The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2520: Shang Zun

"What?" This time, I walked up and stood up: "You... didn't lie to me?"

Wen Yao once again smiled bitterly: "How can I lie to you!"

Wen Yao will tell the side of the journey from the beginning and the end of the matter, and after listening to it for a while, then he will laugh loudly:

"Ha ha ha..."

Only smiled and changed, the grievances in the chest poured out. I have been laughing for a full quarter of an hour, laughing at Wen Yao and the monk in the mountain gate is getting more and more ugly.

"Good! Good! Good!" Three times in a row, the three voices were good: "Good apprentice, revenge for Master!"

Speaking of this, he suddenly slammed into the Shangmeng of the Shanmen: "Wen Yao, give me the child of Shangzun, I immediately leave the Stars!"

Wen Yao’s face changed slightly: “Take a friend, it’s just a younger generation. Is this a good thing to reveal?”

"You said that you will reveal it when you reveal it?" He said in a thousand miles: "This kid has been gnashing my teeth. I am taking thousands of miles and never leave a disaster."

The sorrow in the eyes of Shangzun in the mountain gate bursts with anger, and it is also mixed with endless fear!

"Master, forget it!"

There are more than a dozen figures in the sky, but it is the Xu Zun and the earth and water. When Xu Ziyan heard that he was riding in Wanli, he rushed in, and the dozens of Tianzun came along. They did not want to be destroyed by the tens of thousands of miles before the catastrophe.

They didn't come before, but they also had a scruples about taking thousands of miles and Xu Ziyan. Nowadays, I heard that Xu Ziyan has a lot of thoughts, and naturally follow.



Xu Ziyan’s body figure fell in front of the road: “Let's go!”

Take a thousand miles and shake your head: "Ziyan. The grass does not remove the roots, and the spring breeze blows again."

Xu Ziyan looked back and looked at it: "Master, he is not enough. Shang Dao has fallen. Just forget it! If you still don't care for yourself, it's not too late to kill him! My brother and I still have things to say, we Change somewhere."

After hesitating for a thousand miles, he put down the matter: "Good!"

Xu Ziyan and Wanli resigned to Tianzun, and the body flashed away. Tu Yishui and others also comforted Wen Yao a few words and left.

Star domain.

Star peak

Wen Yao gently patted Shang Zun's shoulder: "Shang Shizhen, I advise you to let go of revenge. If you can't put it down, you can only bring death to you, but it will bring disaster to the sovereign." ”

An unknown mountain peak.

Take a thousand face changes: "What do you say? Too imaginary is destroyed!"


After a thousand miles of silence, his experience made him quickly stabilize his mood. Halfway: "How are you going?"

"Revenge!" Xu Ziyan said coldly.

"I am with you!" The face of Wanli reveals a decisive color: "Let us both men and women fight for the Lord!"

"No!" Xu Ziyan's face is also a decisive color: "I will come this thing myself!"

Looking at Xu Ziyan in a thousand miles, seeing the decisive color on the face of Xu Ziyan, I know that Xu Ziyan has made up his mind. He knows very well about his apprentice, who is a person inside the outer circle. Once the determination is made, no one can pull back.

"Good. We are all working together."

"Master..." Xu Ziyan’s face showed helplessness. She also knows her master very well. From tens of millions of years, Xu Ziyan has been fighting with the Stars and can see that it is also a one-of-a-kind person.

"You don't want to say it!" In the Wanli wave, "Master's cultivation has reached the peak of Tianzun's later stage. The power of the gods has reached the level of the holy level. The five attributes of Jinmushuihuo have been merged into four kinds. Nowadays Master needs pressure and needs to break through the holy level under pressure. The Lord is a strong sharpening stone."

Xu Ziyan could not help but smile: "Master. You really look for a sharpening stone!"

Take a look at Wanli: "How? Look down on Master?"

When the words fall, look up and down Xu Ziyan: "You can actually kill the way in that situation. Good! Good! Purple smoke, we have two men and women to learn!"

Star Peak.

Still respected and sad: "The master of the text, my father has just fallen, the bones are not cold, will the Zongmen abandon his old man?"

Wen Yao sighed with a sigh of relief: "Shang Zun, not the sect of the sect, but the ... but we are not the enemy of Wanli and Xu Ziyan!"

"Isn't it the enemy of Wanli and Xu Ziyan? Hahaha..." Shangzun suddenly laughed wildly: "Is it the enemy of my father when I was riding thousands of miles? He has an unyielding heart, and he and I are alone. One of the powers of the domain is fighting, but now we are afraid of him alone?"

Wen Yao’s face is unchanged, and the tone is still gentle: “Shang Zun, this is not a problem that is not afraid of fear. He was only alone in the first place, and our star domain is hundreds of thousands of people. Do you really want to Is it a private one and dragged the entire sect?"

"Ha ha ha..." Shangzun once again laughed and said: "One's own private! One's own private! The entire celestial sect was blocked by thousands of miles, killing countless monks, this vengeful lord did not report, but said me It is for the sake of one's own self! Hahaha..."

"Shang Zun!" Wen Yao sank his face.

"Wen Da Zongzhu! When my father is the sovereign, there can be any person in the whole Yuanyuan. Can any of the sects dare to block the Zongmen Mountain Gate? It can be safely sealed after the closure of the ancestral gate." Let's leave? Are we still one of the nine major sects? Do we still have a face after the celestial sect? Is this really my own private? You are not afraid that the sect will decline, and then you will be squeezed out of the nine sects? ”

Wen Yaowen also listened silently. He did not think about these things. But what can I think about it?

"Shang Zun, I know that you are right!" Wen Yao's face is very difficult to read: "But the situation is different now. When the Shangzong was alive, although our nine sects also had discord, they were also the same. branch.,


Now you have seen it. Just outside the mountain gate, it is simply that the Eight Great Zongmen and Xu Ziyan are the same. Not to mention the other eight sects and Xu Ziyan masters and joints to deal with our celestial sects, that is, the eight sects of the sects are out of the way, do you think that with the strength of our current sect of the sect of the sect? ”

The look on Shangzun’s face was indefinite, and eventually he gnawed his teeth: “Now the tyrannical sect has been ruined. Too imaginary, but only Xu Ziyan’s men and women are left, and our sects have nearly a million monks, nearly 100 When the monks surrounded the two, I would not believe that they could not kill them."

"Nearly a million monks?" Wen Yao sneered a sigh: "At the beginning we also had nearly a million monks, and your father is still alive, and only one person can be dealt with, but how? Killing thousands of miles?

Just take a million people and be alone at any time. Where are we going to kill him? Even if there are more purple smokers today, they only have two people, and there is no shackle. They are able to fight and fight, can not play and leave, and ultimately dragged down is our star domain. ”

Shangzun is silent.

Half-sounding, he said: "The meaning of the Emperor Wenzhao is not to avenge my father?"

Wen Yao sighed a sigh: "I want to report, but I can't report it!"

"Understood!" Shangzun took a deep breath: "All my resources before my father's life belong to me. This peak belongs to me. All the industries left by my father belong to me!"

"No!" Wen Yao categorically refused: "This star-shaped peak is a symbol of the celestial sect. It can only be inhabited by each lord, and the industry of the old lord also belongs to the celestial domain. The celestial domain must be recovered."

Shangzun said: "I need resources to cultivate! Zongmen does not avenge my father, I come!"

Wen Yao said coldly: "Resources belong to all disciples of the lord, not to you alone. This matter cannot be promised by this sect."

Shangzun stared at Wen Yao, and sneered aloud: "Good! Good! Good! I still respect the sect of the sect of the sect from the moment, no longer a disciple of the celestial domain! Wen Yao, my father's hatred will personally Go to the newspaper. I will stare at you and watch you bring the Stars into the abyss."

The words fall, still respect a robes sleeve, the body shape from the star peaks electric shot down.

Looking at the back of Shangzun’s departure, Wen Yao’s mouth sneered a little sneer: “Where are you going to take revenge? Ha ha... It’s almost the same. Seeing me bring the Stars into the abyss? I will only be better than your father. Strong! If it wasn’t for your dead brother’s too embarrassing Zhang, you would be tempted to take thousands of miles and there will be today!

Looking at the opposite Xu Ziyan in the distance, the two people were surrounded by a mess, the mountains collapsed, and the earth was sunken. At first glance, it was a battle. Half-sounding, the gaze of a thousand miles showed a trace of desolateness:

"Ziyan, I didn't think that Master is no longer your opponent!"


"You don't have to say it!" He said in a thousand miles: "You can be blue, Master is only happy. But this also arouses Master's ambition, Master can't let you go beyond this. Waiting for Master to break through the Holy Order, Let me teach you again."

Xu Ziyan sighed and knew that he could not stop Master from finding the trouble of the Mozu. So, whispered:

"Master, do you know how to break through the holy level?"

"Well? Do you know?" The eyes of Wanli are bright.

"Master, let's change places!"

"it is good!"

The two figures disappeared instantly, and when they appeared again, they had already come to the north of the Yuanmeng League, and the valley where the purple smoke and the Yanshan soul lived in seclusion.

Xu Ziyan and Wanli walked into the bamboo building, and there was a miss and worry in his eyes. A sigh in the heart, a wave of sleeves, took off the dust, and sat in the opposite direction, took out the teapot, put in the tea, and pointed a bullet, a small fire dragon circled around the teapot.

Both people are silent, at this time the two people think of the Yanshan soul. At this time, I have already known that the soul of Yanshan is the evil master. I want to ask Xu Ziyan in Wanli, where is the Yanshan soul now. But when I saw the look on Xu Ziyan's face, I swallowed the words sensibly.

"Mountain Spirit, what happened?" Xu Ziyan's thoughts drifted farther and farther...


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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