The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2559: Purple Soulstone (three more pink)

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"Enough!" Life Tianzun screamed: "Shang Zun, Xu Zong's heart is righteous, you still do not repent?"

"you wanna die!"

Still savage, a kind of star-shaped sword goes to life. The figure flashed in the sky, and the shape of Xu Ziyan was stopped in front of the fairy scorpion.


The star field is broken, and Xu Ziyan is holding hands, no longer speaking, and a pair of stars staring at the opposite. There was a slight hesitation in the eyes, and at this time she had already felt that the power of Shangzun was falling and falling very badly. His anger angered his heart, and the unrestrained release of immortality made his body's power consumption severe. At this time, Xu Ziyan did not need the body, and she was able to compete with him for the power of the bridge between the five heavens and the earth.

At this time, Xu Ziyan has become a big force. Almost all the monks are standing on her side, and this kind of general trend is wrapped up. Although it is not sure, it may not have the possibility of killing Shangzun.

However, Xu Ziyan has already expressed her great meaning. If she shows her heart-breaking at this time, the cohesive general trend can't be smashed away, which makes Xu Ziyan's heart flash hesitating.

The hesitation in her eyes made Shang Zun see, and the heart was a jump. At this time, he also felt that his heart was hurt, and his power was consumed.

"be cheated!"

Still respecting the heart, he looked around and saw the eyes of the surrounding monks looking at his enemies, and his heart raised a trace of fear. If at this time. Xu Ziyan fanned these monks to besiege him, even if he could escape his life, but the hard-to-build alliance of the heavens would disappear.

The most important thing is that he knows that he is unable to kill Xu Ziyan. It was his own anger that gave Xu Ziyan the opportunity.

"I want to improve! I want to be stronger! Only when I become stronger can I kill Xu Ziyan."

Shangzun took a deep breath and squatted his sleeves, his body receding toward the rear, and ignoring under the banner of the Heavenly Alliance, without saying anything. He knew that he didn't have to speak, since Xu Ziyan showed her great meaning. When she stops at this time, she naturally won't chase herself.

Xu Ziyan breathed a sigh of relief, and she did not want to anger her still at this time. After all, she has no grasp of the victory over Shangzun. The figure is floating, and it is also flying backwards.



"Little sister!"

Xu Xingfan, Xu Tianwo and Langyue and others were all excited to come up, one by one, the eyes are shining.

"Are you really breaking through to the holy level?"

Xu Ziyan sank a bit. Now she is sanctified. Is it a holy level? So I nodded lightly.

"Xu Zongzhu!"

The eight great masters and the nine great ancient gods, as well as the four church owners also flew. Xu Ziyan is a ritual:

"You friends!"

"Hsu Zongzhu is sanctified?" The same question asked by the monks.

"Okay!" Xu Ziyan whispered.

"Great!" The monks were full of joy.

"Finally can cope with the catastrophe!"

Xu Ziyan gently shook his head: "Where it will be so simple, the siege of 10,000 Tianzun, even if it is the Five Sacred, will not be easy."

The monks were also silent for a long time. Xu Ziyan Yan Yan smiled and said: "Don't forget the original intention of this gathering!"

"Yes! Let everyone learn from each other, it will also benefit their promotion and prepare for the future catastrophe."

The monks have dispersed. At the beginning, there were a few monks who came to the challenge and began to study. Then there is the Xianhuang period, the Xiandi period, the human respect period, and the land respect period. In addition to the late monarchs of Tianzun, even the late monks of Tianzun also appeared to challenge and discuss.

Shangzun has been silent, others don't know what he is doing, but Xu Ziyan knows that he is healing, and the heart's injury is harder to heal than the physical injury. I am afraid that it is not a few months to recover.

Xu Ziyan looked at Shangzun in the distance, and his heart had already made up his mind to deal with Shangzun. The hatred of her monk can't be adjusted at all. His master took the brother of Shang Zun in Wanli and killed the father of Shang Zun. How can Shang Zun give up this hatred?

Moreover, from Shangzun’s tricks and tricks, the Eight Great Zongmen and the Nine Ancient Heavenly Respects can be seen that Shangzun is not an upright person. Such a person would probably bring another kind of catastrophe to the Yuanyuan.


She also needs a reason. Although the words of her sorrowful and sorrowful words have played a very good effect, but they have also bound themselves, they will make themselves become the contempt of all the monks on the mainland.

Xu Ziyan was thinking deeply, but felt that someone was using his fingers to lick his back and turned his head to look at it, but it was Xu Xingfan.

Xu Ziyan is somewhat inexplicable. If something can't be said well, then God wants to secretly lick his back? Not frowned by a slight wrinkle:

"Xingfan, what are you doing?"

"Aunt!" Xu Xingxiao whispered, and closed his mouth, just using his eyes to indicate in one direction.

Xu Ziyan turned suspiciously and looked around in the direction indicated by Xu Xingfan, and then the body was stiff there. The eyes locked in a figure and could no longer be moved.

On a tower far from Xu Ziyan, stood a person.

A black robe wrapped in a tall body, handsome faces set off a pair of stars, and the stars are filled with thoughts.


There was another fire in the sky, and two people were facing each other across the magnificent fire and rain. The time seemed to be stagnant, and the eyes were intertwined in the air...

One hand is gently pushing the back of Xu Ziyan: "Aunt, go!"

Xu Ziyan struggled and whispered: "Why isn't he coming over!"

"Maybe... maybe... what scruples does he have?" Xu Ai said during the promising period.

Xu Ziyan’s look changed, she remembered the fact that Yanshan’s soul became a stone. Didn't he dare to approach me because he was close to me. Will it become a stone?


I am going to ask why this is so!

Xu Ziyan took a step and went out to the tower. The movement of Xu Ziyan attracted the attention of many monks. I couldn’t help but look at the shape of Xu Ziyan.

"Don't come over!" Yanshan soul knows the sound.

"Do not!"

Xu Ziyan knows the voice, and the figure falls on the top of the tower, opposite the Yanshan soul.


Xu Ziyan hurriedly looked down, but saw that the toes of Yanshan soul had begun to become stones. With his arms stretched, his body shape flew out like a big bird from the tower, and fell into the square. On top of another tower above. I am eager to hear the voice of the gods:

"Mountain Spirit. How are you?"

"I'm all right!"

The voice of Yanshan soul came from the gods, and Xu Ziyan’s eyes flashed a joy, restraining the excitement. God knows the voice:

"Mountain Spirit, have you restored your memory?"


Yanshan soul whispered, the body stood up on the tower, the black robe slightly moved. I can't block his body. A handsome face reveals a vicissitude. The mature taste makes him look a lot bigger than the purple smoke.

"But... your feet..." Xu Ziyan knows the sound.

"It’s a problem with my method."

"what is the problem!"

Yanshan soul slowly waved the sleeves of the robe, noble and elegant, the fire in the sky stopped, and both of them could clearly see each other's looks.

"I used to practice the ruthless and ruthless practice. As my cultivation resumed, I found that my feelings for you gradually became silent. I didn't want to forget you, I went to the demon Lord and got a sentimental spring. After drinking, I really recovered my feelings for you. But..."

Xu Ziyan quietly listened to the narrative of Yanshan soul. I heard that the soul of Yanshan has done so much for myself. I have suffered so much. Although my face has a shallow and happy smile, my eyes are moist. The eyes are not stunned, so I stare at the Yanshan soul on the opposite side of the city building, for fear that the Yanshan soul will disappear again.

"Now my problem is that I can't get close to you. As long as I am close to me, I will petrify, and I know that once I am petrified, I can't recover."


Xu Ziyan snorted and his eyes showed a worried color.

"And... I also found a problem, even if you are far away from me, it still affects me. Although I will not become a stone, but the cultivation is falling, although not much."

"This... what to do?" Xu Ziyan knows the voice with a cry.

"Don't worry, I will find a solution!"

Yanshan soul suddenly raised his hands, his sleeves slipped, revealing his wrists. On his wrists, he wore a string of bracelets and identical bracelets. Yanshan soul took a string of bracelets from the right wrist and gently waved it, and the string of bracelets floated toward Xu Ziyan.

"Ziyan, this is the stone I got a few days ago. I made it into two bracelets and gave you a bunch."

Xu Ziyan’s eyes flashed a hint of surprise, reaching out to catch the string of bracelets, only to see that the bracelet was made up of nine thumb-nail-sized beads, each of which was crystal clear, floating a layer of purple, floating inside the beads. Like the soul of a bead. Oh, it’s cute.

"Is this a fairy treasure?"

"No! It's just a stone, but wearing it on a monk can double the speed at which the monk can absorb the power of the heavens and the earth. I gave you this bracelet because of the name of the stone."

"What's its name?"

"What do you think of the purple smoke inside this stone?"

"Like...the soul of stone!"

"Not bad!" The face of Yanshan Soul has a bright smile: "The name of it is called Purple Soulstone!"

"Zi soul stone?"

Xu Ziyan looked at the bracelet in his hand, and there was a purple smoke floating in the rounded stones.

"Stone... purple smoke... purple smoke... mountain soul... purple soul stone!"

Xu Ziyan’s face was red, and a heart was warmed up. The eyes of Yanshan’s soul were filled with tenderness.

Still owed 6 chapters!

*(To be continued..)

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