The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2523: Still respected (two more pink)

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Shangzun slowly climbed up from the ground, sitting on the ground without the slightest image, looking at the opposite Lord, his mouth smashed, revealing an ugly smile:

"What are you afraid of?"

Shang Zun raised his hands and rubbed his face, and then stretched out a lazy waist, completely without the grace of the past as the lord of the celestial domain.

"I am now unconcerned. My killing father, Xu Ziyan, is already dead. This thing is to thank the Lord. Since you have avenged me, I have nothing to do with this life. You take it. Go well!"

The devil smiled a little and extended a finger to the eye of Shang Zun. Shang Zun wants to hide, but his body is not moving. Just for a moment, the Lord regained his finger. The face of Shangzun has changed:

"You search my soul?"

"You can rest assured!" said the Lord, faintly said: "The use of my strength to search for Soul will not hurt you. However, you are really interesting, huh..."

"What's the fun of me?"

Although Shangzun has now been obsessed with life and death, he was searched by the devil. Let the Mozu know all the secrets of his own, and his heart is very unhappy. He put down the life and death of him, and he is not afraid of the Lord.

"I didn't think that your crazy person turned out to be the lord of the celestial domain! Well, is your wish really finished? It seems that you haven't died yet, and I can feel it from your emotions, you There is also a lot of grievances against Wen Yao."

The look of Shangzun was a stagnation. He remembered that the root cause of his father’s death was not Xu Ziyan, but thousands of miles. If you don't take thousands of miles, your father may not give birth to Xu Ziyan. If he did not take the opportunity to attack Xu Ziyan, he would not die in the hands of Xu Ziyan. At the root of it, taking thousands of miles is the culprit. There is also Wen Yao, not only occupying the seat of the sect of the Stars. And not to avenge his father, but also deprived of his own resources.

"I hate!" The face of Shang Zun became awkward. Then he silently glanced at the Lord of the Lord, and his eyes showed a faint color. Ironically said:

"But what does all this have to do with you? Anyway, Xu Ziyan, who killed my father personally, is dead. I am also a big hatred."

I know what you mean. You are a demon Lord, a holy monk grabs me, but does not kill me. It’s nothing more than trying to do things for you and harming the human race. Although I still don’t know how to do it, I won’t make such a thing. You still have this mind dead! ”

Shangzun straightened the backbone and despised the devil, a stunned phase.

"Don't blink!"


The Lord of the Lord looked at Shang Zun with a funny smile: "What does the Terran have to do with you? When your unseen brother was killed by thousands of miles. Except for your father, is the Terran managed? In your father was When Xu Ziyan was killed, did the Terran manage?"

"You..." The sturdy backbone of the sacred arm squatted down and closed his eyes in pain.

"You left the sect, but someone has saved?"

The Lord of the Lord looked at Shangzun, and he did not hide his disdain for the Terran: "What kind of nostalgia do you have in this race?"

The face of Shangzun became pale, and his eyes struggled with struggle: "I don't care how they treat me, my body is the blood of the human race..."

The Lord refused to respect Shangzun and continued: "What is the monk's life struggle? The competition is to live with the heavens and the earth. The competition is to be willing and enmity, and the thoughts are open. You are really willing to let go of the hatred of thousands of miles and give up the text. Yao’s resentment? Really don’t want to live with the world?”

Shangzun sneered: "How about not letting go? How about living with the world? Can you give it to me?"

"Can!" The face of the devil showed a smile.

"I can give you the ability to kill thousands of miles, to give you the opportunity to regain the seat of the Stars, and to give you the opportunity to live with the world."

The Lord's eyes reveal confidence: "Everything depends on your own heart."

The face of Shangzun was pale again, and the original firm eyes flashed, and the sweat oozing out and rolling down.

The Lord of the Lord saw it and no longer spoken. Spreading the gods out, and then flashed out of Dongfu, I saw Melon Tianzun standing respectfully.

After listening to the report of Melon Tianzun, the Lord said faintly: "You can arrange these little things, and the Yaozu will call you. You will fight. The demon Lord does not appear, I am not good at it. Go!"


Melon Tianzun gave a deep ritual and bowed back. The body shape of the demon Lord returned to the cave house. Still respecting the main road of the devil:

"What do you want me to do for you?"

The Lord smiled and said: "First, I can upgrade your cultivation to the holy level, so that you have the power to kill thousands of miles."

The body of Shangzun is a shock.

"Second, since you have the strength, you can return to the celestial sect, suppress the opposition to the power, and regain the position of the lord of the celestial domain. Your father's original celestial patriarch, after his death, this Lord should be It is yours. With the strength of your holy level, you can fully carry forward the glory of the celestial domain, and the achievements far exceed your father. Maybe you can unify the nine sects and achieve the glory that the celestial domain has never had."

The respectful eyes of the two are shining.

"Third, since you have entered the first level of the Holy Level, nature and the world together, as to whether it can go further, and we are shoulder to shoulder, it depends on your own efforts and opportunities."

The muscles on Shangzun’s face twitched: “What do I need to do?”

The Lord said freely: "All this is for me, so before your strength has reached the point where you can compete with me. Everything has to listen to my orders. What do I want you to do, what are you doing?"

Shangzun is silent. For a long time: "Okay, I did it!"

The Lord of the Lord laughed loudly: "Ha ha ha... You are not afraid that I will use you to kill the Terran this time?"

"What do the Terrans do with me?" Shang Zun’s face showed a sigh of relief.

"Ha ha ha... well said! Hahaha..."

The Lord once again laughed loudly, and when the laughter came close, he reached out and said to Shangzun: "Come here! The process is a bit painful, you have to hold back. If you can't help it, die, don't blame me!"

Shang Zun also laughed loudly: "Is there any pain that I still can't stand?"

Shang Zun stood up from the ground and came to the front of the demon Lord to sit down and knees. Looking to the Lord of the Lord. The demon Lord extended a hand, and the hand released a hood to cover the sage, and then gave birth to the magical spirit into the body of Shang Zun. Shang Zun immediately felt a severe pain hitting the soul, and he trembled.

A trace of impurities was forced out, and the body of Shangzun became more compact, and the strength of the body increased in a single line. The seven scorpions have already oozing blood. Gradually, thousands of sweat pores also ooze blood. Shangzun has become a blood man...

One day later.

"Ha ha ha..."

Within the cave, there was a loud laughter, and the demon Lord looked at the laughter and completely disobedient. It took him a day to force the strength of Shang Zun to the strength of the upgraded layer, and the sweat on his face. He needed to cultivate himself to restore his loss.

Shangzun finally stopped the crazy laughter and marched toward the devil: "Thank you!"

The devil opened his eyes and said faintly: "Go out, turn right, wash yourself!"

Shangzun does not speak. Stand up from the ground and walk out of the door. Then turn right and enter a portal, and then see a small river flowing inside, then take off his clothes, jump into the river and take a shower, look at his body more closely skin, still can not help He laughed again.

From the storage ring, I took out a set of dry clothes and put it on, holding out my hand and holding it. Without the power, the pure power made him feel endless.

The fist that was holding suddenly became a stiff, and the look on his face became cloudy. Do you really want to join the Mozu like this? I am a human race, my father and the Mozu fight for a lifetime, do you have to betray your father's path?

There is a painful color on his face. The main thing is that he is not alone in the devil, but leads nearly a million star disciples to work for the demon.

Is this... another kind of catastrophe? Is it the havoc that you brought to the human race yourself?

However, when he thought of his father's death, he thought of Wen Yao's indifference, and thought of the indifference of the Stars, his heart was also indifferent.

I am just a monk. What I want is to be willing to be enemies and to be immortal. The devil can give me pleasure and enmity, the devil can give me immortality, the human race is sorry for me first, this is no wonder that I...

Gradually, the look of Shangzun restored calm and walked toward the secret room of the Lord. Coming to the Lord of the Lord, sitting silently opposite the Lord of the Lord.

The demon Lord opened his eyes, and once again stretched out a hand and pressed it on the top of Shangzun’s head, forcibly adding the five elements to Shangzun, and then helping him to open up five lines of space, and then forcing the power of Shangzun’s Yuanshen. It was put up to the first level of the Holy Class, and the bridge of the twelve heavens and the earth was passed for Shangzun Cave, and the cultivation of Shangzun was elevated to the peak of the late stage of the Holy Level.

The Lord regained his hand and spread the knowledge to call Mellon. At this time, Shang Zun was also awake. He clearly felt the power in his body, but his face was not excited, and some were just a little uneasy. Because he has a feeling that today's self, even if it is a distance away from the devil, as long as the devil's mind is moving, he will be wiped out. Your own life is completely in the hands of the devil, as long as you cherish life, then you are the embarrassment of the devil.

Mellon’s voice came from outside the Chamber of Secrets: “See the Lord!”

"Come in!"

Mellon walked in, and the Lord pointed to the name of Zun Zun: "Take him out of the secret!"

"Yes!" Mellon looked at Zun Zun.

"Shang Zun, the first thing you have to do is to retake the position of the sect of the sect of the celestial domain and firmly hold the celestial sect in your own hands."


"Go!" The Lord of the Lord waved his hand.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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