The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2577: The real power of the four gods

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A series of infinite roars, the center of the gray vortex raised a huge gray mushroom cloud, thousands of tentacles flickered.


Xu Ziyan gave a soft drink, and twenty-eight figures turned into twenty-eight streams, rushing into the four big arrays.


Xu Ziyan looked at the twenty-eight streams of light, and there was a trace of worry in her eyes. She did not have the opportunity to test the four big arrays that Yanshan soul gave her, and she did not know how her power was.

Liu Qingmeng, Liu Huaiping and Sha Xiaofan have taken out the sword, leaning down on the side of the body and watching the bottom nervously.

The monks below were stunned one by one.

This is this... What is this fairy? Is there such power? Is the secret of the secret sect so unfathomable?


Twenty-eight streams of light rushed into the four large arrays of Xuanwu, Canglong, Suzaku and Baihu.

Langyue, Hua Gu Ren, Jin Ge, Xuan Daozi, Sa Tiantian, Ma Jingying and Lan Bailing successively fell into the seven-seat position in the basaltic array. Both hands bear a sacred print.

The room in the Xuanwu seven-story room is lit, and all the monks in the basaltic array feel that the power of their own body can not help but converge toward the room. A great power can begin to be generated in the room.

Hua Guru's hands are surrounded by imaginary, Xuanwu seven sings are lit up, and the light of the room is flowing toward the virtual position. The imaginary position is like a piece of vain.

Jin Ge hands tow, Xuanwu seven places in the cattle position will be the room, the light of the virtual position is drawn, the moment is like the birth of a world, everything began to breed.

The shape of Xuan Daozi hovered in the wall of Xuanwu Qisu, and his hands were like a knife. Integration room, virtual position, cattle position. Open up a lot of anger, drive away the gray sticky gas.

Satan is standing above the danger of Xuanwu Seven. Guided by all the monks in the big array, the Yuan Li, who came and flowed, went to the female position of the Xuanwu seven-seat where Ma Jingying was located, divided into yin and yang, and returned to the fighting position in the Xuanwu seven-stay where Lan Bailing was located.


The entire basaltic array was bright, and millions of monks gradually disappeared. They were shrouded in a huge basaltic image, and the virtual image gradually became like a substance. A huge basalt was formed in the gray whirlpool.


The huge Xuanwu is very strong. The gray sticky vortex around it scatters.


Another scream, accompanied by the shadowless, even the city 璧, ink **** machine, Ling Xiao, Xu Xingfan, dance color clothes and Xu Tianqi hands out of the fairy seal, Canglong seven nights, tail, room. Hey, hey, heart. Hey, the seven corners of the ray of light are integrated into one, and there is a huge dragon.


The third sound shouted from the sky, the whole gray whirlpool was shaking, Xu Qinyang, Xu Tianwo, Xin Dao, Leng Qingyi, Song Wanzhong. The sea blue and the building are like a cloud of seven people, and a ray of light spreads around. All the monks in the Suzaku array were shrouded, and a whole Suzaku appeared.


The fourth screams. Yan Xingyun, a thousand cups drunk, Zhang Wujie, Lengxiang Ning, Luo Yu, Li lazy and light moon dance, each person's array of prints hovering over the head, zoom in, connected, to create a huge white tiger, screaming.

Xuan Tianao was so excited that he shook his head, pointing his eyes at the four basaltic martial arts in the gray whirlpool, the dragon, the Suzaku and the white tiger, and said with a trembling:

"This is the real four-beast beast!"

The huge Xuanwu raised a huge head, opened a huge mouth and sprayed a piece of water, and then a piece of Wang Yangshengsheng, then the piece of Wang Yang remembered a series of "squeaky" sounds, and the piece of ocean turned into a glacier, falling toward the bottom, gray sticky The thick vortex is missing. The strength of restraint is light.


Shang Zun and other people's body shape rises from the sky, away from the gray sticky vortex, standing on the side of Xu Ziyan, looking down.


The dragon screamed, the huge dragon body released the blue light, and the sky suddenly appeared green, and the green was full of vitality, but it was the dead nemesis.

A large piece of gray gravel turned into a fly ash after the green smashed...

"The sect of the sect of the sect!" asked the **** of dreams, "Where can these four big arrays be able to destroy the golden armor?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head, no words, his eyes fixed on the four big arrays below. She didn't want to say it, but she didn't know what to say. She didn't know the effect of the four big arrays.


A very penetrating tweet, the huge Suzaku burned an endless flame, and the endless flame rushed to the surrounding area. Wherever the flame spread, the gray gravel turned into a flying smoke.


The white tiger opened a huge mouth, and the fierce golden wind spurted out of the mouth, ravaging the space, not to mention the gray gravel, that is, the space was cut by the golden wind.

The four large arrays constantly destroy the gray vortex, and the gray vortex whirls down. The four large arrays became more and more agile, completely free from the shackles of gray sticky vortex.

In the sky, the monks watched with enthusiasm, and the sacred eyes swept over Xu Ziyan, and the hearts raised taboos.

If the master of the sect of the sect is a strong person, it will be fine. Even if it is a group of people, it is not bad. But now I have seen that the secret sect has a legacy of ancient times like Xuanwu, Canglong, Suzaku and Baihu. This kind of heritage is that they are not available in the Stars!

What is the secret of the secret? In the heart of the move, open the test:

"Secretary Sect, look at the current situation, these four big arrays should be able to kill the Golden Armor will be?"

Xu Ziyan looked at him over the head and turned his eyes away. He looked down at the following: "Golden armor will not only have this ability, we are all ready to shoot!"


The space rang a whistling sound of friction, and the gray, viscous vortex converges toward the middle, as the 10,000 waterfalls hang from the air and head toward the altar below.

A layer of gray and viscous gravel sticks to the body of the golden armor, and he grows layer by layer.

Xuanwu, Canglong, Suzaku and White Tiger kept on surging, but they could not stop the growth of the Golden God. It’s just less than a quarter of an hour. The sky is high and the sky is dark, and the space can no longer see a trace of gray gravel, completely restoring the original appearance.


A **** of heaven and earth will stand on the battlefield of the ancient times. The huge altar was disappearing at this time, and the big feet of the golden armor were stepped underneath.

Xu Ziyan and others are looking dignified. They don't know what magical gods will have at this time.


The golden armor will open his eyes and burst into the gray light in his eyes.


His arms were lifted, the gray gravel on his body flowed, flowing between his hands, gathering between his hands, and a huge gray sword gathered together.





Xuanwu, Canglong, Suzaku. The white tiger screamed and screamed at each other.


The golden swords of the golden armor danced, and the gray swordsmanship that was brought up instantly formed a huge vortex to extend to the outside.


The supernatural powers released by the four big arrays were broken.

"Turn! Kun Kunding!" Xu Ziyan screamed above the sky.

The four large arrays of Xuanwu, Canglong, Suzaku and Baihu will rotate around the Golden God, and gradually the four large arrays will become one.


A space is formed, and the golden armor will be confined inside. That space is gradually compressing.


There was a trace of silk crack in the body of the Golden Armor.


The body of the golden armor suddenly showed a symbol, a gray symbol, full of the breath of death.


The dense gray beak suddenly broke away from the body of the golden armor. Exploding toward the surrounding area, one by one gray plaque burst in the air, huge energy is raging. A world of death is being created, colliding with the space of four large arrays.


Violently colliding, the collapse of the two spaces, the entire space was stirred, and the four large arrays rolled toward the distance.


Between the opening and closing of the giant mouth of the Golden Armor, the sound of low and thick voice sounded. The collapsed gray death world instantly condensed into four huge lances.

"go with!"

Four huge gray long guns roared and screamed toward the four large squashed tumbling backwards.

"not good!"

Xu Ziyan jumped in the heart, his arms slammed toward both sides.


Nine dragons rushed out from behind her, connected in the air, forming a dragon seal. Destroyed to a long gun that was shot at Xuanwu. Shang Zun waved the sword, and a type of star-shaped sword smashed toward a long gun that was shot at the dragon. The eight great masters joined forces to suppress the rifle that shot at Suzaku. The nine ancient gods Tian Zun joined forces to shoot against the white tiger's rifle, and the four masters joined forces to bombard the golden armor.

"Booming and banging..."

The whole sky is cracked. The space is turbulent, the lightning is flashing, and the sky is discolored.

The four-handed rifle decomposed, and the golden armor took out a sword and smashed the joint attack of the four masters. The four large arrays swelled in the tumbling, and the monks rolled in the air, gradually stopping the retreat, and looking palely at the top of the heavenly gold armor.

The space gradually calmed down, and the white clouds were in harmony. In the knees, waist and chest of the golden armor, the layers were lingering.

Xu Ziyan, the nine masters, the nine ancient ancient Tianzun and the four churches are standing in the air, facing the head of the golden armor, their body and the golden armor will be like a gravel.

"His right hand to us!" said the ancient Chinese **** Tianzun.

"The eight masters on our left are responsible."

"We are responsible for his head!" Liao Bufan sighed.

"I am responsible for his back."

"I am responsible for the square!" Xu Ziyan said with a hoarse voice.


Push book:

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Author: Do not snow?

Brief introduction: Everyone said that the daughter of Xiangfu Fujia Sanjiao Township is simply a comet. Whoever is unlucky, whoever has no life, accidentally provokes her, but also has a homeless disaster.

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*(To be continued)

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