The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2571: Secret legend (two more pink)

I am very grateful to the drunken classmates (1888), Jinniu Feifei _ classmates (2oo), godly human classmates (2oo), book friends 1311o614o3o279o classmates (1oo), Lei Wenbai classmates (1oo), mab1eip classmates (1oo), Take a break from the 123 classmates (1oo)!

Every big monk here knows that if a sect is scattered, the team will not be good.

But this go, it is likely to be on the Shangzun. Shangzun is letting them go to death. If he says that he is not hiding there, he will give them a knife at some time.

They don't have to die in Ailao Mountain. They only have a few deaths. The rest are not the opponents of Shangzun. The plan of Shangzun is completely successful. At that time, the entire Terran would fall into the hands of Shangzun. This is a clear-cut conspiracy, but the general situation has been completed, but they have no way to crack.

Ailao Mountain.

Countless zombies are gathering in the battlefields of the ancients, and then they stand there one by one, like sculptures one by one. At this time, the zombies gathered around the round altar are endless, and the golden armor will still sit on the altar in the middle of the knee, with a low and mysterious voice in the mouth.

In the air.

Suddenly there was a space crack, and a big hand stretched out from the inside, and the golden armor above the altar would be caught.

The golden armor above the altar will suddenly look up and look into the air. Just as he looked up, the endless zombies around the altar would be like a golden armor that would look up and blink.


The eyes of thousands of zombies converge in one place, smashing the big hands in the air, and the gaze of the golden armor is even more direct to the space crack. There was a sigh in the crack, the crack closed, and the sky gradually recovered.

The roar of the sky above Ailao Mountain shocked the world. The monks in the East and the North are hotly discussing that Zun Zun has already fought in the Ailao Mountain and the Golden God, so that. It is to push the Eight Masters and the Nine Ancient Heavens to the corner.

In the helplessness of the Eight Great Masters and the Nine Ancient Heavenly Respects, they went to the South to contact the four masters. I hope that the four great monks of Liao Bufan can go to Ailao Mountain with them, and this is a bit more grasping.

However, they ate a closed door. The four church owners sent people to tell the eight masters and the nine ancient gods. They were seriously injured when they hunted the southern zombies. At this time, they were rehabilitating and could not go to Ailao Mountain with them.

The Eight Great Masters and the Nine Ancient Heavenly Respects were finally under the pressure of public opinion in the world. Reluctantly joined the Ailao Mountain, the eyes of the monks in the world suddenly concentrated in the mountains.

Ailao Mountain.

At this time, not only the Ailao Mountain is full of zombies, but also the zombies outside the Ailao Mountain. The layers of the Ailao Mountain are surrounded by layers. The whole Ailao Mountain is surrounded by a cloud of gloom. It is not close to it. Not comfortable.

The eight masters and the nine great ancient Tianzun came to the periphery of Ailao Mountain. They were not fools. Naturally, they would not rush to the Ailao Mountain, but they would kill zombies frequently.

However, the zombies gathered here at this time have been able to advance and retreat. The eight great masters and the nine great ancient gods are deeply unknowingly. When you are awakened, you have already fallen into a huge battle.

Above the altar.

The golden armor made the low and mysterious voice louder and louder, and a myriad of zombies radiated a trace of dead gray light, covering the entire Ailao Mountain.

"Tudou friends. We seem to be surrounded by zombies!" Luo Weifan's face showed a trace of tension.

The earth looked up at the gray sky and looked at the gray sky. A sword broke out and shattered a zombie. He shouted to the dream machine:

"Dream Master, we can't go deeper, leave this place first, and think long."

"Okay, let's leave here first!"

The dream machine also felt a crisis at this time, and this crisis made him feel scared. Give a big drink. Everyone raised their hands and tore the space, and they wanted to leave.

suddenly. The monks changed their faces, and they actually had this space already sealed. They could not break the space of this place.


A low and mysterious voice becomes louder and louder in the space, and the monks feel the boundless pressure in the hearts of the monks. The gray clouds in the sky are lowering, and the disgusting zombies are constantly pulsing around. The voice of "hehe", the look of Zhongtianzun changed. At this time, even the gods could not release a hundred meters. Everything in the field of vision was gray and could not distinguish the direction.

Liu Jinsong bombarded the surrounding zombies and shouted to the dream machine:

"Dream Lord, please also quickly guess the direction of the breakout."

"it is good!"

The dream machine took out the gossip disk, and the remaining sixteen Tianzun masters turned and protected the dream **** in the middle, forming a circular array, attacking the zombies that surged like the tide.

Miles away.

Still respected and standing in the air, his eyes looked at Ailao Mountain. The gray clouds made him feel shocked. He felt that it was a powerful seal. I am afraid that it is very difficult for him to fall into it.

"The zombies are gathered here in this world, and there is a golden armor who will be in the middle of the command. It is really powerful. It is only pity for the Eight Great Masters and the Nine Ancient Heavenly Respects, huh, huh..."

The face of Shangzun suddenly showed a trace of regret: "It is a pity that Xu Ziyan is missing. If you can smear Xu Ziyan into Ailao Mountain..."

The zombies in the world are still continually gathering in Ailao Mountain. The East and the North are still in the catastrophe of zombies. In addition to the squadron and the sacred city, there are defensive squads to block the zombie invasion. Those smaller villages and towns are suffering from zombie destruction. Sexual blows.

The battle between monks and zombies has become increasingly fierce. The zombie has been raging in Shangyuan University. A large number of monks began to mutate and attacked the Terran. The Terrans began to fear, and they even hoped that their hearts would be in the Ailao Mountain, the Eight Great Masters and the Nine Ancient Heavenly Respects.

These poor monks did not know that there was no respect in Ailao Mountain, and the Eight Great Masters and the Nine Great Heavens were in great danger.

At this time, there is a legend in the eastern 6th, a group of people from the legend, from the sect. The group of secret sects dressed in black tights, wearing a **** cloak, wearing a yellow brawl, wearing a golden mask on their face, holding a long bow in their hands, wherever the zombies were killed.

That long arrow is like an arrow of punishment, each arrow will destroy a zombie and save the Terran monks who are trapped in the dead.

Gradually, the legend became real. More and more monks saw this group of legendary monks. These monks did not preach themselves. Every time they suddenly appeared in the crisis of the human monks, an arrow would After the zombie kills the light, he quickly leaves.

Did not reveal his own appearance, nor did he reveal his name. Everything is so mysterious, they are not good names, they are not good, they are silently offering, silently saving the world.

Xu Ziyan has been paying attention to the direction of Ailao Mountain. She has already speculated that the Golden Armor will be calling the zombies in the world. Her heart was disapproving of the actions of the Eight Great Masters and the Nine Great Heavens in the Ailao Mountain.

The truth of Ailao Mountain has not been clarified, and it is not irresponsible to rush to the market. It is irresponsible for one's own life, and it is also irresponsible for the world.

Because at this time their lives are no longer their own, but belong to the world, their every move is related to the fate of the world.

In Xu Ziyan's view, the Eight Emperors and the Nine Emperors in the Ancient Times forced the deep ailao mountain to be a state of mind. It is the mood of the monks in the late Tianzun period for the sake of the world, and they did not do this. It is the flaw in the state of mind.

With this kind of emotional flaws deep into the Ailao Mountain, Xu Ziyan has predicted their failure, and may even fall. She also thought that this is a conspiracy of Shangzun, and even can speculate that Shangzun must not be in Ailao Mountain at this time, and that she is stunned and looked at her life in a certain place.

The whole world was played by Shangzun in the palm of the hand. At this time, Xu Ziyan was very fortunate in his heart. Fortunately, he did not appear in his original identity, but appeared as a sect, so that Shang Zun did not know his identity and could not Put pressure on yourself. At the same time, she did not go to Ailaoshan to save the thoughts of the Eight Great Masters and the Nine Ancient Heavenly Respects.

From the point of view, Xu Ziyan believes that this is also an opportunity, an opportunity to destroy the zombies in the world. Since the zombies in the world have been called by the Golden God, this is an opportunity to destroy them all. At this time, I was able to eliminate a zombie outside, and let the eight great masters and the nine great ancient gods have less pressure.

She firmly believes that the Golden God will bring the world's zombies to Ailao Mountain, and will definitely have the next step. The Eight Emperors and the Nine Emperors in the Ailao Mountain were a kind of restraint on the Golden Armor. This kind of containment also gave Xu Ziyan the time to eliminate these zombies outside.

Wait until all these zombies are wiped out, that is, the moment of decisive battle in Ailaoshan. The more zombies that are being destroyed now, the fewer zombies will be gathered in Ailao Mountain, and the greater the timing of the final battle will be.

This is to grab the time, Xu Ziyan hopes that the eight masters and the nine great Tianzun can support, support her to clean up the zombies that are raging above the big 6.

Xu Ziyan feels that it will take a few days to clean up the zombies in the east and the north, because at this time in Xu Ziyan and other people with the strong presence of the sect, the fear of the monks in the original heart to regain confidence, big 6 All the monks came out of the nest, and even the southern monks felt that the help of the sects of the Southern ancestors came to the east and the north. Under this general trend, Liao Bufan could not take the world to continue. It also travels to the east and north in a high-profile manner.

At the beginning, the eight great masters and the nine great ancient Tianzun personally invited each other, did not ask Liao extraordinary Fan Tianzun later peaks, the secret sect did not go to the invitation, but actually inspired the South by actual action, forcing Liao Bufan to be born.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued)

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