The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2554: Time and space fairy city (one more pink)

Shang Zun’s eyes swept over the crowd, and his face was full of majesty: “Only in the current situation of the human race, only I am qualified to be the leader of the lord. Is there any objection to the vertex novel chapter update?”

Seeing everyone not saying anything, still respecting the heroic spirit: "If you don't accept it, you can talk to me. As long as anyone can beat me, this holy is good."

Everyone respects each other and looks at each other alone.

Everyone could not help but smile, but in this regard, the destiny of the people to the Shangzun, these Tianzun have a lot of scruples. The earth eyeball turned and turned and said:

"I see that this matter is temporarily constituted by our nine major sects. The Shangyuan League constitutes a parliamentary hall. All actions of the Terran are temporarily resolved by our people."

"Oh..." Shangzun sneered two times, his eyes flashing with murder and staring at the earthly waterway: "Isn't the soil master dissatisfied with me? Want to talk to the Holy Spirit? Or..."

His eyes are full of aggressive sweeping of the heavens and respects: "Or do you want to join hands with the Holy See?"

The eyes of Zhongtian Zun are not concentrated on the body of the earth, and one by one:

"Does the soil and the water want to tie everyone together, and break the battle with the Shangzun?"

However, I saw the soil faintly shook my head and said: "This sect thinks that it is not the opponent of Shangzong. This does not need to be discussed. However, the current situation, the sect of the sect is indeed not suitable for the position of the lord."

"Reason!" Shangzun face sinks into water: "If you can't say the reason, I will go to the Zongzong and Guizong personally with the Stars."

Everything is changed, and this is the threat of naked land. If you can't say the reason for the soil. Shangzun will lead the Stars to destroy the ancestors.

Shang Zun’s statement completely chills the hearts of these gods. If Shang Zun is the ally, the future opinions will not be unified with him. Do you have to follow the footsteps of Zong Zong?

"Shang Zongzhu!" The look of Tu Yishui is very calm: "We originally had a person at this party, but we didn't find her. I must know who she is at this time. She is the sinister Xu Ziyan." The hatred between you and Xu Zongzhu cannot be resolved, and the strength between the two of you is in the middle of it."

Having said that, Tu Yishui sighed a sigh: "In fact, it is okay for both of you to be the ally. Both of you have the same qualifications. But because of this, who are you two now? It is not suitable to be the ally. If you choose whoever is the lord, then the lord is degraded. Is this not a fear for the Terran? So, I feel that I still have to wait for the winner between Shangzong and Xu Zongzhu. After that, the winner will be the ally of the major league of people."

"Not bad!" The **** of dreams applauded.

"The Tu Zong Lord is high!"

Life Tianzun also applauded. At the same time, other monks and monks also agreed. Only the face of Shangzun is very ugly.

"Actually..." Tu Yishui said slowly and slowly: "This is also an assessment for Shangzong. This is a major event for the Terran, and it is sloppy. As long as the Shangzong can defeat Xu Zongzhu, it proves that Shangzong is indeed the Five Great Saints." The next strongest. We are also convinced by the Shang Zongzhu."

The heart of Shangzun has already reached the extreme. But at this time it is not the time to get angry. He knew very well in his heart that if he was tough on the soil at this time, the 18th Tianzun’s late peak monks would definitely join hands to deal with himself.

To be honest, since he had eaten in the hands of Xu Ziyan, his confidence was seriously frustrated, and his heart was really unsure that he could overcome the 18th-day sequel. In particular, his knowledge of the past did not completely suppress the 18-day Zun team.

However, in his heart, he has already sentenced the soil to death and sentenced him to death. As long as there is a chance, he will definitely kill the soil. Kill the ancestors.

The final proceedings were unsuccessful, and the nine masters and the nine great ancient gods insisted that Shangzun must defeat Xu Ziyan. Only able to serve as the leader of the Terran Alliance. Shangzun is not willing to join the alliance before he is the ally. So everyone dispersed.

Still respected silently back to the Star Fields, standing on the peak of the star field looking at the white clouds and dogs, a piece of clouds drifting over, covering his figure, making his figure blurred.

For a long time, Shang Zun sighed for a long time, and the gods shrouded the past. In his knowledge, he saw that the entire celestial sect was full of vitality. Every monk is excited by the sacred sanctification. They all think that the great era of the celestial sects is coming, and all of them are trying to cultivate, waiting for the command of Shangzun to kill the celestial sect and unify the whole fairyland. .

However, Shangzun feels very bad at this time, very bad. Everything that happened in the sacred machine gave him a helplessness. Although he was the only holy level under the Five Saints at this time, he could not suppress the Eight Great Masters and the Nine Ancient Heavenly Respects in the prestige. And because only he is a holy class, in some respects, forcing the eight masters and the nine ancient gods to join forces.

The most headache for him is Xu Ziyan. He has never put Xu Ziyan in his eyes. A soil bun that has risen from the next session, even if it makes some achievements, where can it be strong?

This kind of upstart has no foundation at all, and it is the most arrogant, and there will be no good results. Not like these sects, they have a rich heritage.

Sure enough, the Taixu sect was smashed by the devil, what can Xu Ziyan be?

Going to the Revenge of the Lord?

This fool is really gone, and the result is that it has been disappeared by the devil for a long time.


When Xu Ziyan appeared again, she was shocked. The self-entertained self did not even play Xu Ziyan. Although he believes that this is mainly because of his ignorance in the heart, if there is another chance to fight with Xu Ziyan, he will not give Xu Ziyan another chance, he will suppress the other side, and will suppress and kill each other. But Xu Ziyan defeated him after all.


Even more shocking things have emerged. When the Lord once again killed Xu Ziyan, the evil Lord appeared. The man was robbed of the devil.

To be honest, Shang Zun is a bit flustered.

If the evil master has a relationship with Xu Ziyan, he is still dangerous. His master and the demon Lord do not seem to be the opponents of the evil Lord. Is he still a scorpion ant in front of the evil Lord?

I hope that the evil Lord will only have a hatred with the Lord, and that Xu Ziyan is only a shackle, and there is no relationship between Xu Ziyan and Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan!

This murder of the Father must be reported. One is the mighty evil master of the ancient times, and the other is the earthen buns that have risen from the lower bound. There should be no relationship between the two men. The emergence of evil masters is only accidental.

As long as I kill Xu Ziyan, I will be able to board the position of the Alliance of the Terran Alliance. At that time, I have mastered the enormous power of the Terran. Even if the Lord wants to control me again, it may not be possible.


If I can improve it, I will improve it a bit...

Shang Zun’s face showed a cold smile, and his smile did not hide his ambition, and his eyes were cold.

"Tianxiang Zong! What a good stove!"

There are still half a year since the opening of the time and space, but the Shangyuan continent, which has been quiet for several years, suddenly became full of excitement.

Time and space fairy city.

Because of the long time and space, it is named because every time and space is open here.

Time and Space City is located in the central part of the Upper Yuan Dynasty. It was originally built by the nine masters of Zongmen, but it was later abandoned because it seems to be a time and space disorder. There is only one word standing here.


It seems to isolate all other attributes, leaving only the fire attribute, the earth is red, but there is no fire, just a very hot, a kind of burning.

The nine ancestral gates in the east and the small and medium-sized ancestral gates, the northern Shangmeng League, the Western Mozu, the southern families and the Yaozu, and various roads are gathered here.

I finally saw the fire!

It was a fire that fell from the sky. The sky here was a fiery red, as if the magma had floated into the air, and the fire fell from the magma.

Xu Ziyan propped up a hood to block the fire from the outside, the fire and rain hit the hood, and then the sparks splashed, extraordinarily magnificent.

At this time, Xiancheng was already full of people in time and space. It was also filled with people outside the city of time and space. They were all monks above the Xianwang. Even the monks below the Xianwang were counted. They could not withstand the fire poison here.

At this time, every monk inside and outside the city of Xiancheng propped up a hood, and the fire and rain were resisted outside. The fire of the sky fell, and then it was broken on the hood.

In about two quarters of an hour, the fire and rain stopped, but it was even hotter. It was a kind of dry heat. Even Xu Ziyan, a big monk, could feel the water in the body rushing.

Standing behind the Xu Ziyan, Langyue, heart, cold and clear, Song Wanzhong, a thousand cups drunk, Zhang Wujie, Xu Tianwo, Xu Xingfan, Ling Xiao, Sa Tiantian, Zuo Pengming, Cangwuying, Lianchengyu, Moshen Li is lazy.

The sword did not come, and Lang Yue told Master Xu Ziyan to go to find a thousand miles. At present, the two people retreat together. Xiaobai came, but at this time, he was led by the demon king in the name of the demon king. Ma Jiao also came, but at this time the Ma Jiao has changed his appearance, no longer the appearance of Warcraft, but a portrait of a human figure, mixed in the demon group. However, Xu Ziyan still felt his breath at once. Sha Xiaofan did not come, she still stayed in the wine cellar.

At this time, the time and space of the fairy city is even hotter, the color of the ground is red, and the color of the sky is red. Some disciples who were low-educated, had their lips cracked, and kept taking a bottle of water from the storage ring to drink it. But the passage of water in the body is faster than the supplement, and some of the kings are somewhat unsupported.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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