The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2550: Van Gogh

I don’t know how long it has been, the demon’s nose and face are swollen and standing on the opposite side of Yanshan:

"How come you don't fight?"

Yanshan soul shook his head and said: "The strength between you and me is not much different. As long as you are eager to escape, I will not kill you. Now I am playing well, I will not marry you."

Instead, the Lord of the Devil said: "I was born to reincarnate, you just hit me for a while?"

"You used to hurt me? How do you know that I am born again?"

The magic master transported a magical power, the bruises on his face disappeared, and then laughed loudly: "How can we not see that you are born again?"

Speaking of his face suddenly became strange: "You don't know that I have hurt you? Your memory has not been unsealed? Not right! You are so repaired, how could you not unlock the seal?"

"I lost my memory!" Yanshan soul is frank, and there is no fear of his strength.

The devil saw the sound of Yanshan half-sound and suddenly burst into laughter: "Ha ha ha..."

Yanshan soul looked at him coldly: "Do you laugh again?"

The laughter of the Lord of the Lord stopped abruptly. Although the Lord knew that he and the Yanshan soul could not be killed by the Yanshan Spirit, but the taste of being chased was not good, he immediately stopped laughing. There are some flaws on my face.

"How do you hurt me? Tell me to listen!"

The soul of Yanshan fell to the bottom, and the demon Lord hesitated and fell with it. The two soon came to a wine cellar in the east, sat down at the window and ordered the dishes. The demon Lord sipped while telling the story of what happened in the first place to Yanshan.

He did not hide it at all, and the Lord believed that there was no need to hide it. Yanshan soul will restore memory sooner or later, and these things have been done by themselves. Not afraid to say.

Yanshan soul quietly listened to the words of the Lord, and then sat there without speaking. It seems that some factors in the memory are sprouting. The five-color continent of the body space huddled together, and the surrounding ocean began to penetrate into the five-color mountain.

"Ziyan..." Yanshan soul restored his memory, and his face showed painful color.

I heard the whisper of the Yanshan soul, and the devil’s heart sighed, and asked:

"Evil Lord, do you know Xu Ziyan?"

Yanshan soul pulls back the thoughts. The mind is sober, and looks at the main road coldly:

"I don't care what you have done to Xu Ziyan before, why do you kill Xu Ziyan. But today I want to remind you, don't play the idea of ​​Xu Ziyan in the future. Otherwise I will chase you for a lifetime."

"You tell me first what relationship you have with Xu Ziyan. My devil is not scared. I am afraid that you will not be?"

The Lord of the Lord is also a glimpse of the eye. It’s a big deal to be pursued by the evil Lord for a lifetime. Absolutely can not lose identity. If the evil Lord just said a word. I have to listen to myself. What is it? Are you a follower of the evil master?

The face of Yanshan soul reveals the color of missing: "She is my Taoist!"

Xu Ziyan eventually left the big handprint lake, not following the departure of Lang Yue and others, but Sha Xiaofan had a problem. Sha Xiaofan went to the final checkpoint of the contrarian, but he never got a breakthrough. The murderousness completely converges into the body, but it is everywhere in the body, leaving Sha Xiaofan on the verge of collapse.

Her situation is now very dangerous, or she is completely in control. Or become a murderer. Xu Ziyan thought for a long time, with Sha Xiaofan down the mountain.


A wine cellar.

Sha Xiaofan wore a guy's clothes. There is no smell of a cultivator on the body, it is completely a mortal appearance. Her body was sealed by Xu Ziyan in her body. Not only did others see that she was a mortal, but Sha Xiaofan himself was like a mortal, and could not make a trace of Xianli.

This is how Xu Ziyan came up with Sha Xiaofan. She not only sealed Sha Xiaofan’s seal, but also sealed her murderous body, letting her find a job in a wine cellar as a mortal, let her Look at life there. Comprehend the shun and the reverse.

The place where they are located is a remote and backward place. Most of them are people who have problems with their physical problems, or who are barely cultivated and cultivated as low monks.

It is almost a microcosm of a mortal world.

The mortal life here is very difficult. Sha Xiaofan has a lot of work in this wine cellar. At this point she was moving a basket of vegetables into the kitchen and began to wash the vegetables.

A fat man walked into the kitchen and shouted to Sha Xiaofan: "Hurry up, it will be noon, your food has not been washed. If you have lunch at noon, you will immediately roll it for me."

"Know, boss!" Sha Xiaofan quickly washed his hands with his head down.

At noon, Sha Xiaofan's figure shuttled between the kitchen and the hall, and kept on the dishes.

"Xian Shi, this is your wine!"

Sha Xiaofan put a jar of wine on a table. There are four people sitting around this table. These four people are monks, but they are only repairs during the refining period. Only such a repair is considered a master here. A monk saw Sha Xiaofan with a smile on his face and reached out and touched Sha Xiaofan's ass.

"The chick looks good, come and drink with the immortal!"

Sha Xiaofan took a step back and put a smile on his face: "Xian Shi, the little girl has a work plan to do, you are a lot of adults."

The face of the immortal teacher is a sinking: "Chick, give you a face, don't you?"

When the words fell, a big hand stretched out to Sha Xiaofan and grabbed it: "I still don't give it to my grandfather!"

Sha Xiaofan once again stepped back two steps, and the two sisters showed their murder. The monk did not notice that he only knew that he had lost his claws and did not catch Sha Xiaofan. When he arrived, his face turned red.

A fat figure ran from the side of Sha Xiaofan.

"Xian Shi, Xian Shi! You are a large number of adults, Xiaofan is still a child, not sensible, you let her go!"

The person who came here is the fat boss of this wine cellar, and is moving toward the fairy teacher. A hand was placed behind and gestured to Sha Xiaofan to let her go.

Sha Xiaofan’s eyes flashed a touch of emotion, and he lifted his foot and ran to the door quickly.


There was a loud noise behind him. Sha Xiaofan suddenly turned back and saw that the fat boss was flying out by the immortal teacher. The fat body was coming over to Sha Xiaofan.

Sha Xiaofan suddenly stopped his footsteps, extended a hand to catch the fat boss, looked at the fat boss, saw that he had spurted his nose and nose, and he was about to die.

Sha Xiaofan's eyes rushed to kill, gently put the fat boss on the ground, and walked toward the opposite four monks.

Although Sha Xiaofan was sealed at this time, the four refining monks in front of him were not in her eyes. Sealing the repair is just not able to release the immortal, but the strength of the emperor's body is still there, that is, with pure power, Sha Xiaofan kills these four refining period monks is also easy.

"Do you know it wrong now?"

The immortal saw Sha Xiaofan coming over to him and his face was proud. Stretched out the big hand and grabbed the past to Sha Xiaofan's chest.

"Let the Lord touch it first..."


His wrist was caught by Sha Xiaofan, and then he trembled in the air, and there was a scream of pig-like screaming.


The diners around were exposed to the shock, and the arm of the immortal teacher was stunned by Sha Xiaofan. The painful teacher fell to the ground and shouted.

Sha Xiaofan raised his foot and stepped on the head of the immortal.


The head of the immortal teacher was broken like a rotten watermelon. Sha Xiaofan's gaze looked at the other three immortals, and the three immortals "splashed" and squatted in front of Sha Xiaofan, shouting for life.

Sha Xiaofan’s nephew was very cold, and he quickly shot three punches. The heads of the three monks were broken by Sha Xiaofan. "Boom", the diners in the wine cellar rushed to the door. Sha Xiaofan turned back to the fat boss and hugged the fat boss and quickly left.

In a small courtyard, Xu Ziyan and Li are lazy in the chair, with a pair of chess in the middle of the two. When I heard the footsteps, Xu Zi did not raise the cigarette but said:

"Xiao Fan, come back!"


When Xu Ziyan heard that Sha Xiaofan’s tone was wrong, he turned his head and looked at the fat boss in her arms and frowned slightly:

"Are you killing?"

"Yeah!" Sha Xiaofan nodded.

"Put him here, go and comprehend."


Sha Xiaofan put the fat boss in front of Xu Ziyan and then walked into the house. Xu Ziyan knew it and sighed softly. He reached out and waved his hand, and the meaning of life enveloped the fat boss. In less than a quarter of an hour, the fat boss opened his eyes with a blush.

"This...what is this?" The fat boss turned up and sat up, looking at Xu Ziyan and Li lazy.

"You sit first, here is the home of Sha Xiaofan, I am the master of Sha Xiaofan."

The fat boss changed his face and looked around. "What about Xiaofan? You quickly took her to escape. He offended the immortal teacher..."

Xu Ziyan waved his hand and stopped him: "It doesn't matter! Right, I remember Xiaofan said, you are alone?"

"Yes!" The fat boss looked at Xu Ziyan inexplicably.

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, and she didn't know how to arrange this fat boss. If you leave, maybe someone will retaliate against him. But if he is taken away, he is a mortal. If it’s too imaginary, it’s okay to put him in too imaginary, but now it’s too imaginary.

At this time, Sha Xiaofan came out from the inside, and Xu Ziyan glanced at her: "Talk!"

"People are living in the opposite direction! Everyone from birth is the first step toward death. But everyone wants to live forever. From this point of view, everyone is actually going against the sky. And our monks want to be with the heavens and the earth. Life, so the reverse is also the general trend."

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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