The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2517: The power of the devil

I am very grateful to the boring little fairy classmate (1888), Cheng Mengyi Bing Zichang classmates (400), no sleep at night? Hey? Classmates (200), Jinniu Feifei _ classmates (200), one carat of dangerous classmates (200), book friends 140604050826968 classmates (100), mableip classmates (100), book friends 141112100609463 classmates (100) reward!

Ouyang pulls a faint sarcasm in his eyes: "What is the candidate for the Huyan patriarch?"

Hu Yanyun said: "The Mozu has a demon Lord sitting in the town. There are nine ancestral gates in the East. Those in the late Tianzun are sitting in the town. In the north, there are nine ancient celestial gods sitting in the town, and now there is also a Huangling in the southern demon territory. (Vertical novel) Even if Huangling was killed, the Kunpeng is also the peak of the late Tianzun. Only the southern Chinese people did not lead the monks in the late Tianzun."

The monks around are embarrassed by the face. This is indeed true. The southern monks are the weakest in terms of comprehensive strength and high-end strength.

“Hey...” Yang’s family, Yang Yunqi, sighed a bit: “If Xu Zongzhu is just fine, I don’t know where she went?”

Ouyang pulls his head and says: "Even if Xu Zong is here, we can't recommend her as the ally of the southern continent."

"Why?" The eyes of the monks looked at Ouyang Pull. In their hearts, Xu Ziyan was the most qualified to sit in the position of the lord, and the Ouyang family is now a subordinate family of Taixu. How can he take the lead? He is not afraid that Xu Ziyan will come to a slap in the face of the Ouyang family?

"Don't forget. The first action after the birth of the Lord is to destroy the Taizong. If at this time our southern monks refer to the sacred Xu Zongzhu as the Southern League Lord, they might anger the Lord."

Ask. Can the South withstand the ravages of the Lord? ”

The monks were silent, and a chill came from the tailbone to the scalp. If you anger the Lord, I am afraid that the entire Southern monk will disappear under the ravages of the Lord.

"That... what do we do?"

The eyes of the monks looked at Ouyang Pull, and Ouyang pulled out and said: "In fact, we are not in the south without the peak of Tianzun."

"You mean... four masters?"

"Not bad!"

"That... let's go and ask the four masters to go out."

The monks left the monks who watched the monks, and then flew toward the town.

A month later.

In the reunification of the South, Liao Bufan became the ally of the Southern Alliance. However, the South has easily ushered in a huge blow.

Beyond the dead.

Dozens of southern monks monitor this dead land in eight directions.

This day.

A figure came from the dead. The figure gradually became clear. He didn't fly, just step by step toward the outside. A golden armor with a giant sword behind it. If Xu Ziyan is here at this time. He will find that the zombie gods who were only half-sacred at the time have already had seven points of sanctification, only three points from the true holy level.

There are six monks in this direction, they are hidden in the dark. Look at the **** nervously. The **** suddenly showed a smile on his pale face. Suddenly, they opened their mouths to the hiding places of the six people. A huge suction made the six people unstoppable. They flew out from the hiding, became smaller in the air, and were swallowed by God.

Then the **** would close his eyes, and about a quarter of an hour later, his pale face showed a faint blush. Open your eyes and put your tongue out and gently lick your lips. Step by step to the southern continent.

Half a month later.

A small family in the southern continent was destroyed, and the entire family of monks above the king of the king disappeared. According to the surviving monk, the monk who said that a man in armor swallowed all the monks above his family.

Another month later, another small family was destroyed. The rumor is still being swallowed up by a gold armor.

The four masters led the southern masters to start killing the golden armor. The whereabouts of the Jinjia people are easy to find because he walked on the southern continent.

Cha, a small family in the southern continent.

At this time, there were eight family disciples standing in front of the Chajia family. Today they are eight of them. A very regular footstep came, and the eight guards looked at the sound and saw a golden armor step by step along the pipe toward the door of their family.

The eight monks looked a glimpse, and then they remembered the rumors that the look on each face became fearful. A disciple quickly took out a cylinder with a rope underneath, pulling it with his hand, and a flame hit the air, and then eight people retreated toward the family door.

The owner of the house saw the fireworks in the air, and there was fear on his face. Immediately opened the guardian big array, and then led the family master to the mountain gate, nervously watching the golden armor who is stepping into the gate.

The golden armor will stop and raise one hand and shoot it toward the front. A big hand appeared in the air and it was photographed in a heavenly manner.


The ground shakes the mountain.

The guardian’s family was broken, and the golden armor would open his mouth...


The clouds in the sky were broken, and countless powerful powers descended from the sky. It was Liao Bufan who led the southern gods to arrive and sent a powerful attack toward the Golden God.


The golden armor will squirt the giant sword behind it, and the volley will take out a sword. The sword light will break through the sky and attack. In the air, a hovering, the golden armor will hold one hand, and then the giant sword will be held. In the hands.


The ground beneath the foot was cracked, and the body of the golden armor rose to the sky. The giant sword in the hand blasted out thousands of swords and mans, splitting the space and tearing up countless monks in the air.


The main body of the four halls will flow, and the golden armor will be surrounded by the other. The other monks have already retreated. Even if Ouyang pulls it, the power of the five great monks can not be resisted. .

This battle lasted for three days and three nights. In the end, the four halls were defeated. Although the Golden God will not swallow up the four masters, but the four masters are really defeated, and the injury is defeated. All the monks in the air fled and the house was destroyed.

The golden armor will continue to walk step by step on the southern continent. Whenever he refines the engulfed blood, he will devour another family, and the entire southern continent is in a state of extreme turmoil.


Shangyuan League.

The nine main sects of the sects gathered here, and the sect of the sect of the sect of the sects has chosen a new lord, a late Tianzun. It is called Wen Yao. At this time, the eighteen heavenly kings stood at the gate of the Shangmeng League, and seemed to be waiting for someone to meet.

Who can make the top Tianzun on the mainland of China sit here? And the faces of these eighteen gods are still nervous.

There was a ripple in the sky, and a figure appeared in front of them. The huge power is falling from the sky. It is these eighteen heavenly statues, among which there are twelve peaks of the late Tianzun, and their faces have become pale at one time, and their body shape can not help but tremble. Sweaty clothes.

The coming will take the momentum. Falling on the ground, looking at the eighteen people in front of him.

"I have seen the Lord!" Eighteen people shrugged their gifts.

The devil's big hand swayed and looked at the life and said: "I didn't think you were still alive. Did you tell the truth to your seat?"

"Yes!" Life Tianzun arched his hand: "Please talk inside!"

"Go!" The demon Lord put on his sleeves and strode to the Yuanmeng. Eighteen Tianzuns followed.

Shangyuan League.

The main hall of the proceedings.

The Lord of the Lord sat on the top chair, and eighteen heavenly princes sat on both sides. The lord's eyes swept over the crowd and said faintly:

"You brought me in, I want to shoot when I was born in the 10,000 days?"

"Yes!" Life Tianzun stood up from the chair and said: "This is the disaster of the whole Yuanyuan. The 10,000-day goddess is the one who lost consciousness and only knows the killing. After they are born, it will not only ruin the Terran, the Mozu. Also in it."

"Oh..." The Lord smiled faintly: "As long as they enter the West, I will slap them to death, but why should we control your family?"

"This is not just a matter of humanity..." Life Tianzun tried to convince the Lord.

"Then the snow in front of each sweep!" The Lord still said with a faint look: "There is no good conquest of the Terran in this seat. Do you still think about this seat to help you?"

"Oh..." Here, the Lord suddenly laughed: "I was originally preparing to conquer the Terran and the Yaozu, and turned the Terran and the Yaozu into slaves of the Mozu. However, since I heard you say it will be five years later. There is a catastrophe, and I don't have to go to offend the lord and the demon, let you kill yourself!"

The eighteen Tianzun faces were gloomy. This was the worst result they thought of. I didn’t think that the Lord had chosen this path.

"But..." The voice of the Lord turned: "If you can do something for me, I can promise to shoot for you."

"What?" Eighteen Tianzun looked up.

"Catch the purple purple smoke and give it to me!" said the Lord.

"This is impossible!" The soil immediately opened.

"Primary, what do you say?" The Lord looked at him.


The body of the earth was bombarded and slammed into the wall of the hall, and blood was sprayed between the nose and mouth. The Lord of the Lord said coldly:

"Junior, this time just to give you a small lesson, I will not be lighter next time."

"Magic Lord!" Xuan Tianao stood up from the chair and said: "You can't promise this condition. Don't say that it is Xu Zongzhu. It is that no one can be arrested and handed over to the Mozu. This is ours. Bottom line and dignity."

The other sixteen Tiandun have nodded, and the same is true of the sect of the celestial sect. If these people really grabbed Xu Ziyan and handed it over to the demon Lord, the spirit of the Terran would fall, and without the spirit-supporting race, they could only become slaves of other races.

They don't want to, can't be such sinners!

The Lord is not angry, just said faintly: "Then I have no reason to help you human race! You are good at it!"

When the words fall, the body shape of the devil disappears in the chair, and a sentence hangs in the air: "I am arrested by Xu Ziyan, and you should not intervene!"

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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