The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2532: Langyue

I am very grateful to eagle Zhou (588), Jinniu Feifei _ classmates (200), Jie Yi classmates (200), Feihua Yimeng classmates (100), mableip classmates (100), obsessed ~w_w~ classmates (100) & nb1234 classmates ( 100) reward!

After the soil, the water was told to the five people before and after the incident, and they were clearly told that they were separated from the Zongmen to leave a fire for the Zongmen. The veritable masters say so, what can they say as disciples? And when they heard that Xu Ziyan was degraded, they always wanted to go out and inquire about it. Whether it was true or not, now I have the opportunity to nod and agree. It’s just that they have some embarrassment in their hearts. From the arrangement of the Tuzhu lord, they know that the current Shangyuan continent has a lot of crisis.

After about half an hour, Langyue brought more than 100 people to the main hall. More than one hundred people were willing to follow the sword and leave the sect.

"Without the younger brother, you must leave the sect, and after ten days I will declare you out of the sect!"

"Yeah!" The sword nodded.

The demon territory.

A figure goes to the junction of the demon and the demon. A line of Yaozu suddenly appeared in front of that person, and his eyes were sharp:

"Sha Xiaofan!"

Sha Xiaofan smiled faintly: "I want to see Peng Peng Tianzun."

The opposite of the demon eyes flashed a bit, remembered the origin of the Peng Peng Tianzun. The look hesitated, and finally nodded:

"Follow me!"

Within the cave house.

Xiaobai and Sha Xiaofan sit opposite each other. There was a shock between Sha Xiaofan’s look: "Little white, you said that my master is not dead?"

"Of course, there is no death!" Xiaobai said with a certainty: "Although I have no soul connection with Ziyan sister, but it has an inexplicable feeling. If my sister is fallen, I will definitely feel it."

"Then you also led the demon to attack the demons?"

"This is not a pretense!" Xiaobai squinted and said: "I think my sister has not appeared for so long, and she must have been seriously injured. I am here to make it look like the devil thinks that my sister is really dead, so I can give My sister has a time to recover from the injury. When my sister appears, I will take over. Right. Xiaofan, what are you doing here?"

"killing the devil!"

"killing the devil?"

“Yeah!” Sha Xiaofan nodded. “Now I am going to break through the bottleneck of the Emperor and need to kill.”

Xiaobai looked at Sha Xiaofan sitting opposite. Sighed a sigh: "Xiaofan, this road you choose is not good to go. Although the speed of entry is fast, but the endless trouble!"

"I know!" Sha Xiaofan said.

Xiaobai wrinkled his brow and said: "Now the demon four big demon statues have all died, and the hatred of Dongtian is reported. Why should you continue to follow this path?"

"The things of the Yaozu are even!" Sha Xiaofan suddenly smiled and said: "Is this not the enemy of the Mozu? The Lord has hurt my Master. I have to take revenge?"

"Fart!" Xiaobai smiled and said: "Just rely on you a fairy king? Your master's hatred, your master will report it yourself, don't be noisy here, lost his life, I can't explain to my sister."

Sha Xiaofan fixedly looked at Xiao Baidao: "Little white, if you don't let me kill the Mozu here, I will leave here and change direction. One person will kill."

"I was really scared of you!" Xiaobai shook his head. "Forget it, you will stay! I am making such a big move here. I must have come here once my sister is out, and let your master teach you." !"

"Thank you for your little white!"



The sword is empty and there are more than a hundred monks passing through a rock wall. It is a fairy. After passing through the rock wall, it is a cave house in front of them. After the sword was set aside, more than one hundred monks were arranged, and then the five monks, including Langyue, Xindao, Lengqingyu, Song Wanzhong, Thousand Cups of Drunk, Zhang Wujie and Cang Wuying, were called to their own way:

"You are here to practice and to take over the Xu Tianwo for the teacher."

"Master, let's go with you."

"Uncle Shi, let's go too."

"You are here to stay here." The sword was indifferent and said: "I am only bringing the Sirius back when I go out. I will not reveal the trace without revealing the trace. What are you doing with you? Give me cultivation here, and quickly improve the strength, otherwise the future catastrophe is not good."


All the disciples answered, only Lang Yue said: "Master, I have already felt the opportunity to break through the heavens. I want to go out and practice alone, maybe I will get a breakthrough."

The sword looked up and down for a long time, and surely, the repair of Langyue at this time has reached the peak of the late Zun, with a hint of heavenly atmosphere. Then nodded:

"Okay, go out and practice yourself, and be careful."

"It's Master!"


One person and one horse are walking aimlessly in the wilderness.

"Hey, forgot to ask you, how come you are so bad. Let the people of the Stars have found you?"

"How do I know?" Xu Tianwo said with a bit of depression. Suddenly the eyebrows screamed: "Maybe before the star-studded gangsters were discovered by me?"

"Where is Xingfan?"

"Yeah!" Xu Tianlang nodded. "When we separated, we experienced each other. Later, I took a fancy to the place of Yingzuishan, where I lived in seclusion. Who knows that it didn't take long before Xingfan came here. After I discovered it, the two of us went there to practice together. Later, when he broke through to the early days of Tianzun, he left the Yingzui Mountain and said that he was going out to experience it. I estimated that when he was robbed, he was ridden by the Stars. Which monk saw it."

"Ha ha ha..." Ma Jiaoda laughed and said: "It turned out that you have a black pot!"

"No!" Xu Tianlang suddenly shook his head: "They seem to be coming to me, and they called out my name."

"Cut!" Ma Jiao swayed his head and scorned and said: "There are a few people in your family who are just as old. It’s nothing to recognize Xu Xing as a long distance from the distance..."

Suddenly, the scorpion wolf looked at the Wuthering Mountains and saw the clouds on the sky.

"Someone is robbing!" Ma Jiao said with his head up.

"Go, go see!"

Xu Tianwo is in the sky. The horses followed closely.

Somewhere in the south, after half a demon devour a monk, he suddenly looked up at the Wuthering Mountains.

"The robbery of the heavenly period!" Sticking out his tongue and licking his **** lips, his body shape disappeared instantly in the space.

Among the ruins, the golden armor will look up at the Wuthering Mountains and disappear in the ruins.

The figure of Xu Tianwo and Ma Jiao appeared on a mountain peak in the Wuxiao Mountain Range and looked over the mountain covered with clouds. Xu Tianwo looks like a vibrate:

"It is a long month."

The horse smashed his head and said: "It's stupid. I am afraid that I will attract the semi-demon and the Golden Sword."

Xu Tianwo’s look changed: “Then we still hide it, and when it’s time, we don’t want to escape with the moon.”

Ma Jiaodao: "You don't want to fight half demon lay? How can you escape without seeing you?"

Xu Tianwo looked at the horse contemptuously: "I am not so stupid, and at the same time face the two demon lays and the golden armor gods will be two big monks."

Above the mountain.

Langyue sits cross-legged. The breath of the body is rising, exuding the power of the early days of Tianzun. The robbery cloud is getting richer and richer, and Tianwei is falling from the sky. On top of a mountain, there is a golden armor. Looking at the moon under the clouds. Sitting on the mountain peaks and knees.

Langyue traveled all the way to the south. He wanted to come to the Taixu ruins to see, but did not expect to see the big handprint left by the Lord, but he got an epiphany, and suddenly he caught the opportunity to break through Tianzun.

A figure appeared on another mountain peak. It was a semi-demon, looking at the moon under the clouds, sticking out his tongue and licking his lips. Suddenly. The look is stiff and I feel that I am locked. Huo Ran looked back and saw the top of a mountain, and the golden armor stood up from the ground.

The semi-demons saw the dress of the golden armor, and recognized each other at a glance. He suffered a loss in the other hand, and when he stepped out, he disappeared into the space and could not attend the moon.


The shape of the golden armor will also disappear on the mountain peak. For the golden armor, the devouring half demon is much stronger than the swallowing of the moon. Only in an instant, the half demon and the golden armor will disappear.


The robbery clouds in the sky landed, and the robbery of Langyue began. Some people in the Wuthering Mountain Range have spread quickly and began to have monks on the surrounding peaks. After seeing the face of Langyue, someone took out the jade.

Star domain.

"Ha ha ha... Xu Ziyan's brother, anyone who has a relationship with Xu Ziyan will die."

After Shang Zun received the news, he laughed loudly. Stepping out of the hall, the figure disappeared without a trace.

The news of the tyrannical tyranny in the Wuxiao Mountain Range spread on the Upper Yuan Continent at a general speed.

Inside the mysterious space.

Yanshan soul lost in the mysterious space, he did not know how long it flew, but still did not find the way back. Suddenly, he was refreshed and saw a light spot in the far end, and his figure quickly flew toward the spot.

Batu Caves.

Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and a happy smile appeared on his face. She finally communicated with the fourth bridge of heaven and earth, feeling the endless power of the body.

With a gaze, he reached out and touched the imaginary sword that didn’t know when he had inserted it in front of him. He whispered:

"Too virtual, has formed a sword spirit?"

"It takes time, but there is already a foundation for the formation of sword spirit."

"it is good!"

The smile on Xu Ziyan's face is more prosperous, and the mind will take too much of the virtual sword into the body space and put it into the time array. Called Xiaomumu and turned it into a streamer into the mouth of Xiaomumu. Xiaomumu slammed into the air.

next moment.

Xu Ziyan has stood outside the Batu Caves, and Xiaomumu has been taken up. Step by step, has been far from the Batu Caves, under her, she saw a team of twelve Mozu, reaching out and holding, eleven Mozu became a powder, only one Mozu was left I caught it.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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