The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2534: Half demon layman

I am very grateful to Jinniu Feiyu _ classmates (400) & le week classmates (100), mableip classmates (100) reward!

"There are many words!" Xu Tianlang slaps on Xu Xing's head. Xu Xingfan is still excited and said: "The aunt is still alive."

"Crap!" Xu Tianwo's look calmed down: "At the beginning, your aunt did not know how many hardships and how many disasters. How could it be killed? The Lord will not do it."

"Yeah!" Xu Xingfan nodded hard, and he also followed Xu Ziyan from the mainland of Cangwu, and had an inexplicable confidence in Xu Ziyan.


From the peak of a mountain, four figures were rushed out. In the past year, the South is being smoky by the semi-demon and the golden armor. Now, when I saw the three peaks of the Tianzun, I was besieging the semi-devils. I didn’t fall as badly as they did in the first place. This is the best time to go out to the semi-demon, and rushed out from the hidden peaks and killed the half-demons in the air.

Only in an instant, the semi-demon is in the midst of the seven peaks of the late Tianzun. Among the seven people, the most detestable is the sword, and the sword is unfolding. It is only slightly worse than him. The last one, but the difference was raised by Xiaobai, Ma Jiao and the Southern Four Church, and the time was to suppress the semi-devils, occupying a slight advantage.

On the other side of the sky, Xu Ziyan will work harder. The golden armor only had a punch with Xu Ziyan. I felt the strongness of Xu Ziyan’s body, and without any politeness, I took out the giant sword behind me and smashed it toward Xu Ziyan.

Still respect. Holy level.

The golden armor will be eight cents.

According to her attack power, Xu Ziyan should be counted as the first level of the holy level. After all, she communicated four bridges of heaven and earth, but the most powerful force in his body can make him release four times. This is why he broke through to the peak of Tianzun. Otherwise, I am afraid that twice, the body will be consumed. Communicating the bridges of the four worlds is more powerful.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan can only be counted as a short-lived first-level layer. Once the body's strength is consumed, the remaining part is left. I haven't seen Xu Ziyan and Shang Zun fight for so long without releasing the power of the world. On the one hand, it is useless to Shang Zun. With the strength of the other level of the Holy Class, you can easily resolve the power of Xu Ziyan's world. On the other hand, Xu Ziyan did not dare to dare to waste his body.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan is only relying on the strength of the body, even the Taixu sword has not been taken out and the monk is fighting together. but. This golden armor will rush over. Xu Ziyan immediately felt the pressure. The golden armor **** will be different from the monk, and does not release the fairy, but holds the giant sword and thinks about the purple smoke.

At first, Xu Ziyan was quite happy. His strongest is close combat. Since the Golden Armor is about to fight with himself, take the opportunity to get rid of it.


Xu Ziyan's double fists collided with the giant sword of the Golden Armor. Although they forced the Golden Dragon to retreat, they also made Xu Ziyan feel shocked. Even some eclipse. This golden armor will not reach the holy level, but it may be because of the transformation of the zombies. The body is hard and abnormal, Xu Ziyan estimated that the golden armor will have the body strength of the second level of the holy level, and the body is refining like a fairy treasure.

Originally, Xu Ziyan can completely suppress the Golden God, and even have the opportunity to kill each other. However, in the distance, the respect is still tightly matched with the alloy god, a fairy, a fairy, and thrown over to Xu Ziyan, so that Xu Ziyan is not disturbing. As a result, the three great monks were deadlocked together, and the landslides were broken and the world was discolored. All the monks who watched changed their looks and fell back to the side.

The semi-demon layman there is also very fierce. Although it falls in the wind, there is no intention to retreat. A pair of wolf claws open and close together, a wolf claw responds to the sword, and a wolf claw responds to the other six monks. .

After so many days and nights, Langyue stood up from the ground and recovered from the weak period. Xu Xingfan said to Xu Tianwo:

"Uncle Sirius, you take Xiaofan back to the side."

Xu Tianwo glanced at the seven-hole sword in Xu Xing's hands, nodded and Lang Yue and others left with Sha Xiaofan. Xu Xing's body flew into the air, the sword was unfolding, and the sword was danced in the air. The seven-hole sword made a sound, and the mysterious fairy sound spread toward the distant Shangzun.

The brow of Shangzun is a wrinkle. He feels that his mind has actually undulated, and a fairy has actually turned his direction. At the moment when the mind fluctuated, Xu Ziyan’s figure was close, and a punch hit him against his face.


Under the helplessness, the sword in his hand was held in front of Xu Ziyan’s fist. He only felt a strong attack, and the blood in his body violently rushed, and the body flew out toward the rear.


There was a sword in the back, and the giant sword of the Golden Armor had already reached the back of Xu Ziyan.


Xu Ziyan's body shape suddenly slammed forward, and the sword behind it fell through. The shape of Xu Ziyan had already rushed toward Shangzun, and the golden armor behind him chased the giant sword toward Xu Ziyan.

The three great monks once again fought together. Shangzun kept trying to pull away from Xu Ziyan. The fairy in his hand kept throwing at Xu Ziyan, and there was a crack in the sky.

Xu Ziyan's body shape walks through the cracks in a piece of space, but it is constantly going to pull the distance from the monk, and the golden armor will also try his best to get close to Xu Ziyan. The three big monks are not in the air. Stop turning to the circle.

Xu Ziyan’s eyebrows suddenly picked up, and she felt that the power of Xianzun, which was released by Shangzun, was falling sharply. This fashion respect also complains in the heart.

He was not a true monk in the Holy Order. In fact, he can only be counted as a pseudo-level. The only thing that achieves the standard is that the strength of the body reaches the level of the Holy Level. The power and strength of the remaining gods are not real. It belongs to him, it can be said that only the devil lent him. In this way, the consumption of the holy fairy can actually withstand his body?

Xu Ziyan didn't know this. She only knew that the strength of Shangzun was falling rapidly. Xu Ziyan no longer hesitated, and instantly communicated four bridges of heaven and earth, and the power of Tianwei broke out in the body. With one hand raised to the sky, a long sword appeared in his hand.

Too virtual sword.

One hand holds the sword, and Xu Ziyan’s heart is a joy. She immediately feels that there are nine sword spirits in the Taixu Jianjian spirit. They are the golden wood, the fire, the earth, the dark wind and the thunder.

Xu Ziyan immediately transported nine kinds of attributes in the body to the Great Consummation. The great perfect swords of the nine attributes combined with the nine attributes of the sword.


There was a humming sound between heaven and earth, just like the beginning of heaven and earth. There was a response from the whole world, and the world shook. The golden armor who is chasing after Xu Ziyan behind him will suddenly feel that his actions have become stagnant, like in a swamp. It seems as if the whole world is squeezing toward him, and the color of fear is revealed in his eyes.

Shangzun, who is moving away from Chugo in the distance, also feels the stagnation of his actions, not just the body, but the vitality of the body has become stagnant.

"This... what happened?"

At the time, Shang Zun was shocked, and at this time, he saw Xu Ziyan holding his hand in the virtual sword and gently shaking it. It was just this shaking. The stars in the sky were shaking slightly, and then the handle was too weak. Came to him.

"A sword breaks the law!"

"This is the power of the world!"

Shang Zun was shocked and no longer cares about Xu Ziyan in front of him. At this time, his body power has already been consumed seven or eighty-eight. If Xu Ziyan is holy, where can he dare to fight with Xu Ziyan here?

Inspired by the power of the world, Shang Zun tears open the space of stagnation, and the figure disappears into the cracks in space.


A sword broke through the cracks in the space, but it has a strong world power to block the sword of Xu Ziyan. Looking into the eyes, there was a huge space crack in front of me, like a black hole, and a strong suction sucked toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan showed a whirlpool in the right eye and started the eye of space.


Xu Ziyan’s body shape was in the air, and when he looked back, he saw that the golden armor **** would have disappeared at this time. He thought that when Xu Ziyan released a sword and broke the law, he had already fled.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked at the semi-demon layman who was besieged by the seven monarchs of the late Tianfeng. She has now learned from Xiaobai that the semi-demons have swallowed the evils of the monks, and where will the semi-demons be let go?

What's more, the agreement between her and the semi-demon is over, and now one year has passed. Immediately communicated the bridge of the four worlds in the body.

The nine attributes greatly merged into the nine sword spirits, forming nine swords, and the nine swords were merged into a sword world, which locked the half demon.

The half demon lays a glimpse of the heart, fights to bear the sword without a virtual sword, spurts a blood, tears open the space, and the figure disappears into the space crack.


The half-demon is born by Xu Ziyan’s sword, and he is bombarded from the cracks in space. He can’t release the power of the world like Shangzun. How can he escape?

The semi-demon, who was slammed out, spurted the blood, and his body fell to the bottom. Xu Ziyan’s too weak sword once again smashed up, and in the resounding world, once again locked the semi-demon layman down.


A huge black hole spinning in the air has lost the trace of the semi-demon. The sword's imaginary figure fell to the side of Xu Ziyan, looking at the black hole that is gradually shrinking:

"Ziyan, half demon lay?"

"Dead!" Xu Ziyan put away the sword of too much, looking at the sword without a virtual road: "Master, your Tianzun later peak?"

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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