The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2511: Pilot product (three more pink)

I am very grateful to Cheng Mengyi Bing Zichang (588) & Le Zhou (588), Jie Jie (200), Xueying Fengyue (100), mableip (100), Xibian Xiaoliushu (100) Reward!

Zhong Tianzun just hesitated for a moment, then stepped into the city gate and walked along the avenue toward the front. Vertex novel

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, and she felt that since the door was pushed open, there was a hidden wave floating in the space. This kind of fluctuation is very mysterious and unclear.

"Ziyan!" At this time, Tu Yishui suddenly said softly: "Do you feel a hidden wave?"

The sound of the earth is like water, and all the gods are looking over. When Xu Ziyan’s eyes turn, he sees a meaning from the eyes of every monk’s monk, that is, they all feel the kind of hidden and mysterious fluctuations. Then nodded:

“Have you seen this fluctuation?”

Zhong Tianzun shook his head together and saw Xu Ziyan silently. Life Tianzun finally couldn’t help but ask:

"Ziyan, don't you know?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head gently, and all the hearts of Tianzun were nervous, step by step toward the front. Halfway through, I saw a huge square in front of me. At this time, Xu Ziyan’s knowledge of the sea suddenly remembered the voice of the god:

"This kind of fluctuation is so familiar!"

"What?" Xu Ziyan jumped in the heart: "You said that you are familiar with this kind of fluctuation?"

"Well! Let me think about it!"

Fu Shen was immersed in meditation, and Xu Ziyan and others continued to guard forward.

Suddenly. All Tianzun’s footsteps were a meal, and the eyes looked blankly at the square in front, and they were already closer to the square. They found a figure on the square, and it seems that many people are standing on the square.

“Is it a person?”

All the hearts of the gods are a glimpse, but in the end they have restarted their steps and walked toward the square. As the distance pulled in, they saw that there was indeed a person standing on the square, but the distance was still a little far away. The appearance is still not clear.

"I remembered it!" Suddenly, Xu Ziyan’s knowledge of the sea reminded me of the voice of the god: "This fluctuation is very similar to the fluctuation of the Fengzheng’s seal test. The good is the kind of fluctuation. However, this is the seal is cracking. Fluctuation."

“The fluctuation of the seal test article? What test article?”

"Have you forgotten what I said to you in the Fun Palace? At the beginning, the phoenix wanted to create a group of immortal monks. Even if you don't need cultivation, you can improve your cultivation and get eternal life. Only those guinea pigs later. All failed. It was moved out by Yutian."

Xu Ziyan immediately stopped at the footsteps. There was an extremely stunned color on his face: "You said that those people in front were the experimental products of Feng Zu, who was moved here by Yu Tian?"

"Should be!" The voice of Fushen has a trembling voice: "Just don't know if it was built by the Phoenix Lord, or if it was built by Yutian."

"That..." Xu Ziyan’s face suddenly had an extremely abrupt change: "Fu Shen, you just said that this kind of fluctuation is the scatter of the seal. Does this mean that we push the gate open, that is, to crack this seal? Does the key mean that these guinea pigs will be resurrected?"

"I don't know!" Fushen said: "I don't know about the guinea pigs, and the phoenix master used me only. I didn't participate in the process of the experiment. So I don't know if these guinea pigs are dead. It was still temporarily sealed. Anyway, when I saw these guinea pigs, it was the same as death."

"So... what were the trials that were originally made?"

"Whatever is cultivated, from the mortal to the peak of the late Tianzun."

“How much is it?”

"I don't know, I am just a pen!"

Xu Ziyan took a deep breath, and at this time her heart some understand the derivation of the dream machine. They are the murderous signs in the space of the supernatural innate treasure. If they don't have a virtual sword, they will fall into it. Even if they are not fallen, they will be trapped in the ground.

Once the space was cracked and the gate was opened, the seals for those guinea pigs were opened. If those guinea pigs are really resurrected, they will bring a catastrophe to the mainland.


Fu Shen said, these guinea pigs are not all masters, there are mortals. Compared with the original phoenix master experiment, it is impossible to use a large number of masters, and most of them should be low monks, or mortals. With these test items, will it bring havoc to the mainland?

Xu Ziyan’s heart jumped and his face became pale.

Didn't the experiment of the phoenix owner fail at all, but part of it succeeded? However, these test items need to be warmed up by the phoenix masters, and they will be sealed up. Under the warmth of Xianfu, absorb the power of heaven and earth and improve their strength step by step.

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, and Fu Shen said that the fairy symbol composed of the symbolic cabinet can improve the constitution of the monk and achieve the purpose of longevity. Nowadays, it may not be so simple. Maybe there is also a trace of the heavenly ancestor of the ancestors. There is no bottleneck of comprehension, as long as the force is absorbed to a certain extent, it can be broken.


After so many billions of years, what will be the trial products?


Xu Ziyan looked at the square and couldn't help but jump again.

The test items here seem to be quite a lot!

Zhong Tianzun stopped at this time and looked at Xu Ziyan nervously. They didn't know why Xu Ziyan stopped. He only saw Xu Ziyan's face change and he was stunned. This makes these Tianzuns more nervous than once.

"Fu Shen, if we immediately quit at this time and close the gate, can we still seal these guinea pigs?"

"Impossible!" Fu Shindo said: "After this seal is cracked, it is impossible to stop."

Xu Ziyan took a deep breath. Since it can't be stopped, it can only be faced. Her emotions gradually calmed down, and all the gods saw the look on Xu Ziyan's face finally calm down. The mood is not loose.

"Ziyan, what's wrong?" Life Tianzun asked.

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment and decided to tell everyone about this, because this has become a catastrophe on the mainland of the Yuan Dynasty, and he can’t help it. Tell them early and let them prepare. And to solve this catastrophe, it can only be combined with the power of all.

"Everyone, we are in trouble!" Xu Ziyan said solemnly.

"The trouble is big?" The look of Zhongtianzun was dignified.

“Remember the original derivation of the dream lord?”

The look of Zhongtianzun is a change. They naturally remember. If they were not half-demon, they would not come in.

"The space we met after entering the door was a big murder, and we had an experience compared to your friends."

All the heavens and nods nodded, and so was the semi-demon. They all know. If it wasn't for Xu Ziyan, the sword was used to crack the space. They really might fall there, not what the murderer is?

"The front is the catastrophe!" Xu Ziyan pointed his finger at the square in front.

“Can you make it clear?” Life Tianzun asked solemnly.

Xu Ziyan nodded. "I have seen a record left by the Phoenix Lord in one place."

"Feng Lord?"

All the people are shocked, especially in the South, the four masters, the heart is a burst of excitement. They finally heard the news of the Phoenix Lord, and they heard it from the mouth of Xu Ziyan, which made them erect their ears.

"As for the message I got, I won't say it here. I only talk about this thought."

Zhong Tian Zun nodded, and Xu Ziyan chose some of the things that the phoenix master made the experimental products. Then these days are dead there. Half a ring, these talents woke up from the extreme shock.

"Ziyan. What do you mean by saying that those people in front are guinea pigs?"

"Maybe!" Xu Ziyan nodded.

"And at this time their repairs are likely to become very high?"


The eyes of Zhongtian Zun could not help but look at the semi-demon layman. It was a kind of gaze to kill. The semi-demons now knew that they had caused trouble, and they could not help but bow their heads.

"Does that mean that we only have one way to go up and see if there are any attributes of the test articles. If there are no attributes, we will completely eliminate them immediately?"

"Not bad!" Xu Ziyan nodded.

"That... if they have attributes?"

"I don't know!" Xu Ziyan answered honestly.


Life Tianzun is no longer moving forward step by step, but leaps forward quickly, and the monks are following in the life.


The figure of the people fell on the edge of the square and looked out into the square.

Sure enough, it was an individual, and when I saw it, I knew that there were 10,000 people. Then the faces of these monks and monks changed.

This is this...

They can feel the floating atmosphere of these 10,000 test pieces at this time, and each of them is Tianzun, the worst is the early Tianzun, and the strongest is the peak of Tianzun later, and the number of peaks in Tianzun is still quite a few. There are more than one hundred.

Such a strength can completely sweep the mainland! No wonder the opportunity of dreams to push out a catastrophe!


The whole space seems to be lit up...

It wasn't that something was lit up, but that 10,000 test items opened their eyes, and 10,000 pairs of eyes burst out of the power of Lingren.

It’s just that this pair of eyes is very bad.

It is a pair of eyes full of numbness and killing. It is a kind of gaze that loses reason and has no thought. The feeling for Xu Ziyan is that this million people can't be counted as human beings, but only know the killings.



Xu Ziyan’s figure flew up and leaped toward the back.

At this point, the eyes of these guinea pigs have been opened, and all of them are repairs of the Tianzun period, which is 10,000 test items!

Still owed to the chapter, still owed 8 chapters!

*(To be continued..)

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