The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2522: defeat

Every true sacred monk is not carrying the power of the world every time. If the power of the world of Xu Ziyan is still in the early childhood, the power of the world of the Five Sacred is already mature, and it can be compared with the Lord. The last blow will be a reflection of the power of a mature world.

Xu Ziyan is only lacking understanding of the holy level, lacking the entrance to this level, as long as she gives her a chance to let her experience it once, she can slowly derive it.

Life and death, there is a big chance!

Only the understanding between life and death can make Xu Ziyan get a breakthrough opportunity.

Therefore, she broke into the realm of the Mozu alone, and also squatted on a fixed route, in order to lead the demon Lord and fight the Lord.

She knows that this battle is very dangerous and has the danger of being half-degraded, because today's demon Lord is at least the fifth level of the Holy Level, and his body strength is only three levels of the Holy Level, and the Lord has the power to kill her. But this is also the pressure. Only under the pressure of life and death can a monk's spirit be highly concentrated and surpass the usual state of retreat at that moment.

She needs stress, and now only the devil can give her death-like pressure.

So she came in fearlessly!

In the face of the devil's disdainful eyes, Xu Ziyan raised a virtual sword, and his eyes sparkled with unyielding will.

"Xu Ziyan, hand over Xu Xiang!"

The devil is dismissive of Xu Ziyan. He wants Xu Xuan. As long as he can get Xu Xiang, it doesn't matter if he kills him like Xu Ziyan.


The answer to him was that Xu Ziyan communicated three bridges of heaven and earth, and the breath of the power of the world was radiated from her body.

"Hmm?" The lord's gaze is a condensation. Then the look became serious.

This is the power of the world! Xu Ziyan actually touched the door of the holy level! There is a hint of joy on the face of the demon Lord. It seems that this purple smoke is also a person with a good atmosphere, let me kill her. Rushed her gas.

"Good! Good! Good! Hahaha..."

The Lord of the Lord burst into laughter and stretched out a hand and took it to Xu Ziyan.


The dark clouds in the sky are broken, and a big hand is like a world pressing against the purple smoke.

Xu Ziyan’s face showed excitement. He looked up at the big hand in the air. There was a world in his hand. The three heaven and earth bridges in Xu Ziyan’s body moved and the world echoed. The Taixu sword in the hand draws a giant palm of the world that greets the air.

Xu Ziyan's eyes flickered blue, his eyes fixed on the change of the giant palm of the demon Lord, and a mysterious heart poured into his heart.


The two worlds collide. A sword broke into an instant and collapsed. The huge palm slammed on Xu Ziyan's body. Xu Ziyan's body fell like a meteor toward the ground, the earth was deep, and the shape of Xu Ziyan disappeared into a deep pit.


Groundwater is as high as a fountain.

"Ha ha ha..."

A burst of crazy laughter came from afar. The tens of thousands of demons in the city can't help but look into the distance. I saw Shangzun laughing wildly there:

"Ha ha ha... Xu Ziyan, you have today, hahaha..."

However, the Lord of the Lord did not pay attention to the respect in the distance, and his knowledge spread to the depths of the earth. Because he felt that the breath of Xu Ziyan did not disappear. Both eyes could not help but reveal a shocking color.

Didn't he use his full strength just now to deal with Xu Ziyan, who has just realized the power of the world?

Therefore, he only poured out 50% of the world's power, equivalent to the three levels of the Holy Power. But what he didn't think of was that he didn't kill Xu Ziyan. There is still a breath of Xu Ziyan in the space.


The spring water ejected from the ground suddenly burst into the surrounding area, and the figure of Xu Ziyan rushed into the air from the water. The eyes sparkled with excitement, and the look exudes high morale.

The blow that had just collided with the devil had made her realize a mysterious, truly powerful world, with a different maturity and more perfection. She needs the Lord to take another shot and let her have another experience.

As the body rises, the spine is straight and straight, and the three bridges of the heavens and the earth are flashing, and the movements are too strong. The sword in the hands releases the ray of light, drawing a circle of the world in the air, facing the air in the distance. The Lord of the Lord.

The lord's gaze condensed, and he found that Xu Ziyan did not suffer any harm, and the color on his face was very ugly. In the face of the demons, he did not even have a palm to kill Xu Ziyan, and he lost his adult instincts. If this thing lets the other four saints know, what face is there in front of them?


The demon snorted and once again condensed a big hand and smacked it toward Xu Ziyan. This time he used 80% of the power, which is equivalent to the power of the Holy Class.


Xu Ziyan smashed the sword in his hand and greeted the big hand.


There are countless space cracks in the sky, and the two worlds collide, forming a huge black hole. Once the world formed by a sword broke, the giant palm once again slammed on Xu Ziyan without stopping.


Xu Ziyan’s body was once again bombarded into the ground, and this time Xu Ziyan was really hurt. The last collision, it was because the strength of her holy three-layer body offset the power of the three levels of the Holy Lord. However, this time the demon lord used the power of the Holy Five-level. Although a sword broke the power, but the body of Xu Ziyan could no longer withstand the power of the master.

Only in an instant, Xu Ziyan’s body began to crack like a porcelain bottle, and these cracks spread rapidly. When Xu Ziyan thought about it, he entered the purple smoke space and his body fell into the fairy river.


Xu Ziyan's body began to shatter, Xu Ziyan biting the tooth to make the purple smoke space shuttle in the ground, and now she has a very understanding of the purple smoke space, she does not care about the magic owner to find her purple smoke space. Because the hiddenness of this purple smoke space is directly proportional to the power of the space master's god. Now the power of the **** of Xu Ziyan has reached the peak of the sixth level of the Holy Level. She does not believe that the power of the Lord of the Lord will exceed her.

In the air, the brows of the devil's crumpled stretched out, and the space finally disappeared with the breath of Xu Ziyan. However, his heart was still uncomfortable. A small Tianzun actually let him take two shots before he could kill him. His heart was still angering, and he couldn't help but look at the still-sacred laughter in the distance.

When he reached out and took a shot, he took Shangzun to his eyes. However, Zun Zun did not have the slightest fear. He still laughed there, and he had already burst into tears and was out of breath.

When the demon body moves, it disappears into the air.

next moment.

The demon Lord has appeared in the retreat of Dongfu. Throwing Shangzun on the ground, then sitting cross-legged and closing his eyes, only Yu Shangzun still laughs there.

The entire Shangyuan continent is paying attention to the battle between the devil and Xu Ziyan, but no one dares to come, even the gods do not dare to explore. The so-called concern is waiting for news from the land of the Mozu.

The news was finally passed out by the Mozu, and Xu Ziyan fell!

The whole Yuanyuan is silent.

The nine sects of the eastern part of the country chose Fengshan, and Xu Ziyan issued the sages for their refining. They should upgrade the strength of Zongmen as soon as possible to cope with the future catastrophe.

This catastrophe includes the 10,000 Tianzong guilty goods, including the demon Lord, including the Golden Devils, including the semi-demon, and the Upper Yuan entered the turbulent times...

The nine masters also chose to retreat. They retreat because of the Danish spirits they received in the Palace of the Immortals. Each of the lords hopes to take advantage of these Danish spirits to take it to the next level.

The North Yuanmeng League also closed the mountain.

The nine ancient antiquity of the ancient Zun will be distributed to them without any reservations. The overall strength of Shangyuan League and the nine major sects still have a big gap, so the strength of the disciples in the door has become a top priority. The weight.

The nine ancient antiquity is also closed, and they are also using the power of the Dan demon, looking forward to a breakthrough opportunity to break through to the holy level.


However, in a state of chaos, the Golden Armor and the semi-demon layman constantly devour the southern monks, the southern families have closed the mountains, and some small families and scattered repairs have hid in a fairy city.

The whole world of the Upper Yuan Dynasty was in a depression, and few monks walked on the mainland, just as they entered the era of absurdity.

The news of Xu Ziyan’s fall is not known by Wanli. At this time, he is retreating the body with a quenching body.

Xu Tianwo, Ling Xiao, Xu Xingfan did not know, they are absorbing the demon gas retreat.

Xu Qinyang and the light moon dance don't even know that they have left the crowd and have not contacted the crowd for a long time.

Sha Xiaofan did not know that she was also retreating at this time, using the power of Dan Yao to enhance her cultivation.

Ma Jiao knew that it returned to the Mozu, using Xu Ziyan to turn its fairy into a Mozu, mixed into the Mozu, while inquiring about the real situation of Xu Ziyan and the Lord, while secretly hunting and devouring the devil The family revenge for Xu Ziyan.

Xiaobai also heard the news of Xu Ziyan's fall. She finally killed Huangling, and then unified the Yaozu, and ordered the Yaozu to fight with the Mozu.

The whole east and the north are in a desolate situation. The land of the southern Terran is **** and flustered. The border between the Yaozu and the Mozu is a war, and every day there are a large number of demons and demons.

This level of warlord will not be shot, he is looking forward to the saint standing in front of him. At this time, Shangzun had already laughed without strength, and the body was still pumping one by one, occasionally making two laughs.

The Lord opened his eyes and said faintly: "You are not afraid of this seat?"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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