The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2581: Female repair missing

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The seven masters said: "If you arrest us so, don't you fear that we are not really hearty?"

The headed monk sneered at the disappointment: "You don't need your heart, our lord will personally put in the ban in your body. As long as you dare not listen to the order, our lord is just a thought, you will..."

Having said that, he held his fist in front of his hand and then one. In the mouth, I said:

"Oh... it’s going to explode!"

"Oh..." At this time, a sneer came from the back door, and a group of people came out. The head of the Jiming Hall, who was headed, smiled coldly:

"They are still overbearing in the domain of the stars, aren't they afraid that the world will see you as an enemy?"

"Oh, huh..." Tian Zun, headed by the celestial domain, sneered and said: "Do you have the guts in the fairy?"

The main hall of the lobby was silent, but in the end it was hard to say: "The world is a family, and the number of our celestial beings is not less than that of your horoscope. Can you catch it?"

"The world is a family? Hehe... I am so scared!" Stars Zong Tianzun said ridiculously: "Unfortunately your lord Luo Tianba is dead, and the Xianxian League has already been scattered. I can tell you. Today You are killing chickens and monkeys, and soon you can see that I don’t want to catch them. They will take the initiative to vote for the Alliance."

Most of these dispersals are unruly and unruly people. Although they are afraid, they are difficult to get rid of, and they can’t help but sneer:

"You are too small to see the world, our strength is not as good as yours, but it is not for you to enslave."

"Oh, huh..." Stars Zong Tianzun smiled and said: "From today onwards, the Stars will send out the purpose of the world. Anyone who is not actively involved in the League of Heaven and jointly respond to the catastrophe, will catch it. Then plant it in the body. Prohibition, compiled into a dead camp. What the dead camp represents, presumably you know, that is, at the time of the outbreak of the Holocaust.

Those who took the initiative to stand up and cooperate with the Xingyu Zong to deal with the catastrophe can get the same treatment as the Zongmen monk. Do you say that those scattered training will take the initiative? Will they care for your life and death? ”

The main face of the lobby is gray, and his heart is very clear. If the Stars are really such a charter, most of the world's monks will be invested in the Stars. After all, no one is willing to enter the camp. And when the catastrophe comes, it is not that you can escape from the past when you hide. Most of the scattered training is still willing to fight against the catastrophe, but before they chose not to join the Zongmen League. And choose to resist alone. But now the Stars have begun to use the means, presumably the eight major sects are not far behind. The inclusion of the squad in the Zongmen alliance has been overwhelming.

Scattering just has no background, but people are not stupid. It will not go against the trend. When things get to this point, they will bow their heads and join the Zongmen League.

The owner of the lobby could not help but sigh: "Predecessors, willing to lead Ji Yingtang to take the initiative to go to the Stars, and for the first time."

"Hehehe..." Stars Zongtian respected and said with a smile: "It’s late, the Stars sect needs to kill a chicken. Unfortunately, I chose you. So, you still stay in the dead camp honestly. go!"

The actions of the Star Fields soon spread in the eastern continent, and the scattered training began to panic. Some of the scattered masters took the initiative to invest in the Stars. Some monks took the initiative to go to the eight major gates because of the resentment of the Stars. The eight great masters naturally rejoiced and opened the door to accept these scattered repairs.

However, some of the scattered repairs did not dare to be enslaved by the Zongmen and fled to the northern continent. But how can the Shangyuan League let go of this opportunity of strength?

Therefore, under the fierce means of Shangyuanmeng, those escaping to the northern continent eventually fell into the hands of Shangyuanmeng. The southern Liao extraordinary will naturally not be merciful in this respect, and the scattered repair will almost completely fall into this vortex that is blown up by the Stars.

Although the eight major Zongmen and Shangyuanmeng have increased their strength, they are also uneasy in their hearts. They realized that Shangzun had already exposed his minions. As for today, there are few leftovers left, and the rest are hiding in places where they don’t know. So will Shangzun retract the minions, or will they extend their claws to their eight sects and the upper ally?

However, they did not wait for the sacred minions, and the celestial domain seems to have satisfied the status quo, and the mainland has restored calm. Just as the Eight Great Zongmen and Shangyuanmeng breathed a sigh of relief, they set off waves in the Upper Yuan Dynasty.

This wave of eruption is a very small thing. There are only a few female practitioners missing. No one regards this as a thing. Don’t say that in today’s troubled times, in the previous peaceful era, it is quite common for women to disappear. The matter, or killing the monster, was killed by the monster, or was robbed to death.

In short, let alone the female repair, that is, the male repair is degenerating every day, which is not worthy of attention at all.

However, it was not a trivial matter that the female practitioners began to disappear in large areas. Some women were missing when they were performing their duties. Some of them were missing in the tour. Some of them were quietly disappeared in the Dongfu, and this caused a madness.

Who is catching women in repairs?

Star domain.

Star Peak.

In the secret room.

Shangzun sat on the jade seat, and his mind was moving. A space fairy floated out and hovered in the air, slowly falling on the ground floor. Shang Zun reached for a trick, the space fairy brilliance flashed, and a female repairer was caught in the hands of Shang Zun from the space fairy. The woman repaired her face and looked at Shang Zun, suddenly recognized Shang Zun and cried in panic. :

"Shang Zongzhu, what is your intention?"

"Oh..." Shangzun sneered twice.


The clothes on the woman's body were torn by Shang Zun, revealing the body of the white jade lamb.

"Shang Zongzhu... Ah..."

The female repairer just screamed in panic. Shangzun has already stepped forward, and the female repairs her brows and her mouth hurts. Shamefully yelling at Shangzun. However, gradually an irresistible tickle ran across the body, feeling the essence of his body flowing toward the body of Shangzun.

The function of life is rapidly disappearing, but it is desperate to die.


Shangzun is a big hand and a hand, and the aging woman who has become a pleat is squeezed into a powder. Then he waved his hand and another woman repaired him from the space fairy...

After seven days.

Shang Zun wakes up from cultivation. Open your eyes, there is a trace of confusion in your eyes. He felt that there was no slight improvement in his body strength, and there was no slight improvement in his knowledge and strength. It seems that the essence of more than a thousand female practitioners absorbed has no effect at all.


It can't be said that it has no effect at all, it seems to be more transparent in terms of knowledge, and it seems to be more instructive in terms of strength.

He has a hint of faintness, that is, he was not a true holy level before. It must be the means of the Lord. However, it is certain that the ontology is powerful enough to reach the holy level. It is just that the intensity of this **** and the strength of the body do not seem to belong to oneself.

Still respectfully knowing his own **** in the sea. It just seems to be covered with a veil, so that he can't understand how the **** is still completely own.

I began to carefully observe my own body, but the feeling is still blurred.

The face of Shangzun became ugly, and the muscles of his face became awkward. He already has a bad feeling, and he has no secret in his heart. No wonder he has no way to take Xu Ziyan. It should be that his strength is not a true holy level.

Shangzun forced himself to calm down and carefully scrutinize. Finally he got a conclusion. The reason why I feel different is that it is because of this kind of practice. As long as you continue to practice this practice, you will be able to figure out what happened to your body.

However, after the customs clearance, I have to solve a little bit of things by the way.

There is a hint of laughter on Shangzun’s face.

Qinglin Zong.

A small sect, Zongmen uses the refiner as a way of survival. Although the level of the refiner is not very high, it also has a good reputation among the lower-ranking monks. Moreover, the Zongmen is low-key, and it has already invested in the Tianmeng League, which was founded by the eight major sects.

This day.

Qinglin Zong is always retreating and practicing, and a figure suddenly appears in his secret room. Gu Qinglin Huo Ran Zhang, then he saw Shang Zun standing in front of him like a smile.

His head slammed, and instantly remembered the means of the Stars sect to disperse. Is it still ready to start on the sect? However, he has already invested in Tianmeng League. Does he dare to deal with himself by dealing with the method of dispersal, and is not afraid of causing chaos between the Zongmen?

Strongly press the panic in my heart, stand up and walk towards the Shangzun archery:

"I have seen Shangzong!"

Shang Zun looked up and down Gu Qinglin, and his face was filled with a smile: "It is not easy for Gu Daoyou to practice in the middle of the human respect. If it is so dead, I don't know if the Taoist is willing or not?"

Gu Qinglin’s face is a change, and he asks stiffly: “Shang Zongzhu, what is this?”

Shang Zun just laughed, but did not speak, slowly raised a hand and extended a finger. Wherein Gu Liolin wants to evade, but business is not controlled, but it can't be moved. When he panicked on his face, he saw a brilliance on the finger of Shangzun and entered his eyebrows. Then he found that he could move, but he could not help but fear, and he said with shame:

"Shang Zongzhu, what is your intention?"

Shangzun smiled faintly, but did not answer his question, but said:

"Gu Daoyou, you still have to check your body."

Gu Qinglin's look was a change. He immediately began to examine his body carefully, and then his look changed. He already knew that Shangzun had already left a mark on his body. As long as he still respected his movement, he would die immediately.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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