The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2567: Tianwei

I am very grateful to the tea 湮祼铯 classmates (588), Jinniu Philippine 榕 classmates (200), one carat of dangerous classmates (200), godly human classmates (100), mableip classmates (100) for the reward!


In particular, this time the thunder of the sanctuary is particularly fierce, Xu Ziyan has a feeling that as long as he can safely spend the day, it is possible that the physical strength can be upgraded to the fifth level.


Too virtual swords automatically flew up, zoomed in, and a sword broke out. The Thunder Giant and the Thunder Dragon collapsed again, and then one person and one sword were shrouded inside and lost the trace.

"She... won't be anything?"

Looking at such a powerful catastrophe, all the monks have hairs in their hearts, and looking back at the cold and clear catastrophe in the south, it is a drizzle.

Xu Ziyan sat quietly on the ground, attracting the power of the Thunder to quench the body, and the sword was flying from time to time. At this time, Xu Ziyan was calm and her heart was calm. She could feel that the catastrophe at this time was the intensity of her body, which did not pose a threat to her.

One day passed.

The thunder of the sky is louder and louder. Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and glanced at the thunder that landed in the air. He felt that the power at this time had reached the intensity of the Holy Layer. Not only did the heart sigh, but his own horror was different from others. I am afraid that it will continue and the power will increase.

Three days passed.

The end of the cold and clear day, she looked at the northern end of the robbery, and she was shocked. The body swept and came to the monks, and was shocked:

"This is this... Is this the slain of the younger sister?"

No one spoke, everyone just silently nodded.

"No wonder the little sister can be more challenging!"

The monks nodded neatly and neatly.

At this time, Xu Ziyan had already felt that the power of the robbery had reached the tolerance of the third level of the holy level. She began to worry a little, and did not know to what extent the robbery would eventually increase.

"The degree of robbery is getting stronger and stronger! I don't know if the purple smoke can withstand it!" Li asked lazily, and the light moon dance next to him was also a worry, holding Xu Qinyang's hand tightly. . Although Xu Qinyang was very worried in his heart, he still tapped the hand of the moon dance:

"Don't worry, the purple smoke will surely pass."

"Yeah!" Light moon dance nodded.

At this time, everyone is helpless. They have never seen such a powerful catastrophe. In their view, this is still a catastrophe. It is clearly the end.

Can such a day of robbing the purple smoke be able to withstand the past?

"Let's go!"

Xu Qinyang said helplessly, because at this time the entire island has begun to break and sink, and the power of the robbery will destroy the entire island.

The monks clung to the sea and leaned back toward the distance, staring at the island.


Huge and wireless roar, the whole island was scattered like a wooden huts, sinking into the sea floor, and the whole island disappeared into the sea.


The monks took a long sigh of relief because they saw that the robbers were still there. As long as the day is still there, it proves that Xu Ziyan is still there.

At this time, Xu Ziyan could not be seen at all, and the entire sea surface was shrouded in thunder. On the sea, the dragon thundered and thundered. The creatures on the entire seabed have escaped far away. At this time, there is no more living creature in the surrounding waters. It seems to be a dead sea, a place that is punished by heaven.

The look of Xu Ziyan became tense. At this time, nine days have passed, and the power of the robbery has been raised to the limit of upgrading the four-layer body. If this kind of power robbery appears in the beginning, I am afraid that Xu Ziyan will not be able to withstand it. Fortunately, this kind of power can only come on the ninth day. At this time, the body strength of Xu Ziyan is borrowed in the heavens and earth. Under the tempering of the robbery, it has already broken through to the beginning of the fifth level of the Holy Class.

But this still makes Xu Ziyan feel nervous and extremely nervous. Because he knows that the power of this kind of power will end now, and now there are only nine days of robbery. These nine days of robbery will be stronger than one. I don’t know that the robbery will be in the early fifth stage. The power can be smashed down, and perhaps the power can not only be five levels of the Holy Level.

The silence between the heavens and the earth is only a moment, but it is a dull calm. As if everything is still, time and space are still.

The pressure in the sky is getting bigger and bigger. This kind of stillness is not the end of the catastrophe, but the last nine hurdles that are brewing.

Xu Ziyan holds the sword too tightly in his hands. At this time, the time and space attributes of the Taixu sword have not formed a sword spirit. Although the time and space are strong, it needs to be compatible with the Taixu sword to form the sword spirit.

It takes time.

If the time and space attributes also form the sword spirit, there are eleven kinds of swords and spirits, and Xu Ziyan still has some confidence to resist the horror of the future. After all, the eleven attributes can build a perfect world.

However, now she has only nine attributes of sword spirit.


Xu Ziyan spit out a long breath, looking up at the increasingly rich days of the sky, tightening the sword in his hand, whispering:

"Too virtual, I hope we can get through this!"


A sword screamed in response to Xu Ziyan.


The hole in the body of Xu Ziyan is constantly open, and the rich and pure fairy power is flowing like a sea tide in the body, rushing into the virtual sword, with the golden water, the fire, the light and the dark wind and the thunder. The attribute is perfect and rushes into the sword of too, and it blends with the swords of nine attributes.


Too imaginary swords burst into dazzling light, straight into the clouds in the sky, the ray of light swirling with countless influences, it is a world image.

Nine kinds of attributes Sword Spirit has been spurred by the nine attributes of Xu Ziyan, and is developing a world. The scene in the world is constantly changing, from the generation of the universe to the growth of all things...

Xu Qinyang and others looked far away at the swordsmanship of the sky, and the changes in the world derived from the swordsman made them realize the truth of heaven and earth.


There was finally a roar in the robbery cloud. It wasn’t the Thunder Dragon from the robbery cloud, nor the Thunder giant, but a Thunder giant pillar. The giant pillar was like a heavenly existence. The whole giant pillar was made by the Thunder. Composition, countless Thunder in the giant column, that is a world of thunder.


Thunder giant column and Xu Ziyan's sword mans collided in the air, both sides are constantly losing, and finally burst into a loud explosion, the thunder giant column in the air collapsed.

"Great!" Xu Qinyang and others jumped from the sea and waved their fists and cheered.

However, they quickly quieted down because they saw the second Thunder giant pillar falling.


Xu Ziyan struggled to raise the sword and smashed the Thunder giant column.


A series of blasting, Xu Ziyan once again blasted the Thunder giant column.

The third.






After another silence, Xu Ziyan nervously held the sword in her hand. She felt the fatal pressure. Looking up, she saw that the robbery cloud in the sky was more intense, and suddenly saw it. The robbery cloud in the air swelled up, and then, like what was inside, the first "squeaky" spit out a light group.

The light group was not big, only the size of the fist, but Xu Ziyan was extremely nervous. She felt the ultimate energy from that small light group, as if it was a time energy, completely a world formed by the Thunder. Being rushed towards her.

"come on!"

Xu Ziyan's teeth bite and raised a virtual sword.

The entire surface of the sea sank a meter and was oppressed by the world of thunder. In the distant sea, Xu Qinyang and others couldn't help but madly retreat. They felt the threat of death, and their faces changed dramatically. Their eyes were full of worries.

The light spurt is too strong.

The light group and the sword tip of the Taixu sword collided in one place.

There is no sound, there is no sound, as if the heavens and the earth are still at this moment.


I saw that the light group suddenly became, and instantly swallowed the body of Xu Ziyan.


The infinite roar oscillated on the sea, a super whirlpool was created on the sea, and then the super whirlpool disappeared, and was covered by the thunder. The whole sea surface became the world of the Thunder, and the thick and the same dense and dense land on the sea. Staggered and spread around.

In the eyes of Xu Qinyang and others, the sea has disappeared, and the sea of ​​thunder is presented to them.


Xu Ziyan sighed and everyone ran to the distance. There seemed to be thousands of Thunder Dragons chasing after them.


They have been running away for thousands of miles, and this has freed the Thunder's pursuit, looking at the endless sea of ​​thunder, their face has lost their blood.

"Is Xu Ziyan still alive?"

No one knows that they can only wait, with a heart of expectation.

In the center of the thunder sea, Xu Ziyan's body has been **** and fuzzy, and even some places have exposed the bones. The too virtual sword beside him is madly absorbing the power of the Thunder, and the impurities appear on the sword of the Taixu sword. Too virtual sword has narrowed again.

Xu Ziyan kept taking the innate fairy, and at the same time kept offering the congenital device to resist the thunder, and at the same time throwing countless congenital charms to consume the power of the Thunder.

Even so, the injury on Xu Ziyan is still undermined, and the breath is weakening. The Xianyuan force in Dantian has long been consumed, and there are only one hundred and two of the three hundred and sixty-five points.

Xu Ziyan is like eating jelly beans. The congenital and innate charms are thrown out like money, that is, Xu Ziyan. There are not so many innate and congenital symbols in exchange for others.

This continued for a whole day. Under the supplement of the congenital immortal, Xu Ziyan also consumed only two of the power of the acupoints. The congenital and the congenital fairy were almost thrown away, and the thunder force on the sea finally It started to dissipate.


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