The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2530: Horse greedy

The heart sighed and knew that the Ximen family’s loss was fixed. The opposite person was not only a high-cultivator, but also a singer. At first glance, it was a monk who was decisive and decisive. Then, he moved toward Xu Qinyang:

"Daoyou, what are the conditions for you to say that the Ximen family is doing everything. This time I am wrong with the Ximen family, the old man apologizes to you."

Xu Qinyang glanced at Ximen Ting, and felt that a pair of small hands of the light moon dance was tight on his arm, and he walked with a light moon dance and walked outside the hall. The mouth whispered:

"Don't bother me and my wife!"

The face of the faint moon dance rose red when it slammed, and a heart thumped and fluttered, and Xu Qinyang looked white and shy:

"Who is a couple with you!"

Xu Qinyang touched his nose and said, "Would we have a hole in the house tonight?"

"Too lazy to care about you!" The light moon dance earned a bit, but was tightened by Xu Qinyang's big hand, so he simply stopped earning, but instead snuggled in Xu Qinyang's arms.

Looking at the back of Xu Qinyang's departure, Ximenting suddenly laughed silently. Although the Ximen family has just offended the other side, it may not be able to become friends in the future. The eyeball turned and lifted up and kicked the three sons down:

"Since you have offended someone, you will be waiting for someone in the future, otherwise you will not have to go back to Ximen!"

"Yes!" The three sons weakly responded.

"Isn't that fast?"


The three sons quickly climbed up and ran outside the gate.

one year later.

Eagle's Mouth.

Eight Tianzhong mid-term monks and a fairy emperor landed on the Eagle's Mouth, the fairy emperor pointing to a valley road not far away:

"You are a predecessor. I was hunting in the mountains a month ago, and I saw a monk robbing the mountain on the hill. After the robbery, the younger generation found that the person was very like the Xu Tianwo who was rewarded by the nobles. So the younger generation was there. No movement, then the Sirius entered the valley, and the younger brother quietly retired."

"You stay here for a while, if that person is really a scorpio, you will naturally have the benefit."

"Thank you for your predecessors!" The fairy emperor looked charming.


In the middle of the eight Tianzun, he swooped down to the bottom.


A figure flew up from a cave house, and the eyes stood in the air and swept to the middle of the eight Tianzun.

"Dear friends, where are you from?"

"Ha ha ha..." A Tianzun in the middle of the middle of the loud laughter said: "We are the Stars of the monk. Xu Tianwo, you are dead today."

"Star Field Zong?" Xu Tianwo slightly frowned: "The Stars of the Lands dare to be too imaginary to me?"

"Too illusory? Hahaha..." Eight Tianzun mid-term monks ridiculed the laughter: "Is there still too imaginary? Too imaginary has been destroyed by the devil, even Xu Ziyan was killed by the devil. Hahaha..."

"What do you say?" Xu Tianwo's look changed: "Ziyan her..."

"Not bad! Xu Ziyan has been killed by the devil for more than a year. We will encircle you for the embarrassment of the imaginary."

"I don't believe it! You are talking nonsense!"


The momentum of Xu Tianwo broke out, and the power of Tian Zun’s early stage was pressed against the eight days. In the middle of the eight days, he looked at the singer in front of him.

"Xu Tianlang, our sect of the sect of the celestial domain is now sanctified, and the account of the sect of the celestial domain and the sect of the sect is also clear!"


Eight Tianzun mid-term monks are flashing. Xu Tianwo has been surrounded by the middle. Xu Tianlang's eyes narrowed. He is a militant, but he is not a reckless person, especially now that he is getting the news of Xu Ziyan's degeneration. He is anxious to understand.


Centered around the Xutian wolf, a magnificent world spread out, but in an instant, the eight Tianzun mid-terms were covered.


There was a scream in the magnificent world, and then I saw a big hand in the magnificent world, tearing open a crack in the space. The shape of Xu Tianwo rushed out of the magnificent world and flew into the cracks in the space. The magnificent world dissipated, revealing the seven mid-term monks in it.

The seven Tianzun mid-term monks face each other and look at the cracks in the space that is closing. If they go to chase Xu Tianwo right now, they firmly believe that they will be able to catch up. ,


Just a moment ago, one of the eight of them died in the hands of Xu Tianwo, which cannot help but make them feel scrupulous. The magnificent world is really terrible. When they are shrouded in it, they immediately lose themselves in the magnificent world. They can’t distinguish between the southeast and the north, can’t see each other, and they don’t know what the wolf is. position.

Although they firmly believe that as long as they work together, they will be able to kill Xu Tianwo. It was just too sudden. But no one is sure that no one will die in the process of killing Xu Tianwo. What if he died?

After all, they have no confidence in the magnificent world that Xu Tianlang released.

At this moment, their mood can not help but some depression. What did they come out for this time?

It is to raise your eyebrows and exalt the demise of the celestial domain. To know that today's nine sects, but only the sect of the sect of the Stars has broken through the holy level, the monks of the celestial sect have been able to foresee the moment when the celestial sect became the lord of the Shangyuan.

What eight sects, what is the ally, and what is the ancient celestial, will be at the foot of the celestial domain. Therefore, they are very arrogant. They have been very arrogant since they left Zongmen to search for the tyrannical ancestors. All the monks they met, even those who were higher than them, were very respectful to them.


Unexpectedly, he was slap in the face by Xu Tianfu. Eight Tianzhong mid-term monks encircled an early monk in Tianzun, but were ran away by Xu Tianwo.

When I ran, I ran, and I was killed by a man.

At this time, they were a little bit stunned, and they were born with fear. And while they are hesitant to continue to chase Hu Tianwo. But they found that the space in front of them cracked a gap, and a person rushed out from inside.

Do not!

Not a person! Instead, riding a horse alone! The person who is on the way is the Xutian wolf who just fled.

The seven days of the monk's look is a tight, Xu Tianwo is not a fool. It can be seen from the fact that he dared to escape. He was definitely an experienced monk, but now he is back, and he is not allowed to be nervous.

Xu Tianwo is definitely not coming to die, then it must be dependent. What is his dependence? Is this horse?


Xu Tianwo’s body exudes a magnificent world and drowns seven great monks. These seven people have experience this time, although they are in a magnificent world. But he did not panic, and released the defensive hood one by one, calmly looking around.


One of the monks suddenly felt that a mightpower that belonged to the peak of Tian Zun’s later peak pressed against him. It was only in an instant that I felt the pressure on my body increase sharply, and even my mind became slower.


It was such a trace of time that there was a man and a horse in front of him, and the immediate Xu Tianwo was carrying a autumn glass water pistol in his hand. Rushed over to him.

"This horse..."

The mid-term monk of the Tianzun only felt the power of the sky from the horse.

"This horse... turned out to be the peak of the late Tianzun?"

The Tianzhong mid-term monk will have to work hard to break the pressure of the horse. But I saw that Ma Jiao suddenly opened his mouth and bit him at him.

The horse bite out with a strong devour, but it immediately bound the opposite Tianzun. Although Zun was struggling to break free, the speed of releasing the fairy was inevitably delayed, just in the moment of delay. The autumn glass water pistol stabbed his eyebrows.


A headless body fell to the bottom.


In the magnificent world, there was a constant roar. Seven bodies were dropped from the sky. The magnificent world converges in the middle, revealing the sacred wolf and the horse.

"Ma Jiao. Go on!"

After the horse’s body swelled, Xu Tianwo flew out. Looking at the Xu Tianlang who fell from the sky, Ma Jiao said with a big mouth and proud:

"Who dares to order me to pay the grandfather? Who dares to ride my grandfather? Tell you, Grandpa, I just watched you being pitifully killed, let you ride for a while, don't lick your nose!"

Xu Tianwo is not annoyed. Ma Jiao really helped himself, and the strength of this horse is really strong. So Xu Tianwo fell to the side of Ma Jiao, but did not ride it again, but asked with a smile:

"If it is purple smoke to ride you?"

"That is the master, of course you can ride!" Ma Jiaoli said with anger.


Xu Tianwo turned a white eye, and his body shape fell to the bottom. The storage ring of the eight Tianzhong mid-term monks was collected, and the horse-crossing land fell on the ground, opening a big mouth and biting at the Xutian wolf:

"Give me half!"

"What do you want them to do?"

"You can't control it! Can you give it?" The horse met Xu Tianwo and flashed over, and bit the past with Xu Tianwo.

"Okay, give it to you!"

Xu Tianwo silently threw the four storage rings to the horse. The horse used two hind legs to stand up and turned the right front hoof into one hand to catch the four storage rings and it was happy. It changed back to the front hoof.

One person, one horse walked outside the Eagle's Mouth.

"Ma Jiao, how did you find me?"

"I was on the pipe outside the Eagle's Mouth Mountain, and I naturally saw the wolf how you fled." Ma Jiao said with disdain.

Xu Tianwo asked, "How come you are here?"

Ma Jiao’s head pulled down and said: “I have been bought and sold these days.”


"After separation from the master, I didn't have any place to go. I walked around. Then a monk found me and thought that I was an ordinary Pegasus. I came to arrest me. Anyway, I have no place to go, let him catch Stayed, then he took me home and gave me something to eat."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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