The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2552: Jiuzongju

A figure flew toward him in the heavy snow, and a monk fell in front of him and prayed:

"The lord, the sect of the gods came to see the lord!"

"Well? Let him come to see me!"

Still respected, the body shape disappeared in the same place. In the next moment of the vertex novel, his figure has returned to the Great Hall of the Stars, and he sat slowly at the top.

In a short while, the monk just walked in with an early monk in Tianzun, and the early monk of Tianzun applied a ritual to the Shangzun who sat on the top:

"Shang Zongzhu, the patriarch of Zong Zong asked all the patriarchs to discuss major issues. This is an invitation. Also invite Shang Zongzhu to come."

Then he took out an invitation and held it in his hands. Shang Zun reached for a trick, and the invitation flew in his hand. When he opened the invitation, he saw that it was a matter of deliberation to deal with the catastrophe, and he said faintly:

"This sect knows!"

Shenji Zong Tianzun gave a deep ritual, stepped back a few steps, then turned and left.

God machine sect.

Shang Zun descended from the air toward the mountain gate, and the momentum of his body was released. The heads of the eight major sects standing at the gate of the mountain have changed. They feel the pressure and the pressure from Shangzun.

This is the pressure of the holy level!

Shangzun, who fell to the ground, looked at the eight main lords across the road in a faint look. The eight people in front of him were once monks who had been married to his father. They were all his predecessors. At that time, standing in front of these eight people would feel very uncomfortable, because the momentum of the eight people did not emanate, and there was great pressure on him.


At this time, the eight people were so weak in his eyes. And from the eyes of these eight people, he saw the eyes of the eight people when they faced themselves.

Still respected!

Their own power makes them feel the pressure!

In the heart of Shangzun, there is not only a kind of turmoil, but also the pride of the world.

God machine patriarchal dream machine took a deep breath, and her sighs echoed in his heart. His dream machine has always been the first master of the mainland. Shenji Zong has thus become the first major gate of the nine major sects.


At this time, it was suppressed by Shangzun.

Is this the difference between heavenly and holy?

Slowly going up the first two steps, the face shows a respectful color: "Shang Zongzhu, please!"

The eyes of Shangzun were swept in the face of the Eight Masters, and they were finally placed on the face of the Dream Machine:

"Is the illusory lord Xu Ziyan not coming?"

Dream God machine hurriedly said: "People sent to the South Taixu ruins to find Xu Zongzhu, but Xu Zongzhu disappeared. No one knows her trace."

The brow of Shangzun was slightly wrinkled, and Xu Ziyan disappeared?

"Shang Zongzhu, please!" The dream machine opened again.

Still respected and nodded. Stepping toward the main hall of the Shenji Zong, and entering the hall, Shang Zun went without hesitation to the first seat on the main hall. The face of the dream machine changed. This is in the Shenji Zong, how can you let others take the lead? Immediately opened the door:

"Shang Zongzhu!"

Still respected, as if he had not heard it, he continued to move slowly toward the front. Although the pace is slow but extremely firm, although there is no opening. It seems to be telling a fact.

"I still respect the master here. Even if it is in your **** machine!"

The face of the dream machine became dark and blue, and the body shape swept past Shangzun and stopped in front of Shangzun. Coldly shouted:

"Shang Zongzhu, don't be too much!"

“I am too much?” Shangzun said faintly.

The dream machine said coldly: "This is a **** machine, not your domain."

"I know!" Shangzun nodded naturally.

The dream machine stretches out to the side and makes the posture of the invitation: "Shang Zongzhu, please!"

The dream machine did not go to the chair next to it, but said faintly: "Dream master. I am not an unreasonable person, but some rules can not be destroyed."

"Destruction of the rules?" Dream God laughed and said: "You mean I am breaking the rules?"

The look of Shangzun is still faint: "Excuse me, the Lord of the Dream. If the Lord is standing here, where do you want the Lord to sit?"

The face of the dream machine changed, and I realized what I was in my heart. I said hard: "Nature is the theme."

"This is right!" Shang Zun condensed: "My cultivation is not as good as the lord, but it is also a holy level. It is a monk at the level of the lord. Shouldn't I sit in this position?"

Dream Master, know that you are blocking me from challenging me, but challenging all the holy monks. ”

The sweat of the face of the dream machine immediately ran down, and this crime can not be dare. If this is passed on, the demise of the oracle is probably in a blink of an eye. There is bitterness on the face, traversing one step:

"Shang Zongzhu, please!"

"Ha ha ha...",

Shangzun released his laughter and walked toward the main position, then turned around and slowly settled. He glanced at the eight lords in the hall and smiled:

"Please sit down!"

The eight lords looked at each other and they were helpless and sat silent.

Within the hall, it became silent for a while, and the respectful eyes looked at the earth and the water, and saw the soil, and Zun Zun remembered Xu Ziyan. The shyness in my heart will not rise. The corner of the mouth sneered a sneer:

"The lord of the earth, I heard that the monks of the one sword peak of Guizong were separated from the ancestors, and turned to the illusory?"

The earth is in the heart of the water, but the face is still calm: "Shang Zongzhu, Xu Zongzhu was a Jianfeng disciple before he left the ancestral ancestors. Nor can it stop.

Besides, Mou Zong is one of the nine sects. Only others are rushing in. If anyone wants to go, we will never stop it. However, the monks who left the ancestors wanted to come back, but they could not. ”

Shangzun faintly smiled: "So, the monks who left the ancestors have no connection with Guizong?"

Although the soil is not suitable for water, it is also like an arrow on the string. Have to send. Looking at Shang Zun, he said:

"That is natural!"

"Oh...that's good!" Shangzun smiled coldly: "I and Xu Zi smoke are not in the same position. Any disciple who is too imaginary will kill him."

It is better to be repaired than to respect, but the momentum cannot be weak. Just like the dream machine just now. Retreating before the rules of the Holy Masters, this step of retreating makes it possible for God Machine to be under the command of Shangzun and become a powerful cannon fodder for the Stars.

The earth depends on the water to let the sword and other people go to the Taixu sect, just to make a good purple smoke, and make a good tyrant. A plot to survive in the catastrophe. The two feet are already standing on the side of Taixu, and they are not allowed to withdraw one foot and stand on the side of Shangzun. Both sides are pleased, and the final result is that both sides are not pleased. This point is very clear about the water. So his look is calm and faint:

"There is no alliance between the young and the younger brothers, but the Yuzong and the Taixu are alliances."

The face of Shangzun is still calm. Only the heart gave birth to an angry wave. A little Tian Zun later peaks dare to face him without giving him a holy monk face. The meaning of the soil is very obvious, that is, if you dare to kill the sword, then we will dare to be enemies with you.

What is the end point that makes the soil dare to talk to him like this?

It seems that they are not shown to the power of the holy level, they think that the holy level is just a display.


The gods of Shangzun spread out and pressed against the earth. The body of the earth is shaking. The face turned pale in an instant. However, it did not directly press the soil to the ground like the one that Shang Zun imagined.

Where does he know that the eight great masters in front of him are still at the peak of the late Tianzun, and they have not cultivated five attribute spaces, and they have not communicated with the bridge of heaven and earth. However, their gods have broken through the holy level. Although there is no such intensity as the peak of the late stage of the sacred level, it has barely reached the beginning of the holy level.

The harvest of the Palace of the Immortals was not in vain. The Danish spirit did not push them to the holy level, but they pushed their power of the gods to the beginning of the holy level. Therefore, the soil is reluctantly resisting the oppression of Shangzun. It is just a frustration, I believe that it is a bit of time. The soil will collapse when it depends on water.

However, the performance of Tu Yishui gave the other seven masters an example, and also made their hearts happy, and the fear of Shangzun was instantly reduced to the extreme.

Within the hall, the figure was swaying, and the seven great masters stood by the side of the earth, and the power of the gods gathered together to impact the past. At this point they have understood that they must join forces, otherwise the nine major gates will be the world of Shangzun, they can only be driven by Shangzun.

Who has been so long, who is willing to be driven by others? If it is the power of the lord, perhaps they are still willing, after all, the lord was once the master of all. Being driven by the lord did not humiliate their identity.

What do you still count as?

However, it was a dog's luck. I don't know how to break through to the holy level. Is it just that the upgrade level is much higher than the peak of their Tianzun period?

What's more, their hearts are very clear. If at this time they surrendered to Shangzun, Shangzun immediately ordered them to chase and kill Xu Ziyan and pursue the Taixu.

Is Xu Ziyan so good to kill?

You can't kill them, but let them do cannon fodder. We dare not offend you, do you dare to offend Xu Ziyan? And a comprehensive comparison, Xu Ziyan's character is higher than Shangzun. I want them to choose a target of surrender. They will definitely choose Ziyan instead of Shangzun.

Just a battle for the seat, these eight great gods will endure. However, at this time, it is related to the survival of the future, and the eight great masters cannot bear it.

At this moment, Shangzun also noticed that the power of the eight gods on the opposite side reached the beginning of the holy level. In the early days of the holy level, there is no fear in the respect of the people. Even if the eight masters work together, he also has the strength to suppress, because he has not made all efforts.

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Author: Jian seventeen

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*(To be continued..)

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