The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2548: Potential

Xu Ziyan smiled bitterly: "The name is dead!"

Li lazily frowned slightly: "What about the secret sect?"

Xu Ziyan smiled, and Li lazy and laughed.

"Li is lazy, what are you doing?" The woman on the rock yelled at Li.

Li lazy and gave her a deep ritual: "Zi Shijie, lazy from this moment, from Tianxiangzong."

"Do you dare?" Ji Tianhua Liu Mei inverted: "Do you dare to sue the sect?"

Li lazily lowered his eyes and said: "I didn't say that Ji Shijie just said that we are no longer Tianxiang sects when we left Zongmen? I just don't want to go overseas with you."

"You..." Ji Tianhua was so anxiously waiting for Li to be lazy.

Li lazily jumped and flew over the rock, but did not go to see the Tiantianhua on the rock, but looked at Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan, let's go!"

"Good!" Xu Ziyan smiled lightly, and Li was lazy in one hand, tearing open the space in one hand and disappearing instantly.

Ji Tianhua looked at the direction in which Xu Ziyan and Li lazy disappeared. His face was cloudy and uncertain, and he eventually hated his feet and his body shape rose.

"let's go!"

Hundreds of figures skyrocketed and flew toward the depths of the sea. Falling clouds reflected on the sea. Between the real and the reflection, hundreds of figures went away.

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Taixu ruins.

The space cracked a crack, and Xu Ziyan and Li's lazy figure came out from the inside and fell to the big handprint lake. Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked at the four masters, and his face could not help but show a bitter smile.

"Liao Tangzhu. If I have an irresistible force, you can't help. So, let's leave."

"Xu Zongzhu..."

Xu Ziyan puts his hand in the hand: "I don't like people always watching by me."

"We are not monitoring..."

"I know. But I don't like it. You leave, otherwise I will leave." Xu Ziyan's tone became firm.

The four masters looked at each other and looked at each other with helplessness. Finally, they turned to Xu Ziyan as a gift, and the figure disappeared into space.

The sun is like blood, and the reflection is in the big handprint lake. Xu Ziyan and Li lazy and shouldered their hands.

"Why stay here?"

Li’s lazy mouth showed a smile: “The catastrophe is coming, everyone is a secret sect. You stay, how can I go!”

"That... if we were lucky enough to have had a catastrophe, what are your plans?"

"Do you rebuild too imaginary?"

"I don't know!" Xu Ziyan indulged for a moment: "If the disciples of Zongmen are still alive, I will rebuild. Otherwise..."

Li lazy and looked at each other, his face lazy look swept away, and asked with surprise:

"Too virtual sect is not destroyed?"

"I don't know!" Xu Ziyan's face showed a bitter smile: "I feel that they are still alive."

The shocking color of Li’s lazy face faded away: “If you rebuild too imaginary, I will join Taixu. If you don’t rebuild, let’s travel to the world together.”

"Good!" Xu Ziyan's spirit is also a vibration. "What is a catastrophe? A group of ghosts. We broke a sword!"

"Ha ha ha..." There were two people's crisp laughter on the lake.

There are two wooden houses on the shore of the big handprint, and Xu Ziyan and Li lazy are practicing in these two wooden houses. Xu Ziyan is communicating with the fifth bridge of heaven and earth. Li is lazy and refining the spirit of the Dan demon while comprehending the heavens contained in the gas of the Dan demon. The flower fairy will give a part of the medicinal remedy in the lord's palace to five hundred elite disciples, and Xu Ziyan gave Li a lazy. Li lazy has already broken through the Tianzun period before leaving Tianxiangzong, and has become a true monk of the great respect. At this time, he is approaching the middle of the people.

Xu Ziyan is rarely relaxing today. She just communicated the fifth bridge of heaven and earth yesterday and needs to relax for a while. At this time she was sitting on a rock by the lake. Holding a fishing rod in his hand, fishing leisurely there.

Suddenly, Xu Ziyan raised his head and looked into the distance. Seeing a figure in the sky is flying towards it. Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, and the shadow of the sky in the sky, the murderous dance of the sky, the surrounding white clouds have been broken.


Sha Xiaofan fell from the sky and squatted in front of Xu Ziyan. The murderousness of the body is already like the essence, swaying around the body like a flame.

"See Master!"

"Xiaofan, get up!"

"Thank Master!" Sha Xiaofan stood up from the ground and stood in front of Xu Ziyan.

“Is there something?” Xu Ziyan stretched his brow and asked softly.

"Master! I have troubles in cultivation!" Sha Xiaofan said softly.

Xu Ziyan looked at Sha Xiaofan up and down. When he saw Sha Xiaofan at this time, it was already the beginning of the Emperor, but the murderousness of her body rose from the inside to the outside. Look at her eyebrows, floating and killing. This is clearly a sign that murder is uncontrollable.

"Are you somewhat uncontrollable?"


Not far away, "Oh," a door, Li lazy appeared in the doorway, seeing Sha Xiaofan, the look is a glimpse. Slowly lean your body against the door frame, and secretly say:

"This kid is so murderous."

Xu Ziyan lowered her eyes slightly and seemed to be fishing in focus. In fact, she was thinking about the problem of Sha Xiaofan. Sha Xiaofan stood by the side of Xu Ziyan and did not move.

Although Sha Xiaofan’s body did not move, she was constantly moving in Li’s lazy eyes. Because the rising murderous illusion of the innumerable Sha Xiaofan's shadow wants to rise, but it is bound by Sha Xiaofan, but that Sha Xiaofan seems to be very hard, sweat has already appeared on his forehead.


Xu Ziyan spit out a sigh of relief, raised his eyes and looked at Sha Xiaofan: "Xiao Fan, you should learn the power first!"

"Potential?" Sha Xiaofan looked like a sigh: "Master, I will be!"

“Is it?” Xu Ziyan’s mouth smirked with a smile: “Show it to Master!”

"it is good!"

Sha Xiaofan did not hesitate, Xu Ziyan's cultivation was much higher than her, and it would not hurt Master. The mind was moved, the killing was filled, and the murderous gas rising around her spread toward Xu Ziyan.

However, Xu Ziyan still sat there, and his clothes were not fluttering.

"Xiaofan, you are not a potential!"

"Not a trend?"


Xu Ziyan's body broke out with a fierce murderousness, and rushed toward Sha Xiaofan. The momentum released by Sha Xiaofan melted like a white spring snow. Sha Xiaofan’s body slammed back three steps backwards, and when he felt that he could not resist, the potential of Xu Ziyan drifted away.

"Master, you are murderous..."

"Oh... everyone has murderousness, the difference is that you focus on killing the road, but others don't."

"But... Master's murder is much more powerful than his disciples. But is this because Master's cultivation is higher than that of his disciples? No, it is irrelevant to the disciple's understanding of murder, murderousness and cultivation."

“Not bad!” Xu Ziyan admired the nod. “It really has nothing to do with cultivation. The difference is that Master’s murderousness has formed a momentum, and your murderousness has not yet formed a trend. If you let these murders scatter, unscrupulous, it will eventually erode you. The soul makes you a know-how who only knows how to kill. There is only one way to avoid this result, that is, control!

Control the murderous, want to control the murderous, you must first cultivate the trend! The murderous potential! Only cultivation and development, control of murder is counted as a small success. ”

Xu Ziyan fish licks lightly, and a large fish is accurately plunged into the bucket around him by Xu Ziyan, and then put down the fish raft:

"In fact, all the roads have reached the same level. The different roads we see today are just the branches of the avenue. Follow these branches and go forward, and finally return to the same road.

When it comes to murderousness, Master is not understanding too much. But the path of Master’s cultivation also contains a bit of murder. In Master's view, the key to killing the Tao is against! There are two kinds of situations in the world, one is smooth and the other is reverse. And killing the road is the reverse!

You have to understand the word counter! ”

Xu Ziyan stood up from the rock and said: "Come, Xiaofan, come and experience the reverse!"


Xu Ziyan's murderousness once again filled out, Sha Xiaofan closed his eyes and swayed in the momentum of Xu Ziyan, but he was sweaty in a moment. Xu Ziyan took back the situation and re-sit back on the rock, picked up the fishing rod, hooked the bait on the hook, and then raised his hand, then sat on the rock and did not move.

The setting sun has fallen to the last glory, and a crescent moon is gradually slanting to the sky. Slowly rising to the sky, Sha Xiaofan, who has been standing still, opened his eyes and looked at the Xu Zi flue still sitting on the rock:

"Master, can you give pointers to your disciples?"

Xu Ziyan smiled lightly, his right hand still held the fishing rod, and his left hand extended a finger to Sha Xiaofan.


A violent energy shocked Sha Xiaofan. This is a kind of energy that destroys everything, as if to break the **** of the heavens and the earth and reverse the sky.


Sha Xiaofan's double fists were shot in succession, and the murderousness of the whole body began to gather toward his hands, gathering together into the big river and rushing toward the point that Xu Ziyan pointed out. There was a fierce buzzing sound in the air, but the finger of Xu Ziyan destroyed the momentum of Sha Xiaofan, reached her eyebrows, and then quietly dispersed, as if it had never appeared.

The lake has no sound again, except for the insects, everything becomes silent. Xu Ziyan is still fishing, Sha Xiaofan still stands down, and Li Lazi, who is not far away, still lazily relies on the door frame.

However, the murderousness of Sha Xiaofan’s original ascent has seemed to converge.

The original Sha Xiaofan, who did not need to see her, could feel the murder of the conflict from afar. But now that murderousness is obviously a lot weaker. I have been paying attention to Sha Xiaofan’s la lazy but knowing that it is actually not a lot weaker, but a lot stronger. Those murderous are converging, not weakening.


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