped out of the water lily and landed on the other side of the corridor.

Looking back, I saw that the sleeping lotus petals gradually gathered up, forming a flower bone, and then dive to the depths of the ground, seeing the appearance is to sneak back to the bottom to re-absorb the celestial power to raise.


Xu Ziyan spit out a long breath, and when he swung his sleeves, he released the gods. These Tianzun ones came out from the sleeves of Xu Ziyan, and the breath of the body immediately recovered, and consciousness began to recover. These people looked at Xu Ziyan slyly, and looked at the water lily in the middle of the corridor and left the hole. They shook their faces and looked down.

Xu Ziyan knows that this is what they think of in the water lily space. This... is really shameful. But after all, these people know that Xu Ziyan saved them. If there is no purple smoke, maybe they will stay in it for a lifetime. After a moment of silence, they shrugged to Xu Ziyan:

"Thank you for your support!"

Xu Ziyan puts his hand in the hand: "We will continue!"

Everyone was refreshed and turned to look at the end of the corridor. There was a door there. Everyone came to the door. Hua Yu stood in front of the door and looked at it for a long time. Then he turned back and said to Xu Ziyan:

"Little sister, this level of performance is a bit high, let's take a look!"

Xu Ziyan came to the door, and then caught the pen in the hand against the door, and she swallowed the elixir, and took out a crystal pulse in her arms to restore the power of the world.

After about two quarters of an hour, the pen was slightly shocked, and Xu Ziyan released his hand. The pen flew up and swung across the door, and then saw that the streaks had detached from the door and were absorbed by the pen. Then the pen will return to Xu Ziyan's body.

On the side of Hua Yu, he looked at the pen with envy, and then saw that Xu Ziyan did not move, but he was there to recover the meridians, and he stepped forward and pushed the door open.

All the eyes of the gods looked into the door, and the face was shocked. It is not a room, it is not a space class, but a starry sky.

It is said that the starry sky is not accurate, but a starry sky, each star is a meteor, dragging a long tail and falling in one direction.


There is no sound of a meteor breaking, it is a silent night sky...

Looking far and wide, I can't see the end, as if there is an endless void in this door. Xu Ziyan stepped back two steps and sat down to resume the communication of the bridge of heaven and earth. She had a feeling that the starry sky inside the door was very dangerous.

Zhong Tianzun also stood quietly at the door and looked inside. No one walked into the door.

Because Xu Ziyan did not move.

After experiencing the water lily space, in the subconscious of these heavenly respects, Xu Ziyan has been faintly centered. Before Xu Ziyan did not act, they were able to hold back their actions. If they were in the past, these Tianzuns would have rushed into the door. Inside. Even the semi-demon, who has always been unruly, is no exception.

The corridor is very quiet, and there is a quieter starry sky inside the door. I don't know how long it took, and the eyes of Zhongtianzun rang out, and looked back, but I saw Xu Ziyan vomiting a long breath, a ray of light before the nose and mouth, and then gradually dispersed.

Stand up from the ground and walk toward the front. Zhong Tianzun spread out to the sides, and Xu Ziyan walked to the middle of the crowd and stood in front of the door.

"Xu Zongzhu, how do you see the space inside this door?" Life Tianzun asked.

"Danger!" Xu Ziyan said with a slight frown: "I always feel that there is a huge danger in it."

"Then we..."

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "If I say that we will quit here, are you willing?"

All the gods looked awkward and could not help but laughed. If these Tianzun are some people who give up when they are in danger, they cannot cultivate to such a realm.

"Just we have to be extra careful this time!" Xu Ziyan said seriously.


Zhong Tian Zun nodded. In fact, they have some feelings about danger in their realm. At this time, not only Xu Ziyan, but all the hearts of Tianzun have a sense of danger.

"I will speculate!" The dream machine, which had never been spoken, suddenly said.

The eyes of Zhongtianzun are all bright, and the dream machine is proficient in the technique of derivation. Isn’t this the place where he is the leader? All the gods were silent, and they looked at the dream machine. The dream machine took out a gossip disk and began to push it there. The speed of the deduction was slower and slower, and the face gradually became pale, and the sweat flowed down like a waterfall.


Suddenly, the dream machine spurted a blood out of his head, his body was crumbling, his eyes closed, his hands were weak, and he sat down on the ground.

All the people were shocked, but they saw the dream machine open their eyes. The sound of "噗" spewed out a blood, and the body shook. The life celestial body flashed and came to the back of the dream machine. One hand pressed on his shoulder. The gas of life poured into the body of the dream machine, and then frowned. He found the dream god. The machine is not the consumption of the body, but the consumption of the power of the gods.

At this time, Zhongtianzun also saw that the power of the gods of the gods was consumed too much. Xu Ziyan’s body shape floated and came to the front of the dream machine. He took out a Yuanshen Dan and handed it to the dream machine. The dream machine is also welcome, Zhangkou swallows the fairy. After about an hour or so, the pale face of the dream machine recovered its blush. Standing up from the ground, spit out four words in the mouth:

"Big murder! Holocaust!"

Zhong Tianzun suddenly squatted there, saying that it is a big murderer who can understand that after Zhong Tianzun enters this door, the future is fierce and may fall. But where did this catastrophe come from?

Even if these people are all here, can't they be called catastrophe?

To be arrogant is the power that will cause great destruction to the entire Upper Yuan.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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