The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2529: 慑服

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Ximen has been in the high position for a long time in Liuli Island, and no one has ever given him ugly. Vertex novels now Xu Qinyang is clearly not to give him face, want him to bow. Naturally, Ximeng also understands that as long as he punishes the three sons, everyone has a face, and this matter has passed.

However, just like this, Simon feels that he has lost his face. If you fight with the other side, but you do not know the other side's reality. In the end, he decided to take a look and say, of course, the family must be prepared.

When Xu Qinyang arrived outside the gates of the Ximen family, the Ximen family was fully prepared. Nothing was blocked at the gate, but was told by a monk that the Ximen chief waited in the hall.

Xu Qinyang’s eyes flashed a sigh of relief. No one came out to greet him. This is to give him a horse. I must have gathered the masters of the Ximen family in the hall. When the red and white faces sang together, they forced themselves to bow their heads.


At this time, Xu Qinyang’s heart was a violent killing. Originally, he was irritated by the two disciples of the Ximen family. His blood was faintly floating. At this time, he saw the mind of Ximen Yue, and he could not control the killing of his heart.

Originally Xu Qinyang thought that if he reached the front door of the Ximen family. Simon is willing to come out to greet, and punish the three sons, promised not to disturb him and the moon dance in the future. This is the case. However, the fact that Ximen Yue’s faction was completely angered Xu Qinyang.

The light moon dance clearly felt the breath of Xu Qinyang, and immediately held out a hand to hold the big hand of Xu Qinyang. In fact, the heart of the light moon dance was also very angry, but she deeply knew that once Xu Qinyang was angry, he would kill him. Will make the blood piano more active. Once Xu Qinyang was controlled by the blood piano, it was a disaster.

He was held by the hands of the faint moon dance, and the mood of Xu Qinyang’s impetuousness gradually calmed down. There is a bitter bitterness in the eyes:

"Moon dance, do you think that today's things can be good?"

The eyes of the light moon dance can not help but reveal a bitter bitterness: "Qin Yang, you have more control. Try not to kill."

"I know!"

Xu Qinyang took a deep breath and relaxed himself. Gradually calm down the violent mood. Following the three sons who came outside the door of the Ximen family's parliament, the three sons stopped their steps. He had no power to enter the hall without consent, so he bowed to the hall. I just wanted to say aloud, but I couldn't help feeling that my **** was being hit by a big foot, and the whole body flew into the hall. The sound of "啪" slammed on the ground inside the hall.

All the monks in the hall are a glance, and they have been listening to them constantly. Said that Xu Qinyang did not have the symptoms of anger, but came to the hall honestly. The superior mood of these people is constantly rising, thinking that Xu Qinyang and the light moon dance must have wanted to go to the Ximen family, but this thing caused the attention of the Ximen family.

The more the West Gate thinks, the darker in the heart, and as long as the strength of the coming people is not bad, they will be recruited. But I can't give a good look. Can the Simon family kill you if you want to kill? Be sure to reprimand a meal.


The actual situation is that Xu Qinyang, who is honestly on the way, is coming to the entrance of the main hall. He kicked in the three sons. This is undoubtedly the same as his face on the face of his Simon, and he is not immediately red-faced. Xu Qinyang, who walked in toward Shiran, said:

"Let's give it up, give it to me!"

Under the wrath of Ximen, the more he did not go to see the cultivation of Xu Qinyang and the light moon dance, he did not look at it, but Xu Qinyang was clear when his eyes were swept away.

At this time there are a total of twelve people in the room. The more the Ximen, the first of the Tianmeng, the early Tianzun, and the five early monks of the Tianzun, the remaining six are the peaks of the late Ming Dynasty. This kind of strength Xu Qinyang is really not in the eyes, although he is only the peak of Tianzun's early days, but don't forget that he is the peak of Tianzun, the root of five attributes. Don't say that the first six days of tidying up is to clean up the peak of six days. There is no problem, let alone he still has sound, and there is a blood piano! Therefore, Xu Qinyang still took the light moon dance with his left hand, and his right hand was behind him, faintly looking at the six peaks that were approaching him.

When the six peaks of the late Ming Dynasty approached the two of them, Xu Qinyang suddenly said:

"Your Majesty!"

This sound drink contains the power of the peaks of the five attributes of the roots of the roots, and it is also bursting out with the sound of the sounds, straight through the souls of the six peaks of the late stage, and the six peaks of the late peaks only feel the soul bursting. An irresistible soul force made them "plop" and squatted in front of Xu Qinyang.

Sitting on the top of the west gate, the more the face was flushed, the heart was full of anger, and sighed: "Hello, you are so bold, today you are not allowed to go."

"Hey..." Xu Qinyang smashed two fangs. "The West Gate, I originally wanted you to restrain your people. Don't bother me. It seems that you don't think so, then I only have to find a clean one." The way is."

When the words fell, six fists were punched out of his body, bombarded on the heads of the six peaks of the late Ming Dynasty, and the six peaks of the late Ming Dynasty were destroyed.

The more the Simon looked, the more his imagination was, and he did not expect that Xu Qinyang would do it in the center of the Ximen family, and he did not even think that he would cleanly kill the six peaks in the late stage. Looking away, I saw that Xu Qinyang turned out to be the peak of Tianzun's early days. This look not only made him even more angry.

However, it was the peak of Tianzun’s early days and he dared to be a murderer in the Ximen family. Is the peak of Tianzun at the beginning very good? Here, sitting in the early days of the six heavens, even if you are the peak of Tianzun, you will be killed by the encirclement.

Without the West Gate's order, the five Tianzun stood up from the chair at the beginning and forced the past to Xu Qin. They did not immediately start, but step by step carefully approached Xu Qinyang. Can instantly kill the six peaks of the late peaks, they think that there is no such ability, only to improve to the peak, carefully wrapped Xu Qin Yang.


Xu Qinyang sighed softly, and his mind was moving. A **** guqin floated in front of him, raised his right hand on the strings, and plucked the strings, and the sound of the bang rang...

"Puff puff……"

In the early days of the five Tianzun, the great monk spurted a blood out of his head, and his body figure flew out. The West Gate also blew his nose and nose, and even flew out with his chair.

"Let's be merciful!"

A figure flew in from the entrance of the main hall, and his eyes swept around the hall, heading for Xu Qinyang:

"Daoyou, please also show your mercy!"

Xu Qinyang’s eyes glimpsed, and he saw that the old man who appeared in front of him was a late Tianzun, compared to Ximen’s ancestor Ximenting. The finger suddenly clicks on a string.


Ximen Ting felt that the body's blood and blood rushed, as if to explode and die, the heart was shocked. Then I saw that Xu Qinyang changed his fingering. The music has no attack power. It seems that the music of the mortal world is like a mountain stream. It is divided into beautiful music. It was just Xu Qinyang’s pair of cold eyes that looked faintly at Ximenting.

Ximenting took a deep breath and understood that as long as the other's **** changed again, I am afraid that it was the moment to wash the Ximen family. The other party’s cultivation is already the peak of Tianzun’s early days, and it’s not far from himself. The **** guqin in the other’s hand is clearly a treasure, and the sound has made him feel boundless fear, just Xu Qinyang’s finger hook, exudes The power of the power makes him very uncomfortable. If the other party plays a complete song, it is estimated that he can't stand it.

What if you can finally win the other party?

Can I catch each other? With the strength of the other side, even if it is not good, let's escape, who can stop the Ximen family? The Ximen family had a big career and had offended such a person. They killed several people in the Ximen family in three days. It took a long time for the Ximen family to perish.

Watching Xu Qinyang gently move the strings, Ximenting’s face showed a bitter smile, and he turned to Xu Qinyang:

"Daoyou, why is this?"

Xu Qinyang felt that a pair of small hands of the light moon dance gripped her arm tightly, knowing that she was worried that she would fall into the control of the blood piano again. Then he stopped the hand that plucked the strings, and the mind stunned the **** guqin, then extended his finger to point to the three sons who were still lying on the ground.

Ximenting immediately grabbed the three sons and shouted: "Say!"


Suddenly, he squatted on the ground, screaming at the ground with tears and telling the side of the matter. After Ximenting finished listening, the heart was a sigh. It was only for such a small matter that the family’s six sects were later degraded, and the six early monks including Ximen Yue were injured.

At this time, he already understood very well that Xu Qinyang did not want to make things big, just wanted a quiet environment. These two people don't know where to come from, but they can be sure that they don't mean the meaning of the glazed island. It’s just that since he has a heart that doesn’t want to be alive, how can he make such a trouble?

Looking at the west gate from the ground, Ximen Yue’s heart was shaking.

"Say!" Ximen Ting shouted coldly.

The more Simon was in front of the West Gate, but he did not dare to conceal it. Even his own thoughts were said one by one. This not only makes Xu Qinyang and the light moon dance laugh and cry. And the West Gate on the side is also look good, I really want to slap a slap in the face of this idiot. However, it is not surprising that the Ximen family has a long history of being dominant in the Liuli Island and it is inevitable that there will be high habits.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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