The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2576: Tianlong Yinwei

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"Master, what about me?" Seeing that Xu Ziyan had assigned the task, but there was no such thing as her, Sha Xiaofan was anxious.

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "Xiao Fan, your cultivation is still low, and you want to be the main person, the lowest repair is also a human respect."

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan looked at Liu Qingmeng and Liu Dian Pingdao: "Xiaofan is bothered to take care of the two!"

Today's Liu Qingmeng is already in the early stage of human respect, but at the beginning it was not as good as her Liu painting screen, but it was at the beginning. Two people heard the words, they all smiled and nodded. Did not go to dispute, the two people understand very well that among these people, that is, Sha Xiaofan’s cultivation is lower than the two of them, and the rest of the people are better than the two of them. They really have nothing to fight for. .

"Master, what about you?"

"Master will go deep into Ailao Mountain when he is going to face the Golden God. He let him escape the last time. This time he can no longer let him escape."

Three days later.

The people have reached the critical moment of comprehension, and the monks in Ailaoshan have made all the preparations. Four large arrays of monks were built around the Ailao Mountain.

At this time, a solemn, all the monks clasped their own fairy instruments in their hands, their eyes fixed on the opposite Ailao Mountain covered with fog.

The Ailao Mountain is shrouded in thick fog, and in the sight of thousands of monks, the fog is boiling. Going in one direction, that direction is the ancient battlefield in Ailao Mountain.


Xuan Tianao stood at the forefront, the remaining eight masters. The nine great ancient Tianzun and the four churches stood behind him. Xuan Tian's hand raised a plaque, and the plaque exploded in the air.


Around the Ailao Mountain. Xuanwu, Canglong, Suzaku, and the White Tiger are still thinking about the impact of Ailao Mountain. The time slammed into the fog and rushed into it.

Xuan Tianao’s face was a hi, and he sang aloud: “Chong!”

Taking the lead from the top of the Pingding Mountain, I thought that the Ailao Mountain rushed over.


Behind the eight masters, the nine great ancient Tianzun and the four church owners leaped, with Xuan Tianao as the arrow. Lined up in a herringbone shape, thinking of Ailao Mountain crashing into.


On the ground, Xuanwu, Canglong, Baihu and Suzaku rushed into the fog, and in their field of vision there were dense zombies. These zombies saw four big bursts colliding in, but they did not rush to the fierce, but they were operating very regularly. The dense zombies gave people a feeling of being one.

Xuanwu, Canglong, Baihu and Suzaku have four large arrays, each with millions of monks. Each large array also condenses millions of monks into a whole, colliding toward the zombie group.

But the formation of the zombie group is tough and abnormal, as if there is an endless rebound. Although from time to time there are zombies that have been smashed into powder. But the Terran monks have fallen from time to time. And gradually the Terran monks felt as if they were caught in a net, and the deeper they were bound, the tighter they were.


At this time, twenty-two masters have become the head of Shangzun, and they have a strong impact on the Ailao Mountain.

The population of the four main arrays of the main array drank a command, and the millions of monks in each large array began to concentrate, bursting into a loud explosion, huge cracks in the sky, and the tough zombies began to collapse, countless The zombies were made into powder. There was a gap in the zombie array, just in the gap. Twenty-two large monks rushed in and they saw the huge altar.


The golden armor will open his eyes. The gray gaze seems to penetrate the sky.


Standing up, the whole world seems to be shaking with it. His arms stretched out to the sides, and his mouth whispered. A rhythm spread around and soon enveloped the entire Ailao Mountain.

The dense zombies suddenly stopped, but they paused for a moment, then they were turned into gravel and rolled up by the wind. The time and place were eclipsed, and the whole Ailao Mountain was filled with a dense gray gravel.

The monks could barely open their eyes in this dense gray gravel, and even the gods were oppressed. Although the gravel is small, it is extremely corrosive, and there are constantly monks falling. The Terran monk looked at a person who was beside him and turned it into a yellow water. His heart was uncontrollably panicked.


The sword was smashed out, and the starry field swayed a star field and opened the dense gray gravel.


The eight great masters, the nine ancient ancient Tianzun and the four church owners also released their strongest fairy, sweeping away the dense gray gravel around them, erected and rushed to the altar.


The golden armor above the altar will scream, and the dense gray gravel in the Ailao Mountain will flow toward the altar as a rolling wave, and then will rotate around the golden armor to form a huge viscous gray vortex. All the monks are rolled inside.

Xuanwu, Canglong, Suzaku, and Baihu’s four large arrays, while still maintaining their formations, were passively rolled up by the sticky gray vortex, losing the freedom of action. The twenty-two masters who are still respected are like mortals who are trekking in the swamp. Every step forward is like a snail.

Anonymous island.

Xu Ziyan raised her hand and put on a golden mask. Behind her, all the gentlemen raised their hands and put the mask on their faces. Xu Ziyan stretched out a space crack and gave a sigh:


The shape of thirty-two monks turned into thirty-two streams, disappearing into the cracks in space.

Ailao Mountain!

A huge gray whirlpool is slowly turning. At this time, it can no longer be called Ailao Mountain, because it has already become a flat land, and Ailao Mountain has been destroyed.

In the huge whirlpool, five groups of monks fluttered, four of them are large, and the people who are still very regular are Xuanwu. Canglong, Suzaku and White Tigers. Although the monks in the four large arrays were tied more and more tightly at this time, they were constantly falling. However, they are still closely guarding the positions of the four big arrays, because every monk is very clear in his heart. Stabilizing the big battle, there is still hope of living. If the big battle collapses, it is only death.

Among the five monks, only a group of monks can act, but the action is also very slow. It is the twenty-two masters who are still respected by the Shangzun. The body releases the precious light and strives to advance toward the altar. They know in their hearts that they have reached this level. There has been no retreat. Although I don’t know how I can reach the altar, I don’t know how to reach the altar, but knowing that the retreat means the massive death of the human monk.

These twenty-two great monks may be able to escape, but what about the rest of the monks?

The current monks in the four large arrays are insisting on their twenty-two. If they retreat, the monks in the four large arrays will immediately collapse the information, and eventually they will be able to escape their lives.

Above the vortex.

The sky split and thirty-two figures appeared from the sky.

Thirty-two people of Xu Ziyan looked at the dense and thick gray vortex below. Only the twenty-two monks who were still respected by the sage were still marching in the direction of the central altar. The other four big arrays have lost their ability to attack, only passively defending, and they are about to collapse.

"Master brother. Cang brother, Yan predecessor, Qin Yang brother, enter the battle!"


Langyue, Cangwuying, Yan Xingyun and Xu Qinyang, four people in the hands of the fairy, each with their own team, rushed to the four big array below.


The gray sticky vortex suddenly showed a gray face and opened a huge mouth to twenty-eight monks. A huge tongue sticked out of the mouth.


The huge tongue was divided into countless gray tentacles and entangled with twenty-eight monks. At this time, the monks and monks in the four large arrays in the gray vortex also felt the turbulence. Looking up, I saw Xu Ziyan and others in the air.


"The people of the secret sect are coming!"

"We are saved!"


The entire Terran monk boiled. In the time of desperation, I saw the secrets of the unfavorable secrets, and let the hearts of the monks emerge infinite hope.

"The secret is coming, we have hope!" The dream machine also spit a long breath.

"Not bad!" The face of Tu Yishui and others also showed a tired smile, but the strength of the hand was strong.

However, they immediately saw the gray tentacle that extended from the center of the vortex, with the whistling sound of tearing the space, pulling out a gray residual image, and drawn to Langyue and others.

The face of the monk in the whirlpool suddenly changed. If Xu Ziyan and others were caught in the huge mouth by these touches, do they still have hope?

A heart can't help but get nervous, and a pair of eyes are full of anxiety.

At this time, Xu Ziyan also showed a hint of anxiety. She needed Langyue and others to enter the four large arrays. Only when she entered the four large arrays could she break open the situation, as long as she looked at the holy level. If you can't break the gray vortex in front of you, Shangzun will not be able to walk here. She will not be able to go anywhere.

However, at this time thousands of tentacles broke through the air, and they have sealed the way of their whereabouts, and then they will fall into the hands of thousands of tentacles.

"Dragon Seal!"

Xu Ziyan sighed, and the thirty-two monks' arms were all on the sides, and the **** cloak fluttered in the wind.


Behind each monk, nine dragon shadows were picked up, and the nine dragon shadows screamed, and a sound of dragons rang in the sky. Nine dragons rise to the sky, and with the rise of the dragon shadow, the moment is violent, turning into a giant dragon. The nine dragons circling toward the middle, the tail is connected, but it is instantly turned into a giant seal, thirty-two days in the sky. The giant seal released Mengmeng Baoguang and oppressed toward the center of the vortex.

Push book:

Title: "Rebirth"?

Book number: 3318849?

Author: Mother City?

Introduction: Rebirth in case of rebirth, who wins who wins is not necessarily? And see who laughs last.

Title: "The most beautiful female fairy"

Book number: 3317166

Introduction: The goddess of life, because of a terrible battle, turned the gods into fragments of the eighty-one gods and reincarnation.

Li Yu is one of the eighty-one gods in the debris.

It is a pity that one of them has a man's thinking and occupies and influences Li Yu.

The storyline, and therefore officially unfolded, the mystery is heavy...

A **** cultivation world, under the unique law of heaven, has a bloody, bloody, and violent side.

This article is a cool text of the **** upgrade, also suitable for male students to read.

*(To be continued)

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