The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2542: Falling feathers fall (two more pink)

"Ha!" Luo Tianyu ridiculed a smile: "Yes, Xu Ziyan, you become smarter this time. The ancestors of our family are the thieves. And it is a thief! In the generations of the thief, we are home A lot of resources have been accumulated. Later, we settled down into an ancient cave house, where we got a less complete inheritance.

After we studied the inheritance of Fuxi, we decided to change the door, so there was a Tianfu business on the Yuanyuan. With the strength of our family, the resources of the family quickly became the mainland of the Yuanyuan. One of the big business banks.

So, you said that I am a fairy thief and nothing wrong! ”

Xu Ziyan looked incredulously at the opposite of the fallen Tian Yu, she did not think that she was a slang, the other party is really a fairy thief. After a while, I swallowed a spit:

"I really didn't think that Tianfu Commercial Bank was a big foundation, but it started from the fairy thief. However, now that you have embarked on the right path, why bother to do this kind of thing?"

Falling Tian Yu laughed at two channels: "Xu Zongzhu, we have no big nine big sects in the Tianfu business. If you just accumulate on the right track, there will be no day to reach the top of the nine masters. Therefore, we do business with the Yaozu, do business with the Mozu, and secretly rob. Especially if we encounter some inheritance, we will never let go."

"If you do this, you are not afraid to become a public enemy of the entire fairy world once exposed."

“Oh, huh...” Luo Tianyu’s hands spread out: “Is this not found by anyone?”

“Hey!” Xu Ziyan sighed a bit: “I just wanted to kill you and let go of the Tianfu business. It seems that you are a scourge of the Terran. If the catastrophe comes, you will not only make it for the Terran. Contribution will also become another catastrophe of the Terran."

"Kill me? Kill my family? Hahaha..." Luo Tianyu pointed his finger at Xu Ziyan and laughed: "That's really... It's so funny... Ah hahaha... You are now in control of my life and death. What do you take? kill me?"

Xu Ziyan’s knowledge of the gods rushed toward the roof of the fixed-air bead, but instantly rushed into the fixed-air bead, and the gods who left the falling feathers inside were wiped out. The gods of the falling feathers met Xu Ziyan The six-level look looks like a white snow, and there is no resistance.

"Oh..." Luo Tianyu spurted a blood and looked at Xu Ziyan in a panic: "You..."

The power of the gods of the late stage of the six-tiered level of Xu Ziyan swarmed out and pressed against the falling feathers on the opposite side. Under the panic, Luo Tianyu was forced to be unable to move by Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan stretched his hand and caught the top of Luo Tianyu. The soul of the soul search was launched.

About a quarter of an hour later, Xu Ziyan vomited and fell, and Tian Yu’s body fell. Fallen in this way.

Xu Ziyan raised his head and grabbed the bead on the roof. The bead fell off the roof and landed on the palm of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan put the beads up when he turned his hand.

The three monks restored their freedom of movement and just wanted to move. Xu Ziyan said: "Slightly safe!"

Three monks, look at me. I look at you, no one dares to move. However, in the eyes, there is an infinite fear. Xu Ziyan cleanly drops the falling feathers, making their hearts very uneasy. I don’t know if Xu Ziyan will kill them even. At this point they really regret it, why should they follow up?

It’s really a lard, is this what is there in the world?

Xu Ziyan turned to Zhou Dongxu: "Let your knowledge."

This clock Dongxu is completely relaxed, and my heart is glad to make my own decision. If you didn't really trust Xu Ziyan at the beginning. Even if I cheated Xu Ziyan here?

Luo Tianyu is not the opponent of Xu Ziyan at all. The fixed-air beads he relied on did not have any effect on Xu Ziyan. If you really collude with Luo Tianyu to deal with Xu Ziyan. At this point he has become a dead body.

After letting go of the sea, Xu Ziyan will glimpse into the sea of ​​Zhou Dongxu, and instantly annihilated the lingering knowledge left by Luo Tianyu, and then the road is broken, which retracts the gods. Zhou Dongxu stood up and applied a ritual to Xu Ziyan:

"Thank you for your support!"

Xu Ziyan promised: "Zhou Daoyou is not polite, I would like to thank you for your sincere advice!"

Zhou Dongxu smiled bitterly: "I thought I had some credit for it, but now it seems that even if I don't ventilate, Xu Zong is not in danger."

Xu Ziyan smiled and shook his head, then looked at the three monks: "Which monks are the three?"

"I am Zhang!"

"I am Yang!"

"I am Li!"

Xu Ziyan nodded: "There are three grievances in these days. After I have finished the family, I will let you go back."

The three monks hurriedly prayed: "Xu Zongzhu, we three can also help."

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "No, I just want to get rid of the family. As for the other monks of Tianfu Commercial Bank, even if you don't resist, I will put you into the space fairy, and when you get out of the house, you must Will release you."


The three monks did not dare to say anything, and they also breathed a sigh of relief. They know that they will not deceive them in the identity of Xu Ziyan. If Xu Ziyan wants to kill them, why should they put themselves in the space fairy?

The three monks gave up the resistance and were taken into the space fairy by Xu Ziyan. Then Xu Ziyan’s knowledge spread and went out, and the guys were taken into the room by her. After killing the monks of these days, Xu Ziyan and Zhou Dongxu left the herb home. Those customers who are not sure are thrown behind them.

After Xu Ziyan returned to the manor, he would have no sword, Xu Tianlang, Xu Xingfan, Ling Xiao, Lang Yue, Xiao Bai, Ma Jiao and Sha Xiaofan called over and told the story to everyone. The message from the soul of the soul was found out, and everyone discussed it and then divided it into four roads.

In the late period of Tianzun's peak, the sword is full of emptiness and the moon is all the way. The white peaks and the Xutian wolves in the late Tianzun are all the way. The Majiao and Xu Xingfan of the peak of the late Tianzun are all the way. Xu Ziyan takes Ling Xiao and Sha Xiaofan all the way.

These four roads teared apart the cracks in the hall and shuttled away.

After three days.

Xu Ziyan and others returned to the town of the demon city, Xu Ziyan put the three monks out of the space fairy. Soon, the news of the destruction of Tianfu Commercial Bank spread in the Upper Yuan. Xu Ziyan stayed in the room and began to refine the fixed bead.

On an island, Situ Ming and Wu Tie face each other. In the end, Wu Tie sighed a long time:

"I didn't think that the days of the big Tianfu business would be destroyed in a few days!"

Situ Ming also sighed a bit: "We are arrogant in front of us! We think that we are not much worse than the nine sects. In fact, the nine sects did not put us in the eye, we want to destroy us. It’s just a moment. Nowadays, the tyrants are destroyed by the devil, but the rest of the Xu Ziyan people are also better than our Tianfu business.

"Yeah!" Wutie also sighed: "We still have to leave, do not participate in the mainland."


Nearly 50,000 monks of Tiandan Commercial Bank and Tianqi Commercial Bank boarded a canary boat and went to the depths of the ocean.

Inside the town of the demon.

In the small building of the four churches in the south, the high-rises in the south once again gathered together to discuss the Golden God. The existence of the golden armor will make these great monks have no chance to retreat. Originally, they thought that it would be impossible to retreat before the catastrophe.

Every big monk is locked in his brow and wonders how he can catch the traces of the golden armor. In fact, as long as he gives a moment, these big monks can arrive. But it is this momentary time that the golden armor will not give it, and now the golden armor will be too alert.

"You friends!" Liao Bufan suddenly said: "I want to come up with a solution."

Everyone is a spirit, and he looks up at Liao Bufan.

"Now because of the existence of Xu Zongzhu, the golden armor will feel the threat, so he has not dared to attack the family with the guardian squad, nor dare to attack the fairy city with the guardian squad. Because then, there is no When he broke the big line, Xu Zongzhu had already killed him.

Therefore, he is currently only able to find a walking monk in the wild, so give us a chance. An opportunity to lure him. ”

If everyone listens and understands, Liao Bufan continues to say: "We pass the South, except that the families and the fairy city continue to open the big array. In the future, many southern monks will not leave the family and the fairy city. And we sent a monk to walk in a certain area in the south, and the golden armor will be attracted. At the same time, we take turns to cover the area with the gods, so as long as the golden armor will appear, it will be discovered by us."

"Good idea!" Ouyang pulled the palm and said: "It's just that we should look for a reason, otherwise there will be no monks walking in other parts. Only the monks walking in this area will be suspected by the Golden God."

"I don't think it is better to choose Chaoge Plain. Is there not a lot of monsters in the northern part of Chaoge Plain? Our families have chosen some disciples to go out and try them there. So the Golden God will not doubt it! In fact, even if he doubts How about? He will definitely appear!"

"Not bad!" Xu Ziyan also nodded: "He can't stand the idea of ​​engulfing, so he will definitely appear. But there is a condition first, that is, without discovering us."

"We naturally will not let him discover!" Liao Bufan said.

"It's not easy!" Xu Ziyan said with a smile: "You must know that the gods of the Golden God will definitely surpass the peak of the late Tianzun, so once you monitor it with your knowledge, you will definitely be discovered by the Golden God."

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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