The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2516: Bloody south

In the distance, there is a girl who flies over the white clouds and flies over the clouds. A head turned over from the cloud, and "plop" screamed in front of Xu Ziyan, and both hands clasped the thigh of Xu Ziyan:


Xu Ziyan reached out and gently stroked Sha Xiaofan’s hair: "Bitter you!"


Xu Ziyan gently touched Sha Xiaofan's hair, and told the message of the soul search, everyone listened to Xu Ziyan's words, Xu Xingfan said:

"So, since the Lord of the Lord sent a monk to come here to look for the illusory, is it true that the Taizong is not destroyed? Aunt, when you built the Taixu, did you have any special arrangements, even if Is the demon Lord also ruining too imaginary?"

Xu Ziyan nodded. "I have a layout, but I don't know if I can resist the Lord."

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan closed his eyes and began to communicate with the green god. Xu Ziyan also believes that Green Children should protect Taixu and not be harmed, because if the Taizong is really destroyed, the Lord will not send the Mozu to search here. The Mozu devils came to search for only one purpose, that is, looking for Xu Xiang. Or it is to find the heavens in the body of Xu Xiang.

Since the Mozu is looking for the heavens in Xu Xiang, it proves that Xu Xiang is not dead. Xu Ziyan did not die, then, too imaginary should have nothing, should be taken away by the green child.

After a full quarter of an hour, Xu Ziyan's face gradually became ugly. She did not find the green child, under the communication of her god. There is no response from Green.

This is not sure that the green child is dead. If the green child dies, Xu Ziyan will have an induction. Then. There is no such thing as a slight induction. There is only one explanation. The green child is injured, and the injury is extremely serious. It should be a loss of consciousness and coma. At this time, I don't know which space is being used, or drifting in the turbulent time and space. But in either case, Xu Ziyan lost contact with Green.

Put away the mood. Xu Ziyan had to put the affairs of Taixu Zongzi aside for the time being. The things of Green Children and Taixu are already uncontrollable factors, and how can they only wait in the future. What Xu Ziyan is doing now is to handle the things in front of him.

"Aunt, how?" Xu Xingfan looked forward to Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan shook his head. The eyes swept over the monks in front of me, and they sighed: "Now the devil is born, the chaos of the Upper Continent has already appeared. We can't get together, lest we should be wiped out by the demon. So we are better each of them. Action. I don't ask where you are going. Everyone will immediately disperse. Just remember that we currently have the unbeatable enemy of the Lord, so we better hide the whereabouts."

Having said that, Xu Ziyan took out some of the elixir and handed it to everyone: "Here are some Yi Rongdan, which can help you hide your whereabouts."

Then I took out a lot of Xiandan and handed it to the people in front of me. Finally, I took out a lot of Dan Yao’s anger and gave it to everyone:

"With these elixir and Dan demon, especially these dandy spirits, you should be able to make a rapid improvement in a lot of time. Like Sirius brother and Ling brother. Should be able to break through to the peak of Tianzun, that is The strength of the Stars will also have a leap. Confusion. I will give you more dandy spirits, go back and upgrade the endless cultivation of gold, and the rest of the celestial and Danish spirits will be cultivated by other Taixu disciples. ”


"Xiaofan!" Xu Ziyan's gaze fell on Sha Xiaofan's body: "Would you follow the chaos to hide in the secret valley?"

Sha Xiaofan looked a little hesitant and said: "No, Master! I have found my way, I have to go my own way!"

"Alright!" Xu Ziyan's eyes flashed a hint of helplessness: "Everything is more careful!"

"Yes, Master!"

Xu Ziyan reached out and untied his head from the head to erase his own knowledge, and then handed it to Sha Xiaofan:

"Xiaofan, you refining this."

"Thank you Master!"

Xu Ziyan took the nine bells on his wrist and erased the above knowledge. He handed it to Xu Xing:

"Xingfan, you refining this!"



"Thank you aunt!"

"Little white! Are you going to pick yourself up, or follow me?"

"I haven't killed that Huangling yet, I am going to kill him!" Xiaobai answered very simply.

"Good! Ma Jiao, what about you?"

"I don't know!" Ma Jiao shook his head and said: "The master told me to stay, I will stay, the master let me leave, I will leave."

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment: "You should go to yourself, be sure to pay attention to safety. Don't be discovered by the Lord, otherwise he will definitely take you back to the Mozu."


Xu Ziyan’s eyes floated with a touch of grief and waved his hand: “Dissipate it!”

After the monks silently bowed to Xu Ziyan, they disappeared into the sky. Xu Ziyan fell to the ground, fell to the side of the big handprint, silently closed his eyes, and once again began to try to communicate with the green child.

As the sun sets, the sky gradually dims.

Xu Ziyan opened her eyes and the eyes were filled with disappointment. She still did not perceive the existence of the green child. Slightly frowned, she was thinking about future plans.

According to the temperament of Xu Ziyan, the demon Lord destroyed Taixu Zong and Wang Xiancheng, and she was bound to come back ten times. But now the situation on the mainland has made her very hesitant.

The other four saints in the five saints disappeared without a trace, only the demon Lord appeared. If the devil is willing to take it, then five years later, the tens of thousands of lords in the sacred palace will not be eliminated. After all, the power of a holy monk is not something that Tianzun can resist. Even if it is 10,000 Tianzun, it can be eliminated in batches.


If the Lord refuses to take it?

Or is it that after the 10,000-day Emperor Gongzun was destroyed, the Lord began to conquer the Yuanyuan?

This is a dead knot!

But it is this dead knot that makes Xu Ziyan not good at revenge against the Mozu.


Xu Ziyan sighed and his figure disappeared in the air.

next moment.

She appeared on an uninhabited island. Sitting cross-legged on a reef, began to take out a mixture of gravel, while opening up a space secret. While observing the process of attribute integration and opening up space.

The tides come back and forth, time passes by in silence...

Southern continent.

Nowadays, the Ouyang family of the city government is in a downturn, and can only be counted as a pseudo-first-class family, and the Wang family of the eight families has become a dead land.

At this time, the city government and the seven major families gathered to discuss the dead land. Eight families are ready to join forces to explore the dead.

The four churches in the south still do not participate in anything, and the four church owners have also retired. However, it is true seclusion or false seclusion but no one knows.

Beyond the dead.

The semi-demon is standing there with a grin. Looked fiercely in the dead. He naturally knows why this is a dead place, because this **** battle is that he spends countless quietly. Today, I have made a wedding dress for others.

He has already seen the **** squad in the demon territory, and now the **** squad here has been opened. His mood can be imagined.


Under the feet, the earth is cracked, and the body of the semi-demon is rushing into the dead. No matter who is inside, he dared to move his half demon. Then there is only one word:


A figure appeared in the eyes of the semi-demon. It was a man in armor, so he sat in a **** battle. A dead air converges toward his body, his eyes closed, his face pale as paper, but reveals a noble temperament.


The half demon layman snorted and his body was like a meteor in the air, and he stepped down toward the Holy Spirit. The whole space was blasted by him and made a harsh roar.

The half holy **** will look up and look up. Extend the right hand and hold the boxing out.


The figure of the semi-demon layman was bombarded. It turned into a black spot in the air.


The seven major families of the South and the monks of the Ouyang family descended from the air, and they all fell outside the dead land, and their eyes looked toward the dead. One by one, it is full of murderousness. They gathered here today to unlock the secret of the dead.


The sound of the air broke through the air, and everyone looked up and saw a black spot flying from the dead, crossed the top of their head and slammed into the ground.

The people looked at each other with surprise and then looked back, and saw a deep pit behind them.


A figure flew out of the deep pit, and looked into the dead land with a look of sorrow, but there was a hint of fear in the eyes. Taking back his eyes and glanced at the eight families, his eyes flashed a scorn, and his sleeves disappeared.

quite a while……

"He is... half demon layman..."

"Not bad!"

"He... was it bombed from inside?"

"should be!"

"That... can we not enter?"

"What are you going to do? Are you looking for death? The semi-demons have been bombarded inside, and there is no guts to go in again. What strength do we have?"

The eyes of the monks could not help but look at Ouyang Pull. Today, the Ouyang family is not as good as the other seven families in terms of overall strength, but Ouyang pull is still the highest among these monks. Ouyang Pull slightly thought about it:

"We have several people in each family who are here to monitor in several directions, paying attention to the changes in the dead. We are going back."

"Ouyang Patriarch!" Hu Yanyun said: "After five years, when the catastrophe comes, we can't disperse the sand in the south. Otherwise, in this catastrophe, I am afraid that the southern monks will be seriously damaged, that is, I will wait. Maybe it will fall down. We must unite and choose a ally."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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