The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2515: anger

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"Ling Wei, hand over the soul of the white tiger!" One of the monks shouted.

"Jokes!" Although Ling Xiao has fallen into the wind at this time, he still disdains the other side.

"Ling, if you can't help us, can you kill the white tiger?"

"I didn't let you help?" Ling Xiao said coldly: "Moreover, there is only one soul of this white tiger. You have hundreds of help, who do I give?"

"Ling Wei, you don't have to provoke us. You take out the white tiger spirit and divide it into hundreds of pieces. We are one by one."

"Sorry! This white tiger spirit has been refining me!"

"You...good!" The late monk in the late Ming Dynasty suddenly shouted: "You brothers, we combined to kill Ling, and then swallowed and refining his soul."

"it is good!"

The monks of the Stars were immediately slammed, and the look of Ling Xiao, surrounded by the middle, was a change. And at this time, there was a cry behind everyone.


The monks turned their heads and saw three figures leaping towards them. Although the faces of these monks changed, they naturally recognized that they were Xu Ziyan.


Xu Ziyan and three people fell behind the monks and walked toward the crowd. The pace of the people will involuntarily retreat. In the middle, Xu Ziyan opened a road.

Through this road Xu Ziyan saw the middle of the Ling Xiao, this is before, seeing so many stars of the monk siege. I am afraid that Xu Ziyan has long communicated with the bridge of heaven and earth, and slaps them all out.

However, at this time, the appearance of 10,000 days of experimental products made Xu Ziyan unable. It is not how important these hundreds of monks are, nor how important it is, but Xu Ziyan did it and passed it out. It will inevitably affect the alliance of the Terran, and will allow all Terran to make a purple smoke to her, and to be extremely wary of Taixu. Before this big catastrophe, it is absolutely impossible to make this happen.

So Xu Ziyan said the things of the 10,000-day quintessence test, and the monks of the celestial domain were nervous when they heard it. They didn't doubt Xu Ziyan, although this thing sounded very big. Unbelievable. But it is precisely because this is very big. Only let everyone believe that Xu Ziyan will not lie.

One by one and Xu Ziyan immediately quit, and flew away at the fastest speed.

Xu Ziyan took a long sigh of relief and thanked those people for not asking what was going on, and thought that Shang Dao was still alive. If they ask, Xu Ziyan really does not know how to answer. If you tell the truth, these people will really work hard with him. As a result, Xu Ziyan will have to kill them. Does it still make Xu Ziyan escape?

Seeing that those people have left, Ling Xiao will let go of his heart. Immediately sitting cross-legged, began to refine the last part of the White Tiger spirit.

Three days later.

With a bang, the last trace of the white tiger spirit was completely refined by Ling Xiao. At the moment when the last white tiger spirit of refining and chemicalization, Ling Xiao’s breath climbed to the beginning of Tianzun.

Xu Xingfan’s face showed an envious color, and Xu Ziyan patted him on the shoulder. Xu Ziyan is very clear in his heart. Don't look at Xu Xingfan's current cultivation is not as good as Xu Tianlang and Ling Xiao, but Xu Xingfan's future is much brighter than Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiao.

Because Xu Xingfan is a spiritual root with no attributes, he has a huge hope of breaking the holy level. It is very difficult for Xu Tianwo and Ling Hao to break through to the Holy Level, which is almost impossible.

After seven days.

After the robbery was completed, the breath was stable in the early days of Tianzun.


At this time, Xu Ziyan turned his heart to the arrow and led the three people to leaps outside. After fifteen days, four people left the fairy mountain in the cloud, and the body was light and separated from the gravity area. Xu Ziyan stretched out his hand and tore the space, wrapped in Xu Xingfan into the cracks in the space.

next moment.

Xu Ziyan, Xu Xingfan, Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiao appeared in the sky above Taixu.


Xu Ziyan four people are staying there!

Too imaginary is gone...

There is only one huge handprint on the site of Taixu, which has become a huge lake. There are countless demons around the huge lake searching for something.

The consciousness of Xu Ziyan spread out instantly, and then he saw that Xianxian City had become a big handprint at this time.

"what happened?"

Four people's eyes were sprayed with anger, Xu Ziyan reached out to take a shot of the volley, a Mozu was taken to the air by her, a hand has been pressed on his head, began to search the soul.

At this time, the Tianzuns who came out of the Palace of the Immortals had returned to their respective sects, and only those monks who were low were still on their way.

When the Eight Great Masters returned to Zongmen, they learned that the Lord was born. This time it was a real birth. It was not like a short moment in the Dragon Palace. Instead, it really returned to the Mozu and became the Mozu. Lord of the Lord.

This is too big for the entire Upper Yuan Dynasty! Now the four saints of the Five Sacred are not seen, only the demon Lord appears. This means that no one in the entire Upper Continent is the opponent of the devil. Even the entire Terran and the demon of the Upper Continent can not resist the Mozu because Strength broke the balance.

Moreover, the demon Lord did not stay in the Mozu, but when he came back, he launched an attack on the Terran, and the ruthless Taizong and Wangxiancheng were ruined.

So, does this mean that the devil will lead the Mozu to attack the Terran? Does this mean that the demon Lord wants to start a national war, ready to conquer the entire Upper Continent?

This made the hearts of the eight great masters very upset.

They all know that the Dazheng and Wangxiancheng big arrays are not inferior to their guardian squad, and even more than one, but it is such a large array of guardian sects that have been smashed by the lord. The Taixu and Wangxiancheng became two big handprints.

The eight great masters immediately gathered in the Shenji sect to discuss countermeasures, and also sent monks to inform the Stars, and their lords were still in the Imperial Palace. Moreover, they did not conceal the reasons for the Shangdao courtyard. At the same time, they invited the new lords of the Xingyu Zong to come to the Shenji Zong.

Now the whole West has become the land of the Mozu, and the monks of the Terran in the West have died. No monk dares to enter the Mozu again. The deterrent of the Devil is shocking everyone.

The four masters returned to the south and immediately got a message that the Southern King’s family had become a dead place. It became a **** land. There is no longer a living person in a thousand miles.

Do not!

There isn't even a living bug, even the trees and grasses are dead, and that is a dead place. The whole space is full of dead air. Several of the Wang family's sorrows and angers joined forces to break into the dead land that was once the family of their king.


Never came out again...

The devil is born and appears dead. After five years, it is likely that there will be 10,000 days of respect. It is a tens of thousands of gods who know killing and have no consciousness. The chaos of the Upper Yuan Dynasty has been born.

Xu Ziyan pressed one hand on the head of the Mozu monk. At this time there are about a thousand devils on the ground. This thousand demon is led by Mafa Tianzun. At this time, seeing Xu Ziyan is searching for souls of his own people, he could not help but scream:

"Xu Ziyan, stop!"

At this time, Xu Ziyan had already searched for the soul, and a face was gloomy to the extreme, and the eyes were killing. The backhand took out the virtual sword and communicated the bridge between heaven and earth. The devil is squatting down to the bottom.

The entire Wuthering Mountains are like being covered by a strange world.


A sword broke through the ground and swarmed on the ground. The thousand demons almost completely turned into powder, leaving only the Mafa Demon and the three Tianzun, and the three Tianzuns were also dying.


Xu Ziyan has a sword and a sword. In the roar of the thunder, the three gods were made into powder, leaving only the troubled Tian Zun.

The troubles of Tian Zun’s look changed, and when he reached out and tore the space, he fled, but he suddenly heard a crisp ringing sound behind him, and then the crisp ringtone became Hong Zhong Da Lu, a great suction. Attracting his body and smashing it out of the crack in the space.

When he turned back, he saw nine large bells in the sky, forming a circle, forming a space in which his body was being sucked into the space.

He wants to break free, but he can't get rid of it. He will be sucked into the space and can't help but shout at Xu Ziyan:

"You can't kill me, the Lord will not let you go!"


His figure disappeared into the space of the nine bells, and Xu Ziyan reached out and made a move. The nine big bells in the air turned into a string of nine bell bracelets and stayed on the wrist of Xu Ziyan.

"Ziyan, what happened?" Xu Tianlang said with anger.

Xu Ziyan opened his mouth and just wanted to speak, but saw a crack in the space. A Peng Peng flew out from the inside, turned over in the air, and fell in front of Xu Ziyan, calling:


Xu Ziyan reached out and touched the white hair: "I know everything!"

Suddenly turned around and saw a horse coming out of the crack in the space and falling in front of Xu Ziyan:

"the host!"

Xu Ziyan patted the head of it: "It has already peaked in the late days!"

"Yes, the master!" The horse broke open and smiled.

"Hey..." It was another figure that fell in front of Xu Ziyan, and yelled at Xu Ziyan: "Ziyan."

This is a pair of raw faces, but Xu Ziyan knows that the woman in front of me is chaotic. Two people are connected by the gods. Standing opposite is naturally knowing who the other person is.

"The Taixu disciples in Wangxian City have been taken away by me. They are safe in this valley!"

When the words fell, she handed Xu Ziyan a jade, Xu Ziyan knew it, and then closed the jade.

"Well, I will tell you the news I got..."



Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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