The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2549: Inclusive

I am very grateful to Mu Xiaoer (588), the unfortunate student (300), Jinniu Feifei _ classmate (200), mableip classmate (100), frozen polar bear classmate (200), Qingzi Pei classmate (100), Xqnltbb classmates (100) reward!

Attenuation is the dissipation of murderousness, and convergence is the more substantial of murderousness, which is gradually merging into the body by Sha Xiaofan. Vertex Fiction The chapter update is the fastest. If Sha Xiaofan can really converge the murderousness into the body, then he should master half of the potential. If you are free to retract, then you have complete control over the situation.

It’s just that Li feels lazy and feels a lot. The body’s breath is ups and downs, and she feels that she seems to have grasped the key to breaking through to the mid-term. It just seems to be a little bit worse.

There is a hint of white on the horizon, gradually red...

Big day!

Sha Xiaofan opened his eyes again and looked at Xu Ziyan: "Master, you just said that the world is nothing more than two kinds of things, one kind, one kind of counter. Although the disciples are rebellious, they are also enlightened by the disciples. Can you let your disciples see it?"

"You have half of your potential, attack me!"

"it is good!"

Sha Xiaofan's "砰" sound, the body shape is like a sharp arrow rushed to Xu Ziyan, the palm of his hand is like a knife, murderous, and the general trend is crushed towards Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan was pointing out again, and Sha Xiaofan felt that Xu Ziyan was away from her, as if a small boat was flowing down the river. The farther and farther away, no matter how hard she is, it seems that Xu Ziyan is going along the trend. I couldn’t catch a trace of Xu Ziyan.

Sha Xiaofan fell from the sky, once again closed his eyes, recalling the trend of the past, Li lazy also hung down, the body's breath is ups and downs.

Sunrise sunset, sunset sunrise.

After a day.

Sha Xiaofan once again opened his eyes and said: "Master, is your situation a homeopathic or contrarian?"

"It is neither smooth nor reverse!"

Sha Xiaofan’s look is a sigh: “Master. You are not saying that the world’s general trend is only smooth and reversible?”

"Not bad!" Xu Ziyan put down the fish and looked at Sha Xiaofan: "But the combination of homeopathy and contrarian is tolerant and tolerant. Master's potential is tolerance."

Sha Xiaofan has a longing for the future: "Master. Can you show me?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "Now let you see that there is no slight benefit, but it will make you confused. You still have to understand the situation."


Sha Xiaofan walked into the other side of the big handprint lake, and then stood there slowly. I don't know what she is doing there. The initial is a bit messy, but gradually each stroke shows a counter-trend.


There was a humming sound behind him, and the breath of Li’s lazy body suddenly climbed, breaking through the mid-term.

Eleven figures flew between the white clouds, and from time to time they gave a hearty laugh. The first person is Langyue, and the ten people behind him are the heart, the cold and the clear, and the Song Wanzhong. Thousands of cups drunk, Zhang Wujie. Sacrifice, Zuo Pengming, even the city, the ink **** machine and the sky without shadow. One by one, the road is elegant, and the dusty phase is enviable.

Occasionally, there were monks flying through the air, and I couldn’t help but avoid the eleven people’s sudden momentum. When you meet a familiar monk, you will come forward and talk. The direction of the eleven people is the lake of the big handprint of the Wuthering Mountains.

"This southern continent is so depressed!" The heart sighed.

Langyue looked down: "This is not all half-devils and gold armor will give trouble! After the haul of the semi-demon and the golden armor, where can the south recover so quickly?"

"Master!" Leng Qingyi asked as he looked at the scene below the depression: "Now the golden armor will not be found yet?"

Langyue shook his head and said: "I don't know, we have been living in seclusion for a long time. The brothers have not come out since the South went back. I will know when I see the younger sister."


Eleven people broke open the clouds and fell to the bottom, and the large handprint lake gradually became clear.

At this time, three wooden houses have been built on the shore of the big handprint lake. Eleven people, such as Langyue, fell from the sky, and the doors of the three wooden houses opened. Xu Ziyan, Li Lazy and Sha Xiaofan came out with laughter.

"Master, how come you are here?"

"Little sister, Li Shimei, Xiaofan!"

The people greeted the three people of Xu Ziyan, and the three people of Xu Ziyan also greeted Lang Yue and others. It’s noisy, and after a long absence, I’m happy.

The three wooden houses are so small that everyone sat on the lush green grass. Xu Ziyan took out the Xiantao and Datao peach hospitality, and everyone talked about the situation.

"Master, why didn't Master come?" Xu Ziyan asked softly.

"The master stayed in the Dongfu and pointed out the disciples who followed the Jianfeng. Master said that they are the fires of the future."

I remembered that the monks who were too imaginary had not known about life and death, and Xu Ziyan’s face could not help. Seeing the look of Xu Ziyan, Langyue hurriedly changed the topic:

"Small teacher, the time and space will open. We are here to ask you to go?"

Xu Ziyan’s heart couldn’t help but look at the people in front of him. Spreading destiny, Zuo Pengming, Cangwuying, even the city and the ink **** machine have reached the late stage of the cultivation of the land, and it is worthy of being the character of the original and the moon. At this time, the repair of Langyue reached the beginning of Tianzun. The cultivation of the mind is a breakthrough to the mid-level peak of the land, and the cold and clear is the peak of the early respect of the land. Song Wanzhong and the thousand cups of drunk have reached the peak of the middle age of the people. Zhang Wujie also reached the peak of the people.

I recalled the scene when I entered the time and space. If I didn’t understand the time and space attributes, there seemed to be nothing to help those people in front of me. What do these people do in time and space?

"Master, what are you going to do in time and space?"

"In fact, we go to time and space and rivers are not for the treasures of time and space. There are no treasures in it that can help us. For us, going to time and space is like a party... or a contest. ""

Seeing that Xu Ziyan is still a confusing look, Lang Yue smiled and said: "This time I got a lot of Dan Yao's spirit from the Palace of the Emperor, and the younger sister gave a lot of congenital immortals to each of the sects. These things All the sects did not have any reservations at the time, and they all sent them to the sects. So it was only in the past two years that there were countless monks who broke through, that is, those small and medium-sized sects without these resources also squandered the sects. All the resources were distributed to Zongmen disciples, so those small and medium-sized disciples have also broken through, which is a big eruption moment that the fairy world has never had.

Under this circumstance. All the monks naturally think about each other's strengths. The nine major sects were dissatisfied with each other, that is, those small and medium-sized sects felt that they were now cultivating for improvement, and they were also dissatisfied with the nine sects. and so. Then the time and space opened up, and all of them ran away in time and space. It’s a long time to enter the time and space, and it’s true that you’re getting together. ”

“Which gates open the gates?” Xu Ziyan asked in surprise.

"Yeah!" Lang Yue nodded: "Whenever the catastrophe comes, it can't be closed at the beginning. It must always be compared with that 10,000 days. And each sect believes that the strength is improved a lot, so They all opened the mountain gate. It is said that there is also the merits of the younger sister."

"My credit?" Xu Ziyan said differently.

“Yes!” Lang Yue said with a smile: “The original sects had scruples about opening the mountain gates. Because of the reasons for Shangzun’s breakthrough in the Holy Class, these sects believed that Shangzun would hold a holy ceremony to unify the nine sects. However, he did not expect that he had suffered a loss at the younger sister's house. He returned to the Stars and had no movement. I must have decided not to make a decision because of your existence. This made the sects breathe a sigh of relief. There was a decision to open the gate."

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly: "Shang Zun may not be so comfortable with the status quo. The gates cannot be taken lightly."

Lang Yue nodded: "I must have plans for each sect. It is not something we are worried about. Right, Xiao Shimei, that gold **** will have been removed?"

"No!" Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "He has never appeared."

"Forget it, don't mention him!" Langyue waved his hand and said: "You can't go to time and space?"

Xu Ziyan nodded: "Go! But I will not participate in your contest, I have to enter the time and space."

“Entering time and space?” Longyue said: “What are you doing there?”

"I have to go in and understand the time and space attributes!" Xu Ziyan did not hide.

Everyone looked at Xu Ziyan with amazement, but I thought that there were a lot of eye-catching things happening in Xu Ziyan.

"Then let's go together!" Lang Yue said happily: "There is still a year since the opening of time and space, and we slowly traveled."

Xu Ziyan shook her head slightly, and she stayed here to wait for the Yanshan soul. At the beginning of the Yanshan soul here for her to smash the devil, her heart is looking forward to the Yanshan soul back. Therefore, she does not want to go out to travel, just wait for the time and space to open, and then go straight.

"Master, I will not go with you, I have some comprehension, I can't live without it."

There was a disappointment in the eyes of Lang Yue and others, but the natural road was restored in an instant:

"Good! The younger sister stayed here to comprehend, and we went to give the name of Taixu."

"Do you want to learn from the monks in the name of the etheric sect?"

"Yes! Our trip to this trip is the identity of the etheric emptiness."


The body shape of the demon Lord was bombarded in the void and turned into a black spot.

next moment.

The shape of the Yanshan soul came to the front of the demon Lord, and squatted on the face of the demon Lord, and flew out the demon Lord.

"Are you enough?" The devil sighed in a hurry.


A fist of Yanshan soul was bombarded on the face of the demon Lord. The devil did not want to hide, but he could not hide, and his body shape was swept away by the spirit of Yanshan. The Lord rips open the space and disappears into the air again.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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