The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2570: Still respected (a pinker)

"Very good, it is called Tianlong Yin! Come, this is the fairy for you to refine, you refine it, and put this jade card on, will cover our cultivation, let others see us Just like ordinary people, then we have to start acting. ybdu."

Xu Ziyan took out the congenital sword and a large number of symbols to the monks, and the monks began to refine and refine the innate sword.

At this point, the entire Upper Yuan Continent has begun to confuse. Zombies have begun to appear everywhere, and the strength of these zombies is different, but it has undoubtedly caused a catastrophe on the mainland.

The catastrophe has spread to the entire Upper Yuan, and there have been zombies in the realm of the Terran, the Mozu and the Yao. Various zombies are raging, and the three tribes are constantly falling.

The loss of the Yaozu is the biggest. Today, the Yaozu only has a white peak and a peak of Tianzun. The strength is undoubtedly the lowest among the three tribes. The Mozu is also not strong, because the Lord is retreating and simply ignores the outside. So the Mozu also left two peaks of the late Tianzun.

The Tianzun of the Terran is the peak of the late period, the eight masters, the nine ancient gods, and the four southern churches who are still considered by the monks to be human. This has not counted the long-lost swords and the thousands of miles, but not the Xu Ziyan and Shangzun who have been sanctified.

But the land occupied by the Terran is also big! The eastern and northern parts are all Terran, and half of the South is the Terran territory. The number of Terrans is extremely large, so the loss of the Terran is not much less than that of the Yao and Mozu.

The Southern Taixu League issued an order against the southern monks, no matter why the zombies appeared. Regardless of where they end up gathering, gathering the power of all the monks in the South, it is essential to destroy all the zombies that appear in the South.

Subsequently. Tian Mingmeng also issued the same command. Under this general trend, Shangzun also issued such an order. The whole Yuanyuan has set off a frenzy, a frenzy to eliminate zombies.

However, things don't seem to be moving in the right direction, and the number of zombies is getting bigger and bigger. At the beginning, the zombies that appeared were still weaker, but over time. At the beginning, there were strong and powerful zombies. This made the three tribes difficult.

Shangzun began to defend, and all the forces of the Alliance had received the orders of Shangzun, only taking care of the territory under their jurisdiction and no longer battling with Heaven. Too virtual alliance echoes.

Liao Bufan was originally a Yaozu. Naturally, it will not contribute to the human race. His mission is to protect Fengzu. Therefore, he also issued an order, too virtual alliance only in the South.

The initial alliance of the Terran collapsed, and the Tianmeng League rushed to the East and the North, and the loss of the Terran began to increase.


Thousands of zombies are being slain in the plains of the Song Dynasty and the Terran monks. These zombies were blocked by the southern monks in all directions, and they were finally encircled in the Chaoge Plain.

Among these zombies, there are more than a dozen zombies of the late stage. Although there are four masters, the bodies of these zombies are really strong. The four masters are only slightly dominant.

There are many monks in the Terran, and the number is far more than the number of zombies. The zombies are gradually being wiped out by the Terran monks, but the Terran monks are also constantly falling.


At this time, there are less than two thousand zombies left, but the rest are undoubtedly the more powerful ones. The most terrifying thing is that these zombies began to eject gas from the mouth, which began to invade the monk's body. What makes Liao Bufan and others fear is that the invaded human race monks began to mutate and attacked the human race monks.

The situation began to reverse, and fears were generated in the hearts of the Terran monks. The attack began to become a defense, and the defense began to collapse...

A line suddenly appeared in the sky. This line pulled up and down, and a crack appeared. Instantly, nineteen figures appeared from the inside.

Everyone wore a black tights, a **** cloak, a yellow brawl, and a golden mask on his face. Holding a bow in the hand.


Nineteen people have a bow like a full moon, and the arrow looks like a meteor.

Although there are only a dozen people, the actions of these 19 people are too fast. The archery hand pulls out the shadows in the air. Only 19 people are shooting the momentum of the rain.

A branch arrow is shot precisely on the zombies, and then the branch arrow bursts open and smashes the zombies one by one. In less than a quarter of an hour, nearly two thousand zombies were almost killed by the nineteen.

The remaining dozens of zombies are powerful, but at this time the southern monks saw that these zombies were completely suppressed by the arrow rain, and the spirits were greatly enhanced, releasing various kinds of fairy tales and fairy wares, and rumbling to a small number of zombies. Bombardment. Liao Bufan, the four peaks of the late Tianzun, took out all the skills. After two quarters of an hour, the last dozens of zombies were finally wiped out.

Liao Bufan looked up at the nineteen people in the air. He just wanted to thank him, but he saw a monk headed by the nineteen people stretching his hand and pulling a space crack. The nineteen people disappeared into the sky. .

The southern monk on the ground looked blank and half-sounding, and someone whispered:

"Who are they?"

"I don't know, I have never seen such a monk dressed up."

"I seem to have some impressions, I can't think of it..."

"Secretary! I remembered, they are exactly the same as the legendary Master of the Clan."

"Secretary? What is it? How have I never heard of it?"

"I told you, this secret..."


The situation in the South began to change, the legend of the sects spread in the southern continent, and the secret sects appeared in the south from time to time, killing zombies, and the number of zombies was drastically reduced. The emergence of the secret sect in this area has aroused the confidence of the southern monks, the number of killing zombies is increasing, on the other hand, the zombies are rapidly leaving the south and gathering toward the north.

Three months later.

There is no more zombie in the south, but it leaves a ruin...

Above a mountain.

Xu Ziyan’s nineteen people stood side by side against the Asahi. Xu Qinyang asked, "Ziyan, the South is calm now. Next, where are we going?"

Xu Ziyan looked at Dongsheng’s Asahi Road: "Oriental!"

Just as Xu Ziyan and others were preparing to move east, the situation in the eastern continent changed again. Shang Zun’s high-profile expedition shows that he has discovered the gathering place of zombies. He will go alone, annihilate the source of the zombies, destroy the catastrophe, and save the world.


Shangzun left the East and entered the Ailao Mountain in the north...

At the same time, the Star Fields began to build momentum.

"Shang Zongzhu, a person who went to the north to fight for thousands of zombies, for the sake of the world to survive to their own safety. However, as today, the zombies are all gathered to the north, even if the Shangzong is a holy monk, it can not resist the gathering of the world. Zombies are together. So, we have to stop the zombies from gathering in Ailao Mountain and alleviate the burden of the Shangzong.

As long as you are still a human being, you should stand up! ”

All kinds of speeches spread out, the enthusiasm is getting higher and higher, and the prestige of Shangzun is rapidly rising, overshadowing the eight masters, the nine ancient gods, and even forgetting Xu Ziyan. There is no two in the limelight. Inspired by this kind of action, under the urging of such conscious speech, the monks in the east and the north were stunned by blood, and they were killed by zombies all over the place.

The eight great masters and the nine great ancient gods were reluctantly gathered at the Shangyuan League. At this time, they passed the direction of the gathering of zombies in the world, and they also saw that Ailao Mountain is the gathering place of the zombies in the world, and they also speculated that the summoning of the zombies in the world is probably the golden armor.

No one except him has this ability, and no one will summon zombies.

Looking for the source of the zombie gathering, the faces of these seventeen monks are not excited at all, but rather the bitterness of their faces.

The practice of Shangzun made them very passive. They made such a decision on their own without any notice beforehand. But these seventeen monks were not fools. They also sneaked into Ailao Mountain and observed Ailao Mountain from a distance, but they did not find Shangzun. That is to say, Shangzun did not come to Ailao Mountain at all, or even though he came to Ailao Mountain, he did not know where to hide. He did not go deep into the battle with the Golden Armor.

These seventeen people are all eternal cultivators who have been practicing for thousands of years. They only understand the conspiracy of Shangzun in a slight sigh of heart.

Before Shang Zun was in the time and space fairy city, because of the battle with Xu Ziyan, his reputation was very bad. But now that this move and the momentum have been created, his reputation has suddenly increased. At the same time, he is also pushing the eight major sects and the nine ancient antiquity.

Nowadays, as the sacred priests, the gods of the sacred priests will go deep. The monks of the whole continent are all blocking and killing the zombies everywhere. Are your eight great masters and the nine ancient celestial gods still able to sit still?

If such eight great masters and the nine great ancient gods are still able to sit still, then they must not let the spies of the world’s monks drown?


Can they say that they have never seen the trace of Shangzun in the depths of Ailao Mountain? Do they say that someone will believe?

No one will believe, but will be excited by the world's exalted monks at this time, they are cowards, they are small people, do not dare to go to Ailao Mountain adventure, but they are ruining the reputation of Shangzun.

The seventeen great monks are really depressed. In the current situation, they must go to Ailao Mountain to support Shangzun. They must go wherever they are not there. If they don't go, they will be cold in the hearts of the monks in the world, even if their disciples will be scattered.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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