The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2579: Calm and storm

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Forget it!

Nowadays, the tyrants have not been born for a long time, and they have gradually been forgotten by the world. No one knows the details of the secret sect, just at the time of the catastrophe, push Shangzun to the front. Xu Ziyan’s lips smile more and more easily.

Yanshan soul smashed the star, and saw the smile of Xu Ziyan's lips. The smile was as bright as a spring flower, and the breeze passed through the heart, which accelerated his heartbeat.

What did she think of?

Or who did you think of it?

Yanshan soul gently fell to the bottom, fell to the opposite side of Xu Ziyan, standing on the surface of the lake, looked down at his feet, his face showed a bright smile.

"Ziyan, how are you happy?"

Xu Ziyan’s eyes were turned into crescent moons, and the Yanshan soul was looking at the opposite side, and the two feet were swaying in the lake:

"Of course I am happy. I haven’t had a leisure time for a long time. Now that the fairy world has recovered, I can finally do something I am willing to do."

Speaking of this, Xu Ziyan suddenly widened his eyes and stared at the Yanshan soul: "You, you, didn't turn into a stone..."

Yanshan soul shape floated, came to Xu Ziyan's side and Xu Ziyan sat side by side, the spirit of flying:

"Brother is evil, and all problems are not a problem for the brother!"

What is rare is that Xu Ziyan did not argue with him about who is big or small. Instead, he reached out and gently stroked the cheek of Yanshan Soul. His eyes gradually became moist and he whispered:

"It's okay... It's so good..."

The look of Yanshan's soul is stagnation, and it turns into a soft finger. The light and comfortable arm will hold Xu Ziyan in his arms. Xu Ziyan is in the arms of Yanshan soul. The strong strength has always turned into weak water. The sense of security came to my mind, and the whole person relaxed, gently closed his eyes and enjoyed the long-awaited relaxation.

The breeze gently slid across the lake, and the layers rippled toward the lake, rippling to the lake, and the wind passed over the Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan, who were quietly embracing each other, blowing the two people's clothes slightly and shaking them. The leaves behind the two.


There was a voice in the ear. This voice was too familiar to Xu Ziyan. The Jiaotuo was a tremor. His eyes fell on the feet of Yanshan Soul, and he saw the feet of Yanshan’s soul begin to petrify again. Raise the head and say:

"Mountain Spirit..."

The eyes of Yanshan's soul showed a bit of pain, and there was a bitter smile on the corner of his mouth. The body shivered a little, and the petrochemical retreat of the feet regained its original appearance.


"I haven't solved my problem yet!" Yanshan said bitterly: "Now I am just suppressing!"


Xu Ziyan sat up straight and looked at the soul of Yanshan with fear. When she came to her realm, she naturally knew what suppression meant. It can be said that suppression itself is going to a wrong path. Repression can restore Yanshan soul to normal in a short period of time, but the longer it is suppressed, the stronger the rebound will be, and one day it will not be able to suppress it. Just like the river breaks the river, it is not a fundamental solution.


The feet of Yanshan soul began to petrify, and then they were suppressed by Yanshan soul. Looking at Xu Ziyan's gaze, Yanshan Spirit restored a cool look:

"It’s fun to fight with people and fight with the sky!"

"But... your direction is wrong..." Xu Ziyan's eyes are full of worries.

"I know!" Yanshan soul gently touched the show of Xu Ziyan: "However, this is also a direction. I could not find the direction before. This is still a direction that is close to you, and then the changes in the body are realized. I will not cling to this direction, it is just a reference, I will find the true direction."

"That..." Xu Ziyan’s eyes lit up: "Would you always be by my side?"

Yanshan soul gently shook his head: "Every time I feel something, I need to retreat and understand. So I can't always be by your side. But..."

The face of Yanshan Soul has a confident look: "There is nothing that can hardly live with me, and Heaven does not work!"

The demon and the golden armor will be destroyed, and the fairy world will be exchanged for a rare peace. But under this calm, there are more turbulent waves.

This time, the catastrophe caused by the semi-demon and the golden armor will have a great influence on the fairyland. The former semi-demon is still awkward, but it has little influence on the southern big 6 and has little influence on other areas of the fairy world. However, after the Golden Armor will make the Great Southern 6 disasters worse, it will drag the entire fairy world into the catastrophe.

In this catastrophe, the forces of the entire celestial world have different degrees of loss, especially in the last battle of Ailao Mountain, which has caused a lot of losses. This cast a shadow over the entire celestial world under the looting of the lord of the Immortal Palace.

Every monk is very clear in his heart. Calm is only temporary. If you relax now, you will be severely punished in the future. These sects and families are different from today's Xu Ziyan. There are no more imaginary sects, only a few monks such as Xu Ziyan, so that the mobility of Xu Ziyan and others is very strong, and the possibility of loss in the future is also reduced to a minimum.

In this way, all areas of the fairyland have begun a new round of integration for their own interests. In this round of integration, the South has been very stable. The South was originally the hardest-hit area. It has experienced the killing of the semi-demon and the golden armor. Now Xu Ziyan has disappeared. The four halls are the highest, the four are the strongest, and the four churches have not participated in the forces of the South since ancient times. The battle has a status in the South. Nowadays, the four churches are born, and the southern monks are naturally centered on the four masters.

The North was originally the world of Shangyuan League. There were originally three major commercial banks at a lower level. Nowadays, the three major commercial banks have collapsed for various reasons, and the whole North has been managed by the Yuanmeng League as a piece of iron.

The problem lies in the eastern big 6.

The Eastern 6 has always been the strongest region. Since ancient times, it has been a land of Zongmen. There are large, medium and small ancestral gates, and the nine sects are at the same time.

There are also small groups in the nine major sects. Originally, they were the Alliance of God Machines and the Stars, and the four alliances of the Danfu Array, the ancestors, the Luo Tianzong and the Tianxiangzong Alliance. Later, because of the appearance of Xu Ziyan, it became the alliance of Shenji Zong and Xingyu Zong, the four ancestors of the Danfu dynasty and the Zongzong, Luo Tianzong and Tianxiangzong.

Later, it changed again. It was still degraded. It was still sanctified and forced to join the other seven sects and became an alliance with eight other ancestors.

However, even with eight associations, its appeal is not as good as today's Stars. After all, in the Ailao Mountain, the monks of the world saw the power of Shangzun. If there is no one other than the Five Saints today, who can be more appealing than Shangzun, the undoubted Master of the Emperor.

But the reason why the sect is called the secret sect, it is because of mystery. Since the First World War in Ailao, the secret sect has disappeared. The Eight Great Zongmen also tried every means to find the secret sect, but the secret sect was like the same breeze dissipated between the heavens and the earth.

At this point, the eight major sects of the sect were in the opposite of the confrontation of the sect.

The area that the two sides compete for is the competition for small and medium-sized sects. After seeing the power of Shangzun, most of the small and medium-sized sects have been invested in the sect of the sect of the sect. The competition completely fell to the bottom.

At this time, the sword did not go out of the way, he did not enter the holy, although he is the peak of the late Tianzun, but the qualification is much worse than taking thousands of miles, after all, taking thousands of miles is itself the root of the five attributes, and he is only the three attributes Root, in the wilderness will almost merge the beast to kill the light, but just added two other spiritual roots, a lot different from the realm of the Great Perfection,

However, he and the Wanli retreat are not without gains. With the help of the world's quenching body, his body strength entered the early stage of the holy level.

After he left the customs, he learned about the situation of the 6th in the east, and then ran to the Wuthering Mountains. Sure enough, he saw Xu Ziyan here, and he was overjoyed and persuaded Xu Ziyan to join the WTO to help him.

Xu Ziyan, who was so relaxed and freehand, heard that her sword was in vain, and she whispered her face.

The sword has no such thing as Xu Ziyan looks like, and my heart is also a bit embarrassing. I think that since I flew up from Xu Ziyan to Yuanda 6, I have done more things than his master since I joined him. Now Xu Ziyan has a rare one. Quiet, but she has to pull her into the dispute, the old face is not red.


At this time, Xu Ziyan was neither a monk in the eastern Zongmen, nor a monk in the Zongzong. The family was a monk of the Southern 6th, and it was the sect of the Taixu sect. Although the Taizong is now dying, what is it that people are involved in? In the big 6 dispute?

The sword went away without a flurry, thinking about having to run back to the valley to mobilize to travel to the mountains to help the ancestors, take the hot temper of Wanli, but don’t give the sword a little face, and the squatting is toward the sword. It’s a mess.

"You are the sect of the sect now? I remember correctly that you have left the ancestral hall and joined the tyrannical sect. You don't think about helping the purple smoke to reinvigorate too much, but thinking about dragging the purple smoke back." Mou Zong, have you done this Master?

Is it easy for purple smoke? Can't you make the purple smoke easy for a while?


The sword fled without humiliation, but he eventually couldn't leave the ancestors, and he was too embarrassed to find the disciples of Langyue, and he returned to the ancestors alone. After returning to the Mou Zong, the soil was used to give the words of the Zongmen to the words, and the soil was reconciled.

Mou Zong.

A secret that only the sages of the dynasties knew, and the earth was standing in the secret. There is a giant beast in front of him. Eight feet and eight arms, one head does not have seven. At this time, it was sealed by countless symbols and patterns, and I saw that the water was roaring. There is no such thing as a seven-year-old, but it can make a heart-rending voice.

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