The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2545: Good furnace

I am very grateful to Mu Xiaoer (588), Jinniu Feifei _ classmate (200), mableip classmate (100) for the reward!

Xu Ziyan’s heart was just moving, and he wanted to rely on the strength of the four levels of the Holy Level to harden the Lord, but suddenly saw a figure in front of himself. The person appeared very awkward, even the Lord did not Seeing the trajectory of his appearance, he punched the past with the fist of the devil.


The earth between the man and the devil collapsed, forming a deep bottomless gap. The body of the demon was swept away like a meteor.


The man who turned his back to Xu Ziyan turned into a stone from his feet. The heart of Xu Ziyan was suddenly stunned and his eyes became moist.


The figure of the man smashed into the air and chased the past toward the distant Lord. As he was able to make a purple smoke, his petrified feet began to recover.

"Shan soul!" Xu Ziyan looked at the back of Yanshan soul and called.

"Evil Lord!"

The demon Lord calmly stood in the air and looked at the Yanshan soul with a stunned look. At this time, his heart was shocked to be a bit sluggish. He actually found that the cultivation of the Yanshan soul was upgraded and raised to an irresistible thought in his heart.

"Are you breaking through?"

The answer to him was a big foot scorpion of Yanshan soul. The sound of "砰", the demon Lord was kicked into the sky by Yanshan soul, turned into a small black spot, and then disappeared.


The shape of Yanshan soul chased the past to the demon Lord, and has not waited for the purple smoke to shout. The shape of the Yanshan soul has disappeared.


Xu Ziyan looked at the white clouds in the air and sighed.

Star domain.

Shangzun sat in his own cave, Wen Yao sat down. Looking at the face of the sun and the uncertain Shangzun. There was a trace of tension on his face. Although he has already gone to Shangzun at this time, he is not sure whether Shangzun trusts him.

Shang Zun has seen the Lord of the Devil and told the Lord of the Lord that Xu Ziyan did not die. The Lord of the Lord let him go, and let him not reveal himself and his secrets, no one can know that he has a relationship with the Lord.

Still respected by nature, he returned to the Stars, but his heart was depressed. Originally thought that I would be the first person under the Five Saints, as long as I worked hard to cultivate. Maybe one day will surpass the five holy.


Xu Ziyan gave him a big slap!

"How is it? Can there be news of Xu Ziyan?" Shang Zun opened his eyes and asked.

Wen Yao heard the words immediately shook his head: "Xu Ziyan is still staying at the Taixu ruins, sitting at the lake and motionless, seems to be comprehending what."

“Can there be a sign of a breakthrough?” Shang Zun’s look is tight.

"No!" Wen Yao immediately shook his head.

"Oh..." Shangzun’s face was slightly pale. Reluctantly smiled: "Where is it so simple to break through the holy level? Let her sit there, I am afraid that there will be no breakthrough in sitting for ten thousand years."

There is a hint of fear in the sacred eyes of the holy level. He does have a trace of fear for Xu Ziyan. After a day and night with Xu Ziyan, he has already had a closer understanding of Xu Ziyan.

He is sure that the body strength of Xu Ziyan has exceeded the holy level. Otherwise, he could not resist his immortal bombardment. At the same time, it is certain that the power of the **** of Xu Ziyan is also the worst. Otherwise, it will not be affected by your own pressure. However, the fairy scent released by Xu Ziyan is very low-level, and even the one that will be released to him is only barely reaching the level of the holy level.

This makes Shang Zun speculate that Xu Ziyan has not yet reached the true holy level. He has not reached the holy level in terms of purity and concentration.

Suddenly, Wen Yao’s communication jade hanging around his waist shook. Wen Yao opened the communication jade Jane listened for a while, sat there for a while, then said in a panic:

"The Sovereign, the Lord of the Lord went to the site of the Taixu ruins. At the time of the move toward Xu Ziyan, the evil Lord suddenly appeared. The lord was beaten."

Shang Zun’s face is also dignified: “The evil Lord is also born! I don’t know if the lord, the demon Lord, or the Quebec is about to be born.”

Wen Yao is pale, and these holy monks are too much pressure on these monks. In particular, Shang Zun personally experienced the power of the demon Lord, deeply knowing that the five saints are irresistible, and the heart is inevitably a little anxious.

Tightly wrinkled his brow and thought, saying that although he is a holy class, but he does not realize that heaven has become a holy level, in fact, he has no understanding of the level of the holy level, but has a holy level. the power of. Therefore, he did not know how to go in the future, how to improve his cultivation, and to attack the second level of the holy level, and continue on the road of the holy level.

In fact, he is not likely to have the opportunity to promote the holy level, because the holy level he has at this time does not belong to him at all, but a means of the devil, making him a pseudo-level.


He doesn't know! In his heart, he is now a holy monk. His pride makes him not want to be the slave of the demon. Every moment, he is dreaming that his cultivation is more than the demon, and he is stepping on the devil. Turning the Lord into his magical pet, especially the appearance of Yanshan Spirit, and seemingly saved Xu Ziyan, which made him feel more pressure in his heart.

"I want to break through! I must break through!" Shangzun clenched his fist tightly.

Suddenly, his heart was a flash of light.

Heaven and Earth, the universe, the human universe!

Holy level! Should it be to cultivate the human body into a small universe?

But how to cultivate?

The yin and yang conversion of the beginning of all things. yin and yang!

Shangzun looked at Wen Yaodao: "The elder of the text."


"I remember that there was a section of the fairy tales in the fairy world. What the lord called, I forgot, I reached the late Tianzun in a short period of time, and finally was killed by the nine sects and destroyed his sect."

"Yes!" Wen Yao nodded: "And the nine major sects of the sect of the Hehuan sect were destroyed in public, and the monks of the celestial world were strictly prevented from practicing this evil practice. Once discovered, the entire celestial world was ruined."

Shang Zun said with indulgence: "The elders of the text, why do you say that the cultivation of the lord of the Acacia has grown so fast? I heard that he has not cultivated to the late Tianzun in a hundred years."

"This..." Wen Yao frowned slightly: "Their martial arts were destroyed at the time. It seems that it has not been passed down. However, according to my speculation, it should be absorbed by the woman and absorbed the pure yin, yin and yang. Only to achieve this effect. But this will make the woman fall, so it is called evil practice."

Shang Zun’s eyes turned and he waved his hand to make Wen Yao leave. Then he entered the practice room where his father was still in the past, opened a secret door and went in and entered the secret room. Then went straight to a corner. There is a box there.

In this dark room, only the Shangdao and Shangzun fathers and sons know that Shangzun picked up the box and opened the box. I saw a few jade slips inside. One of the jade slips is the practice of He Huan Zong. At the beginning, Shangzun also saw this practice, but did not regard him as a child. After all, the Stars have their own inheritance exercises. So I just took a quick glance and threw it aside.

Now he has lost the path of cultivation. The practice of the Star Fields obviously does not allow him to ascend on the path of the Holy Level. So he remembered this practice. Today, after hearing what Wen Yao said, he has strengthened his determination to practice this practice.

Holding this practice in his hand, there is a sneer in the eyes of Shangzun. What ruined the practice of He Huan Zong in public, I thought that the nine masters of the sects had copied this practice, but everyone did not cultivate because of scruples. Then, from generation to generation, everyone gradually forgot about it.

Sitting cross-legged in the darkroom, I read the technique in Yujian from beginning to end, and the excitement between Shangzun’s eyebrows appeared. The jade was collected. He left the dark room in a hurry and returned to his own cave. Send someone to call Wen Yao,

Before the Shangzun opening, Wen Yao said: "The Sovereign, just received a message just now, Tian Xiangzong reopened the mountain gate and began to swear."

In the heart of Shangzun, it was a move. On that day, Xiang Zong was a woman! And each one is not low, it is best to take them to practice. Everyone is a perfect stove.

"The Sovereign, in fact, Tianxiangzong’s opening of the mountain gate is a fake. Their real intention is to send some of the elite disciples of Tianxiangzong out of the mountain gate."

"Send the mountain gate? What is their purpose?"

"They are very secretive. If it weren't for our disciples who were inserted in Tianxiangzong, they were also selected elite disciples. They couldn't be found at all. They changed their dresses, loaded and those who were not admitted to the gates. The monks were sent back together and then left. Our people found the embarrassment and followed them. Seeing the route they walked seemed to want to go out to sea."

Shang Zun’s face was a sigh of relief: “This day, Xiang Zong has always been the weakest sect of the nine sects. It seems that they have no confidence in the future catastrophe.”

Wen Yao smiled at the side: "Tianxiang Zong is a woman. It is normal to repair it. It is not enough to be firm and not unexpected. So, they want to keep the inheritance and let these disciples go overseas to avoid trouble? However, there are still some people who don’t understand. If the catastrophe really comes, can you really avoid it if you hide overseas?"

Shang Zun nodded: "The fairyland is still orthodox above the mainland, and the overseas forces are just a side door. So no one will care about the power of overseas. Under normal circumstances, overseas is indeed the best way to avoid disaster. location."

Shang Zun slightly lowered his eyes and began to think about it. In any case, at least on the bright side, the nine major sects are the same. Just before the advent of the catastrophe, Tian Xiangzong secretly removed the Zongmen elite. This is a kind of betrayal of the nine major Zongmen alliances. Other sects have gone all out to cope with the catastrophe. There is a backhand for your Tianxiangzong. This is definitely an excuse to attack Tianxiangzong.

The most important thing is that the Tianxiangzong women are top-notch!

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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