The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2533: Dou Zunzun

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One hand pressed on the top of the Mozu. After a while, Xu Ziyan took back his hand and the body of the Mozu fell to the ground. . Xu Ziyan took a step, and the next moment has already appeared in the battlefield between the Yaozu and the Mozu. When she looked at her, she saw Sha Xiaofan, and Sha Xiaofan was killing him with the Mozu. When the gods spread out, they found the white white sitting in a temporary cave.

With a big sleeve and a wave, Sha Xiaofan, who was strangled, felt that he had entered a space and could not distinguish between the southeast and the north. When the heart was shocked, it was bombarded everywhere. Suddenly, when I saw it, I saw myself appearing in the white house of the white house. I couldn’t help but anger:

"Little white, what did you take me back?"

Xiao Bai did not go to Sha Xiaofan at all, but Huo Ran stood up and excitedly called: "Sister!"

When Sha Xiaofan turned to the first place, he saw Xu Ziyan standing behind him.


"Hey!" Xu Ziyan sighed softly: "Xiaofan, your murder is getting more and more intense."

"Master, I can control it!"

Xu Ziyan shook his head gently: "I have not passed this road, everything can only rely on you!"

"Yes, Master!"

Xu Ziyan looked at Xiaobaidao: "Withdraw it, don't kill it with the Mozu, save the strength, and deal with the future catastrophe."

“Yeah!” Xiaobai nodded. “Sister, Langyue is robbery in the Wuthering Mountains!”

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly: "How did he choose to robbery there?"

"He should have been hiding there forever!" Xiao Bai said.

"You are still staying in the Yaozu. Or follow me?" Xu Ziyan looked at Xiaobaidao.

Xiaobai slightly thought about it: "I will go to see Langyue with my sister first, and then stay in the Yaozu. If I am here, the Yaozu will not come."

"Alright!" Xu Ziyan nodded: "You first remove the Yaozu. Then we go to the Wuthering Mountains."

Whistling the mountains.

Xu Ziyan, with Xiaobai and Sha Xiaofan, fell on a mountain and immediately felt that he was locked. Looking over the past, I saw Shangzun standing on another mountain.

"Xu Ziyan, you are not dead?" Shang Zun roared angrily.

Xu Ziyan’s look changed slightly. She could feel the volatility of Shang Zun’s body and could not help but say:

"Are you holy?"

"Ha ha ha..." Shang Zun smirked and said: "Xu Ziyan, you didn't think about this day? It's great that you didn't die. God wants you to die in my hand."

Shangzun has one hand to lift, one turn, one shot.

The air condensed a large hand toward Xu Ziyan. Xiao Bai and Sha Xiaofan slammed the past. The monks who stood on the same mountain as Xu Ziyan changed their faces one by one. The big hands that were covered with the sky had already banned them. They could not move at all. They could only watch the giant hand slamming down.

Xu Ziyan made a fist in both hands. The body power of the fourth level of the Holy Land bombarded the past with the giant hand that fell.


The wind is abrupt. The hurricane is raging. The big-eyed giant was shattered by Xu Ziyan’s fists.


The shape of Xu Ziyan flew up above the foothills and rushed toward Shang Zun on another mountain. Just now that style confrontation, Xu Ziyan has determined that Shangzun has broken through the holy level, and the strength has surpassed himself, and definitely not only communicated four bridges of heaven and earth. Therefore, fighting with the other side is not an opponent, only relying on the strength of the body, and the other side to fight.

Also in the previous confrontation, Shang Zun also saw that the body strength of Xu Ziyan exceeded his realm. Just a fluttering punch smashed his holy fairy. This shows that the body strength of Xu Ziyan has exceeded the level of the holy level, which makes Shang Zun in the hustle and bustle. Also shocked.

I found out the Xu Ziyan's card. Shangzun naturally wouldn't be idiot-like to fight with Xu Ziyan. The figure retreats in space, and at the same time it condenses the fairy to bombard the past with Xu Ziyan.

At the time of the day, the two men struggled upside down, but the two people deliberately stayed away from the sacred moon that was being robbed, for fear of being locked by the clouds of the sky.

Shang Zun’s heart was very frustrated. He thought that he would become the first person under the Five Saints, but he did not expect that there would be no way to get Xu Ziyan. Each of his immortals carries the power of the late stage of the Holy Level, but he finds that his power can not suppress Xu Ziyan, and his fairy is also opened by Xu Ziyan's double fists.

Where does he know that the purple god's realm of the gods is higher than the strength of the body, so is the power of his holy level to be suppressed? The strength of the four levels of the Holy Level is able to easily break the attack of the Shangzun.

Only Xu Ziyan is also very depressed. Shangzun has already seen her thoughts of wanting to fight close to her. She has been away from her. As a result, Xu Ziyan can only be in a passive beating situation, although she does not care about the other side’s attack, but on the scene. But can not occupy a slight advantage.

It can be said that in fact, Shangzun has already stood in an invincible position. When he wants to leave, he can go. Xu Ziyan cannot intercept it at all. The sage that has reached the level of the Holy Level has not been blocked by Xu Ziyan.


There was an infinite roar in the sky, and the empty robbery cloud began to disperse. Langyue stood up from the foothills and looked at the empty battlefield.


The two figures fell on the side of Lang Yue, but it was Xiao Bai and Sha Xiaofan.

"Langyue, how did you choose such a place to rob?" Xiaobai rudely blamed.

"Just a robbery, who thought it would attract so many people!" Langyue's heart is also a bit depressed.

"Sirius, we are in the past!" Ma Jiao said softly.

"Not before!" Xu Tianwo is still hidden in a cave, whispered: "We can hide here if we can hide it. See if you can help Ziyan."

"Cut!" Ma Jiao whispered disdainfully: "Is it by you?"


The air is a leaping figure, and it runs directly to Langyue. Xiaobai and Sha Xiaofan went, and a large hand extended a small hand to the three people. However, it was the half demon who went back and returned, and the golden armor appeared behind the half demon.


Xiaobai shouted. A punch hit the past with the big hand of the semi-demon. A vast expanse of life, drowning over the past to the semi-demon.

The golden armor who chased after the half demon layman suddenly slammed into the big hand of the semi-demon, and he saw Xu Ziyan and Shang Zun in the air. The eyes are bright, and the two men's blood is much stronger than the half demon. His eyes flashed and he immediately judged that Xu Ziyan had fallen to the wind. The figure immediately abandoned the semi-demon, and rushed toward Xu Ziyan. He is going to devour Xu Ziyan before he devours the strong sage.


The half demon lays a big hand. Then he smashed the piece of ocean, and he continued to catch the sky with the big hand.


A stream of spurs came as if it had crossed the space. Accompanied by the streamer is a mysterious fairy sound, is as strong as a half demon layman, the soul does not produce a trace of embarrassment. Just between this silkworm, the streamer of the sword has already stabbed the front of the semi-demon.


The half demon layman slammed. The streamer that was stunned to the front was locked in space by this drink. There was a seven-hole sword, and the seven-hole sword fluctuated. The seven holes screamed, leaving the half-devil's mind with a hint of embarrassment.

A figure appeared next to Xiaobai and stood side by side with Xiaobai. Langyue also stepped forward. The three men lined up side by side, and Sha Xiaofan was guarded behind him. At the same time, he punched out and slammed into the giant palm that still slammed down.


The half demon who is affected by the mind. The big hands that have gathered together have been loosened and white. Lang Yue and Xu Xingfan were together and smashed together.


A horse suddenly appeared behind the semi-demon, and immediately rode the scorpion wolf, handcuffed the autumn glass water-spraying gun, and slammed the gun to the back of the semi-demon.

The semi-demon was suddenly turned back, and a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth. The backhand grabbed the autumn glass water gun in his hand, but suddenly he found a big horse head biting at him.

"court death!"

The semi-demon was screaming, and the left hand clenched his fist toward the head of Ma Jiao’s head. The horse turned his head and bite it on the arm of the semi-demon. Although it did not bite, it also hurt my heart.

The half-demon is a red-eyed man, and he opened his mouth and bit his head toward the horse.


Suddenly there was a tiger scream, and a figure slammed toward the semi-demon, and the long sword of the hand turned into a white tiger.

The semi-demon was kicked out and kicked out to Ling Xiao.


Above his head, a sword light stabbed at his Baihui point. When the semi-demon is suddenly, he feels that he is full of cold. The sharpness of this sword is too strong. He feels that the other party is weaker than himself, and he is not much weak.

With a burst of arms, Ma Jiao and Xu Tianwo were shocked. The hand had already had a pair of wolf claws and greeted them upwards.


A metal slammed into a cicada, the body of the semi-demon is slightly sinking, and the figure of the sword is rolling toward the air, waiting to settle down, looking at the semi-demonian excitedly screamed:

"Good! Come again!"


The sturdy figure of the sword once again rushed toward the semi-demon. Xiaobai glanced at Langyue Road: "Longyue, you have just ended the robbery, the body is in a period of weakness, and it is here to recover. Stars you are protecting the law."

When the words fall, the figure flies toward the air, and the sword is not smashed by the half demon. On the other side, Xu Tianlang also killed the horse.

When the horse was suddenly stunned by the flying air, Xu Tianwo flew out. Xu Tianwo looked at the sword and had no illusion. Xiaobai joined forces with the semi-demon, and couldn’t help but lick his mouth and flew down to Langyue. Xu Xingxiao was laughing:

"Uncle Sirius, you are despised by a horse, hahaha..."

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued, please search for music, the novel is better updated faster!

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