The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2566: Cross into the holy

Xu Ziyan thought about it, and stretched out a hand and held Xu Qinyang's hand. The gas of life rushed into Xu Qinyang's body and shocked the past with the energy of the bloodqin. . .


The energy of the bloodqin obviously had an uneasy feeling and began to move around in Xu Qinyang's body. Xu Ziyan’s heart is a joy, and Xu Qinyang is also a happy heart. Together, they began to contain the energy of the blood.

The energy of the bloodqin began to shrink and eventually retreated to Xu Qinyang’s left hand. So much blood is energized in one left hand and becomes very pure. It is able to withstand the gods and life of Xu Ziyan. The gas of life is the nemesis of the blood of the blood, but the purple smoke is still in the endurance.

Gradually, Xu Ziyan began to be weak. Her heart began to be anxious, and suddenly, the blood energy of Xu Qinyang and the blood energy of the light moon dance began to merge.


There was a shock in the blood, and Xu Qinyang’s blood gave birth to a tiny piano. The blood of the light moon dance gave birth to a tiny medicine tripod. The tiny pianos and the tiny medicines are closely arranged to form a seal that seals the energy of the bloodqin in the left hand.


Xu Ziyan breathed a long sigh of relief and loosened the hand holding Xu Qinyang. The eyes flashed in different colors, she did not think that Xu Qinyang turned out to be the qualification of the sword and the heart, and the light moon dance is the qualification of the iron heart. It is these two extraordinary physiques that can seal the energy of the bloodqin. Xu Qinyang also opened his eyes and then changed his look.

"Moon dance!"

Xu Ziyan looked down and saw the pale moon dance in his arms at this time pale. There is no trace of blood on his face. There are countless blood holes in the body, that is, there is also a blood hole in the heart position, although the blood has solidified. No more blood is flowing out, but the scars in that body are shocking.

Xu Qinyang slowly and heartbrokenly took the light moon dance from the arms of Xu Ziyan, and heartbroken:

"Moon dance...moon dance..."

The light moon dance closed his eyes, his lips moved slightly, and a faint voice spit out from the lips:

"Qin Yang..."

"Moon dance...moon are you so stupid..." tears in the eyes of Xu Qinyang.

The light moon dance opened his eyes with difficulty, and looked at Xu Qinyang, who was close at hand, and moved manually. I want to touch Xu Qinyang's cheek, but I can't help it.

Xu Qinyang grabbed the hand of the moon dance and placed it on his face, and the tears continued to flow.

"" The mouth of the moon dance floated with a beautiful smile: "There"

The first one is biased. The eyes are closed again.

"Moon dance! Moon dance... Don't..." Xu Qinyang burst into tears.

Xu Ziyan took out a large bath tub filled with Xian liquid, and then whispered to Xu Qinyang:

"Qin Yang brother, put the moon dance into it."

Xu Qinyang looked up. The eyes showed an expectation: "Ziyan. You have a way to dance on the moon, are you? You are a congenital sage, there must be a way, isn't it?"

"It's okay! Moon dance will be good! You will put her in!" Xu Ziyan said softly.

“Really?” Xu Qinyang’s eyes revealed expectations and mixed with a trace of fear.

"Really!" Xu Ziyan said with a smile: "The injury of the moon dance is heavy, but it still can't help me!"

Xu Qinyang's eyes instantly released a happy glow, carefully putting the moon dance into the tub. Xu Ziyan took out another fairy and put it in the mouth of the moon dance. Then he whispered to Xu Qinyang:

"She will slowly recover!"

"That's good!" Xu Qinyang sat down on his knees, his hands licking the big tub, his eyes staring at the moon dance in the tub for a moment.

Xu Ziyan stared at Xu Qin and said: "Qin Yang brother. What do you think?"

Xu Qinyang stared at the light moon dance in the tub: "I don't know, she hasn't woken up yet."

Xu Ziyan silently supported the forehead: "I am not talking about the moon dance. Is it your feeling?"

"My feeling?" Xu Qinyang glanced blankly at Xu Ziyan: "Heartache!"

Xu Ziyan directly turned a white eye: "I mean, is there any problem with your body?"

"Oh!" Xu Qinyang responded twice, and his eyes returned to Qingming: "There is no big problem at present. The energy of the bloodqin is sealed in my left hand. But it has been trying to break through the seal. I don't know if I can suppress it. I can live. But you can rest assured!"

Xu Qinyang has a chest and a finger to his heart: "My heart is very strong and will defeat it!"

Xu Ziyan nodded and looked up and down Xu Qinyang. Suddenly he said: "Qin Yang brother, you broke through to the peak of Tianzun!"

"Is it?" Xu Qinyang's face was also amazed, and then he felt a bit: "It should be the breakthrough I got when I lost my mind. This is a blessing in disguise, huh..."

Xu Ziyan’s face also showed a smile, and took out a gourd-shaped space fairy to hand to Xu Qin:

"This is what you hold, when the liquid in the tub is exhausted, change the fairy liquid. This gourd contains enough liquid. There is this!"

Xu Ziyan took out another jade bottle and handed it to Xu Qin. "This jade bottle contains an elixir. You feed a moon dance every other day."

Xu Qinyang took the gourd and the jade bottle road: "Ziyan, what are you going to do?"

Xu Ziyan looked at the time and space and said: "I want to collect the time and space."

"Put it up?" Xu Qinyang looked at Xu Ziyan with a stunned look.

Xu Ziyan no longer cares about Xu Qinyang, sitting cross-legged, taking Xidan, and taking out a crystal vein to restore the body's strength.

After seven days.

Xu Ziyan has already repaired to the peak, turned his head and saw that the light moon dance has been awake and is recovering. Xu Qinyang is watching the moon dance on the side.

Xu Ziyan did not bother to disturb two people, but his mind was moving, and the virtual sword was out of the body. Xu Ziyan held the right hand and held the virtual sword in his hand. Lifted into the air. The fusion of time and space attributes has been injected into the sword of too much, and the virtual sword has released the radiant light.


Too virtual swords screamed, spreading the mysterious waves from the blade. That is the fluctuation of time and space attributes.

The whole time and space began to gather toward the Taixu sword, although it was slow, but it continued.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.


Some monks in the long river of time and time were shocked to see that they had been thrown out of time and space, and then they saw that the time and space were shrinking, and they did not understand what was going on. For a time, there was a lot of discussion.

"Isn't this time and space long open for a hundred years? How can we drive us out in less than a year?"

"Yeah, and the time and space is still shrinking. Is this going to be closed?"

"No! The way the time and space are closed is not like this. When it is closed, it disappears directly, not shrinking like this."

"That... what is going on here?"

Shangzun looked up and looked at the narrowing of time and space, his face was cloudy and uncertain. There is a very reluctant speculation in his heart, that is, the time and space of the river was accepted by Xu Ziyan.

Once this speculation is true, is it still the opponent of Xu Ziyan? Is it safe to stay here?

Shang Zun finally took a look at the time and space, waving his hand and tearing the space. Leave in an instant.

In another place in time and space. The golden armor will look at the time and space in the air. Looking at the monks in the fairy city of time and space, the tongue licked his lips, but in the end he was afraid that Xu Ziyan suddenly rushed out from the time and space, and stretched out and teared a space crack away.

Time and space have contracted faster and faster, and in the blink of an eye, the entire time and space has been sucked into the sword. Xu Ziyan, Xu Qinyang and the light moon dance appeared in the sky above the fairy city.

Looking down. I saw many monks staying in the time and space in Xiancheng. At this time, I looked up at them and looked over at them.

"It's Xu Ziyan!"

"The time and space has disappeared!"

"Is it being taken up by Xu Ziyan?"

Xu Ziyan reached out and tore the space. With Xu Qin Yang's light moon dance disappeared over the sky and time.

To reappear, Xu Ziyan has appeared on a deserted island. Xu Ziyan put Xu Tianwo and others out of the space fairy, which appeared outside the space fairy, and there was a robbery in the sky. There were two robbery clouds in the sky, one big and one small, the big one locked Xu Ziyan, the small locked the cold and clear. The body of the cold and clear is floating in the middle of the atmosphere.

Xu Ziyan and Leng Qingyu were on the island from the south to the north, welcoming the robbery.


The first thunder of the cold and clear thunder landed, it was a thick purple god. However, the ravages of Xu Ziyan still did not begin, and the clouds in the sky are still gathering.

The monks who watched the robbery next to each other looked at the robbery clouds over Xu Ziyan.

"How much is this against the sky, it will cause such a robbery."

Three days later.

The robbery cloud in the sky seems to have finally reached its peak. Everyone can feel the advent of the day, so that everyone's heart is like a mountain.

"What is that?" Li asked with a lazy look at the robbery in the sky.

The robbery clouds in the sky released light, and the light opened a portal. One by the Thunder, the giant rushed out of the gate and rushed out of the gate, as the Tianhe pours and slams into the past.

"This is this..." All the monks took a breath of air and looked at everything that was happening in front of them.

Xu Ziyan thought of a move, too virtual sword appeared. Xu Ziyan gripped his hands and thundered into the air.


The Thunder flashed, and the Thunder giant and the Thunder Dragon made a thick Thunder to surround Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan loosened the sword and sat down on his knees. He began to work and quenched the body, attracting the power of the Thunder to quench his body. Although there is no further quenching work method, but with the help of thunder, it can also greatly improve the effect of the quenching body.

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*(To be continued..)

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