The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2560: Time and long rivers open

The spirit of Yanshan raised his left hand, revealing the purple soul stone bracelet on the left wrist and gently shaking it. !.! Xu Ziyan show Yan Yixiao, put the purple soul stone bracelet on the right wrist, then lifted it and shook it.

The purple bracelet is worn on the white wrist, and the Yanshan soul is bright. The two held each other with one hand and stared at each other.

At this time, there are no monks in the time and space in the fairy city, and a pair of eyes are looking at the body of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan. Although Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls have always been the voice of God, they can't hear anything, but from the actions and looks of the two people, we can see the deep feeling between the two.

One monk did not dare to speak loudly, but he was known in the voice of God.

"Is that person a sinister?"


"He and Xu Ziyan..."

There was a smile on the face of the soil: "They are Taoists."

"The Taoist?" The dream machine was shocked.

"Oh..." The sound of the earth is full of pride: "At the beginning, they were married as a Taoist."

"You..." The dream machine took a deep breath: "The landlord, you are hiding deep enough!"

"Oh..." Tu Yishui laughed twice: "This...they didn't say anything publicly, I can't say it! Today, the two of them look like this, I dare to say it. Dream master, that is evil Lord, not a normal monk!"

The dream machine nodded: "Yes, it should be."

The look of Shangzun is uncertain and the heart is abnormally annoyed.

"The evil Lord is back, where did the Lord go? Is the Lord of the Lord really killed by the evil Lord? It is a good thing to kill the original Lord. No one forces me any more. But what is the relationship between the evil Lord and Xu Ziyan? The appearance of a person's affection is clearly a pair of Taoists.

what should I do? The Lord of the Devil is not the opponent of the evil Lord, if the evil Lord is really a Taoist. what should I do? ”

"Ziyan, I will go first, and I will come back to find you when I solve the problem!"

"take care!"

Xu Ziyan shook the bracelet on his wrist, and the Yanshan soul shook a bit, then his body shape faded on the tower. Xu Ziyan stared at the opposite tower, half-sounding.

The whole time and space of the fairy city was quiet, and everyone's eyes gathered on Xu Ziyan's body.

Suddenly. A mighty pressure is approaching quickly.


A figure fell before the Mozu. The monks are all changed.

"Magic Lord!"

The coming person is the devil, his gaze first fell on the body of Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan's gaze also looked over. Immediately, there was a hint of alert in the eyes. When the figure was floating, he returned to the front of Xu Xingfan and others.


The lord's gaze turned away from Xu Ziyan's body and fell on Shang Zun's body. The look of Shangzun is a tight one. He didn't know what to do in the Lord of the Lord. But he remembered in his heart that the Lord had asked him not to reveal his relationship with the Lord. So he resisted his heart and looked at the Lord.

The Lord of the Lord faintly turned his eyes away, making the heart of Shangzun loose. But my mind quickly thought about it.

"The Lord of the Lord is not dead. What is going on here? Are they two reconciled? What does the Lord think of me?"

The lord's gaze swept across the crowd, then looked at Mellon:

"Melong, when the time and space will open, the monks who dare to block our Mozu will kill innocent people."

"Yes!" Mellon said respectfully.


The Lord nodded and the sleeves waved, and the figure disappeared in the air.


All people are relieved. The pressure given by the Lord is too great. The appearance of the evil Lord just radiated a warmth, but the appearance of the Lord was a tyrannical. For example, the same group of robbery clouds are always hanging on the heads of everyone. When he left, everyone’s heart felt a loose heart.


Suddenly there was a roar in the sky, like the beginning of the heavens and the earth, the initial sound was very distant, as if there were countless spaces separated, and gradually the sound was getting closer and closer, and the monks could not help but look at the sky above the fairy city.


A burst of cracks, a crack in the sky, cracked at a very fast speed.


The space is broken, and a vast river of time and space appears in the eyes of everyone.

A figure of the sky rises into the sky, flies toward the time and space, disappears into the long river of time and space. The monks who entered the time and space were the monks of the Emperor and the Emperor, and the monks above the honor period did not enter. The treasures possessed by the time and space in Hanoi are of little significance to them.

At this time, they are eager to go back. On the one hand, after half a year of discussion, each has some insights and needs to go back to retreat. On the other hand, the catastrophe is about to come, and they have to go back and prepare for the robbery.

Shangzun’s eyes swept through the monks and led the masters of the world’s elites to stay away. The eight masters, the nine ancient gods, the four masters and the Xu Tianwo also left each other. The eight masters naturally returned to the sect. The nine ancient celestial gods also returned to the upper ally, and the four priests returned to the south, and Xu Tianwo and others discussed it, preparing to accompany the peers and travel the world.

Xiaobai left with the demon master, and Mellon also left with the master of the demon.

At this time, Xu Ziyan has entered the long river of time and space. The path flies straight to the deepest part of time and space.

Xu Tianwo and his party are walking on the clouds and telling each other about the interesting events that have taken place in these years. Suddenly there was a big palm in the sky, and the sky was covered by Xu Tianwo and others.

Xu Tianwo and others immediately felt that their actions were affected and slowed down, watching the big palm slap down the top of the head.


Nine bells rose into the sky, and it was Xu Xingfan who gave Jiu Ling that Xu Ziyan gave him. Jiu Ling quickly zoomed in the air, forming a circle over the head, holding the monks underneath.

The nine bells formed a space, and the large palms in the air collided with each other.

When the nine-bell space was formed, Xu Tianwo and others immediately felt that the pressure on the body was loose. Xu Tianlang had no time to see who the master of the big palm was, but he knew that the power was not something he could resist. In the heart of the electricity, immediately decided, and sighed:

"Go, go to time and space!"

Several Tianzuns tore apart the cracks in the space, and the monks who were not the gods disappeared instantly.


The nine bells and the big palms collided together, and the nine bells were scattered by a palm and flew around. The air is stirring, and the figure of Shangzun is presented. Looking at the space where Xu Tianwo and others disappeared, the big hand grabbed it, and the bell that turned into nine streams was in the air.

With a hand, the nine bells narrowed into his hands in the air, and the tyrannical gods swept away, and erased the above knowledge.


The space burst, and Xu Tianwo and others came out of the space crack.

"Hey..." Xu Xingfan squirted a blood.

"What's wrong?" Xu Tianwo asked with concern.

"Nine Bell was taken away!" Xu Xingfan spit out a blood.

Xu Tianwo helped Xu Xingfan, looked up and looked at the time and space of the river: "Let's go, look for purple smoke."


More than a dozen figures flew upwards into the sky, and entered the long river of time and space. There was a wave of space ripples behind them. The monks turned back and saw that Shangzun stepped out of the space.

"Sure enough, it is still respect! Let's go!"

Xu Tianwo and others immediately spread the speed to the extreme, flying to the deepest in the long river of time and space. They know that Xu Ziyan is in the deepest part of time and space. Xu Ziyan once told them that she came here to understand the time and space attributes in the deepest part of time and space.

The time and space of the river is no treasure for the great monks above the human respect. The highest grade is just the fairy sacredness, which has lost its effect on the monks who have been honored.

But this does not mean that there is no danger to the monks above the time of the people, and the dangers also exist. It is also dangerous to the holy monks. The strangulation of space and the passage of time are inevitable dangers. And here too, I can't tear the space and only fly honestly.

Xu Tianwo and his party carefully avoided the growing, increasingly dense time and space vortex, flew toward the depths of time and space, and the Shangzun behind was approaching quickly.

No one spoke, everyone concentrated on avoiding the whirlpool of time and space, and even did not look back, just as they entered themselves, they could fly toward the depths of time and space as quickly as possible.

There is a sneer in the mouth of Shangzun, and he is more calm than the Sirius and Langyue. The distance between the two sides is rapidly drawing.

Langyue felt that he was locked. In fact, at this time, not only did he feel that he was locked by Shangzun, but all the monks felt that they were locked by Shangzun, knowing that Shangzun is not far from himself, but No one turned back, for fear that it would waste a little time.

"Sirius, let's go, I will block the respect."

Langyue suddenly stopped. However, he was caught by Xu Tianwo and continued to fly forward: "Master, you can't stop him. We flee together. If we can't escape, we will face him together."

Langyue also knew that Xu Tianwo had made a point and sighed again, speeding up the speed of flying again.

There are huge whirlpools of time and space everywhere. Lang Yue and Xu Tianwo and his party walked fast through the gaps of the vortex...

At this time, Xu Ziyan was standing in the middle of the long river of time and space. Here she felt the rich time and space attributes. Xu Ziyan spread her arms and spread the knowledge. Her time and space attributes were perfect, and her knowledge was very easy. Spread out, spread through a time and space vortex to the distance, the peak of the six levels of the Holy Stage and the great perfection of time and space attributes, so that her knowledge quickly enveloped the entire time and space.

Buy a pink ticket at the end! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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