The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2556: Can dare to fight (three more pink)

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Such a purple smoke has conquered the southern monks in terms of strength, not to mention repelling the Shangzun, who has claimed to have been sanctified, killing the semi-demon, and driving away the golden gods, and let the southern monks suffering the gratitude to be grateful.

Therefore, Liao Bufan only took the name of the Taiwei League for the Alliance, and then screamed, and the whole South was conveniently gathered under the name of Liao Bufan and became a piece of iron.

After Tian Mingmeng touched a nail in the south, the eastern part of the country also changed. The sage of the celestial domain also established an alliance called Tianxia League. Shangzun is the co-owner. Some of the subordinate Zongmen, which originally belonged to the Xingyu sect, naturally joined the Alliance. There are also some Zongmen who have not joined the Tianmeng League before.

Although the scale and number of people in the world are much worse than that of the Tianmeng League, there is still a monk who is still a holy monk, and the momentum is no worse than the destiny.

Moreover, Shangzun already has a careful arrangement. Today he wants to show his potential in the face of the immortals, and then wraps around the general trend and then fights with Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan is under the sword.

Mellon led the Mozu to watch, and his heart was full of disdain for the Terran.

What is the catastrophe of Yuanda 6!


It is only the catastrophe of the Terran and the Yaozu, and there is no relationship between the Mozu and the Mozu. The Lord of the Lord has now returned, and that 10,000 days is considered a catastrophe? Even if it is 100,000 days, it is also a fly in front of the Lord.

Xiao Bai led the Yaozu also to watch at the side, and the struggle between the Terran and her did not have a little relationship. She just obeyed Xu Ziyan’s order.

Xu Ziyan’s face is also a leisurely one. She is completely unconcerned about these battles. She is now relaxed. Too imaginary disappeared. She has no scruples. In today's Shangyuan University 6, in addition to the Five Sacred, if she wants to leave, I am afraid that no one can stop her.

As for what kind of lord, she has no interest at all. She came here not for these, but for the time and space to understand the time and space attributes.

Seeing that the monks of all parties have arrived. A smile appeared on the face of the dream machine, and the voice said:

"Dear friends, maybe this is the wonder that our fairyland has never been born since ancient times. All the monks are almost closed together and go out together."

The monks listened and laughed. When the laughter is getting lower, Ye Haotian respects:

"Today everyone is here to test the results of the retreat. I don't think we have to waste time. Let's get started!"

Although the eight masters and the nine great ancient gods have never visited Shangzun, they are undoubtedly concerned about Shangzun. They preemptively dominate the right to speak, just want to see what reaction is still.

Shangzun did not respond, but the monks of all parties were eager to try and screamed.

Xu Ziyan stood by and watched, but still respected the old face with a smile standing there, there is no trace of anger between the looks, as if they do not know that the right to speak today is dominated by the destiny. The Eight Great Masters and the Nine Ancient Heavenly Zun also exchanged their eyes. Life Tianzun at a glance at the chest beard:

"In any case, there is still half a year to open the time and space. We have the disciples of the Xianwang period. We will give you some advice every time."

"Good!" The dream machine nodded: "Now the tribes are here, it is not as good as the challenge between the Terran, the Mozu and the Yaozu? Mellon Road Friends, Bai Daoyou, how do you think?"

Mellon and Xiaobai are all a glimpse. The two of them have been waiting to watch. They did not think that the dream machine actually represented the entire human race and challenged both of them. The eyes of the two of them could not help but look at the three directions of the world alliance, the Taixu League, and Xu Ziyan. That Xiaobai asked narrowly:

"Dream Lord, is this the decision of all your Terran?"

Mellon listened to the music on the side. In fact, all the monks knew that Xiaobai used to be the favorite of Xu Ziyan. Xiaobai said this, is this the meaning of Xu Ziyan?

Moreover, everyone has also speculated from the name of the Taixu League that the Southern Alliance should also be respected by Xu Ziyan, although it has not been recognized by the Taixu League, and it has not stood with Xu Ziyan.

It can be seen that although the Emperor is too ruined by the Lord, the power of Xu Ziyan is still not small.

The words of Xiaobai make the dream machine look red, which is the meaning of a little face. Where are you talking about yourself for a long time, can you represent the entire human race?

However, the dream machine is really not able to speak his words on behalf of the human race, and then look to the heavens and the alliance, if you can win the support of the Alliance, it is easier to deal with the respect of the world.

Liao Bufan gently nodded and said: "Tai Wei Meng agrees with the views of the dream master."

The heart of the dream machine is a loose, and I look at Xu Ziyan. Although there are only a dozen people in Xu Ziyan, the influence is not small, even if it is the strength of Xu Ziyan, it is not to be underestimated. Xu Ziyan smiled lightly:

"Dream Lord, Ziyan is now a mess, do not have to worry about the opinions of Ziyan. For the decision of the dream master, Ziyan still agrees."

The flower sedan chair lifted people and heard the words of Xu Ziyan saying that the smile on the face of the dream machine was more prosperous, and he turned to Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Zongzhu, rebuilding the Taixu sect is not easy for you, it is easy."

"Oh..." Xu Ziyan chuckled twice, and it was a response to the dream machine.

I got the approval of Taixu Meng and Xu Ziyan, and the dream machine was able to look at the alliance. The last one asked Shangzun, this is the next Mawei. Everyone agrees that if you disagree, you are against the world. If you agree, it is in line with the destiny.

This is a level for Shangzun. If it is not handled properly, it is not impossible for the hearts of all the people in the world to disperse.

There was a sneer in the corner of the dream machine.

Shangzun ah still respect! Your cultivation is indeed improved, but it is still too tender for people to do things!

When I saw the gaze of the dream machine, the face of Shangzun’s face burst into a smile, and the smile was confident.

Under the eyes of the public, he saw that Shang Zun gently waved his hand, and Wen Yao, who had been standing beside him, took out a small flag and threw it into the air. The small flag was instantly enlarged and erected high. Three characters were written on the flag:

"The World Alliance."

Xu Ziyan’s gaze is shrinking, not because Shangzun founded the Alliance, which she already knew. Instead, she saw a lot of monks starting to move.

These monks who moved were the small and medium-sized sects behind the Eight Great Masters and the Nine Great Heavens. Only 10% of the 10% of the small and medium-sized sects flew down to Shangzun’s body and stood down. Under the umbrella.

Xu Ziyan was shocked and looked at the Taixu League. When he saw the Southern monk, he did not turn to the League of Heaven. It was only in the moment that Xu Zixin knew that this was the action of Shangzun in the dark, and it reversed the various sects under the Heavenly League. Only the small and medium-sized shackles who are loyal to the eight major sects did not go against it. Of course, from the far east of the East, the Yuanmeng League and the southern families are not rebellious.

But with today's move, it is still easier to have the general trend, and to have such a general trend, and then to attack the northern and southern monks will become easier.

Think about it, Xu Ziyan’s mouth also showed a bitter smile. The Star Field was originally the second largest gate in the East and has a strong appeal. Nowadays, it is not the other eight sects that can be compared. I am afraid that as long as Zun Zun releases the meaning of solicitation, these sects will immediately go to Shangzun. After all, the catastrophe is not far away, and everyone wants to go to a strong Zongmen, so that there is a chance to survive.

This is still too sinister, I am afraid that these small and medium-sized sects have long been concealed by Shangzun, but they have been sent to the Tianmeng League, waiting for this angel to fight the face of Tianmeng League, this is really a fight ring.

The face of the dream machine has become purple, not only him, but the other seven masters and the nine ancient gods are also very ugly.

This eastern sect is almost all invested in Shangzun, and there are not many left of their eight masters. Shangzun carried his hands and said with a smile:

"I agree with the opinion of the dream master!"

At this time, I agree to agree with the opinion of the dream master. Is this not to finish the left face and hit the right face?

"Hip, hahaha..." The Mozu’s side laughed loudly, and the Yaozu’s side couldn’t help it.

The hearts of the Eight Great Masters and the Nine Great Heavenly Emperors undulating and killing, but they knew that they were not the opponents of Shangzun, and they felt uncomfortable in their hearts. Can not look at the eyes of Xu Ziyan, the legendary Xu Ziyan once defeated Shangzun, at this time they can only rely on Xu Ziyan to fight for their faces.

Xu Ziyan really does not have that mind. She has a clear understanding of her cultivation, and now she can be said to be sanctified, but still respected is sanctified in all aspects.

This has created an embarrassing situation. Xu Ziyan has passed the respect of the body strength. If two people are close to each other, Xu Ziyan can kill Shangzun. However, if it is a long-distance fight, Xu Ziyan can only be passively beaten. Shang Zun is fully sanctified. If he does not want to fight with Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan really has no way. It is really meaningless to be beaten like this.

In fact, if you still know that the body strength of Xu Ziyan has reached the fourth level of the holy level, he will never challenge Xu Ziyan, because Xu Ziyan is there to let him fight, nor is he able to kill Xu Ziyan in a month or two. What's more, Xu Ziyan will stand there honestly to let him fight?

In the heart of Shangzun, Xu Ziyan is also considered to be sanctified, but he believes that Xu Ziyan is also between the first and second floors. Therefore, he believes that he still has the ability to kill Xu Ziyan. Nowadays, the sects of the sects are shunning, and it is precisely because of his imposing manner, so he does not wrap up in the momentum of the sky and shouts to Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Ziyan, can dare to fight me!"

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued!

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