The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2551: The wind will rise

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"Speaking well!"

Xu Ziyan extended his finger and untied the seal of Sha Xiaofan. Then point to the fat boss:

"He should have died, but the cause is you. So Master saved him, but with him as a mortal, he offended the monk because of you. After we left, he may not be able to live. Since you have realized the reversal, then He gave it to you. How do you plan?"

The fat boss listened to the confusion, but one thing was to understand that his life was not guaranteed, and he could not help but look at Sha Xiaofan with pity.

Sha Xiaofan looked at Xu Ziyan: "I will solve it."

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan no longer speaks, looking back at the chessboard against Li lazy: "We continue."

Sha Xiaofan walked toward the door and said in a faint voice: "Boss, let's go!"


The fat boss responded and quickly stood up and followed Sha Xiaofan. He always felt the inexplicable pressure in front of Xu Ziyan and Li Lazy.


Sha Xiaofan's footsteps kept going, and he still walked toward the front, but his tone became much colder than before, and the fat boss didn't know him.

"Don't worry so much, I will stay in your cellar. I will wait until I have solved all the troubles for you."

"You...what is it?" asked the fat boss, Ai Ai.


"That... why are you here, and in my cellar?"


At this time, a young man ran to them: "Fat uncle, you rush to escape, a group of monks surrounded your wine cellar..."

The fat boss hadn’t finished listening, and he was so scared that he sat down on the floor and shook his body.

Sha Xiaofan frowned and said: "Bright brother, trouble you to help the fat uncle to go to the wine cellar with me."

The young man’s face sank and replied: “You are a good person. The fat uncle is for you. Can you let the fat uncle go back to die?”

Sha Xiaofan sighed softly and turned around. He smashed the fat boss in one hand and strode toward the wine cellar. The fat boss was like a straw in her hand.

Liang brother looked like a stay, suddenly remembered that Sha Xiaofan had killed four monks in the cellar, and the spirit could not help but strode behind Sha Xiaofan.

Around the wine cellar, it was noisy at this time. More than 30 monks surrounded the wine cellar. The highest was the monk who built the base period, and the remaining monk refining period monks.

There are also some monks who are searching around for fat bosses and Sha Xiaofan. Suddenly, the noisy voice was a surprise, followed by a roar.

"it's him!"

At this time, along the street, Sha Xiaofan was struggling with the fat boss.


More than 30 monks surrounded Sha Xiaofan in the middle, and more than twenty monks were coming to this side. They did not immediately kill Sha Xiaofan, they were tormenting her slowly, and they tortured her in public, letting those mortals see the consequences of disrespectful monks.

And they also inquired that Sha Xiaofan was not a monk, and killing four monks was entirely based on the power of mortals.

A mortal!

No matter how strong his strength is, he is a mortal. The mortal dare to kill the monk. Such a mortal can't kill her 10,000 times.


The twenty monks also fell to the ground. The base-building monk looked coldly toward Sha Xiaofan and sipped:

"Your Majesty!"

Sha Xiaofan looked around and said faintly: "Is it all right?"

When the monks in the base period look at each other, are they all together? What do you mean?


I haven't waited until he wants to understand that with Sha Xiaofan as the center, the boundless murderousness will surge, but in an instant, the boundless murder will cover more than fifty monks. The fifty monks were magnified, full of fear, unable to move one by one, trembling, and screaming in fear in their mouths, as if they had seen something extremely fearful.

"Puff puff……"

One by one, the urine is flowing, and the body shape has fallen to the ground. After death, the muscles on the face are also distorted, and there is extreme fear in the eyes.

Although the crowds who were far from the crowd had not been touched by the murderousness of Sha Xiaofan, the discoloration of the heavens and the earth just made them feel awkward. Fortunately, this time lasts for a short time, about one or two interest time, it will disappear, the sun will fall again, and it will feel very warm when it falls on people. If there were not the bodies of fifty monks lying on the ground, no one would believe that such a terrible thing happened.

"Give me the body!" Sha Xiaofan's voice drifted away far away.

Sha Xiaofan took advantage of the fat boss and continued to move forward. The people in front of them went away to the sides. Sha Xiaofan went into the wine cellar and placed the fat boss on a chair. Then she sat opposite the fat boss. .

The fat boss is shaking, and Sha Xiaofan does not speak.

The wine cellar became extremely silent.

The people outside the wine cellar spread far away, but they refused to leave, looking at the wine cellar. Some monks quietly came to the bodies of the death monks. They did not dare to fly as arrogant as usual, but walked quietly with their feet, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

These monks were shouted by Sha Xiaofan’s departure. They had no friendship with the monks who died, and some were enemies with them. But they dare not come because they are monks. Who knows that Sha Xiaofan will not kill her because she did not come to collect the corpse, but they are not giving her Sha Xiaofan face?

Therefore, they all breathed and slammed, and the body on the ground slammed away...

The fat boss sat in the chair for a day, then asked Sha Xiaofan a word:

"Do you still stay in the wine cellar?"

Sha Xiaofan had no words, just nodded. Then the fat boss jumped up like a chicken, started cleaning the room, went out to buy...

The wine cellar has resumed business, and Sha Xiaofan still washes vegetables and serves dishes...

The fat boss did not block Sha Xiaofan. Although he was a mortal, he was born in the Upper Yuan Dynasty. He also knows that this is a kind of experience, but his heart is very contradictory. He hopes that Sha Xiaofan will realize it early and fear that Sha Xiaofan will once again I realized that I left here.

At the beginning, the guests of the wine cellar were very good, almost no. After all, everyone knows the sternness of Sha Xiaofan, but gradually people start to grow again, because they found that as long as they don’t want to provoke Sha Xiaofan, Sha Xiaofan is still as usual, human and animal are harmless.


"The Sovereign, now the sects are somewhat unstable! Zongmen suddenly disappeared into five hundred elite disciples. Now the sects are rumored that the lords secretly transferred the five hundred elite disciples and left them as the fire of Tianxiangzong. The monks who stayed in Zongmen were the cannon fodder for the catastrophe."

Long Yun said to the flower fairy sitting on the top, his face was full of anxious colors. He didn't know the inside story, but it was because she knew that the five hundred elite disciples were indeed secretly transferred, and they were even more afraid of the spread of such rumors in the Zongmen.

There is also a dignified color on the face of the flower fairy: "There will be a catastrophe in the future, and there will be a sacred sacred sacred sacred in the outside. There is a feeling of instability inside, and Tianxiang Zong is really a fate."

Shake his head and sighed: "Our Tianxiangzong is the weakest in the nine major sects. There is no chance of survival before the catastrophe. If you don't keep some fires, Tianxiangzong will break the inheritance. I also have to do this. ""

The flower fairy locked her brow and said: "But this kind of rumor must be suppressed. Otherwise, we won't have to come to the catastrophe. Our Tianxiangzong will be scattered. Once the heart is gone, Tianxiangzong will be paralyzed."

Long Yun said with a deep sigh: "The sovereign, now the sword of the ancestors has been separated from the sect, and has gone to the Taizong. It is reasonable to say that the tyranny has been destroyed. I don’t know what the soil of the ancestors thinks about. Is it because Xu Ziyan escaped from the hands of the demon Lord, he thought that the Taixu can be re-established by Xu Ziyan?"

The flower fairy looks like a condensate: "Dragon sister, you don't want to make a small purple smoke. Can a monk who can escape from the demon master be simple? It is said that the devil has killed Xu Ziyan for the second time, but he was driven away by the evil spirit. If this What is the relationship between Xu Ziyan and the evil master? It is true that the Yizong has found a backing through the sword and has a basis for survival in the catastrophe."

In the eyes of Long Yun, there was a hint of mystery. The whispered: "The sovereign, since the ancestors can find the backing, why can't we be too imaginary?"

"Who are we going to look for?" Flower Fairy said uglyly: "Looking for a purple smoke, or is it still respected?"

Long Yun shook his head gently, and the gods knew the sound and the flower fairy said a few words. Flower fairy beauty one way:

"Is this... feasible?"

Long Yun smiled slightly: "Why is it not feasible? Since it is natural to find the backing, the bigger the better, maybe we can fly away, so at least we can be stronger than now."

The face of the flower fairy is cloudy and uncertain. The final gaze gradually became firmer, and the eyes burst into a splendid color, slowly nodding:

"Only give it a try!"


The wind is raging, and the sky is rolling with heavy snow. Shangzun follows the mountain road and walks slowly toward the peak of the star field. The cold air did not calm him down, but his heart was even more annoyed.

After he was sanctified, Xu Ziyan gave him a loud slap in the face when he was full. One of the monks who entered the Holy Father did not even have a purple smoke.

After the second time the demon lord killed Xu Ziyan, he was driven away by the suddenly appearing evil master, and now may still be in the pursuit of the evil master.

Now Wen Yao and others are going to catch those Tianxiang sects and they are destroyed by Xu Ziyan.

How does this make his heart not bother? Looking at the sky and snow, I couldn’t help but sigh:

"When can I be the turn of the day in this world?"


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