The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2568: Zombie robbery

At this point she has been sunk to the bottom of the sea, and her body and mind have been exhausted to the extreme. However, she was able to feel that her expanding Dantian and acupoints began to stabilize, and the cultivation of the holy level was slowly solid, and the power of the body had never been more generous.

"It’s finally over. I hope that at the holy level, it’s not terrible to raise a layer every time.”

Xu Ziyan thought of a move, with too virtual sword to enter the purple smoke space, in the time array method, the body was immersed in the fairy river, and then swallowed the congenital immortal, while holding the veins in his arms began to restore the body and strength.

In the outer ocean, the thunder swayed in the water, like a dragon, and slowly dispersed as time passed. In the distance, Xu Qinyang and others slowly approached, and looked around for the trace of Xu Ziyan.

"Is this day the robbery is done?"

"It should be. The robbery clouds in the sky have dissipated."

"What about purple smoke?"

"It should still be in the water, and it will appear when the thunders are scattered."

"That... let's wait!"


Everyone is looking for nothing, but they are nervous. Because they didn’t know that the robbery clouds in the sky were scattered, it was Xu Ziyan’s robbery, or because Xu Ziyan had fallen...

Time spent in the intolerance, in the purple smoke space, Xu Ziyan opened his eyes, at this time her body has fully recovered, the body's strength has also returned to the peak. Raise your hand and gently hold it, you will feel the power of Tianwei. The face spreads with a happy smile, and the virtual sword around him is in the hands. The virtual sword has become more crystal-clear after the tempering of the sky, and it has become a glimpse of the gods and sees the sword that has begun to generate time and space. spirit. Just not finished yet.

Putting the virtual sword in the time array method, Xu Ziyan left the time array and hurriedly took a bath in the Xianhe. Then I changed my clothes and came out of the purple smoke space. She knows that everyone is waiting outside for themselves. Can't make everyone worry too much.

From the bottom of the sea, rising toward the sea, with the rise, Xu Ziyan saw that there is still a layer of light lightning on the surface of the sea.


The shape of Xu Ziyan rushed out of the sea, standing in the air, his eyes looking around.



"Little sister!"


Xu Ziyan followed the sound and saw that Xu Qinyang and others were flying towards her, and each face burst into a happy smile. "嗖嗖嗖" landed around Xu Ziyan.

"Ziyan. You are fine, that's great!"

"Aunt, are you really holy now?"


There was a cheerful laugh on the sea, and everyone’s heart had never been easier. They are all too sacred monks, and Xu Ziyan, who is the sect of the tyrants, has now broken through to the holy level. What this means to them, everyone is very clear.

Xu Ziyan purchased a manor, not far from Sha Xiaofan’s wine cellar. At this time in the back garden is sitting Xu Ziyan, Xu Qinyang, Xu Tianwo. Xu Xingfan, Ling Xiao, Lang Yue. Mind, cold and clear, Song Wanzhong, a thousand cups drunk, Zhang Wujie, Satan, Zuo Pengming, Liancheng Yu, Mo Shenji. There is no shadow, light moon dance and Li lazy.

Xu Ziyan is now a holy level. Xu Qinyang is the peak of the middle of Tianzun, and the light moon dance has passed through life and death. There is a glimpse of the avenue of life and death in the heavens, and the whole body has been broken into the middle of the land. Xu Tianwo and others have absorbed a lot of Dan Yao in this nearly one year.

This Danish spirit is not only rich in Xianyuan, but also in the world. After all, this time, Dan Dan is a fairy who has absorbed hundreds of millions of years to become a Dan. So every monk also has a breakthrough.

Xu Tianwo, Xu Xingfan, Ling Xiao and Lang Yuetou broke through to the middle of Tianzun, and the heart broke through the mid-term peak of the land, and the cold Qing broke through to the early stage of the land.

Song Wanzhong and Thousand Cups drunken broke into the late stage of Renzun. When Zhang Wujie left Mou Zong, he broke through the period of human respect, and now it has broken through the mid-term peak of Renzun. Satan, Zuo Pengming, Lianchengyu, Moshenji, Cangwuwu, five people broke through to the peak of the late Zun, only one step to reach the early days of Tianzun.

Li lazy broke through to the late stage of human respect.

These people have been hiding here for seven days. After a breakthrough, I saw Xu Ziyan’s catastrophe. Everyone needs a time to slowly digest their own insights and precipitate their own cultivation. Xu Ziyan is no exception, she needs to adapt to the realm of the holy level.

At this time, the virtual sword has already generated the time and space of the sword spirit. Xu Ziyan put the too virtual sword into the chaotic gas at the edge of the space, and a dozen people sit in the back garden, occasionally some people exchange a few sounds, and the rest Time is silent, everyone is immersed in comprehension.

Xu Ziyan’s holy heaven robbed them too much. In this fairyland today, how many people have seen the holy catastrophe?

It’s just that the heavens of the holy heavens are too mysterious. They need time to slowly comprehend. They are very clear in their hearts. With their understanding of the heavens, they will break through again. It's just that this is not a one-touch thing. Retreat is not necessarily the best way. It's better to talk about it occasionally, and then it's more effective in the way of silently.

Xu Ziyan is now the most relaxed one. She just broke through the holy level and she is not suitable for continuing cultivation. She did not rush to communicate the ninth bridge of heaven and earth, but put her hands in front of her, just like playing with her fingers, just in the A small water dragon appeared between her hands, and she was adapting to the realm of the holy level in this way.


Ailao Mountain.

A cloud of fog.

It used to be an ancient battlefield. Although it is now full of blue grass and green trees, it still gives people a feeling of ecstasy. And the suffocation here is very heavy, and the monks who are slightly lower will lose their hearts here.

At this time, in the center of Ailao Mountain, the golden armor will sit on a huge rock on the knees. The rock is rounded and it has just been formed. Sculptures are engraved on the top of the rock, which is a kind of formation, and the golden armor will sit in the center of this array.

The golden armor will sit quietly there, his lips squirming gently, an empty and deep voice coming out of his mouth, accompanied by his low voice, the huge circular rock The pattern on the surface is scattered with a dark light. A kind of mysterious wave undulates in all directions in space. This kind of wave is secretive but powerful. In the case of no one, it fluctuates toward all corners of Shangyuan University.


In the Ailao Mountain, the ground suddenly swelled, and a hand was extended from the ground. Then the ground trembled, and a zombie climbed out from it, standing for a while, then flew away in the direction of the Golden God.

"Puff puff……"

More and more zombies have been drilled out of the ground, as if they have heard the call, and they are gathering in the direction of the Golden God.

The voice of the Golden God is still low, and the whole Shangyuan 6 is silently changing. One zombie comes out from the bottom of the earth or from the cave, and gathers in the Ailao Mountain not far away. Wherever, killing countless creatures...

Suddenly, the town came up with a scream, a shout and a cry, accompanied by the sound of fighting. It’s just that this sound comes quickly, goes fast, and disappears very quickly, but there is a kind of incitement flowing in the air.

This kind of incitement did not affect the dozens of people in the back garden, everyone was immersed in their own world.


A figure fell in the back garden and walked toward Xu Ziyan. The monks turned their eyes to the man with a smile on his face.

"Xiao Fan, how come you are back?"

The person who came here was Sha Xiaofan. Her face was covered with a dignity. After giving a gift to everyone, she came to Xu Ziyan’s predecessor:

"Master, there are zombies in the town!"

Xu Ziyan put down his hands, the tiny water dragon in his hand dissipated, and looked up at Sha Xiaofan:

"Zombies? Is there any casualties?"

"Well, two people died, the zombies were killed by me!" Sha Xiaofan whispered: "Master, I feel very abnormal. It is almost a mortal world. The power is relatively thin, even if there are zombies. It is easy to come out and should be in a state of sleep."

"You said it is good!"

Xu Ziyan nodded lightly, and the gods spread out. She felt a kind of concealed volatility, and this kind of volatility could hardly be felt even by her sacred peak of the sixth level. This made Xu Ziyan’s heart shake, and there was a slight uneasiness in his heart.

Carefully to capture and sense this hidden wave, Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, and she felt that this fluctuation seemed to be a call. A name suddenly appeared in the heart.

"Golden armor will!"

Xu Ziyan took back his knowledge and his face became very ugly. Seeing that everyone in the garden at this time gathered their gaze on their own body, his face said solemnly:

"If I didn't speculate wrong, this should be the Golden God will summon the world zombies."

The eyes of the monks have changed. Apart from Xu Ziyan, I am afraid that only Xu Qinyang and the light moon dance will understand the horror of the Golden God. Xu Qinyang could not help but ask nervously:

"What does he want to do?"

"I don't know!" Xu Ziyan shook his head gently, and suddenly his face changed: "Maybe he wants to cause the catastrophe of the fairy world, causing a large number of monks in the fairy world to die, and then absorb the world's dead air and make a breakthrough."

Xu Qinyang said with a sigh: "With the experience that I and the Golden God will play against each other many times, even if he does not reach the holy level, it is not far from each other. At this time, calling the zombies in the world caused the catastrophe, I am afraid to break through the holy level. Breaking through to the holy level, I am afraid it will be more serious than the catastrophe caused by the 10,000-day space in the Palace of the Immortals.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued)

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