The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2555: Various alliances (two more pink)

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Xu Ziyan carefully felt the strength of the place here and found that there was only fire power. The other attributes of the Vertex novel disappear completely here. Moreover, the firepower here is very pure and powerful, so that the monk loses the opportunity to absorb himself and absorb himself. It is just where the water can solve the problem.

However, Xu Ziyan also felt that this place should be the cultivation site of the fire attribute monk, but after gently inhaling a trace of fire attribute, he found that the fire power here was too pure, and it actually produced fire poison, very powerful fire poison. It is simply not suitable for cultivation here, that is to say, even the Fire Lingen monks cannot absorb the firepower here. In this way, all the monks are not supplemented here, but they have to be consumed, and they are consumed constantly and quickly, because you have to resist the erosion of fire.

This is a Jedi, although there is no monster or Warcraft here, it is more unbearable than the place with the monster and Warcraft. It won't kill you right away, but it will force you to stay here. Some Xian Wang have already begun to retreat. Of course, they are not really retreating. Instead, they leave here to go outside to replenish their strengths, and then come back after they have recovered.

The reason why everyone came here half a year before the opening of the time and space, is that after a period of retreat, every monk has made great progress. After the progress, I thought about making a name, and here is definitely the best place. How can they miss this kind of battle, so these Xianwang are only temporarily leaving the supplementary force. Then I hurried back, for fear that I missed the wonderful battle.

Xu Ziyan was very comfortable at this time. There was no feeling of being hot, but it gave people a feeling of spring breeze. Standing in a group of hot and sweaty monks, it is really standing out, radiant. Not only her, but also those who are too imaginary monks standing behind her. In the hot time and time, it seems to stand in the spring breeze.

This is not their cultivation, do not see those gods are also a sweaty look? Time and space fairy city has a law. Ignoring the repair of any monk, no one can stop the loss of water in the body. And it's not just the water that is lost, but the property that is lost, no matter what kind of monk you are. The attributes of your cultivation are losing. Even if you are a holy monk, if you dare to stand here and never leave, you can also bake you into a meat, and the gods will be destroyed. Only the higher the cultivation, the longer it lasts.

Even Xu Ziyan just came here, but as a congenital Xiandan, she quickly solved this problem. She figured out the problems that exist here, the only problem here is the lack. The lack of power in the world.

Heaven and earth are a big world, and now the big world here seems to have collapsed. Therefore, every monk who came here lost the possibility of absorbing various attributes, and in turn wanted to supplement this missing world and supplement the world by losing the power of his own body.

The best way to solve this problem is to make up for this missing world, but even Xu Ziyan does not have this ability. Moreover, Xu Ziyan speculated that even Wu Sheng may not have this ability. Then there is only one way to go.

The world of heaven and earth, the small world of human body.

That is to find a way in this small world of the human body.

The way Xu Ziyan came up with was to refine alchemy, refining an elixir that resembled the power of a small world. The elixir of Xu Ziyan refining is called the Big Five Elements of Eclipta. Each of the elixir has the power of five elements, and the interlocking ring produces a small world force. After swallowing, it will be released in the body to resist the absorption of this missing world.

That is to say, after the monk took the big five elements of the elixir, the loss was the power of the big five elements of the elixir, and the monk's own cultivation of the force was shrouded in a small world formed by the big five elements of the elixir. As long as you continue to swallow this big five elements of elixir, you will not feel the heat here, the body will not lose.

These elixir are naturally refining by Dan Yi, and then Xu Ziyan is distributed to everyone. After everyone took it, the feeling of refreshingness finally came back. One by one, Xu Ziyan admired the five-body cast. Didn’t see that even those Tianzun masters were sweating one by one?

Liu Jinsong saw the appearance of Xu Ziyan from afar, and then looked at the images of the monks around him like roasting sheep, and could not help but smile. Although Liu Jinsong is not as comfortable as Xu Ziyan, it is also very easy, because he refining some small five-line Dan before he came here. Although it is not as good as the big five-line Dan of Ziyan, it can constantly supplement the passage of the body. Those monks who only know how to drink water have a lot to look at in their image.

At this time, there were still monks coming in and there were monks flying in the sky from time to time and falling to their respective camps. The fire just left did not leave traces on the ground. The whole ground was like a huge red glass mirror, crystal clear and light.

The nine great masters, Shangyuan League, and the Southern Four Church led the eight major families in the South (now the Ouyang family no longer serves as the city owner, replacing the royal family that will be destroyed by the Golden God.), the demon led by Mellon, led by Xiao Bai The demon family occupies the fairy city of time and space. As for the monks of other forces, they are all gathered outside the city of time and space.

It’s not that there is no place in the fairy city, but the more hot it is in the middle, the time and space is in the middle of the place, the nine masters, the Shangyuan League, the Southern Four Church, the Mozu and the Yaozu. The strong can only stand here because of their identity. The monks of other powers, even if they have the great monks, are not willing to suffer the sin. Simply under the pretext of respecting these big forces, the camp was tied outside the city of Xiancheng.

Xu Ziyan also has a leisurely release of the gods to observe the time and space of the fairy city, the eyebrows suddenly pick a pick, the layout of this fairy city turned out to be a big five array. It seems that the chief designer who built the city at the beginning should be thinking about making up for the lack of the Big Five.

However, if you want to make up for the lack of strength here through this big five-line array, you can't help it. After Xu Ziyan explored this big five-line array, he was sure that the big five line would not be able to start even if it was the best, even if it was the best, it would not be able to start. Want to start this big five line array only crystal.

And even if you put a crystal pulse on each corner, I am afraid that the consumption of this large array will only be consumed by the time of two or three interest. Who has so many crystal veins to consume here?

In fact, it is not in essence to start the big five arrays of crystal veins, but the space here will absorb these crystal veins in an instant. The desire to create a world without a gap is amazing. I really don't know what the monks thought about.

Suddenly, Xu Ziyan felt a certain gaze locked in himself and immediately turned around and greeted him.

The eyes of two people collided in the air. It was an extremely complicated look, with hatred, alertness, and embarrassment. There is fear, disdain, smug...

Shangzun, holding his hand and looking at Xu Ziyan, that moment gave him the urge to kill Xu Ziyan. But he endured it, Xu Ziyan dared to come here, the look of indifference, let him have a trace of scruples in his heart.

And he is not in a hurry...

Xu Ziyan also regained her gaze, and she still did not do it. She could not do it. After all, he killed his father, there is no reason to take the initiative to provoke Shangzun.

After Zun Zun’s gaze was recovered from Xu Ziyan’s body, he began to sweep slowly toward the surroundings, with a smile on his lips. The pattern of the Upper Yuan Dynasty has changed since the sacred sects of the gods.

The eight great masters and the nine great ancient gods are aware of the strength of Shangzun. No single sovereign is an opponent of Shangzun, even if they join hands, the result is unknown. Therefore, under this pressure, the Eight Great Zongmen and the Shangyuan League formed an alliance, and then began to integrate the forces of the Yuanyuan, forming an alliance called Tianming League, which means that they must shoulder the mission of the world and fight against the catastrophe.

The Tianming League has no ally, and is co-chaired by the Eight Great Masters and the Nine Great Heavens.

The eastern continent has gone very smoothly, and many small and medium-sized sects have invested in the Tianming League, which makes the eight masters and the nine great gods very happy. Then they began to go to the South to lobby the Southern family to join the Tianming League. It was originally a very simple matter, but it was unexpectedly rejected by the Southern monks.

At this time, the true leader of the South is the Four Churches in the South. The four people of Liao Bufan decided to be born. They have already determined that Xu Ziyan is the reincarnation of Fengzu. Since Fengzu has already been born, do they still need to live in seclusion?

Not necessary at all!

Although Xu Ziyan still does not admit that she is the reincarnation of Fengzu, they think that it is because the soul of Fengzu has not yet awakened. Since Xu Ziyan has admitted that she has an unyielding will, this is absolutely impossible. Therefore, they have to establish a team for Feng Zu, and the South is the card of the rise of Fengzu, and it is not allowed to be touched by others.

So before Tian Mingmeng sent people to the South, Liao Bufan had already established an alliance in the South, called Taixu League. The lord of the Taixu League is Liao Bufan, and Liao Bufan has never mentioned that this alliance is dominated by Xu Ziyan, but the Southern monk is not a fool. From the name of the Taixu League, it can be inferred that this alliance is prepared for Xu Ziyan.

The reputation of Xu Ziyan in the South at this time is completely different from that when she first came to the South. She promoted the tyrannical sect from a third-class small ancestral gate to a first-class patriarchal gate. Although it was eventually destroyed by the lord, the ultimate lord Didn't take Xu Ziyan. And Xu Ziyan is a singular revenge for the Mozu, ruining countless magic cities, and finally fighting a battle with the Lord, although the process did not see, but Xu Ziyan is still alive and kicking but obvious.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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