The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2547: Tianxiang elite

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The monks understood it as soon as they heard it, and they were also convinced that Tianxiangzong must use this to secretly transfer a group of elite disciples. The earth sighed a long time:

"If Tianxiang Zong really does this, I am afraid that the disaster will come."

"How do you say that?" The monks were shocked.

"Oh..." Tu Yishui sighed: "If Shangzun really broke through the holy level, I am afraid that there is already a unified nine-class sect. But he lacks an opportunity. Tianxiangzong took the initiative to send the opportunity. Still respected."

"Then we..."

“What can we do again?” Tu Yishui’s face was dark and sullen: “We can’t control it, we can’t control it. The flowers are confused.”

East China Sea.

On an uninhabited island, there are five hundred monks gathered here. They are all women. Although they are dusty, they can't hide the aura of the whole body.

On a rock, a female manicured light glanced down: "Is the team all arrived?"

"Returning to the sister, the first team is coming!"

"The second team is coming!"

"The third team is coming!"

"The fourth team is coming!"

"The fifth team is coming!"

The woman who stood on the rock was serious and turned to the direction of Tianxiangzong. The figure fell on the rock, and the beautiful voice rang on the island:

"Barewell to the sect!"

Five hundred women repaired on the island and bowed to the direction of Tianxiangzong. There were tears in one eye, and some women even sobbed.

The woman on the rock stood up and snorted: "Sisters, we are leaving today for the return of tomorrow. We must carry forward the Tianxiangzong overseas."


Five hundred days of Xiangzong elite disciples stood up neatly. Everyone’s face has a strong color.

"let's go!"

On the rock, the female cultivator raised a fairy boat, which was enlarged in the air.


There was a sword in the sky, and the sword was like a big boat in the air. It was only in an instant that the fairy boat was crushed and shattered.

The female nurse on the rock suddenly looked up and shouted: "Who?"

"Ha ha ha..."

A burst of laughter. There were five figures in the air, but it was Wen Yao who appeared in the crack of space with four heavenly statues. A figure flew out from the five hundred women's repairs to the sky, and the female face on the rock changed, and she could not help but call:

"Cloud Master, come back soon!"

But I saw that the figure of the Yunshimei flew straight into the air and stumbled in the clouds: "The disciple saw Shibo."

"Good! Good! Hahaha..." Wen Yao said with a smile: "You stand by and wait until you return to Zongmen, and you will reward you."

"Xie Shibo!" The Yunshimei stood up from the cloud. Came behind the five heavenly monks.

Tianxiangzong below understands that they have been betrayed. I didn't think that the Yunshimei, who had always been a well-behaved character, turned out to be the nail of the Tianxiang Zong'an.

The woman's face on the rock became pale. The ones who were the highest among them were her, but they were only the peak of a person's late stage. The lowest was the king of the celestial beings, but on their heads they were five days. The monks, who want to destroy them, are as easy as five hundred monks, and they have no chance to escape.

The most important thing is that before the five hundred people left the sect in secret, the lord flower fairy once told them that they must rely on themselves if they leave the sect. The sovereign will not help them any more.

"How to do how to do?"

The Taixu sects were eager to burn, and they showed the five heavenly lords who looked at the air in the air. The woman on the rock snorted:

"Predecessors, I don't know how to stop the younger generation. What do you think?"

"Oh, huh..." Wen Yao smiled at the two channels: "A big courage, you Tianxiang Zong would dare to secretly transfer the elite disciples, and the celestial catastrophe will not be ignored. After the seizure of you, this sect will attack Tianxiangzong. Let Tian Xiangzong give an explanation to the fairyland."

The woman in the heart of the rock is a glimpse, and the result she least wants to see appears. I am afraid that not only will these people die, but they will also be affected by the Zongmen. I am eager to know how to cope. And it is at this time. Wen Yao in the sky sighed coldly:

"You can immediately call your lord, if she is willing to come here to talk. I will let you go."

The woman's look on the rock became hesitant, and the hand was taken out of the jade. But I can't make up my mind. On the one hand, the Sovereign has already said that once they leave the Zongmen, the Zongmen will not pay attention to them. On the other hand, even if the sects and others come, they can only play a role in implicating the sect. And maybe there is still a hidden in this space, I heard that he broke through to the holy level. If you really inform the Sovereign, and the Sovereign is really coming, I am afraid it will fall into the trap of the Stars.

The five stars in the sky, Zong Tianzun and the Tianxiang Zong, on the ground, looked at the female repair on the rock at this time, but no one found that Li was lazy in the group of Tianxiang female disciples. Coaching jade, then condensing the gods into a line into the communication jade, began to voice.

Whistling the mountains.

Tianxiangzong site.

The big handprinted lake, Xu Ziyan sitting cross-legged. The body was covered with dust, and from time to time there were dead leaves hovering in the air and falling on her head.

Some small birds did not fear to fall on the head of Xu Ziyan, shoulders, squats, jumped and jumped, but Xu Ziyan did not move, as if it were stone carving.

Suddenly there was a humming sound in the waist of Xu Ziyan.

"Pull it..."

The little birds on the head and shoulders of Xu Ziyan flew in the air instantly. Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and took the message from the waist and put it in his ear.

Then, her figure took one step and disappeared into space.


There were four figures in the Taixu ruins. It was the owner of the four halls. Xu Ziyan left too suddenly, so that they did not have the slightest preparation, but they immediately lost the trace of Xu Ziyan. I couldn’t help but sigh.

Above the island.

The female repair on the rock finally put down the jade. Looking at Wen Yaodao: "Wen Shi Bo, we have left the Tianxiang Zong, everything done has nothing to do with Tianxiangzong."

"Ha ha ha... You said that you are separated from the sect by the sect?" Wen Yao laughed: "Since you don't know the time. Then take it back and say, hahaha..."

Wen Yao has a big sleeve. The sleeves of the robe were magnified in the air, and the sleeves in the sleeves shrouded the Tianxiang sect underneath.


A sword in the sky, a sword mans hanging from the sky, crossed the large sleeves of Wen Yao, the sleeves were broken by a sword, a piece of rags floating in the air.

"Who?" Wen Yao said.

A figure appeared in the air, and his eyes looked coldly at Wen Yao.

"Xu Ziyan!" Wen Yao was shocked and his face was discolored.

"Roll!" Xu Ziyan gave a cold drink.

The color of Wen Yao’s face is constantly changing. Eventually, the space crack was torn open, and the Yunshi girl was wrapped around.

"Thank you Xu Zongzhu!" On the rock, the woman repaired Xu Ziyan and gave her a gift.

Xu Ziyan's body slowly landed on the rock, looking at the Tianxiang sect in front of him, his face changed indefinitely, and finally turned into a sigh.

"Xu Zongzhu!" The female repairer on the rock said softly: "The Stars are a deadly enemy. Why didn't the lord kill them?"

Xu Ziyan looked at the woman's look and gradually cooled down: "This thing was originally that you Tianxiangzong did something wrong, no matter what the purpose of the Star Fields is to block you, but it is no mistake to stop you."

Do you know that you Tianxiangzong did this and opened a very bad mouth for the fairy world. If every sect in the celestial world learns Tianxiangzong, how many monks remain to resist the catastrophe? Even if there is a calm in the hearts of the monks left behind? What is the flower lord doing?

This is not enough for her catastrophe. Is it necessary to push the Terran to the abyss again? ”

"We...we only want to leave a legacy for the sect."

"Tao Tong?" Xu Ziyan said coldly: "Do you need to leave a system for Tianxiangzong. Do you need other sects?"

Tianxiang Zong’s monks bowed their heads and Xu Ziyan took a deep breath. Slowed down the tone:

"What are you going to do now?"

The female trainer on the rock hesitated and finally became firm: "If Xu Zongzhu does not stop, we want to go overseas."

Xu Ziyan’s face has become more difficult to look like: “Your whereabouts have been exposed, do you know that the Stars can use this as an excuse to attack Tianxiangzong? I am afraid that the catastrophe has not yet come, and Tianxiangzong’s Taoism has been extinguished.”

"No!" Tianxiang Zong female looked at Xu Ziyan with surprise.

"The world is impermanent, and no one knows what the Stars will do. But what I can be sure of is that if the Stars used this as an excuse to attack Tianxiangzong. No one in the world would stop the Stars. Because the monks in the world are not shameful. The behavior of the sect, hate the behavior of Tian Xiangzong. Maybe there will be many sects joining the camp of Tian Xiangzong."

The look of Tian Xiangzong’s face was hesitated again, but the voice of the lord sang again. Finally decided to say:

"From the moment we left Tianxiangzong, we are no longer a disciple of Tianxiang. Tianxiangzong will not take care of us, and we don't have to go to Tianxiangzong. We also ask Xu Zongzhu to stop us."

"Oh..." Xu Ziyan sighed, and for a moment, he was disheartened, and he waved his sleeves and said: "You can do it yourself!"


Xu Ziyan just wanted to leave, but suddenly heard the lazy voice of Li. She had been pretending that she had not seen Li lazy, that is, she did not want to expose Li to laziness. Now that Li was lazy and took the initiative, Xu Ziyan had to stop her body shape and looked at Li’s laziness.

"Li Shimei!"

On the rock, the woman looked at Li lazy, her eyes filled with warnings. Li was lazy but didn't look at her, but looked at Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan, Taixu is not completely destroyed?"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued) r580

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