At this point, the eyes of these guinea pigs have been opened, and all of them are repairs of the Tianzun period, which is 10,000 test items!

And what about them?

Only twenty-three! Fighting with these guinea pigs here, isn't that looking for death? I am afraid that these tens of thousands of gods will come up, but in an instant, they will be able to smash them into powder. . .

Xu Ziyan ran this, and those monks and monks also responded, and they all turned around and ran. At this time, the catastrophe is not something they can stop. They must quickly leave the Palace of the Immortals and combine the power of the entire human race to block this catastrophe. Maybe they will unite the Mozu and the Yaozu, and the three tribes will work together.


Twenty-three days of monks and monks continued to prance and fled toward the exit.


Twenty-three days of the monk's mind was a glimpse, because they heard the sound of prancing from behind, and when they looked back, they saw a black and crushed figure chasing them, and soon the more than one hundred days later The peak test items stood out and quickly chased them.

In front, Xu Ziyan and others were escaping wildly. Behind it was a 10,000 test piece that was chasing in madness. The momentum of the 10,000 test items erupted rapidly toward Xu Ziyan and others. It was only an instant, let these Tianzun monks Cold behind, cold sweat oozing out of the body.

Soon, Twenty-three Days of the Great Masters rushed out of the city gate and fled to the distant steps. Behind them, 10,000 test items swarmed out.

Taking the body strength of Xu Ziyan, he escaped one step earlier. At this time, it was already far ahead, and the twenty-two days of the monks and monks were far behind, and they had become a black spot in the vision of the twenty-two monks.

Then there are the great monks who are at the peak of the late Tianzun. However, the four masters of the Danfu Array, Luo Tianzong's Luo Bufan, Tianxiangzong's flower fairy because of the repair is a little worse, they fell to the end. Gradually pulled into the distance by the test items of the more than one hundred days of the late peaks, I am afraid that it will not be used for a long time, they will catch up with them.

At this time, the six-day monk was full of sweat, and his eyes showed endless fear. They can already imagine their ending. Will be bombarded into powder by those test products.

The front steps are already in sight, and Xu Ziyan spreads the knowledge out, and the heart is a jump. He saw the Danfu array. The six lords of Luo Tianzong and Tian Xiangzong are already in a crisis.

"Can't let them fall here!"

Xu Ziyan knows very well that if six people are left here, then Dan Fuzong, Luo Tianzong and Tian Xiangzong will immediately be in turmoil. All of a sudden lost the power of six big gates. This catastrophe is even more difficult to end.


Xu Ziyan stayed in the footsteps and turned around to take the Taixu sword out of the time array. At this time, the virtual sword has already generated the light attribute sword spirit, and the six sword spirits and the Taixu sword spirit merge into one place, which contains the amazing energy.


The nine great ancient Tianzun and other Tianzun late peak monks fell to Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan snorted:

"do not stop!"

These Tianzun late peak monks immediately understood that Xu Ziyan was to save the six sovereigns. They also understand in their hearts that they cannot lose the six great masters in this catastrophe. At the very least not lost now. But they don't have the ability to save. Now seeing Xu Ziyan coming forward, my heart could not help but be moved.

This is the righteousness!

At this time, suddenly a word that is often associated with the fairy is floating in their hearts.

Xian Xia!

Xu Ziyan did not know that this moment had a profound impact on Zhongtianzun. It is even more profound for the future Shangyuan continent. She only knows that these six people must be rescued at this moment.


These Tianzun late peak monks leaped from the sides of Xu Ziyan and leaped toward the steps.

The flower fairy looked back and saw that more than a hundred guinea pigs were very close to them. They were brewing Xianyu to attack them.

"Brother, be careful!" Flower Fairy shouted at the other five people.

The other five people looked back and couldn't change one by one. Immediately opened the defense of the innate Xianbao, and at the same time took out the best innate Xianbao, turned back to the back of the test products bombarded the past.


At the same time, the foot of the earth, the body shape leaps away at the fastest speed.


You have a hundred guilty scorpions that have been bombarded, and six people, such as the flower fairy, suffer from losses. They can’t release the fairy scorpion here. Only the innate fairy singer in their hands swayes a sword and protects themselves. Inside, while defending the innate celestial blast bursts.

"Puff puff……"

Even so, six people were hurt, squirting blood, and the figure was swept away toward the rear. Despair in the eyes of the six people, each of them is very clear in their hearts, only two more such attacks, their defenses will be crushed, and they will fall.


The more than one hundred guinea pigs that looked across were rapidly approaching them, and a sacred scorpion was brewing in the hands of those guinea pigs.


They feel that there is a huge power from behind them. This can have the power to destroy the earth, so that they only have a cold in an instant, just look back and listen to their ears. To a sigh of relief:


Then a figure crossed the top of their heads, holding a shining sword in their hands, and crossed a huge circle in the air.


The six people’s hearts have been shaken, and the feelings that have not been experienced for a long time have surged from the heart.

"Come on!" Xu Ziyan once again screamed.


The six people no longer hesitated, and the "砰砰砰" figure rose up and jumped toward the distance. The shape of Xu Ziyan is falling, and the sword in his hand is also smashed out.

This sword! It is a sword that communicates with the bridge of heaven and earth after Xu Ziyan’s cultivation to the peak of Tianzhong’s mid-term.

This sword! It is too virtual sword to have a sword after the fusion of the six attributes of Jinshui Tumu Leiguang.

At that time, the sword circle expanded infinitely, forming a world that crushed the past with the guinea pigs.


More than a hundred guinea pigs also blew out the fairy tales, and there was a burst of sound in the sky, as if a world was breaking, and Xu Ziyan took out the world and shattered under the impact of more than one hundred Tianzun’s peaks. It is. The power of the world on this side did not hurt the guinea pigs, but the power of the world that was released by more than one hundred cents and Xu Ziyan collided in the middle, not only blocking the pace of the pursuit of more than one hundred test items, that The tyrannical power was also shocked by Xu Ziyan.


Xu Ziyan turned without hesitation and fled, and his body shape rose like a meteor across the sky.


However, his speed is still not as fast as the tyrannical power. A small amount of power can hit her back, so that Xu Ziyan’s throat is sweet, almost spit out a blood, but her holy three-tiered The strong body still resisted this impact. The shape followed by the impact of this impact rushed forward more quickly.


Xu Ziyan soon caught up with six people in the flower fairy. The tyrannical ability behind him has disappeared, and the guinea pigs have begun to catch up.

Seeing Xu Ziyan catching up, Hua Xianzi and others did not speak. At this time, they didn't want to thank them, but they didn't have a bit of energy. All their energy was used to escape.


When the people came under the steps, they jumped up and jumped up the steps.


When the people jumped to the half of the stone ladder, the more than one hundred test items also caught up on the stone ladder and began to jump upwards.


Xu Ziyan's body leaped upwards, looked back and his face became very dignified. At this time, she rushed to the forefront. With the strength of the three-layered body of her sacred body, the speed of leaping here is much higher than that of the peaks of the Tianzun period. Even the nine ancient celestial gods are far from Xu Ziyan. When others just pranced to half the distance, Xu Ziyan was very close to the exit.


Xu Ziyan’s figure jumped again and fell towards the entrance.


The figure fell at the entrance, and as long as he took another step forward, Xu Ziyan rushed out of the space. However, Xu Ziyan turned around and once again communicated with the bridge of heaven and earth.


The imaginary sword in his hand was once again picked up. This radiant light is like a beacon in the dark, illuminating the hearts of those who are fleeing.


They dig out the last trace of potential, slamming the speed up by half, and leaping in the direction of Xu Ziyan. This time, there is no need for the purple smoke to make a sound. These Tianzun rushed from the sides of Xu Ziyan’s body and rushed out of this space.


Although the six people, such as the Flower Fairy, were close to the full force, they were placed there and once again were approached by those test items.


Xu Ziyan’s body jumped up and fell in the air.

This time, there is no difference between the results and the last time. Even if Xu Ziyan took out the power of the world, he was resisted by the peak of more than one hundred days. Even more, Xu Ziyan’s is not the real power of the world. She is not yet A true holy level whose power is far from the true holy level.

However, even so, it has blocked the footsteps of the more than one hundred Tianzun.


Six people from the flower fairy rushed past the side of Xu Ziyan and rushed out of the entrance.


Xu Zi was not leaping back, and the body passed through the entrance accurately. The body just rushed out of the entrance, and it circled in the air, flashing toward the side of the corridor.

Also fell out of the top ten, ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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