The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2528: Simon family

Here is the Ximen family. Today, the Ximen family patriarch is an early Tianzun, but the Ximen family is the highest, but not the patriarch Ximen Yue, but the ancestor Ximenting, which is said to have been the late Tianzun’s cultivation. Among them.

The Simon family is the master of the glazed island, and it is also the lord of more than 700 islands around the world. It is the real master in this sea area.

In a clean small courtyard in the west of Liuli Island, under a broad-leaved tree, a red robe man is sitting in front of him. There is a case in front of him. There is a guqin on the case, and the man in red robe is playing with his hands. The sound of the piano will flow out like a stream of water.

In the middle of the courtyard, a woman is dancing swords, dancing and piano sounds, making the small courtyard full of harmony.

Qin Jing, dance stop.

Xu Qinyang and the light moon dance looked at each other and smiled. Xu Qinyang stood up and walked toward the light moon dance. He held the moon dance in his arms, the sea breeze blew, the leaves rustled...

"Qin Yang, don't you go back?" The light moon dance leaned on Xu Qinyang's arms and asked softly.

"Nature wants to go back, but not for the time being!" Xu Qinyang's eyes flashed a trace of confusion, and then strengthened again:

"Now I can't go back. I haven't completely suppressed the blood piano. As long as I am angry, I will be controlled by the blood piano. Once I can get out of it twice, the number is too much, I am not sure. Wait until I completely control the blood piano. We will go back. Just bitter you, ask you to accompany me here to blow the sea breeze."

"Not bitter!" The light moon dance shook his head. "There are lonely people everywhere. There is you here. I am not lonely!"

"Moon dance!"

"Qin Yang!"


Two people closed their eyes and enjoyed the silence. Suddenly, the moon dance opened his eyes and said softly:

"Qin Yang. The person you killed yesterday seems to be a disciple of the Ximen family, will it cause trouble?"

"A cockerel ant, killing will kill. He dared to rob you, I did not anger his family has been open to me."

"Just..." The moon dance said softly: "We are leaving here again."

"Moon dance likes here?"

"Yeah!" Light Moon Dance nodded lightly: "The endless sea is open-minded!"

"Then we will not leave!"

"Then if the Simon family came to work..."

"Then destroy the Ximen family!" Xu Qinyang said coldly.

"Don't!" The face of the light moon dance showed uneasiness: "That will trigger the ravages of the blood in your body."

Xu Qinyang’s face showed a bit of irritability, took a deep breath and stabilized his emotional mood:

"I know, I will control my emotions. As long as the Simon family can't do it. I will open the net..."

Xu Qinyang’s face suddenly showed a sneer, and then he put the gods in the air and said coldly:

"It seems that the Ximen family is really ignorant!"

The knowledge of the light moon dance is also released. There was a bitter smile on his face: "Qin Yang, his men."

Xu Qinyang nodded silently, then waved his sleeves, and the courtyard door opened to both sides. In the arms, there is a light moon dance:

"Open the door to welcome guests. Save them from smashing my door and asking me to fix it."

"Hey..." The light moon danced and smiled and gently beat Xu Qinyang's broad chest.

"Ha ha ha..."

There was a loud laugh outside the door. A dozen people walked around the door with a son. One of the monks smiled and smiled at the middle of the son:

"Three sons, you see how much people know things, knowing to open the door to welcome guests."

San Gongzi nodded and said: "I think he is interested, but now it is too late. Although I hate my brother, but it is my brother anyway. I can kill. Others can not kill. So these two people Must die, you go killing both of them... slow..."

San Gongzi's eyes stared straight at the moon dance. Then both hands patted: "The man killed, the woman took away."

In the door, Xu Qinyang’s chest was ups and downs, and there was a killing in his eyes. The light moon dance is also a look of anger. Just now she was still persuading Xu Qinyang to open the net, but at this time it was a murder in her heart.

The light moon dance is also the pride of the sky. It is not a slap in the face, but also a courageous person. In front of this person, he is going to kill his lover and grab himself. How can he still endure?

I know that Xu Qinyang can't be angry, and immediately a pair of sleeves, there are countless ice cones rushing out.

"Puff puff……"

The few monks who had been robbed in the front were immediately blasted, and several ice cones spurred toward the Sangong. Suddenly in the air, a large hand slammed into the ice cone in front of the Sangongzi.

"Puff puff……"

Just for a moment, the three sons left behind the door stood alone, pale and trembling. Stuttered and said:

"You, you, you... you dare to kill our Simon family? You, you... you are dead..."

"Qin Yang..." The light moon dance looked to Xu Ziyan. She did not understand why Xu Qinyang wanted to save the three sons.

Xu Qinyang waved his hand away from the air, and the ice cone fell to the ground. Xu Qinyang said faintly:

"Kill him, and there will be someone from the Simon family. It is better to solve the problem once."

"You... want to blood wash the Simon family?" Light moon dance looked at Xu Qinyang uneasy.

Xu Qinyang raised his hand and gently squeezed the small nose of the moon dance and smiled: "It depends on the mind of the Ximen family. I think that as long as I show my strength, the Simon family should know how to choose."

The light moon dance eyes brightened, and Xu Qinyang broke through to the early days of Tianzun, and completely digested the energy of the blood beads. At this time, Xu Qinyang’s cultivation was already the peak of Tianzun’s early days, and the blood piano was always All of them are trying to control Xu Qinyang, but they are also constantly giving Xu Qinyang a huge amount of energy and insight, which makes Xu Qinyang have reached the critical point of breaking through the middle of Tianzun.

With such strength, it is indeed possible to obtain a peaceful life by shocking the Ximen family. What's more, the light moon dance is not a weak one. Now her cultivation is also the peak of the early sacred, and the two of them are enough to exert pressure on the Ximen family. It is necessary to know that the identity of the two of them at this time is a mess. If the two of them are really anxious, the Simon family is rooted and can't stand the toss of these two people.

Yan Yue dance show Yan Yixiao, whispered: "Listen to you."

Xu Qinyang gently and nodded, and walked out of the door with a light moon dance, standing opposite the three sons. The three sons trembled and asked:

"You, you, why are you doing?"

"Take us to see the Ximen patriarch!" Xu Qinyang said faintly.

The three sons looked a glimpse, and then they recovered their arrogance, and they didn’t shake their bodies. They stretched out their fingers and shouted in the front chest of Xu Ziyan:

"How? Want to go to our Simon family..."


When his words were not finished, he was thrown out by Xu Qinyang, and fell heavily on the ground, staring at the increasingly purple and light moon dance.

"You, you, you... don't kill me..."

"Get up, take us to see the Ximen patriarch!" Xu Qinyang said with a faint look.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

This time the three sons did not dare to arrogate, but the heart was that Xu Ziyan and Tam Moon Dance wanted to join the family, and the heart secretly:

"After you join the family, see how I clean up you."

Behind Xu Qinyang and the light moon dance, all the neighbors looked at the backs of the two people with pity, and offended the Simon family, which was doomed to the fate of death.

The three sons walked in front of the gray face, and blood was still hanging in the corner of his mouth. Xu Qinyang walked behind with a light moon dance. The two people simply ignored the crowds around them and whispered each other. On the way, the monks on the glazed island looked at these three people eccentrically. There were no shortage of Ximen family monks who saw the three sons injured, one by one, and one pair to avenge the three sons.

"Three sons, why are people hurt?" The words still stunned the fierce eyes to Xu Qinyang and the light moon dance.

The eyes of Sangongzi lit up and turned to Xu Qinyang and said: "It is him, kill him for me..."


His voice has not yet fallen, and Xu Qinyang drank a "roll".

This sound contains sound, which is what these people can resist? Just for a moment, one by one, the nose and the nose spurted blood, and it was put on the ground. This is still Xu Qinyang’s mercy, otherwise there is still someone who has a life?

Only the remaining three sons stood alone in the middle, and the fingers that pointed out were pointing to Xu Qinyang. The fingers were like the dead leaves in the autumn wind, and they shivered.

"Not yet?" Xu Qinyang said faintly.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The head of the three sons was like a chicken and a glutinous rice. It was just a trembling of the legs that turned around and the body shook like a pendulum.

The news was quickly transmitted back to the Ximen family, and reported to Ximen Yue, the Ximen family leader. The more detailed the West Gate asked about the passage of things, the reason was that the reason for the matter was quickly understood.

With the status of the Ximen family in Liuli Island, let alone grab a woman, is it possible to kill and kill? Who dares to say something?

However, people not only killed the first Ximen family disciple, but also arrested the second San Gongzi who was going to grab the people, and let the three sons lead the way to the family. This can't help but make Simon more careful.

There is no diamond, no porcelain.

Since people dare to sway to the Ximen family, they simply don't care about the Ximen family. But it did not kill the three sons, it proved that the other side also has a trace of scruples. Otherwise, there is no need for Sangong to lead the way. Is there anyone in Liuli Island who does not know the address of the Ximen family?

The sooner Simon quickly analyzed the situation, but after the analysis was transparent, it was also difficult. I don't know how to deal with this matter.

The situation at this time was very subtle, and it was handled well. Poor handling, maybe a disaster.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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