The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2510: Ichiza Castle

"Dream master, can you say more in detail?" Life Tianzun asked solemnly.

The dream machine shook his head, and his face showed a tired color: "I don't know, I just got these four words."

All the gods are silent, and Xu Ziyan’s heart retreats. If it is only a big murder, she is still willing to go to the past, but if it brings havoc to the whole Yuanyuan, this is not what Xu Ziyan would like to see.

and many more……

Xu Ziyan suddenly saw a glimpse of the heart. Here is the Emperor's Palace. This door must be arranged by the lord. That is to say, this catastrophe is brewed by the lord. If you wait for the retreat at this time, after the return of the lord, Will not bring greater catastrophe?

Among the twenty-three heavenly lords, the eight masters are naturally reluctant to make a catastrophe on the mainland. The nine ancient celestial gods have experienced catastrophe, and they are even less willing to experience another catastrophe. Therefore, these heavenly statues are very hesitant. The Lord of the Four Churches in the South is also hesitating. Only the half-devils are ignorant of the world. He only wants to find the chance of sanctification.

The big murder means big chance.

He stood in front of the door and looked uncertain. Now he has determined that Xu Ziyan will not refine his blood, and he can't beat Xu Ziyan. This sanctified path has been completely blocked. The world inside this door may be his last chance to be sanctified.

His gaze gradually became firmer. He turned back and sneaked a glimpse of Xu Ziyan and others. He turned his head and looked at the starry sky of the gate. He suddenly bit his teeth and his body was jumped into the door.


Xu Ziyan's first one saw the action of the semi-demon, but it was too late to stop him. Everyone is also looking at the door. However, I just saw that the body shape of the semi-demon is becoming a black spot, and I can't help but look at it. Finally, I can look at Xu Ziyan involuntarily.

Xu Ziyan sighed softly. The semi-demon is already in. If you can bring the catastrophe to the mainland, there is no difference between entering a person and entering more than twenty people.

"I want to go in and see!" Xu Ziyan said calmly.

Xu Ziyan can think of it, these Tianzun can also think of it. Who is the semi-demon? It was a madman. Maybe they could stop the semi-demons from doing crazy things, so these monks also nod their heads and said they would go in together.


When Xu Ziyan was in a vertical shape, he jumped into the door. Zhong Tian Zun also jumped into the door. Followed by Xu Ziyan.

When entering the space inside the door, Xu Ziyan felt that his body shape fell uncontrollably toward the lower side, and the speed was getting faster and faster. The surrounding is constantly falling down to the starlight, dragging the long tail of light.

Xu Ziyan was condensed and wanted to stay in the sky, but suddenly found himself unable to control his body. It is still the speed that is falling more and more obliquely downwards. Looking around and looking around. I saw that Tian Zun was also falling down obliquely.

It’s just that this starry sky seems to be endless, and there is no end to it, and it does not end. Xu Ziyan feels that he has fallen for two hours, but the front is still an endless starry sky.

Moreover, Xu Ziyan felt that his strength and the power of the gods were losing. Although the loss was very slow, they could not be found without paying attention, but there was no doubt that they were losing. Xu Ziyan’s heart is a glimpse, and he can’t control his body at all. In other words, you are likely to fall constantly in this endless space, even if you can't fall to the bottom. However, if you consume this way, you will always have the power of the gods and the power to consume at the end.

I don't know if Xiaomumu can leave with himself. Xu Ziyan just wants to pull Xiaomumu into his own sea of ​​knowledge, but suddenly hears the voice of Taixu Jianling ringing in her knowledge:

"Ziyan, here is a world of light!"

"The world of light?" Xu Ziyan said in his heart: "What do you mean?"

"I can feel that this is the inner space of an inferior Xianbao, and it is a supernatural congener born from heaven and earth."

Xu Ziyan was silent, she believed the words of Jian Ling. Too virtual sword itself is a super inferior Xianbao, and it is also the top super inferior fairy treasure. At the root of it, this too virtual sword is also born in the world, not the innate fairy treasure refining. So it is not surprising that Sword Spirit, who is now integrated with the Taixu Sword, can feel the secret of this space.

Looking at this dense starlight, Xu Ziyan also believed that this is a world of light.

The so-called light is conceived in the darkness. Isn’t the dense starlight in the darkness the light that is bred in the darkness?

"Can we get out of here?"

"Can!" There is a hint of excitement in the spirit of Sword Spirit: "But now it can't. But as long as all the light in this space is absorbed, this supernatural congenital treasure will return to its original state. At that time, this super product first Tianxianbao is an empty shelf, and we are free to enter and exit."

"How to absorb?"

"Use too virtual sword!" Sword spirit is completely excited: "Tai Xu is the innate treasure of the super peak, and this space is only the innate fairy treasure, as long as you take out the virtual sword, it will Automatically absorb the light attribute of this supernatural congenital treasure, and after absorbing all the light here, it should be able to produce the light attribute of the virtual sword."

Xu Ziyan was shocked and excited. Nowadays, the virtual sword has the five attributes of gold, water, fire, earth and thunder. If the light attribute sword spirit is added, she has six light attributes. The power of the virtual sword will be further enhanced.

The most important thing is to leave here. If you can't do without it, Xu Ziyan really doesn't know if he will fall to this place.

This is really a big place!

Xu Ziyan did not hesitate to take out the Taixu sword in his hand. When the virtual sword appeared, he saw that the starlight that had fallen straight down obliquely suddenly stunned, and swarmed toward the Taixu sword. Beginning to circle around Xu Ziyan, like a huge galaxy, then rushed toward the Taixu sword and rushed into the Taixu sword.


Zhong Tianzun felt that he and others had fallen on the ground, and could not help but look at the past with Xu Ziyan. I saw that Xu Ziyan held a virtual sword at this time. In the sky above the virtual sword is a boundless mega-swirl composed of stars. Being hovering, a starlight detached from the whirlpool and rushed into the too virtual sword in the hands of Xu Ziyan.

All the people respected the place and looked at Xu Ziyan. Without knowing, Xu Ziyan got a huge advantage. However, this kind of advantage is only able to watch Xu Ziyan to get it, even dare not bother to disturb, because they all know that this is Xu Ziyan trying to break this space. Once you interrupted Xu Ziyan, maybe they will be trapped in this space forever, even falling there.

I don't know how long it has been, everyone has lost the concept of time.

The space gradually dimmed, and the starlight vortex in the sky has become extremely small. Finally, the last starlight rushed into the Taixu sword. Xu Ziyan asked the Taixu Jianjian in the knowledge of the gods:

"how is it?"

"It should be able to generate sword spirit!" Taixu Jianling said excitedly.


Xu Ziyan spit out a breath, and his heart was also excited. Putting the virtual sword directly into the time array method in the purple smoke space, how to think about the space in this space, this is a surprise in the heart, this time the space has changed greatly, they are standing On a platform, looking up, it is a wide step, there is a light spot at the end of the stairs, you don't need to ask to know that it is the entrance they came in.

Looking down the steps, there is also a light spot, which should be the place to go out from here. At this time, the semi-demons also stood on the platform. When I saw Xu Ziyan’s gaze, there was some unnaturalness between the looks. Xu Ziyan’s heart sighed and knew that the semi-demons were useless at the time, and they also Committed to, after leaving here for a year, I was unable to walk towards the bottom of the semi-demon, and everyone saw Xu Ziyan moving, and they all walked towards the bottom.

This time is very fast. In less than a quarter of an hour, these gods have already come to the exit. It is a circular exit. There is no hesitation at this time. One by one, they jumped out of the round hole. Every monk is ready to fight.


The sound of the figure landing is particularly loud in the quiet space, and an echoes spread toward the distance. A straight avenue leads to the distance, and there is a huge and fuzzy building at the end of the avenue that is unclear.

Zhong Tianzun walked along the avenue, did not prance, but marched forward step by step carefully. Each monk held a fairy sword in his hand, and even Xu Ziyan held the pen in his hand from the back.

Gradually approaching the huge building, everyone stepped down and looked at the huge building in front of it.

This turned out to be a city, but if it was just a palace, it should be a huge building. But if it is a city, it feels too small.

But in any case, its shape is a city.

Everyone can't help but hold their breath, and there is a city here. What is going on? It is not a place of treasure that everyone imagines.

But at this time, Zhongtianzun had no choice but to go to the gate.

The gate is closed. The strange thing is that there is no rune above the gate. It seems that the gate can be pushed open as long as it is stretched out, and the result is exactly the same. The gate is easily pushed away by everyone. There was a straight avenue in front of them.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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