The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2521: revenge

I am very grateful to Cheng Mengyi Bing Zichang classmates (300), Jinniu Feifei _ classmates (200), eagle Zhou classmates (100), mableip classmates (100) for the reward!


I don't know when, I have already filled two cups of tea in Wanli and gently screamed:


Xu Ziyan’s thoughts pulled back and saw that Master had filled himself with tea, and his face showed fear:

"Thank you Master!"

I waved my hand and opened my mouth to ask about the Yanshan soul, but I did not ask for an exit. Xu Ziyan sorted out his emotions, and after the mood calmed down, he looked at it and said:

"Master! You really have the foundation to be a holy class."

"Well? How?" The eyes of the miles are bright.

"The most basic step in becoming a holy monk is to have five spiritual roots and then cultivate five attribute spaces."

Take a look at the eyes of Wanli: "So, the original five saints are the roots of five attributes?"

"I don't know!" Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "Maybe they are the roots of the five attributes, maybe they are not, but what big opportunities there are, and the five attributes are formed."

I frowned slightly in a thousand miles. After a while, my face showed a faint color: "Do you mean those fusion beasts?"

“Yeah!” Xu Ziyan nodded: “Those fusion beasts can make the single Linggen monk form a multilingual attribute, but I want to hear the slaying and fusion beast eventually form the five attribute roots and open up a real five attribute space. I’m afraid it’s just The theoretical possibility is actually difficult to achieve, and it is almost impossible to achieve!"


"I think if the five saints are not the spiritual roots of the innate five. It should be a big chance. When the dragon ancestors and the ancestors fell, they should have got what they got."

"What will it be?"

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned: "Maybe they have swallowed up a lot of dragons and phoenixes, or used the dragons and phoenixes to refine what the elixir is. In spite of these, we still say holy.

Master, after having five attribute spaces, you first need to increase the strength of the ontology, and you must raise the strength of the ontology to the holy level. There is a quenching method in Ziyan, but this kind of work has not been completed yet. It can only be used to quench the body to the third level. Purple smoke is now taught to Master. ”

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan extended his finger to the eyebrows of the miles, and a brilliance fascinated the eyebrows of thousands of miles. When I closed my eyes for a thousand miles, Xu Ziyan took the teacup and slowly drank the tea.

It’s been about an hour or so. I opened my eyes and looked at the Xu Zi flue:

"Good practice!"

Xu Ziyan put down the teacup and continued: "Master. When the strength of the body reaches the holy level, it is to cultivate the power of the gods, to achieve the power of the gods."

"Don't worry about this!" He smiled proudly in the air: "My current power of the gods has reached the level of the Holy Level. And your other master, the sword is in vain, and the power of the gods has reached the holy level. layer."

Xu Ziyan nodded and took out a dozen jade bottles and placed them on the table: "Master, these elixirs can help you improve the power of the gods."

There was no politeness in the miles, and the jade bottles were collected with a big hand.

"Then is the bridge to communicate with the world..."

Xu Ziyan began to explain in detail. This explanation is a day's time. After that, Xu Ziyan left. And it took a thousand miles to stay in the valley. In the time of separation, I told Xu Ziyan in Wanli, let her go to the trouble of the Mozu first, and wait for him to understand, and then go to the trouble of the Mozu. Although they can't face the devil at this time, there is no problem in killing some demons.

According to the saying of taking thousands of miles, when they are not strong enough, isn’t his demon master killing the Taixu disciples? Then they went to kill the Mozu disciples.

This is called a newspaper and a report!


It has completely become the domain of the Mozu. At this time, all the demons were brought up. Under the command of the demon Lord, they began to build a city and form a defensive zone.

The devil's heart is very clear about his cultivation. Now he is the only one in the whole Yuanyuan, but this is in the case that the other four saints did not appear. When he was in the Dragon Palace, his cultivation was not as good as the other four saints. I believe that although I have now upgraded to the sixth level of the Holy Level, but the other four saints must also be promoted, and he is still behind the other four saints.

Therefore, he wants to retreat and practice, improve his cultivation as soon as possible, and at the very least let his own cultivation to reach the level of the other four holy. Otherwise, when the other four holy returns, it is when he is suppressed. It is for this reason that he did not begin to conquer the Terran and the Yaozu.

However, he learned from the Terran that there are 10,000 days of experimental products in the Palace of the Immortals. If this 10,000 test article appears five or ten years later, it is also a catastrophe for the Mozu. He has to retreat and practice. He has no time to pay attention to the tens of thousands of gods. His enemy is not the 10,000-day trial, but the other four holy.

So he began to let all the demons move, building the city, forming a defensive zone. So even if the 10,000-day quintessence appeared, the Mozu also has the power to resist. As long as his cultivation is promoted to the seventh level of the holy level, he can be compared with the other four sacred. At that time, 10,000 days of guilty test products are in him. It’s a small matter in front of you.

At the outermost part of the West, a huge city has already taken shape, and the entire city wall has been built. Tens of thousands of demons are building the facilities in the city, and some demons are portrayed on the walls.

A figure flew up from the air. This figure was not discovered by the Mozu, but a figure could not attract the attention of the Mozu.

The figure flew to the sky above the city, and there was a sword in his hand.


The sword suddenly burst into flames, and the swordsman rushed up to the sky, piercing the sky.

Tens of thousands of demons eagerly looked up into the air, and a demon stunned:

"She is Xu Ziyan!"

The big sword smashed down like a heaven. This sword is a bridge that connects the three worlds and unleashes the power of the world.

At this time, this too virtual sword is a combination of the seven kinds of sword spirits of Jin Mushui, fire and thunder, and the seven attributes that Xu Ziyan comprehends are perfectly and perfectly released.

It seems as if the two worlds are overlapping. One is the Upper Yuan Continent, and the other is a world formed by a sword. The Mozu within the city looked at the world that had landed in the air. They didn't want to move, but they were completely bound, and they could only watch the world that had landed.


The entire city and tens of thousands of demons disappeared and became ruins. Xu Ziyan single-handedly pressed down the bottom, and there were three big characters on the ruins:

Too imaginary!

Xu Ziyan reached out and tore a piece of space. The figure disappeared into the space crack. The world array that entered the purple smoke space began to recover.

For seven days, one day a city and tens of thousands of demons, three large characters will be left on every ruined city ruins:

Too imaginary!

This news spread like a gust of wind to all corners of the Upper Yuan. The entire Shangyuan continent was shocked. The determination of Xu Ziyan’s revenge in the hearts of the nine major patriarchs shocked Xu Ziyan’s strength. At the same time, there is also a thought in mind:

"Is she not afraid of the Lord?"

Wen Yao was deeply fortunate that Shang Zun was separated from the Zongmen, and the Xingyu Zong got rid of a big trouble. Immediately indicated to the entire Yuanyuan. Still respected from the Stars. Everything that Shang Zun did in the future has nothing to do with the Stars.

The result of this demonstration is that the entire Upper Territory is very despised by the Stars, and it also makes the whole Stars feel deeply humiliated. The demon Lord destroyed the Taixu, but Xu Ziyan dared to face revenge. To say that the devil is more powerful than Xu Ziyan, but Xu Ziyan has no fear or regret.


What about the Stars?

In the face of Xu Ziyan and taking thousands of miles, but chose to retire, a sense of shame is deeply imprinted in their hearts.


In the Terran territory, God will continue to devour the Terran, and the entire Southerners are heart-wrenching, and every fairy city is closed. Each family has opened a large group of guardians.

However, it is worse. In the southern continent, there was another bad news. The semi-demon layman was mad. He saw that God would plunder his **** squad, but if he was not the opponent of God, he began to devour the blood and soul of the refining monk. He didn't know this method before, but the speed of this method was too slow, and he didn't have the same **** Dan.

But now Xu Ziyan is impossible to refine his blood and Dan, and he will see that the Golden God will do this, and he will start to kill and devour the monks in madness. The fairy palace he experienced, knowing that the catastrophe is not far away, he can’t wait. .


The figure of Shangzun flies in the air. He pursues the footsteps of Xu Ziyan all the way. He is not coming to fight with Xu Ziyan. He wants to see Xu Ziyan die.

He firmly believes that Xu Ziyan is so revenge all the way, will definitely attract the devil, he will wait to see the devil will kill Xu Ziyan!

One day a message was sent back to the Mozu mystery, and Mellon finally couldn’t help but come to the cave house where the Lord was retreating...

The eighth day.

Inside a demon city pool.

Tens of thousands of demons are watching the air outside the city nervously. They know that according to the route of Xu Ziyan, today will fall in this city.

The figure of Xu Ziyan appeared in the sky above the city, and looked coldly at the bottom, and took out the virtual sword in his hand.

A figure flew up from the city, and the virtual side stood opposite the Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan’s eyebrows were picked, and the body suddenly gave up the boundless war.

"Magic Lord!"

The Lord of the Lord looked at the opposite Xu Ziyan and said faintly: "Xu Ziyan, you are so bold!"

Xu Ziyan laughed silently. She came to the Mozu territory this time. On the one hand, she was revenge for the Taixu sect, on the other hand, she was fighting for the Lord. This is still a reminder of a thousand miles, saying that he needs pressure and breaks under pressure. Xu Ziyan also felt that he had reached the bottleneck and it seemed difficult to get promoted. It is undoubtedly a chance to experience hands with a holy monk like the Lord of the Lord.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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