The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2541: Incoming (one more pink)

"Xu Zongzhu, Luo Tianyu is now in the Herb House in the town of Demon."


Xu Ziyan pondered and smiled: "This is really awkward. As the patriarch of Tianfu Commercial Bank, he secretly opened a shop for Xiandan and Herbs in the town of Demon. I don't think anyone would think that Baicao is a drop-off. of!"

"It should be like this!" Zhou Dongxu said with a smile: "He asked me to find a way to introduce you to the grass."


Zhou Dongxu shook his head and said: "Don't say, he just said to be as soon as possible. And don't cause your doubts."

Xu Ziyan pondered and said: "Then three days later. Too early will be suspected by falling Tian Yu."

Zhou Dongxu suddenly said: "Xu Zongzhu, why not kill the herb house now?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "This drop of feathers is very embarrassing. If you are staying in the Herbs, it’s not him, but a substitute, isn’t it a snake?”

This is also the worry that Xu Ziyan had heard after Situ Ming told her about the process of falling against him. Since Luo Tianyu can find a substitute for Situ Ming in every possible way, wouldn't he find a substitute for himself?

If the person who stays in the Herb House now is the substitute for Tian Yu, it is really a stunned snake. I think that when I go to the Herbs for three days, the falling feathers at that time must be true.

Three days later.

On the street of the town demon city, Xu Ziyan and Zhou Dongxu chatted while chatting about the interesting things when they were in the sword court. The two people did not smile, and occasionally two people entered a shop to see. Buy some materials.

About an hour later, two people came to the front of the Herb House, Zhou Dongxu looked at the hundred grass house. Whispered:

"Xu Zongzhu, is there not only rare herbs in this herb?"

Xu Ziyan took a glance and smiled lightly: "If you go in, you won't know."

Two people strolled into the Herb House. When they saw the Herbs, there were three customers, two buddies, one buddy inside the counter, and one buddy greeted the guests outside the counter. I saw Xu Ziyan and Zhou Xudong coming in. The guy outside the counter hurriedly greeted him:

"Welcome to Xu Zongzhu."

"Do you know me?" Xu Ziyan smiled.

The guy smiled respectfully: "Where will there be people who don't know Xu Zongzhu in our town?" Xu Zongzhu please!"

Xu Ziyan smiled faintly, while looking around and looking at the shops, he finally shook his head:

"You don't have what I need here. Excuse me!"

When the words fell, they turned and walked toward the door. The buddy hurriedly said: "Xu Zongzhu, our shop recently got a rare herbal medicine."

"Oh?" Xu Ziyan paused and showed his interest in his face: "What herbal medicine?"

"It's a dead grass!"

Xu Ziyan almost laughed out loud. This undead grass may be a very precious herb for other monks. It’s really grass for myself! However, her face was still wearing a shocking color.

"Don't die? You got the undead? Can you show me?"

"Of course!" the buddy said with respect: "You are our most distinguished guest, and only you, the best innate sage master, can truly reflect the value of undead grass."

Said here, looking around and saying: "But here is not the place where you can't see the grass, but also ask Xu Zongzhu to move."

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan nodded lightly, but when Xu Ziyan walked inside with Zhou Dongxu, one of the three customers opened his mouth.

"Man, I also want to see the undead grass."

"We also want to see!" The two monks also hurriedly spoke.

The buddy looked at them three contemptuously and said: "Can you afford it?"

The three men angered: "How do you know that we can't afford it? Say it again, if Xu Zongzhu can't see your undead grass. We will buy it, why not?"

The buddy looked at Xu Ziyan. And Xu Ziyan is retreating to the side without saying a word. At this time, she did not speak well, so as not to cause the suspicion of falling feathers. Perhaps these three people are the monks who have arranged for Tian Yu.

The buddy looked at Xu Ziyan, and these three people were really not arranged by Tian Yu. The buddy was also afraid to pull down with the three monks, leaving Xu Ziyan to leave impatiently, and secretly said:

"Since you want to die, I won't stop."

Yan Yan smiled: "Since the three financial resources are rich, then go in and see together, when you can hold a small auction, you and Xu Zongzhuo bid. As long as you really have more financial resources than Xu Zong."

The dude said that the three monks were hesitant, and one of the monks eventually prayed to Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Zongzhu, not in the next dissatisfaction, wants to compete with Xu Zongzhu for the undead grass, but the family life is near, it is necessary to have this undead grass."

Xu Ziyan smiled faintly: "Let's see it first!"

"Thank you Xu Zongzhu!" The three monks gave gifts at the same time.

Several people followed the buddy down the stairs to the second floor and went to the second floor. Xu Ziyan swept away and saw several customers picking the elixir on the second floor. The buddy turned back to Xu Ziyan:

"this way please!"

A few people with Xu Ziyan came to the front of a room, pushed open the door and stood at the door of the room:

"Several please!"

Xu Ziyan walked into the room and saw a table in the room. There were several chairs around the table, and they walked in. Zhou Dongxu and the three monks also followed. After Xu Ziyan and Zhou Dongxu were seated, they saw the three monks standing there and laughed:

"Several friends are also sitting!"

"Thank you for the Lord!" The three men prayed again, and then sat down with some restraint.

When the buddy saw everyone sitting down, he said to Xu Ziyan: "Xu Zongzhu, please, later, I will go to the treasurer."


Xu Ziyan nodded lightly, and the guy stepped back, then gently closed the door. Xu Ziyan saw the buddy leave, only to look at the room again, looked up, and saw a bead on the roof, a corner of the mouth, a smile, my heart:

"This should be a fixed bead!"

Just floating up this thought, I saw that the beads shined, forming a space to cover the entire room. The three monks on the opposite side were obviously flustered, and they were all nervous because they suddenly found themselves unable to move.

At this time, Zhou is also very nervous. He just knows that Luo Tianyu wants to deal with Xu Ziyan, but he does not know how to deal with it. Now that I suddenly can't move, my heart screams badly. This time I am afraid I will kill Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan was also shocked when the bead was bright, because she found that the power in her body seemed to be frozen, and she could not run at all, let alone release the fairy.

"Awesome hollow beads!"

Xu Ziyan’s heart was dark, and he couldn’t help but move his fingers. He quietly moved his fingers and found that the fixed beads could not limit his actions. The twinkles flashed, and my heart was lost.

This fixed-air bead also has its limitations. There is no limit to the monks at the holy level, that is, the monks who can limit the holy level.

Xu Ziyan’s current purity and preservation are still at the peak of Tianzun’s later period. Therefore, this empty bead naturally limits her vitality, but the body strength of Xu Ziyan is four levels of holy level. How can this fixed bead limit? I can get the action of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan spread the knowledge of God, and his mood was even more relaxed.

Sure enough, the power of the gods at the end of the sixth level of the Holy Level is more at ease, and is completely outside the limits of the fixed beads.

At this time, the door was pushed open, and Tian Yu came in. He turned over and closed the door. He walked over to the opposite side of Xu Ziyan and sat down and looked at Xu Ziyan. He suddenly burst into a pleasant laugh:

"Ha ha ha..."

Xu Ziyan did not move, like a wood man, which made Zhou Dongxu feel the crisis, and let the three monks feel the fear. Xu Ziyan knows through the description of Situ Ming that although this fixed-air bead has fixed the body of the monk, but does not hinder the monk from speaking, he condenses:

"Falling the sky?"

"Yes, it's me! Hehe..." Luo Tianyu smiled and smiled two channels: "Xu Dazong, did not expect to fall into my hands?"

Xu Ziyan’s eyes are fascinating: “Is that undead grass fake?”

Luo Tianyu laughed and said: "Xu Zongzhu, you are too naive! I really doubt how you could establish a big door in the South. It must be that this southern monk is too stupid, hahaha..."

The three southern monks showed anger in their eyes, but Luo Tianyu did not look at them at all, and they had long been regarded as dead.

"Xu Ziyan, this is where there is no dead grass in the world, do you believe this? Hahaha..."

"I don't understand!" Xu Ziyan said with a sigh.

Luo Tianyu waved his hand: "I don't understand, it doesn't matter. We have time. No one will bother us. Listen to me and explain it to you slowly. This person is sent to you by me."

Luo Tianyu reached out and pointed to Zhou Dongxu: "I asked him to bring you here today."


"Why?" The face of Luo Tianyu showed anger: "How many outstanding children have you killed us? Can this hatred not report? Not to mention, I want to unify the South and build a big sect in the South. You Is the strongest obstacle. Do you want to remove you?"

Xu Ziyan sank and said: "So why don't you still do it?"

"No hurry! Hehe..." Luo Tianyu smiled again and twice: "I heard that you are a great congenital sage, and dictate your Dandao heritage."

Xu Ziyan’s eyes showed a hint of anger: “It’s a robber.”

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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