The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2544: The Lord is coming again

Xu Ziyan nodded: "I have a kind of magical power, I can see through all the illusions."

Xu Ziyan paused and looked at the four masters. He looked seriously: "The four friends, Ziyan also observed you for a long time. You can say that you have a detached position in the South, and your actions have always been detached. Regardless of anything in the Southern Terran, you haven't seen the people of the Terran for so many years, but you are the Yaozu after all. I want to know what your purpose is to stay in the Terran?

You must not have to be lurking in the Terran because there are any enemies in the Yaozu who can threaten you. With your four cultivations, where can the Yaozu still be able to stop you? But it seems that you are not coming to hurt the human race. What is your purpose? ”

The purple eyes of Xu Ziyan flashed out of the fine mans, Liao Bufan indulged for a long time, and finally sighed:

"We are waiting!"

“Wait?” The answer made Xu Ziyan a glimpse. She thought a lot of answers, but she didn’t think it would be the answer: “What are you waiting for?”

"Xu Zongzhu, if you can answer a question, I will answer your question." Liao Bufan also said earnestly, his eyes showed hope, the other three owners also sat up straight, looking at the eyes Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan’s look was a glimpse, and he tentatively asked: “What are you waiting for?”

Liao Bufan said seriously: "I don't know, maybe it's related to you."

"Well, you ask." Xu Ziyan said refreshingly.

"You are the reincarnation of Fengzu?"

This sentence exports, the atmosphere inside the small building is a stagnation. Xu Ziyan’s look is a stay. She did not think that it would be such a problem. This question can't help Xu Ziyan to recall his past and present life.

Will you be the reincarnation of Fengzu? will not?

Xu Ziyan’s eyes were fascinated, and the eyes of the four masters stared at Xu Ziyan. Half-sounding, Xu Ziyan’s eyes restored Qingming Road:

"I don't know! But... I think I shouldn't!"

Speaking of this, Xu Ziyan suddenly jumped in his heart, his eyes brightened: "Don't you four have been waiting for Fengzu?"

The four masters exchanged their eyes, Liao Bufan nodded: "Yes, we have been waiting for Fengzu, waiting for generations to come."

Xu Ziyan is a bit dumbfounded. She did not expect it to be such a result. Suddenly, my heart sank into the pen in the storage ring.

"Fu Shen, there is such a thing..."

After listening to the gods, they said: "They are the descendants of the four Davids of Fengzu. They should not lie. Their mission is to defend Fengzu. Everything else has nothing to do with them."

After listening to the words of the god, Xu Ziyan was slightly relieved. From this point of view. The four churches do not really do anything dangerous for the Terran. At the very least, before Fengzu appeared, they would not do anything that harmed the human race. All they have to do is wait silently, waiting for the appearance of Fengzu.

At this time, Xu Ziyan was also full of admiration for the four of them in his heart. He has been waiting for a purpose for generations and has never changed.

Xu Ziyan is not prepared to ask any more. The four churches do not harm the human race, and their purpose is not to harm the human race. Xu Ziyan has no reason to make it difficult for the other party. So Xu Ziyan said softly:

"Four friends. Purple smoke understands. This matter will be kept secret and will be closed."

"Slow!" Liao Bufan stopped the Xu Zi flue that just wanted to get up: "Xu Zongzhu, can you answer me a question?"

Xu Ziyan sat back again and looked at Liao Bufan: "You ask."

"Hsu Zongzhu has an unyielding will?"

Xu Ziyan understood that his unyielding will was derived from Feng Zu, so he was regarded as the reincarnation of Feng Zu by the four masters. However, I am not a reincarnation of Fengzu! It is his own chance to get the unyielding will of Fengzu. But I also know that I can’t conceal the four masters at this time, and I simply nod my head:


The four masters were excited at once, and Liao Bufan stood up with excitement:

"You... is Fengzu..."

"I am not!" Xu Ziyan immediately decisively denied.

"That... how can you have an unyielding will?" Liao Bufan said.

At this time, Xu Ziyan began to feel embarrassed. He could not tell them how he got the unyielding will. Once they let them know the reason, they might irritate the four people in front of them. After all, they would have passed the soul of Fengzu. This is absolutely unbearable for the monks who have died for generations to die. Therefore, Xu Ziyan hesitated:

"I don't know, anyway, I have an unyielding will."

Liao Bufan’s heart is a hot one: "Xu Zongzhu, you must be the reincarnation of Fengzu, otherwise how can you have unyielding will?"

"No, I am definitely not!" Xu Ziyan's head shook like a rattle.

"How do you explain that you have unyielding will?" Liao Bufan asked with a stern urge.

Xu Ziyan shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know. But I am definitely not Fengzu. Isn't Fengzu, I don't know myself?"

"You really don't know this!" Liao Bufan's face showed a smile: "You must be the reincarnation of Fengzu, let me explain it to you."

Liao Bufan said with excitement: "Xu Zongzhu, you are not born to find an unyielding will?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded, and said in his heart: "Of course I am not, but later refining the soul of Fengzu."

"That is because after you reincarnate, everything is in a state of sleep. Now that you have awakened your unyielding will, waiting for your soul to fully awaken, you will remember the past life, then you will know that you are the reincarnation of Fengzu."

Xu Ziyan’s face was a bit of a dumbfounding, this is this... This is not too easy to think about.


I can never admit that I am Feng Zu. If this matter is passed out, is it not for the human race?


Do your own good people do not do, go to do the demon?

Xu Ziyan stood up from the chair and said: "The four owners, Ziyan is definitely not the reincarnation of Fengzu. This matter will be talked about later, and Ziyan will leave."

"Xu Zongzhu..."

Xu Ziyan has taken one step, his body shape faded in the space and disappeared.

"Liao brother, what do we do?" Mao Wenlong looked at Liao Bufan.

Liao Bufan indulged in a moment: "Let your hand go down and explore the whereabouts of Xu Zongzhu, we secretly protect her. Waiting for the awakening of Fengzu."

Xu Ziyan stepped out, and when he reappeared, he came to the sky above the Taixu ruins. His eyes looked around and eventually fell to the bottom, sitting cross-legged at the big handprint lake.

At this point, it will not move, like a statue. A little bit through the fifth bridge of heaven and earth.

Only in the past nine days, Xu Ziyan was found in the four churches in the south. After the four masters of Liao Bufan learned the location of Xu Ziyan, they immediately came to the site of Taixu, but they did not appear to see Xu Ziyan, but they were hidden in the silence.

Inside the mysterious space.

Yanshan soul opened his eyes, and his face showed a happy color. She now knows that the soul of her own refining is from Longzu. He learned some information from the soul, but it was very scattered, and many messages have been wiped out over time. He learned from the soul that the dragon ancestors and Feng Zu rushed into the battle all the way. When the two of them discovered the light group, they also went to the huge light group as Yanshan soul and others.

At this time, they were not as careful as Yanshan Soul and others. One is that Longzu and Fengzu are strong and think that there is no danger to hurt them. The other is when Yanshan Soul and others came here. They saw the bodies of Longzu and Fengzu, and they naturally added caution. At that time, there was nothing in front of Longzu and Fengzu.

Therefore, Longzu and Fengzu were tragedy. When it was near the ball of light, it instantly fell. But after all, the two of them were Long Zu and Feng Zu. In the moment of the fall, they broke free and escaped. The soul of Yanshan soul refining is the one that Longzu escaped. It is precisely because of the refining of the soul of this dragon ancestor, so that the repair of Yanshan soul has been upgraded again, reaching the middle level of the eighth grade.

Looking up at the light spot in the distance, Yanshan soul robe sleeves waved, and the figure continued to fly forward.

The entire site of the Taixu ruins was silent, and the breeze smashed across the lake, swaying. From time to time, a strip of fish jumped out of the lake, and some small animals appeared on the lakeside, jumping around the Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan was as motionless as a stone statue.

A figure appeared silently across from Xu Ziyan, and even the four church owners hidden in the surrounding area were not found. Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and looked at the opposite Lord. Smile a little:

"You came!"

The Lord of the Lord looked at Xu Ziyan’s voice and said: “Xu Ziyan, you hand over the Xu Xiang, I will not pursue it in the past.”

Xu Ziyan’s eyes are happy: “Xu Xiang is still alive!”

"He is of course alive!" The Lord bluntly said: "I know that he is not dead. Give him to me."

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "I don't know where he is. But if you ruin me too imaginary, I will definitely ask you for a host."

The Lord of the Lord stared at Xu Ziyan: "Since you don't know where he is, it is useless to keep you, die!"


Four figures appeared in front of Xu Ziyan, the four masters, looking at the opposite Lord in fearlessly. The demon Lord looked a glimpse, followed by a sneer, and punched the past with the opposite of Xu Ziyan and the four main halls.

This boxing banned the surrounding space, so that the five monks of Xu Ziyan actually felt the air as solid, and the punch of the opposite Lord was like the Yangtze River, which made people dodge, only hard fight.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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