The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2546: dispute

If there is no excuse to attack Tianxiangzong, it will inevitably lead to opposition from the other seven sects. Originally, since Shang Zun broke through to the first level, he has not put the other eight masters in his eyes. However, after the battle with Xu Ziyan, he converges a lot and began to think that his current strength may not be the land of the eight major sects.

Tian Xiangzong transferred the elite brother to provide a gap for Shangzun to break the eight major sects. Before the catastrophe came, this important pass, as long as you grasp this gap to attack Tianxiangzong, the seven sects may not be blocked.

Shang Zun stood up from the chair and walked back and forth on the ground. Yao stood up and looked at Shang Zun. Shang Zun took three round trips and paused. Standing with a hand, he said slowly:

"Yao, you help me analyze it. If I want to attack Tianxiangzong, first of all, because Tianxiangzong secretly transferred the elite brother, this will make other sects chill and give me a reasonable excuse. Second, with my holy level There will be some taboos for them. So, will the seven major sects stand by?"

Yao frowned and thought for a while: "If we attack Tianxiang Zong for no reason, the seven sects will definitely stand up. Because they are all scruples about their sects at this time, the lords have become holy masters, to them. The threat is too great, and their hearts should be afraid that the sovereign has a unified mind. So no matter which gate you are working on, they will join hands to stop it.

However, Tian Xiangzong has done this kind of thing, but the seven major sects have no excuse to stop you, and they can't stop it. Because they stop it once. The whole world will be chaotic. Tianxiangzong has transferred the elite brothers, then what about other sects?

Once you open this mouth, don't say the big door. It is said that those small sects will learn Tianxiangzong and transfer the Zongmen elite to overseas. If everyone does this, who will stop the catastrophe in the future?

It can be said that Tian Xiangzong opened a very bad head, this mouth can not be opened, and the seven major sects are not allowed to open this mouth. So even if we attacked Tianxiangzong, even if the seven masters suspected that we would start to unify the big gates, they could not stop it.

But after that. The seven major sects will be closely united to resist our Tian Yuzong. ”

"Seven major sects?" Still sneered with a sneer: "I only need to hold Tianxiangzong tightly in my hand."

Yao Yao a moment, do not understand how Shang Zun suddenly became interested in Tian Xiangzong. But still do not say. He also did not ask interestingly. Instead, it changed the topic:

"The Sovereign, now we are a true enemy of the celestial domain and the Taixu sect. There is no possibility of resolving it. Nowadays, the monks of the imaginary sect are almost hidden and lost. Only the tyrants of the tyrants are Xu Ziyan alone. Still staying at the Taixu ruins. Are we killing her? Just kill her. Too imaginary is no leader."

Shang Zun’s face was gloomy. The fight with Xu Ziyan last time hit his confidence very much. He also hated Xu Ziyan very much.

that moment.

Xu Ziyan has become his demon, but...

Shang Zun finally shook his head and said: "Yao, we don't know why the evil master suddenly attacked the demon Lord. If the evil Lord only has a revenge with the devil, then if the evil Lord has a relationship with Xu Ziyan, It is to help Xu Ziyan. Then, we are now killing Xu Ziyan, what is the difference between thinking and thinking?"

He turned and looked at Yao Yao: "Even the devil is not the opponent of the evil Lord. You are not letting this sect with the celestial sect to seek death? As for Xu Ziyan, waiting for the things of the demon and the evil master to be clear. It is easy for me to kill her.

Do you still think that Xu Ziyan is a holy monk? ”

"Do you think that Xu Ziyan is a holy monk?

Now even if Shangzun is a holy class, we can't be sure, so even though Xu Ziyan will finally be scared away, we can't think that Xu Ziyan is sanctified. Sovereign, you have let the innocent younger brother take a sword to go to the Taixu, is this a child? It is necessary to know that the younger brother is now a monk in the late Tianzun.

Besides, with the strength of the younger brother, I am afraid that the combat power is still above the sovereign. Staying in Yuzong will definitely enhance the strength of the Emperor. How can you make such a decision?

Ok! Even if Xu Ziyan has been sanctified. So what? She is at most a holy level, can you be sure that she can survive the future catastrophe? Now the demon Lord and the evil Lord have been born, and the devil is clearly to let the purple smoke die. At this time, let the innocent younger brother go to the Taixu, it is better to stay in the emperor. ”

"Speaking to the younger brother, don't be too embarrassed!" Tu Yi said quietly.

The rhetoric followed with a red face: "What do you want me to do?"

Baifeng Beefeng Lord Bai Fengdao: "The Sovereign, I think it is not insured to let the innocent brothers go to Taixu Zong to retain the Taoist sect. We still choose some elite brothers to send overseas to avoid trouble?"

“No!” Tu Yishui categorically refused: “This kind of thing can’t be done. Let the innocent younger brothers go to the purple smoke, at least leave the mainland, and others will not say anything. But once we darken the brothers Other Zongmen found that our ambulances became the target of public criticism."

"But the sect of the lord is completely wrong." The rhetoric said with impunity: "Even if Xu Ziyan and Wu Shijun have escaped the catastrophe in the future, Xu Ziyan will certainly rebuild too imaginary, and the imaginary teacher is too imaginary. The monk does not care about the sect of the sect. If the sect is too catastrophe, it will still break the line."

The earth shook his head silently, and the face of Founder was awe-inspiring. The two lying silkworms were slightly together. The entire hall of the discussion was plunged into dignity. The windows and doors of the main hall are closed, but the night pearls above the roof emit light.

Tianji Fengfeng Lord Mofan said faintly: "The Tao will be broken if it is broken. As long as the Terran can survive this catastrophe. Then, the purple smoke can escape in the hands of the Lord, showing that the strength is good. I see The lord let the sword go to Xu Ziyan without vain, not necessarily to preserve the Taoist sect.

Since we have cultivated the immortal, since we have left the sect, we have to go to the sect, how can we make it back to continue the ethics? ”

"Then what do you say about the lord?" The words asked with disappointment.

Mo Fan glanced at the earth and said: "I think the Sovereign wants to form a close relationship with the non-virtual brother and Xu Ziyan. Whether we can survive the catastrophe in the future, maybe it should be on Xu Ziyan."

The soil slowly said slowly: "You have forgotten the soul of Yanshan!"

The monks in the hall are all in one, and then they are thoughtful. The earth is still slowly talking about water:

"Now we all know that the soul of Yanshan is the evil spirit, and the Taoist spirit and the singer of Xu Ziyan. From the news we just received, the evil master was born again. He was born to drive away the evil master who killed Xu Ziyan. And very Obviously, the demon Lord is not the opponent of Yanshan Spirit. There is no problem in the reconstruction of Yanshan Spirit in Taixu Zong. If we are able to form an alliance with Taixu and have evil masters, we may not be able to survive the catastrophe."

In the inner hall of the hall, the time is silent, and everyone looks at the water and the eyes are respected, one by one in the heart:

"High! How did you forget the existence of Yanshan Soul?"

"I don't want to mention this matter anymore. From now on, there is no such thing as a younger brother. It is another matter that we need to discuss."

The earth glimmered over the monks in the hall. "There are two more years when the time and space are open. Are we still arranged as usual?"

The rhetoric said with thought: "This time and space is of no use to us, and of course, if someone has time and space attributes, but it seems that no one of us has cultivated these two attributes?"

“Not bad!” Tu Yishui nodded. “In the past, we were all sent to the time and space to take the opportunity. But now in this situation, are we still going to open the mountain gate and let the younger brother go?”

The monks in the main hall suddenly fell. Yes, now Zong Zong is a mountain. And now the demon Lord, the evil master is born, I am afraid that it will not take long, the lord, the demon Lord and the Quebec will also be born, at this time, do you want to open the mountain gate to let the brother go to time and space?

The monks face each other, and at this time, the hearts are somewhat uncertain, and they can't help but look at the soil. The earth is sinking into the water and says:

"I think let the younger brothers touch the opportunity! Two years later, the catastrophe has not yet come, and the existence of the Five Saints will not be difficult for those younger brothers. When entering the time and space, the Upper Yuan Dynasty should still be in a safe period. When they come out from time and space, it may be the time of the catastrophe.

It is not always suitable for closed-door cultivation. Two years later, the sect of the sect has a purple smoke to refine the immortal. There should be many monks who have made breakthroughs, just to go to time and space to practice. As for what happens when you come out of time and space, it depends on the opportunity. If the catastrophe really comes, it will not be safe to stay in the Zongmen. ”

"That's the way!" The rhetoric said: "When we open the mountain gate, whoever wants to go to the time and space will go."

"Do we really need to transfer some elite brothers?" Bai Feng still said something unwilling.

The earth is a sinking face: "This mouth can't be opened, and this thing will be taken back."

"The Sovereign, isn’t there a bit of a slap in the recent days when Tian Xiangzong opened the door to the younger brother?" Mo Fan asked.

"What do you think of the younger brother?"

Mo Fan said with a deep sigh: "According to the information received, Tian Xiangzong did not receive many younger brothers. Instead, he eliminated a large number of younger brothers. Those brothers were repatriated. I think there will be Tianxiangzong elite brothers mixed in. ?"

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued, please search for music, the novel is better updated faster!

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