The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2580: Giant beast

This giant beast is said to have been sealed here since the beginning of the establishment of the ancestors. As for the name of this giant beast, how it was sealed here has lost its testimony. , Tu Yishui only knows that many of the previous sects of the rumors have died here.

Before Cang Jiuyi had not fallen, he once took the soil with water and told him about it, and said that if he fell, the position of the emperor would be passed to the earth.

That is, at that moment, he knew about the behemoth. It is said that the body of this behemoth is composed entirely of energy that they do not know. Its grade is much higher than the strength of their cultivation. It can be said that Not at all on a level. Zongmen of the Sui Dynasty has speculated that if this energy can be introduced into the body, it is likely to break through to the Holy Class and have the power of Ma Dawei.


The previous masters have extracted this energy from the body of the beast and absorbed it into the body. The only result is that the body is dying. Even the most cautious lord is only taking a fine amount of this energy into the body, although there is no degeneration. However, the result of the explosion was still not avoided, and it took several months to resume the repair.

Gradually no one dared to move this behemoth easily, and the previous masters have gradually forgotten it.

However, faced with the double pressure of the future catastrophe and the current respect, Tu Yishui remembered this behemoth. At this time he was standing in front of this behemoth, feeling the energy of the giant beast.

This energy is unknown...

Exudes the original atmosphere, as if chaotic. Carrying endless energy. Let the earth's strength in the water body be suppressed, as if the low-level monsters have seen the high-order monsters.

The earth looked at the behemoth in front of the water, and his eyes gradually became firm. If you want to be married, you will not be eliminated in the big era of the future. He must break through the holy level. But for his dual-characteristic Lingen monk, it is difficult to break through the holy level. The only shortcut is to rely on the inexplicable energy in the giant beast.

Playing a handcuffs, formed a sacred seal on the seal, and saw a trace of inexplicable energy was extracted, floating in front of the earth.

The earth still does not dare to take risks, and continues to flip the handcuffs. The unexplained energy that floated in front of the eyes was once again decomposed until it could not be decomposed by his repair. At this time, there was a hundred inexplicable energy floating in front of him. Every filament of energy is invisible to the naked eye, and only by God can it be captured.

The soil took a deep breath and breathed a little, and a hint of energy was sucked into his mouth. The look of the earth is immediately painful.


That little energy swam in his body. Where did he go when his body exploded? Just a moment of effort. The soil is water-free and flesh-and-blood. But his body is still ringing.

The soil was hurriedly taken out of the entrance of the Xiandan swallow, but the immortality did not have any use for stopping the inexplicable energy. The speed of repairing the body was not as good as the destruction of the inexplicable energy.

There is a fearful color in the eyes of the earth, and the fearful heart flashes in the heart. When the mind is moving, it presents a space fairy, and the body shape instantly enters the space fairy. Then take out a lot of Dan Yao's gas and release it in the space fairy, and the Dan Yao's atmosphere contains heaven. With spirituality, once absorbed by the earth into the body, it began to frantically rush to the inexplicable energy.

However, these Dan Yao's gas is still not the inexplicable energy opponent of the inexplicable energy. A group of Dan Yao's gas has just swallowed the inexplicable energy, and it is smashed by that inexplicable energy, but more Dan Yaoqi Pounced on the inexplicable energy.


A group of Dan Yao's gas was smashed, but the soil was keenly aware that the inexplicable energy was being decomposed by the Dan Deer's gas and decomposed into smaller energy.

I don't know how long it took, and the body of the earth has been exposed to the bones. He firmly believes that if he does not have these Danish spirits, I am afraid that he has already fallen. Finally, the blast in the body disappeared, and the earth began to look for the inexplicable energy, but the gods scanned the body for a long time, and did not find the inexplicable energy.

In the eyes of the earth, there was confusion, and then began to scan the body of the Danden, and the heart suddenly stunned. He felt that the dandy temper had changed, and he could feel the dandy spirit on the grade. There is improvement, but there seems to be a kind of violent energy.

This kind of energy is the energy that the behemoth has, but it has been diluted many times and exists in the innumerable Danish spirit. The eyes of the earth are showing a firm color, and they begin to incorporate these Danish spirits into the meridians, and they run for a long day...

What excites the soil is that he is able to absorb this mutated Danish temperament, and this Danish temper is rapidly recovering his physical injuries. According to his original vision, how to recover his own injuries, how can it take months, but now only a few hours, his body will be restored to the original, and his feeling that his body strength has also increased.

Under the ecstasy of the soil, the soil immediately turned over and sat up, sitting cross-legged on the ground, and began to refine and absorb the mutated Dan demon in the body.

After a day and a night.

The earth water absorbs the mutated Dan Deer in the body, and then feels it carefully, and finds that there is no improvement in his strength and knowledge, but the strength of the body has increased a lot, it seems to shake the way to the holy Level barrier.

“Is this mutated Danish scent to make the monks sacred?”

Although I was disappointed in my heart, I felt happy when I thought of being sanctified.

** Sanctification, that is also holy!

At the very least, in the battle of the monk, regardless of death, if the level is higher, maybe you can beat Shangzun. Thinking about the chin, if you refine the inexplicable energy in this monster, I don't know if it will raise the strength of the body to the peak of the holy level. If that is the case, even if you face the Five Sacred, you don't have to be afraid, and then your heart is hot.

The figure came out of the space fairy, and then put some Dan Yao's gas in the space fairy, then moved the handcuffs to form a fairy print on the seal, extracting a touch of inexplicable energy, and then sent it into the space fairy Among them.


Within the space fairy, there was a burst of screams, and the dan madness madly rushed to the inexplicable energy, and then exploded, but the Dan demon in the space fairy was enough, until the inexplicable energy Completely decomposed.

The earth also took out a space fairy, and collected the Danden of the first space fairy without the inexplicable energy, and put it into the second space fairy. The first space explored inside the fairy, and found that the medicinal herbs inside are not a group, and have been blasted into a space in the fairy. It’s just that there is a violent energy in the scent of the Danish demon, which has already produced variation.

The soil is also extracted from the inexplicable energy of a giant beast. It is placed in the second space fairy, and then it enters the first space fairy, and begins to absorb the temperament of the refinery. .

In this way, the earth will retreat in this secret environment, and travel to and from the two space fairy.

The sword returned to the ancestral sect, and the auxiliary language was accompanied by the advocacy of the affiliated forces. Nowadays, it is divided into three forces in the eastern continent. One is centered on the celestial domain, and the power is getting bigger and bigger. One is centered on the eight major sects. It is vying to recruit all kinds of small and medium-sized sects, hoping to regain some disadvantages. . The third share is some scattered repairs in the east. These scattered repairs are not stupid. It is inevitable that no matter which party you join, it is inevitable to be the fate of cannon fodder. Therefore, these scattered or group do not participate in any party, or live in seclusion, let nine Dazhongmen could not find them.

Since ancient times, among the catastrophe, the commander’s life is like an ant. For the monks, being able to escape the catastrophe is the most important thing in their hearts. In the face of the catastrophe, there is a struggle to meet and hope to break through the catastrophe and gain a chance in the catastrophe. Some are hiding, not seeking opportunities, just seeking to survive.

Jimei Hall.

It consists of 18 people who are obsessed with the sacred sects. They refuse to accept the sacred sects and the sects of the eight sects. They do not want to be cannon fodder. They only want to grasp their own destiny in the future catastrophe and find their own opportunities. Nowadays, there are already 68 people who have gathered together.

This day.

There were more than a dozen people outside the quiet Jimei Hall. The dozens of people did not inform their names at all. It was a trick that took two guards and opened the door with one foot.

The seven masters of one of the eighteen masters of Jiming Hall frowned and looked at the coming, and sighed coldly:

“Who would dare to gather Yingtang?”

The head of a monk is just a touch of a wave: "Get it!"

Immediately rushed out of a monk approaching the seven masters, the seven masters just wanted to attack, but the headed monk suddenly released the pressure of the Tianzun period, and the seven masters were firmly suppressed, and they could not move.

A monk walked to the front of the seven masters, sealed his air, and then retreated to one side. On that day, the monk regained the pressure, and the seven main eyes showed fear, but they still sighed and sneered:

"Who are you guys?"

The monk headed by the "Star Wars Law Enforcement Team!" said faintly.

"The Stars Law Enforcement Team?" The fear in the eyes of the Seven Masters is even more: "You, you, what are you doing?"

The head of the monk, like the ice, said coldly: "From today on, all the scattered training must be invested in the Alliance, and listen to the unified command of the Stars."

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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